

The Land Resource Recycling: Pattern, Control, Evaluation

【作者】 倪杰

【导师】 钱忠好;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 土地,是人类社会赖以生存发展的最基本的自然资源。随着人类社会的持续发展,各产业和各部门对土地资源的需求呈持续增长趋势。我国土地资源数量的有限性和土地需求增长性构成了土地资源持续利用的特殊矛盾。同时,在我国当前土地开发利用过程中,土地生态环境问题日显突出,出现了盲目毁林开荒、围湖造田的现象,破坏了土地生态环境,加剧了水土流失、土壤沙化、次生盐碱化。盲目的土地开发利用容易形成结构过于简单、缺少变化的环境,将进一步破坏生物资源的多样化,增加病虫害发生的频率和强度,最终造成区域生态环境恶化,进而影响区域经济的发展。因此,有必要从全新视角、以全新的观念来思考土地资源可持续利用问题。循环经济是国际社会公认的可推动可持续发展战略的一种优选模式,是一种以资源高效、循环利用为核心,以“减量化、再利用、再循环”为原则,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,倡导资源环境和谐发展的经济发展方式。显然,循环经济能极大限度地提高资源的利用率,将可以节省大量的地球资源以备后代人发展使用。同时,可以减少污染物质的排放,减轻环境压力。在土地利用中吸收循环经济的基本理念,对统筹区域发展、集约利用土地、加强生态建设、保护生态环境、实现土地资源的永续利用,具有非常积极的指导意义。基于以上认识,本文运用循环经济理论、系统论、控制论等分析方法系统地探讨了土地循环利用的内涵、模式、控制与评价,并以江苏省姜堰市为例进行实证研究,为合理引导区域土地资源循环利用提供经验证据。本文共分9章,前3章是本研究的基础部分,除绪论外,还包括国内外研究进展、基本概念与基本理论。第4-7章是本研究的理论与方法部分,系统地阐述了土地循环利用的内涵,探讨和总结了农业、工业和城市三种重要的用地类型土地循环利用模式,建立了基于前馈控制、过程控制和反馈控制的土地循环利用立体控制模型,并采用AHP法构建土地循环利用评价指标体系。第8章运用姜堰市1997-2008年面板数据,实证分析了姜堰市土地循环利用发展状况,并梳理总结其土地循环利用模式、控制举措与实现路径。第9章对本文进行了总结,并提出了今后工作的方向。通过理论与实证研究,得出以下结论:(1)在土地利用中吸收循环经济的基本理念,提出“土地循环利用”,为土地资源利用方式的转变提供了新的可能。土地循环利用是遵循循环经济的“3R”原则,以土地的自然属性为基础,对土地进行经营管理和综合整治等社会经济活动的总称。土地循环利用可以从数量、时间和空间三个维度和土地清洁生产、产业内、产业间和土地产出品生产消费循环这四个层面实现土地资源的最佳利用。(2)为促进土地循环利用,实现土地资源可持续利用的目标,必须选取科学、合理的土地循环利用模式。土地循环利用模式遵循循环经济的“3R”原则,运用生态经济共生、再生、自生原理、多种成分相互协调和促进的功能原理,以及物质和能量多层次多途径利用和转化的原理,组织一定地域内土地资源的开发利用,以建立能合理利用自然资源、保持生态稳定和持续高效功能的土地利用模式。平面结构、立体结构、时间结构和食物链结构是土地循环利用模式的基本结构,任何复杂的土地循环利用模式都是由此镶嵌而成。对农业、工业和城市三种重要的用地类型土地循环利用模式主要有生态位立体开发利用模式、以沼气为纽带的农林牧渔结合型土地利用模式、物质能量多级利用的食物链结构模式、“生态庭院”式土地利用模式、土地综合治理利用模式、工业生态园区土地循环利用模式、城市土地紧凑型利用模式等。研究认为,结合不同行业和区域土地利用特点的差异加以选择适合本地实际情况的土地循环利用模式,大力发展循环经济,可以实现土地永续利用的目标。(3)实现土地循环利用的关键环节在于控制。基于数量维、空间维、时间维的土地循环利用概念模型与层面构建土地循环利用立体控制模型,并可将其分为三个主要的控制阶段,即前馈控制、过程控制和反馈控制,形成了以评价指标体系为控制标准,以土地使用者为控制基础,政府部门监管为控制手段,考核为控制保障的一整套完整的控制流程,实现对土地循环利用状况的全方位控制。在过程控制中,通过构造博弈模型进行分析显示,将中央政府作为土地使用者循环用地过程控制的二次监管者,对“政府失灵”问题能进行有效纠正,这为目前监管模式提供了新的启示。(4)土地循环利用评价指标体系的构建是理论付诸实践的基础,运用AHP法构建了土地循环利用评价指标体系。为了衡量土地循环利用发展水平,笔者运用AHP法从土地资源投入减量化、土地资源再利用、土地资源环境安全、经济与社会发展等四个方面选择了25个评价指标构建评价指标体系,并将其应用于江苏省姜堰市土地循环利用评价。结果显示,姜堰市土地循环利用水平从整体上来看处于上升趋势,并一直略高于江苏省水平,尤其在土地资源投入减量化、土地资源环境安全指标上优越于全省,姜堰市基于生态农业与环境整治的土地循环利用控制成效明显,这为合理引导区域土地资源循环利用提供了经验证据。基于以上的研究结论,论文还提出了未来土地循环利用研究的方向。

【Abstract】 The land is the most basic natural resources of human society’s development. Along with the sustainable development of human society, the demand of land resources is in growing trend. The limited China’s land resources and growing demand of the amount of land constitute a special contradiction. Meanwhile, during the process of land development and utilization, the ecological and environmental problems of land are also prominent. Blind deforestation and reclaiming land from lakes have damaged the land ecological environment and increased soil erosion, soil desertification. Blind land development will form the simple and fixed environment. This will further damage the diversity of biological resources and increase the frequency and intensity of pests, eventually leading to regional eco-environmental degradation, thereby affecting regional economic development.Therefore, it is necessary to think about the sustainable utilization of land resources in a new perspective and idea. Circular economy was internationally recognized as a preferred mode to promote sustainable development strategy. Meanwhile, the core of circular economy is efficient and recycling, the principle of circular economy is "reducing, reusing, recycling", the basic characteristics of circular economy is "low consumption, low-emission and high efficiency", so it is economic development approach of advocating the harmonious development. Obviously, the circular economy can greatly improve the resource utilization, also be able to save a lot of the earth’s resources to prepare for the development and use of next generations. At the same time, it can reduce the emissions of pollutants and pressure on the environment. Therefore, it is very important to absorb the basic concept of circular economy. It has positive significance for co-ordinate regional development, intensive land resource, strengthening ecological construction, protecting the ecological environment, and realizing sustainable development.Based on this background, this paper systematically explores the meaning of Land Resource Recycling (LRR), patterns, control and evaluation by the circular economy theory, systems theory, cybernetics and other analytical methods. Further, this paper makes empirical research taking Jiangyan City in Jiangsu Province for example, in order to reasonably guide recycling of regional land resources to provide empirical evidence. This paper consists of nine chapters, the first 3 chapters are a fundamental part of this study, including introduction,domestic and international research, the basic concepts and theory. The 4~7th chapter is the theory and methods section in this research, systematically elaborates the meaning of LRR, discuss and summing up agricultural, the industry and the urban three kind of important land type LRR model,establish the reaction control LRR three-dimensional control model based on feedforward control, process control and feedback control, and use AHP method to build LRR evaluating indicator system. The 8th chapter uses panel data of Jiangyan from 1997 to 2008, empirically analyze the development of LRR in Jiangyan, combines and concludes its LRR model, control measures and implementation of the path. The 9th chapter has carried on the summary to this paper, and proposed the future work direction.Through theoretical and empirical research, this paper draw the following conclusion:(1) Absorbing the basic concept of circular economy from utilization of land resources, this paper proposed the "Land Resource Recycling",it provides the new possibility for transformation of utilization way of land resource. Land resource recycling is a general term for socio-economic activities, this activity follows the "3R" principle of circular economy, it is based on land natural attributes, includes land management and integrated remediation. Land resource recycling may realize the best utilization of land resource from three dimensions including quantity, the time and the spatial, from four planes including land clean production, within the industry, between industries, production and consumption of the land output.(2) In order to promote the land resource circulation use, achieve the goal of land resource sustainable use, it must select the scientifically and reasonable model of land resource recycling. The LRR model organizes the development and utilization of land resources in certain region following "3R" principle of circular economy, using symbiosis, regeneration, self-theory, multi-component mutual coordination and promotion of the function principle of ecological economy, by multi-level material and energy use and transformation of multi-channel principle, in order to build land use pattern that is the rational use of natural resources, maintain ecological stability and sustainable and efficient function. Planar structure, three-dimensional structure, temporal structure and food chain structure is the basic structure of LRR, any complex land use pattern is formed with them. For agricultural, industrial and urban sites in three important types of LRR models are mainly recycling of niche development and utilization of three-dimensional model to methane as a link with agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery-based land-use model, physical energy of the food chain, the use of multi-level structural model, "Eco-garden" type of land use model, land-use model comprehensive management, industrial ecology park land-recycling model, compact urban land use model. Research suggests that a combination of different sectors and regions characterized by differences in land use to select the appropriate cycle of local conditions of LRR models, vigorously develops the circular economy and achieves the goal of sustainable use of land.(3) The key Achieving the LRR is to control. Based on the number of dimension, space dimension, time dimension of LRR and the conceptual model of land by three-dimensional control model of recycling, it is divided into three main control phases including the feedforward control, process control and feedback control. It forms the a complete control chian taking the evaluating indicator system as the control standards, the land user as the control foundation, the government department supervision as the control methods, inspects as the control safeguard,and to achieve complete control of the situation of LRR. In the process control, it carries on the analysis through the structure gambling model to demonstrate that circulates the land process control two major-domos the central authorities as the land user, effectivly modifies "the government malfunction" the question can carry on the effective correction. It proposed the recent enlightenment for the present supervision model.(4) The construction of evaluation index system of LRR is the basis of froming theory into practice. This paper build a LRR evaluation systemusing AHP method. In order to measure the development level of LRR. The author selects 25 evaluation indexes from the investment reduction of land resource, the re-use of land resource, the safety of land resource background, economic and social development to build evaluation index system using AHP method, and applies it in Jiangyan City in Jiangsu Province. The results showed that the Jiangyan LRR level from the whole looked is in the trend of escalation, and has been slightly higher than Jiangsu Province level, especially in the land resource security target superiorly in the entire province, Jiangyan is obviously based on the ecological agriculture and the environment improvement’s LRR systems control result, this has provided the experience evidence for the reasonable guidance regional LRR.


