

The Study on the Improvement of Human Resources Performance Based on Psychological Capital Intervention

【作者】 江洪

【导师】 武春友;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,心理资本干预在人力资源管理领域的研究中日益受到关注。本研究正是在这样的背景下,通过探讨心理资本干预下的人力资源绩效研究,实现转变人力资源管理模式,强化心理资本对员工的积极影响,提高组织的竞争优势和整体绩效的目的。本研究以战略人力资源管理理论、社会交易理论、志愿者行为理论、积极心理学理论和积极组织行为学理论为基础,重点探讨了企业员工的心理资本及其各维度如何通过组织公民行为对人力资源绩效产生影响。本研究将心理资本干预变量引入到人力资源绩效研究领域,揭示在人力资源管理领域,心理资本干预、组织公民行为和人力资源绩效三者之间存在密不可分的关系。研究发现心理资本对人力资源绩效产生作用的主要途径是组织公民行为,二者之间的相互影响主要是通过组织公民行为发挥作用,突破了以往研究中仅关注心理资本干预与人力资源绩效间关系、组织公民行为与人力资源绩效关系、心理资本干预与组织公民行为间关系研究的局限性,揭示出心理资本干预对人力资源绩效产生作用的内在机制。论文首先通过对相关文献的梳理,识别影响因素,通过假设提出和量表开发,提出基于“心理资本干预—组织公民行为—人力资源绩效”三维度因素的心理资本干预路径模型。然后,以大连地区企业员工为抽样样本进行实证研究,通过验证理论模型及相关假设验证,结果表明自信、希望、乐观和坚韧均对员工的职能参与行为产生显著影响;乐观和坚韧则对忠诚行为产生显著影响;希望和坚韧对员工尽职行为产生显著影响。在组织公民行为各个维度中,忠诚行为对职能参与行为和尽职行为具有显著影响;同时职能参与行为对尽职行为亦产生显著影响。尽职行为对任务绩效和关联绩效具有显著影响,而其他组织公民行为对人力资源绩效则不具有显著影响。研究得出结论:职能参与行为的产生受到心理资本各个维度方面的综合影响,是一种复合型心理驱动的结果;希望和坚韧则从心理层面以一种暗示的方式,促使员工对未来的工作产生一种执着的追求,从而促进尽职行为的产生;从心理资本干预对人力资源绩效的影响看,心理资本干预的作用机理主要有两个作用途径,一是心理资本干预通过组织公民行为的尽职行为影响人力资源绩效;二是心理资本干预通过组织公民行为的忠诚行为和职能参与行为间接对尽职行为产生影响,进而影响人力资源绩效。从组织公民行为各维度间的关系看,在组织公民行为之间存在着相互促动,员工的忠诚行为使他对组织存在一种责任感和使命感,从而产生一种对于工作的由衷尊重,进而促进尽职行为的产生。同样,员工的忠诚行为也会使员工真诚愿意投入到企业的各项工作中,从而促进了职能参与行为的产生。而员工的职能参与行为通过增加员工的责任感推动尽职行为的产生。从组织公民行为与人力资源绩效间的关系看,对于人力资源绩效的提升而言,员工的尽职行为是直接的动因,其他的忠诚行为是员工内心品质的一种表现,仅有忠诚是无法对绩效产生影响,需要在实践中通过员工的努力工作来实现。尽职行为对企业任务的完成以及相关其他业绩和效果的改善均具有积极的推动作用。本研究探究组织公平感对心理资本与组织公民行为关系的调节作用,为企业人力资源管理提供理论基础和方法探索,企业可以通过改善公平性来加强心理资本对组织公民行为的影响力度,从而提高企业自身竞争力。

【Abstract】 In the research field of human resources management, psychological capital intervention has caught increasing attention in recent years. This research is to change the pattern of the human resources management, strengthen the psychological capital’s positive influence on the staff, advance the organization’s competitive advantage and the overall performance by discussing the performance study of human resources under the psychology capital intervention in this context. This research mainly discussed how the enterprise staffs psychological capital and all of its’dimensions affect the human resources performance through organizational citizenship behavior’ based on the strategic human resources management theory, social exchange theory, volunteers behavior theory, positive psychology theory and positive organizational behavior theory. The specific conclusions are as follows:This study introduces the psychological capital intervention variables into the research of the human resources performance for the first time. There exists a close relationship among psychological capital intervention, organizational citizenship behavior and human resources performance in the field of the human resources management. The conclusion is that the psychological capital acts on the human resources performance mainly through citizen organizational behavior, and also the mutual influence between the psychological capital and the human resources performance. It reveals the internal mechanism of the acting of the psychological capital intervention on the human resources performance, and breaks through the boundedness of the previous research which focused only on the relationship between the psychological capital intervention and the human resource performance, the organizational citizenship behavior and the human resources performance, the psychological capital intervention and the organizational citizenship behavior.This study put forward a psychological capital intervention path model which based on three dimension "psychological capital intervention- organizational citizenship behavior-human resources performance" by reviewing the related literature. We also conducted empirical study by sampling employees in Dalian area. By verifying the theoretical model and related hypothesis, it turned out that confidence, hope, optimism and tenacity have a remarkable impact on employee’s function behaviors of participation; Optimistic and tenacity have a remarkable impact on employee’s loyal behavior; hope and tenacity have a remarkable impact on employee behavior due diligence. In various dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior, loyalty has a significant influence on function behaviors of participation and behavior due diligence:meanwhile function behaviors of participation has a significant influence on behavior due diligence. Behavior due diligence has a significant influence on task performance and Contextual Performance, while other organizational citizenship behavior does not have a significant influence on human resources performance.Result of this study is that the various dimensions of the psychological capital have a comprehensive influence on the generation of the function behaviors of participation, which is a result of a complex psychological drive; Hope and tenacity impel the staffs persistent pursuit of the future work, so as to promote the generation of due diligence behavior in a way of hints from the psychological level. When we see the psychological capital intervention’s influence on the human resources performance, we find out that the mechanism of action of the psychological capital intervention mainly acting in two ways, one is that psychological capital intervention affects human resources performance through organizational citizenship behavior’s due diligence behavior; another is that psychological capital intervention affects human resources performance by influencing due diligence behavior indirectly through the organizational citizenship behavior’s loyal behavior and function participation behavior.The aim of this study is to explore the psychological capital on organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior between regulatory role for the corporate human resource management theory and methods of exploration, companies can improve the fairness of psychological capital to strengthen the impact of organizational citizenship behavior efforts to improve their own competitiveness.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F224
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】3223
  • 攻读期成果

