

Study on the Regional Core Cities and Their Competitiveness

【作者】 肖盛峰

【导师】 刘则渊; 邓贵仕;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文在已有的国内外大量相关文献的基础上,以大连市建设区域核心城市为背景,深入探讨区域核心城市建设的相关理论与方法,建立了区域核心城市判别的计量模型和竞争力评价模型,提出大连建设区域核心城市的战略构想和对策。这对我国区域经济布局和发展具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。首先,论文对区域核心城市的理论进行了归纳和梳理。在对核心城市、城市竞争力和城市竞争力评价指标进行了文献综述的基础上,重点从区域经济学、城市体系理论、都市圈理论、空间结构理论四个维度构建了区域核心城市的理论框架。在前人研究基础上,阐述了区域核心城市的内涵,界定了区域核心城市的概念和其竞争力的表现形式,归纳总结了区域核心城市的基本特征、功能和作用。其次,构建了“四维判别指数”和评价模型。从区域核心城市的概念出发,建立四维区域核心城市判别指数,建立了由人流、物流、资金流和信息流构成的评价体系计量模型,确定了区域核心城市的评价标准,以全国7大区域287个地级以上城市为样本,搜集大量数据进行综合评价,按照评价标准,确定全国7大区域的18个区域核心城市,分别是北京市、天津市、沈阳市、大连市、上海市、青岛市、杭州市、南京市、宁波市、苏州市、武汉市、郑州市、长沙市、广州市、深圳市、重庆市、成都市、西安市。以此作为区域核心城市竞争力评价的样本。再次,构建了区域核心城市竞争力评价的”星系”模型并进行竞争力评价。依据区域核心城市竞争力概念、内涵、特点和作用,构建了由经济力、集聚力、辐射力、创新力和环境力组成的区域核心城市竞争力评价的“星系”模型,建立了竞争力评价体系,搜集了大量数据,利用因子分析方法,对18个城市的竞争力进行综合评价和逐项分析,得到2009年18个核心城市的竞争力排名,依次是:上海市、深圳市、广州市、北京市、天津市、苏州市、青岛市、重庆市、杭州市、南京市、大连市、宁波市、成都市、武汉市、西安市、沈阳市、长沙市、郑州市。最后,在竞争力分析的评价基础上,结合大连实际提出大连建设区域核心城市、提升竞争力的战略构想与战略重点。分析了大连建设区域核心城市的战略环境与竞争力基础,提出了大连建设区域核心城市的战略目标与竞争力提升目标,探讨了大连提升区域核心城市竞争力的战略布局和战略重点。

【Abstract】 Based on a large number of relevant literatures competitiveness of regional core cities, this paper used the construction of the regional core city of Dalian as the background, deeply researched the relevant theories and methods of the regional core cities, established the measurement model and competitiveness evaluation model of distinguishing the regional core cities, and proposed the construction of core city of Dalian’s strategic concept and measures. It has important theoretical value and realistic meaning for our country’s regional economic layout and development.First, Based on the literature review of core cities, urban competitiveness and urban competitiveness index, to summarize and sort out the theory of regional core cities. The regional economics, urban system theory, metropolitan theory and theory of spatial structure for four dimensions to construct the theoretical framework of regional core cities has been emphasized. At the same time, to define the concept of regional core cities and its form of competitiveness, to summarize the basic characteristics, functions and roles of regional core cities Based on previous researches to explain the meaning of regional core cities.Secondly, to build a "four-dimensional model of regional core cities in identification" and evaluation indicators.From the concept of regional core cities, established the four-dimensional index of regional core cities in identification, established the measurement model evaluation system which was composed of the flow of people, goods, capital flow and information flow, specified the regional core cities’evaluation criteria, used 287 cities above prefecture level of 7 large regions of our country as the sample, collected a large amounts of date and analyzed them, in accordance of the evaluation criteria to determine 18 regional core cities of 7 large regions of China, namely Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Dalian, Shanghai, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo, Suzhou, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi’an, as the regional core cities competitiveness evaluation samples.Thirdly, constructed the "galaxy" model of the regional core cities competitiveness evaluation and analyzed the competitiveness evaluation. In accordance with the concept of regional core cities, content, features and functions, constructed the "galaxy" model of the regional core cities competitiveness evaluation which was composed of the economic power, gathering force, emissive power, innovativeness and environmental force, established the evaluation system, collected a large amount of data, used the factor analysis method to evaluate and sub-analysis the competitiveness of 18 cities and got the ranking of 18 core cities in competitiveness of 2009, namely:Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhu, Beijing, Tianjin Suzhou, Qingdao, Chongqing, Hangzhu, Nanjing, Dalian, Ningbo, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xi’an, Shenyang, Changsha, Zhengzhou.Finally, on the basis of the competitiveness evaluation, proposed the construction of core city of Dalian’s strategic concept and measures. Analyzed the regional core city of Dalian’s basic conditions, opportunities and challenges, proposed the targets and position, strategic focus and strategic situation, drew up the construction of the regional core city of Dalian’ s implementation strategy.

  • 【分类号】F224;F299.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】634
  • 攻读期成果

