

The Research of Development Model of Regional Circular Economy

【作者】 王乐

【导师】 武春友;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 环境管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 循环经济是指在生产、流通和消费等过程中进行的减量化、再利用、资源化活动的总称,目前循环经济在企业、园区等层面的研究已经比较全面,但区域层面的相关研究还比较少。区域拥有较大的地理面积、较多的人口数量、较为完善的产业结构,涉及的资源种类也比较全面,而且区域之间也存在着很多差异,因此发展循环经济大有可为。本文以区域循环经济为研究对象,首先界定区域循环经济的定义和内涵,并对国内外的相关研究进行综述,然后分别从产业和资源角度分析区域循环经济的发展模式,最后研究区域循环经济的综合评价方法。本文认为,区域循环经济是指在单个行政区或若干行政区组团所构成的区域中,以区域内现有的资源条件和产业结构为基础,以循环经济、区域经济、产业经济、生态经济等理论为依据,以经济发达、资源高效、环境友好、社会和谐为发展目标,按照减量化、再利用、再循环、可持续、因地制宜等原则,全面提升区域内各产业内部和产业之间的循环经济发展程度,提高区域内各种资源的综合利用效率,并以政策、资本、技术、人才等为保障的一种科学发展方式。区域循环经济调整的对象主要是产业和资源,为了考察产业角度的区域循环经济发展模式,本文采取自下而上的方法,首先对第一产业中的农业、林业、畜牧业、渔业,第二产业中的煤炭、石油、化工、电力、钢铁、有色金属、机械制造、电子信息、轻工业、建筑业,以及第三产业中的交通、旅游、餐饮、流通等具体产业的循环经济发展模式分别进行分析;在此基础上,对三次产业的循环经济发展模式分别进行概括;最后将共性梳理并提升为产业角度的区域循环经济发展模式。结果表明,产业角度的区域循环经济发展模式,是在区域原始产业链的基础上,增加以主要资源精深加工为主体的纵向延伸产业链、以伴生资源综合利用为主体的横向拓展产业链、以及将废弃物重新转化为资源的逆向回归产业链,通过相关多元化的途径来构建具有显著循环特征的复杂产业网络,使资源在多次循环中实现利用效率的最大化,并使末端的废物处置实现最小化的一种发展模式。与产业角度区域循环经济发展模式相呼应的是资源角度的区域循环经济发展模式,二者虽然存在联系,但是角度不同,各产业属于静态的处理单元,而资源则是流动的被处理者;而且产业和资源并不完全对应,并不是所有的资源都会和产业发生联系,所以从资源角度研究区域循环经济发展模式也同样重要。本文选择水资源、能源、土地资源和固体废物作为研究对象,首先研究水资源的开发、保护、节约和再生,能源中常规能源的优化、新能源开发以及能源的节约利用,土地资源的开发、节约和恢复,固体废物的源头减量、源头分类以及回收利用等问题。然后在这些研究的基础上,提出资源角度的区域循环经济发展模式。结果表明,资源角度的区域循环经济发展模式是在区域原有资源利用方式的基础上,以资源的源头增加为起点,以资源的减量化开采和集约利用为途径,以废弃资源的回收再生为核心,全面提高资源的产出率、减量率和循环率,同时大力减轻环境污染的一种发展模式。最后,为了评估区域当前的循环经济发展水平,特别是和同级区域的相对比较的情况,本文研究了区域循环经济的综合评价方法。首先以国家发展和改革委员会等部门联合制定的循环经济指标体系为基础,重新建立了能够同时反映资源产出率、减量率和循环率的指标体系。然后在指标权重的确定上,参考层次分析法设计了“排序比较法”即在对一组指标或准则构造判断矩阵时,先按重要性程度进行排序,然后再从一端开始两两比较,这样得到的判断矩阵具有良好的一致性,不再需要进行一致性检验。在标准化方法上,本文将极差标准化法改造为“极值中值标准化法”,通过引入中值来确保标准化结果的分散性,本文设定本级区域某指标的中值就是上级区域该指标的数值;然后分析分值函数的形态,其中重点研究二次函数失效的判断方法,结果表明,当中值与两个极值的远近距离比大于(?)2+1时,需要用分段线性函数来替代二次函数,据此,本文给出了不同条件下指标值的标准化分值函数。最后提出了循环经济的综合指数和准则指数的计算方法,由于指数在本质上是各指标的相对比较结果加权后的产物,因此综合指数和准则指数也都是相对的,所以区域的相对排名比指数数值更有意义。利用该评价方法对我国2009年省级区域的循环经济相对发展水平进行综合评价,结果表明天津、北京等地的循环经济发展水平在国内相对较高,东部地区比西部地区要好。对山东省下属地级市2009年的发展情况进行综合评价,结果表明威海、青岛等市的循环经济水平在省内相对较高,综合指数的分布大体呈现自西向东逐渐上升的趋势。具体的评价结果可以为各个区域循环经济的发展决策提供参考。

【Abstract】 Circular economy is a generic term for the reducing, reusing and recycling activities in the process of production, distribution and consumption. At present, the research of circular economy on enterprise level and industrial park level are quite comprehensive, but it’s still less on regional level. The reginal level has biggish geographic area boundaries, numerous population, perfect industrial structure and abundant resources, at the meanwhile, there are many differences between different regions, so it’s very necessary to implement the circular economy on regional level. This dissertation takes the regional circular economy as the object of study, at first, discuss the definition and connotation, then summarizes the domestic and overseas research achievement, and analysis the development model from the angle of industry of industry and resource respectively, and at last, establishes the comprehensive evaluation system.This dissertation argues that, the regional circular economy is a scientific development mode that takes one single administrative region or some administrative regions’group as the scope, considers the region’s existing resources conditions and industrial structure, based on the theoris of circular economy, regional economy, industrial economy, and ecological economy, sets the developed economy, resource efficient, environmentally friendly and social harmonious as the goals, according to principles of reduce, reuse, recycle, sustainable and adjust measures to local conditions, raises the development level of circular economy in the industry interior and also related other industries, improves the utilization efficiency of each resources, and simultaneously ensure the policy, capital, technology and talents as support system.The industry and resource are the main subjects of adjust in regional circular economy, in order to analysis the development model of circular economy on the point of industry, this dissertation investigates 18 industries, the primary industry includes the agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, the secondary industry includes the coal industry, petroleum industry, chemical industry, power industry, steel industry, non-ferrous metal industry, machinofacture industry, electronic information industry, light industry and construction industry, the tertiary industry includes the transportation, tourist industry, catering industry, retail business. Based on the analysis results, generalizes the development models of circular economy for primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry respectively. At last, puts forward the development model of regional circular economy from the angle of industry, that is based on regional original industrial chain, increases the longitudinal extension industrial chain for the main resource’s deep processing, the horizontal extension industrial chain for associated resources’comprehensive utilization, and the reverse regression industrial chain for transforming the waste to into resources, constructs a complex industry network with significant circulation characteristics by the related diversification, makes the resource realize the maximization of the use efficiency, and minimum the waste disposal at the end.At the meanwhile, the development model of regional circular economy from the angle of resource is also important, because the resources efficiency improvement has connections with industrial structure optimization, the industry is the statical processing unit, while the resource is the material flow, and also, the industry and the resource are not always correspond. This dissertation takes the water resource, energy resource, land resource, and solid waste as the objects of research, discuss the water resource’s development, protection, conservation and regeneration; the optimization of conventional energy sources, new energy development and energy conservation; the land resource’s development, conservation and recovery:and the solid waste’s source reduction, source classification, and reclamation, based on the analysis result, puts forward the development model of regional circular economy from the angle of resource, that is based on the regional original resource utilization, takes the resources’source increase as the starting point, takes the resources’exploitation reduction and the intensive utilization as the principles, and takes the waste resources’reclaiming as the core,improves the output capacity, reduction rate and and circulation rate of resources substantially, meanwhile, decrease the environment pollution effectively.And at last, in order to evaluate the current circular economy development level of and in particular compared with other regions, this dissertation establishes the evaluation system of regional circular economy, first, analysis the gradation of evaluation system, obtains and synthesizes the indicators from the China Statistical Yearbook; then designs the "sort comparison method" in accordance with level analysis method, used to decide the weight of the indicators, in the sort comparison method, the judgment matrix has a favourable consistency; in the process of standardization, in order to ensure the dispersibility of the standardization results, transforms the extremevalue standardization into "extremevalue midvalue standardization", analysis the obtaination of midvalue and the shape of the score function, stress the judge method of failure of quadratic function, the result show that, when the distances ratio of midvalue and two extremevalues greater than (?), we should use the piecewise linear function, then puts forward the score functions of indicators in different situations, also provides the computing method of comprehensive index and criterion index, these indexes are relative comparative results. Using the evaluation system to estimate the development level of circular economy of provincial regions of China in 2009, the result shows that Tianjin and Beijing have a higher level in circular economy, and eastern regions are better than western regions. Then using the evaluation system to estimate the development level of circular economy of municipal regions of Shandong province in 2009, the result shows that. Weihai and Qingdao have a higher level, and the distribute of circular economic index rises gradually from the west to the east, the specific evaluate results can provide the accordance for circular economy’s development decision-making of each region.

  • 【分类号】X321;F127
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1713
  • 攻读期成果

