

The Research on the Long-term Mechanism of Enterprise Technological Innovation in Aviation Manufacturing of China

【作者】 胡承波

【导师】 赵玉林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 市场经济条件下,企业面临激烈的竞争,航空企业也不例外。对于处在经济发展变革中的我国航空制造业企业来说,实施技术创新、研究技术创新具有特殊的重要性和紧迫性。技术创新是企业生存的条件、发展的基础和提高竞争力的源泉与手段,企业要想在竞争中生存发展,必须依靠有效的技术创新,必须建立规范完善的企业技术创新长效机制。因此,如何构建航空制造业企业技术创新长效机制是一个亟待解决的重要问题。本选题站在时代发展的角度,在分析我国航空企业技术创新所面临的技术环境及其技术创新现状的基础上,借鉴系统的分析方法,综合运用技术创新理论、产业演进理论、企业竞争理论、绩效理论和数据包络分析控制投影模型等相关理论,对我国航空企业技术创新问题进行了深入系统的研究,揭示了航空制造业企业技术创新长效机制,构建了航空制造业企业技术创新能力评价指标体系,为促进我国航空制造业企业技术创新持续发展提供了新的思路,这一研究无疑具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文重点研究企业技术创新长效机制。全文除绪论和总结展望外共有六章。其中第二章提出并分析了技术创新、竞争优势理论、绩效理论、企业持续创新理论等概念体系和理论框架,从而为本文的研究奠定相应的理论基础;第三章对我国航空制造业企业的发展现状、技术创新情况以及存在问题等进行了分析,对中外航空制造业企业竞争力作了比较分析,指出需要依靠建立技术创新长效机制来提高企业及其产业的核心竞争力;第四章至第六章是本文的研究重点,揭示了航空制造业企业技术创新长效机制,构建了企业技术创新能力评价体系,提出了企业技术创新长效机制所需的创新环境;第七章通过对西飞的实证研究验证和分析本文构建的企业技术创新长效机制及其评价体系。航空制造业企业通过基于企业技术创新的学习机制、企业技术创新战略规划、企业家精神、组织模式创新、创新文化建设等来实现企业技术创新长效机制的建构。企业技术创新长效机制是指在企业使命和创新战略指导下,为主动响应市场动态性变化,通过与企业技术创新活动有关的各种因素、环节、各个方面的相互联系、相互作用、自动调节与控制企业技术创新活动的功能和过程,及时有效地为市场不断提供新的价值,从而使企业获得持续的经济效益和持续发展的多层次综合性能力体系,其内生于企业独特资源、知识和技能的积累以及一系列激活机制,以有效满足或引导市场需求的新产品或新服务来体现。论文将航空制造业企业技术创新能力划分为七个衡量企业技术创新能力的维度,即学习能力、研究开发能力、生产制造能力、市场营销能力、资源配置能力、组织创新能力和战略计划能力。企业技术创新能力评价指标体系框架是一种方法、结构和工具,用来组织和创建企业技术创新能力的各种指标。系统、科学、有效地评价企业创新能力,对于航空制造业企业科学地定位自身的技术创新状态,采取有效的技术创新战略,保持和提高航空制造业企业竞争优势,获得最佳的经济效益和社会效益具有特别重要的意义。此外,改善航空制造业企业技术创新长效机制的创新环境,对于加快航空制造业企业技术创新长效机制的进程,提高航空制造业企业技术创新的成效,推动航空制造业企业技术创新长效机制的形成与发展,具有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Corporations are facing the fierce competition under the market economy environment and the airline industry is no exception. Researching on technology creation and its implementation for aviation manufacturing enterprises in the economic transformation is specially important and urgent. The technological innovation has become more and more important; hence, an enterprise who wants to live in intense competition development must rely on technological innovation and construct perfect technological innovation long-term mechanism effectively. Therefore, how to build the Aviation Manufacturing Enterprise’s Technological Innovation Long-term Mechanism is a vital issue. This selected topic is in terms of development and based on technological innovation of the aviation manufacturing enterprises facing in technology environment and technological innovation. The methods such as learning the system method, using technical innovation theory, theory of industrial evolution, competitive theory, performance theory and DEA projection model control are to study the issue of technological innovation which proclaims this mechanism, constructs the evaluation index system of aviation manufacturing enterprise technology innovation capability and provides a new train of thought for it. This study is of important theoretical and practical significance.This paper focuses on the Long-term Mechanism of Enterprise Technological Innovation in Aviation Manufacturing. The dissertation is divided into six chapters except introduction and expectation. Chapter two puts forward and analyzes the technical innovation, the competitive advantage theory, performance theory, theory of sustainable innovation concept system and the theoretical framework, which lays the corresponding to this theoretical basis. The third chapter analyzes the present situation, the technical innovation and existing problems of China aviation manufacturing enterprises, and points out that it is necessary to rely on technological innovation to improve enterprise mechanism and the core competitiveness of the industry through a comparative analysis of competitive ability for both Chinese and foreign aviation manufacturing enterprises. The fourth chapter to the sixth chapter is the most important parts which reveal the the Long-term Mechanism of Enterprise Technological Innovation in Aviation Manufacturing, and construct the enterprise technological innovation capability evaluation system, and put forward the innovation environment of it. Chapter seven analyses the enterprise technology innovation mechanism and evaluation system through empirical study.Aviation manufacturing enterprises realize the technology innovation long-term mechanism through technology innovation mechanism and strategy, organization mode of entrepreneurship, innovation culture construction. The technological innovation long-term mechanism, which is born in enterprise unique resources, the accumulation of knowledge and skills and a series of activation mechanism to meet the market demand or guide a new product or service, under the guide of enterprises mission and innovation strategy, for making active response to market dynamic changes, makes enterprise sustainable economic benefits and multi-level comprehensive capability of sustainable development. It depends on technology innovation activities which are related to the various factors, links and aspects of interconnected, interaction, automatic regulation and the function and process control of enterprise technology innovation activities to provide the value for the market timely and effectively.This paper divides the technological innovation ability of aviation manufacturing enterprises into seven dimensions, namely, learning capacity, research and development capabilities. The technological innovation ability evaluation index system is a framework, a structure and a tool, which is to organize and create a variety of technological innovation indicators. To evaluate the innovative abilities systematically, scientifically and effectively is of particular importance for the aviation manufacturing enterprises to locate their own status of technological innovation scientifically, to adopt effectively technological innovation strategy, to maintain and improve the competitive advantage of aviation industry, and to obtain best value for money as well as social benefits. In addition, it is extremely vital significant to improve the technology innovation mechanism innovation environment of aviation manufacturing enterprise for accelerating the progress, improving the effect of technological innovation, promoting its formation and development.

  • 【分类号】F273.1;F426.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1272
  • 攻读期成果

