

Research on Industry Development and Vicissitudes of the Ecological Environment in South of Jiangsu Province During the Repulic Period

【作者】 胡孔发

【导师】 曹幸穗;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近代苏南工业的发展可以追溯到明代中后期,资本主义在苏南已经悄然出现,苏州、无锡的纺织业中出现了新的雇佣关系,此后苏南资本主义生产关系持续发展。19世纪50年代,苏南是太平军和清军交战的主战场之一,长时间的战乱摧毁了该地区的经济基础,苏南地区的工业萌芽遭受挫折,发展陷入了停顿。战争尚未结束,以曾国藩、李鸿章、张之洞为首的洋务派开始创办新式企业,这些企业主要分为官办、官督商办、官商合办的形式,这些企业对工业近代化是有促进作用的,是中国走工业化道路的一种尝试。苏南凭借着优越的地理区位、丰富和广阔的原料和市场,以及有利的政策和人力资源,在工业近代化中已经领先一步,传统的棉纺织业、缫丝业继续发展,新增加的面粉等行业也得到长足的发展。棉纺织业、缫丝业、面粉业成为苏南三大核心工业。在发展核心工业的同时,民国时期苏南工业发展的范围扩大,造纸厂,制革厂、发电厂、染织厂等一批企业纷纷设立,在促进经济发展的同时,也给环境带来了变化。工业生产中排放出大量未经处理的水、气、渣等有害废物,严重地破坏生态平衡,引起动植物的变迁,对自然资源和农业生产的发展造成极大的危害,同时工业“三废”中的有毒污染物质短期内难以清除,有些污染不容易发现,直接危害着广大人民群众的健康,发现以后造成的危害已经很严重。近代苏南工业的发展需要便利的交通,近代交通运输工具的革新使这种需要变成了可能,原有的木船逐渐的被蒸汽船只所代替,特别是铁路交通运输和公路交通运输的发展,使苏南和上海的经济发展可以成为一个整体,在上海经济发展的辐射和带动下,苏南的工业在全国脱颖而出。交通要道沿线的城市得到新一轮的发展机遇,无锡和苏州的工业得到进一步发展,常州的发展相对较慢。在经济发展的初级阶段,人们选择的是通过发展生产来满足各项基本消费需求,对生态环境不太关心。在这一时期,环境质量具有公共物品的性质,环境容量并没有作为一种稀缺资源加以合理配置,造成人们不受限制地获取公共占有资源,环境污染作为外部经济的产物,不可避免地产生于工业化的初级与成熟阶段。不可否认的是,近代苏南的企业主要是资源消耗型的企业,科技含量在企业中运用很低,企业多为设备简陋、技术单一。火柴厂、造纸厂、木器厂等企业消耗了大量的森林资源;同时,矿业资源也得到大规模的开采,宜兴因地制宜,陶瓷工业发展迅速,被称为中国的“陶都”;煤矿、硫铁矿等矿业也得到开发,矿产的无序开发在促进经济发展的同时也给当地的环境带来了压力,矿产表层的植被遭到严重的破坏。民国时期企业发展艰难,以经济指标为依据,治理污染不在企业考虑的范围之内,无能力也无精力来治理环境染污,污水、固体废弃物等直接被排放,生态环境遭到污染成为必然。水质的变化是衡量污染程度的一个重要标志。影响太湖水质的主要污染物为氮、磷、和高锰酸盐指数,以有机污染指数高锰酸盐为例,20世纪50年代初,太湖水质中的高锰酸盐含量为1.9mg/L,从中可以看出,太湖水质已经有了下降趋势。太湖蓝藻也是太湖水质变化的体现,民国后期即有零星的蓝藻出现,说明太湖湖水已经富含养分,这正是水质受污染的一个重要标准。同时苏南境内的河浜因污水的直接排放而受到严重污染,水质下降,井水也受到不同程度的污染,居民的饮水安全问题受到了困扰。工业的发展导致了城镇人口集中,城市规模的扩大,也使城市中生活排泄物和工业生产废弃物迅速增加和相对集中,从而造成了生活环境、工作环境和城市环境的局部的甚至是严重的污染。环境的污染以及对自然资源的过渡消耗,打破了原有的生态平衡,“在社会历史正常情况下,社会本身是一个平衡、有序、稳定的自组织结构。污染的发生破坏了社会机体的这种状态,导致失衡、无序和非稳定现象的出现。”原有生态环境的破坏,势必会给苏南社会带来种种影响,伤寒病、霍乱、回归热、疟疾等疾病广泛流行。疾病的流行引起了社会的恐慌,也得到了政府的一定重视,在清末卫生机构的基础上,民国政府进行了进一步的完善,颁布了法律法规,制定了奖惩措施,在一定程度上制止了疾病在更大的范围内传播。民国时期苏南环境的变迁在政治层面上得到了反应,引起了社会有识之士的重视,在社会贤达的推动下,人们的环保意识有所增强。民国政府设立了林业机构,颁布了《森林法》和《狩猎法》,使得保护森林资源有了制度上的依靠。在民间,环境污染因直接侵害了民众的利益也受到关注,提出了埋设排污管道、搬离污染企业于城外、把污染企业建立在河流的下游等建议,虽不能从本质上解决和治理工业发展给环境带来的危害,但环境的污染已经引起了人们的警惕。

【Abstract】 The industry development in southern Jiangsu in mordern time can date back to the middle and later periods of the Ming Dynasty when the captalism has generated。New employment relationship has been established in testile industry in Suzhou and Wuxi City and the cptalism production relationship tended to be positive in Southern Jiangsu。By the 1950s, this area has become the main war field where Taiping troops and Qing troops fought there。Hence, the economy has been destroy by the long-term war and the bud of the industry ceased to grow。Westernization Group headed by Guofan Zeng, Hongzhang Li and Zhidong Zhang started to launch a new-type enterprise when the wa has not been over yet。These new enterpeises were mainly divided to those run by the government, those run by merchants under the supervision of the government, or joint enterprises by the government and merchants。They have positive influence on the industry modernization and represent one attempt to help China realize industrilization。The Southern Jiangsu has kept ahead during the industry modernization relying on its advancing location, rich natural and labor resources and broad market with the aid of advantegous policies。The traditional industries like cotton textile industry and silk reeling industry continued to develop。The newly-born industries like flour industry also made rapid progress。The cotton textile industry, silk reeling industry and flour industry were the three major industries in Southern Jiangsu。The south of Jiangsu Province has witnessed a rapid development on industry during the Repulic Period, where enterprises in all trades, e.g. paper-making factory, tannery, electric power plant, textile mill, were established。These industries have promoted the economic development as well as changed the environment。The hazardous wastes discharged by the industires, including raw waste water, gas and solides, will bring a heavy damsge to the ecological balance, leading to the vicissiude of animals and plants。This does not only harm the natural resources and agriculture, but also endanger the people’s health as the toxic pollutants in the industry "three wastes" are hard to remove and observe。As convenient transportation is necessary for the industry, the innovation on means of transport made this necessity possible。That the wooden boats were replaced by steam ones and especially the rise of the railway connected the economy in Southern Jiangsu with that in Shanghai as a whole。Under the radiation and promotion of Shanghai, the industry in Southern Jiangsu stands out in the country。The cities along the important lines of communications meet a new round of development opportunity。It is undeniable that the modern enterprises mainly depend on the natural resources rather than the technology with simple equipment. The factories to make matches, paper, wooden wares and combs have comsumed large quantities of forest resources. Moreover, mineral resources were exploit in large scale。Yixing city is called as "City of Ceramics" because its ceramics industry develop fast in the light of local conditions.In the early stage of economic development, people often satisfy their basic consumption demand by production and do not care about ecological environment. During this stage, the environment quality is considered as public goods and its capacity is not deployed rationally as a scare resource。That’s the reason why people take possession of public resources without restriction。As the outcome of external economy, the environment will unavoidably be polluted in the primary and maturation stage of industrilization。Because of the limited environment capacity, the activities that put more emphasis on the economy than the environment gradually damage the environment greatly。The environmental deterioration turns the environment into a scarce goods from the original free goods。After their basic consumption demands are satisfied, people then begin to pursue a higher level of environment quality.The enterprises have experienced a hard time during the Republic Period so that they do not consider to treat pollution any more based on the economy index。The waste water and other wastes were discharged directly into the nature without any treatment。There was no sense of potecting the environment at all。With the growth of economy, people gradually get aware of and emphasize the environment treatment and protection issue. Nitrogen, phosphorus and permanganate are the major pollutants that pollute the water in Taihu Lake。Take the pollution index of permanganate as an example。The content of permanganate in the water of Taihu Lake was 1。9mg/L and ranked between GradeⅠ(clean) andⅡ(relatively clean) at the beginning of 1950s。It can be seen that the water quality in this lake tends to deteriorate。The blue-green algae, which scattered in Taihu Lake in the later period of the Repulic Period, indicates that the water is rich in nutrient。That’s an important standard to determine whether the water is polluted or not。The population concentration in the city and expansion of city scale resulting from the development of industry bring a rapid increase and relatively concentration in life and industrial wastes。As a result, local even serious pollution is caused in the living, working and city environment.The environment pollution and over consumption of resources break the original ecological balance, leading to the frequent happening of natural disaters。"The society itself is a balanced, ordered and stable organization structure under normal social conditions。The diasters break the state of the society and place the society in a unbalanced, disorderly and unstable state。" The diasters will definitely influence the Southern Jiangsu, after which people’s immune function will decrease because of material shortage so that diseases, e.g. typhoid, cholera, relapsing fever and malaria are prevalent。The deterioration of ecological environment will increase the frequency of natural diasters, while the frequent diasters furthermore worsen the environment。Thus a vicious circle is created。The frequent diasters drew the attention of the knowing people in the society with Sun Yat-sen as their leader during the Republic Period。Due to their promotion, people get more awared of the environement protection。The Republic of China has organized a forestry authority and issued Forest Law and Game Law, which provide legal basis for the forest resources。The frequent diasters lead to the decrease of life quality of people and weaken the body of people。The plague usually strike the diaster area after the diasters and cause a social panic, so the government attach due importance to it。Based on the health care facilities, the Republic of China has made a further improvement and issued laws and regulations where rewards or punishment measures are specified, which to a certain extent stop the spread of the diseases in a wider scope.


