

Research on GEOINT Service Architecture and Its Key Technologies

【作者】 郭立群

【导师】 杨德礼;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 以GPS、RS、GIS和VR为主体的全数字化地理空间情报(GEOINT)集成服务体系作为一个复杂的地理情报管理的巨系统,正在逐步替代测绘装备传统模拟时代的测绘业务生产与保障技术体系。而在新一代IT技术、各学科核心技术不断突破并充分运用到各行各业背景下,“互联网+物联网=智慧地球”的提出,将实现世界每个角落透明化、智能化。这使得GEOINT信息服务体系建设与发展面临前所未有的机遇与挑战。目前,测绘保障的基础信息获取手段从静态转入动态、从航空进入航天领域,与其相应的信息处理正向系统化、系列化、网络化和信息化方向发展。但如何实现庞大的测绘业务生产过程转型为GEOINT体系信息服务产业?如何构成自主完整、成熟配套的GEOINT信息服务体系是当前亟待解决的科学问题。因此,论文围绕区域测绘装备一体化技术为主体的GEOINT信息服务体系的构建,以及相关关键实现技术问题展开了深入研究。研究计划目标:应用GEOINT信息服务和系统工程等交叉学科理论、方法和实现技术,利用当前成熟Web服务技术,把测绘业务生产转化为GEOINT信息服务;实现分布异构系统的Web集成与相关领域信息资源整合;通过GEOINT业务流程的建模和工作流程组合,为实现互操作和智能化服务奠定基础,借助分布式搜索、发现和访问技术实现信息资源的共享服务;并通过与本领域及相关业界的组织、部门和机构结合,实现更广泛的融合和资源共享综合利用。论文针对GEOINT基础信息获取、处理和管理与在线发布三大类装备集成问题,在总体装备体系构建方面深入、系统地研究了国内外GEOINT服务体系现状和主要成果,立足区域GEOINT服务中的现有装备及测绘力量,构建了区域GEOINT服务技术体系结构。通过整合区域各梯次组织、部门和机构测绘系列装备和基础数据,实现了多传感器、多分辨率、多时相遥感影像、规划行动区域DEM矢量数据和多元目标属性数据的多源GEOINT信息集成、管理和在线发布等一体化服务,重点就如下五个关键实现技术问题进行了深入的研究:(1)针对GEOINT信息服务中的规划行动区域地理空间信息处理效率问题,设计并实现了分布式IMINT数据库管理系统,改进并实现了规划行动区域,基于瓦片模型的SUSAN角点检测算法,提高了从大量栅格遥感影像中快速检索目标影像的效率。(2)数字地面模型(DEM)作为区域GEOINT服务体系中的地理空间信息最为重要的测量数据之一,保证DEM的基础数据获取质量并进行定位检索是又一项关键技术。鉴于DEM数据随机误差的高斯分布特性,选择“归一化”权系数进行DEM的高斯“低通滤波”,有效地剔除随机分布于DEM中的“零均值”误差;对矢量DEM基础数据的误差处理,实现了中值滤波和极值滤波的DEM粗差探测方法;提出并实现了“DEM影像金字塔”快速查询定位策略,有效地实现了DEM数据的快速显示和空间三维数据的快速选取和反馈技术,达到了DEM质量控制和快速定位的目标。(3)对地理空间信息虚拟现实可视化表达技术进行了“多模态”实现。从区域GEOINT服务技术体系中涉及的基础地理空间数据表达、虚拟区域环境行动与区域环境行动可视化角度入手,总结了基础情报信息的3D建模技术。设计并开发了基于IMINT和矢量DEM数据的VR表达平台,采用不同的地理空间数据和遥感影像数据进行了“多模态”的虚拟现实表达实验,得到了满意的虚拟现实仿真成果。上述技术的研究与实现,在很大程度上提高了GEOINT服务体系中的GEOINT信息的处理效率。在GEOINT服务体系应用实践方面,主要的创新工作包括两个方面(具体内容见附件)。(4) GEOINT信息服务体系建设存在着规划行动区域地理空间基础信息快速有效·的获取问题,论文研究并实现了基于北斗、GPRS、APN等通信手段的规划行动单元位置与状态信息传输功能,遥感影像和DEM等多源、异构GEOINT数据获取与融合功能,提高了体系基础信息获取效率。(5)在GEOINT信息管理与在线发布服务方面,研究了基于Web的专用网络开发框架,在TCP/IP协议基础上,设计了移动终端和主控中心之间的数据传输协议,并研制了相关软件,提高了GEOINT情报数据的传输效率,实现了多源GEOINT与相关领域信息资源融合的网络发布系统。总之,模拟应用实例表明,GEOINT服务技术体系的构建和部分关键技术的解决,提高了多源GEOINT信息的使用效率,对相关领域业界组织、部门和机构(异构系统)提供共享和互操作具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 The traditional mapping equipments employ the analog technology to maintain the architecture of transactions and insurance, and the integrated service system of digital geography informatics including the GPS, RS, GIS and VR is gradually replace the traditional ones. At the background of the development of IT technology and other research work in related area, especially the concept of IOT, any place in the world will be intelligent and transparent. It brings the challenge and opportunity to the construction of geographic intelligence. At present, fundamental information of mapping supporting system are acquired from static to dynamic, from aviation to aerospace and the corresponded information processing technologies are also in the development of systematization, serialization, griddling and informatization. But how to achieve enormous mapping work, transact the production process into GEOINT service system, format self-independent, integrated, mature and assorted GEOINT service system are to be solved.Therefore, the thesis aims to construct the GEOINT service system in which region fundamental information acquisition, processing, distribution integration technology are involved to feed the requirements of sharing and allying operation from corresponding business industry world. The target is to make depth research on correlated integrated theory and realizing technology. The core problem is to apply the GEOINT information service and cross-disciplinary methods, and realizing technologies in management science and engineering, and to use mature web service technologies, turn mapping work (regional fundamental information acquisition, processing, distribution) into the GEOINT information services, to realize the web integration of distribution heterogeneous systems and resources conformity of correlated realm, establish foundation of realizing the co-work and intellectualization of Geographic intelligence data, to find and make an access to the resources of technology realizing information and sharing services. We also try to realize broad integration and compensative using and sharing resources by co-working with local industry world, departments and organizations.In this thesis, towards the equipment integration of fundamental information, processing and management, and online publish, we study the architecture of equipment, and analyze the geographic service of our country and abroad. By using the existing equipments and mapping technology, construct regional GEOINT service architecture. In the service architecture, the mapping equipments and fundamental data from multiple departments are integrated. The detailed information includes image of multiple resolution and multiple sensor, DEM vector data and multiple attributes from multiple sources. We concentrate on the following five core problems:(1) The construction of the GEOINT information service system has the problem of efficient acquisition of the Geographic fundamental information in the planning operational regions, so we design and realize the distributive IMINT database management system in according to the efficiency problem of the Geographic information in the planning region of the GEOINT information service, and improve the SUSAN corner detection algorism on the basis of TILE model in ROI. Therefore the efficiency of quick searching of targeting images from a large quantity of grid remote sensing images has improved.(2) On concerning of the question of error processing of vector DEM fundamental data, having realized the DEM gross error detection ways of median filter and extremism filter, put forward and realized "DEM Image Pyramid" quick searching and positioning strategy;(3) "Multi-mode" was achieved of visualization technology for Geographic intelligence information virtual reality. We design VR platform based on the IMINT and Vector DEM data. The research and implementation of the above technologies improved in a large degree the processing efficiency of the fundamental Geographic intelligence of the GEOINT service system.(4) The quick access of the action regional geographic fundamental information is a core problem of constructing such GEOINT information service architecture. In the thesis, we study the information transmitting function of action units’position and status, the remote-sensitive image and multi-resources DEM to improve the efficiency.(5) On the aspect of the GEOINT information management and on-line distribution services, we study a private network development framework on the basis of web, on the establishment of the TCP/IP protocol, have designed the data transmission protocol between mobile terminal and main monitor center, and have developed the corresponding software, which improved the transmission efficiency of the GEOINT intelligence and implemented the web distributive system of the information resources fusion between multi-source GEOINT and the correlated realm.Simulated applications have verified that the solution of these core problems and integration of the GEOINT service technology system improved the application efficiency of the multi-source GEOINT and have a strong influence on providing sharing and interoperation in the corresponding industry world, departments and organizations.

  • 【分类号】TP751;TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】373
  • 攻读期成果

