

A Study on Li Yizhi’s Contribution to Water Conservancy Cause in Modern China

【作者】 尹北直

【导师】 王思明;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 治水,在中国拥有特殊的文化和历史地位,但是近世以来中国治水却困难重重,到清后期大幅度衰退,直至近代引进了西方科学技术,才出现转机。如何站在科技史的角度,对近代水利科技本土化过程进行审视,是科技史工作者值得深思的一个问题。学术界对近代治水方略、水利发展的综述性研究,以及各流域、不同技术类别和社会运作方式的研究日渐增多,并取得了一定的成果。然而,水利作为一门工程科学,学术领军人物的作用突出。以人物为主线,审视近代水利事业发展过程的研究仍然缺乏。李仪祉是世界知名的水利学家,近代中国水利的先驱者。他曾为我国培养了大批水利建设人才,并树立起我国现代灌溉工程样板,对中国水利事业做出了重大贡献。这样一位先驱人物的一生,实际上就是中国近代水利事业发展的一个侧影。以李仪祉为主线进行研究,能够生动地了解中国近代水利事业发展的历史脉络,更好地认识近代水利科技本土化过程的内在逻辑。近代水利科技发展的过程也是一个中西交汇、传统与现代科技融合的过程,因此,本研究对中国科学技术走向近代的宏观探讨也是有所裨益的,对深入探讨中国近代科技的转型及工程哲学发展也具有一定学术价值和现实意义。本研究主要包括以下几方面内容:一、人物研究:阐述李仪祉所处时代背景及家庭背景,认为李仪祉的家学渊源和教育经历造就了他融贯中西的气度,使他逐步完成了从儒生到工科学生的转变,选择水利作为终身事业,最终学以致用,成为一代水利宗师。二、阐述在近代水利人才极度匮乏的情况下,李仪祉参与近代水利办学并翻译、引介国外水利论著,编写教材和科普读物的工作,说明李仪祉对中国近代水利人才培养所做出的贡献。三、对李仪祉参与陕西水利,以及黄河、淮河、海河、长江等各流域工程实践的内容进行介绍,重点体现李仪祉在参与水利工程实践中,对旧的治水模式及思路进行改革的努力,同时也以李仪祉为线索,通过具体事例,反映当时水利建设的基本面貌和成就;四、将李仪祉的水政思想,以及李仪祉与近代水利科技本土化提炼出来,作为单独的阐述。李仪祉为水利管理和水政统一所做出的贡献不亚于他在人才培养方面的功绩,而他在吸收西方近代科学技术的同时又继承和发展中国传统治水思想的方式,则试图通过具体的例子进行阐释说明。同时,探讨和总结了李仪祉对水利发展的宏观认识,即治水兴邦的“大水利观”。本研究认为,李仪祉是中国传统科技向近代科技转型过程中的一个极具代表性的人物。他融会中西、勇于创新,在引介西方近代水利科技、培养近代水利人才、开展水利科学研究以及“学以致用”亲身水利实践等诸多方面都做出了突出的贡献。他的历史成就决不仅限于学术方面,他关于江河治理的思路、对待传统和现代水利科技的态度以及将技术、经济、管理及政府政策等融为一体的大水利观不仅留下了重要历史文化遗产,对今天我国水利事业的健康发展也具有重要的参考价值和现实意义。历史证明,李仪祉无愧为“中国近代水利导师”和“现代水利先驱”。

【Abstract】 Flood control in China has special cultural and historical status, but Modern water control in China has been through a very difficult phase, for the late Qing significant decline has been continued until the introduction of Western science and technology. How to localize this modern water cause process standing in the history of science and technology point of view, must be an issue worth reseaching for the workers of history of science. Modern water control strategy research overview of macroscopic water development, as well as its being specialized in each river basin, and the operation of various technology types and methods of social research, have already achieved some results. However, water conservancy is an engineering science; the role of prominent academic leaders is of most importance. Research figuring its main line and looking at the development of modern water conservancy is still lacking and worth working.Li Yizhi is a famous water conservancy scientist in Modern China, a pathfinder on the way of water conservancy in China from ancient times to modern science and technology. He has trained a large number of China’s water conservancy construction personnel, and had established a model of modern irrigation, as well as a model for water conservancy in China, and had made a significant contribution. The life of such a pioneer, in fact, is an epitome of water development in modern China. To illustrate his life as a study can be a vivid understanding of modern Chinese history of water development in context, a better understanding of water science and technology of modern times within the process of its localization in China. Modern water conservancy is also a process of technological development through which the East meets the West, and also a traditional and modern technology integration process. Therefore, the study of modern Chinese science and technology will also benefit from this kind of macro study. Morever, for the depth of the transformation of China’s modern technology and new engineering philosophy, the historical background of the development also has some academic value and practical significance.This study include the following elements:Character study: Li Yizhi experienced the background of the times and had a well-being family background. To consider the course of his family history and educational experiences, can explain his coherencing of the East and the West. This background implused him to gradually complete a transformation stage from Confucian scholars to an engineering students. And then, he chose water conservancy as a lifelong career and ultimately apply his knowledge to becoming a master in water science at modern time in China.Second, since talented person in water conservancy was extremely scarce at that time, Li Yizhi involved in modern water engineering educational undertaking, such as to formulate cause, and to translate, to introduce foreign water science textbooks and popular science books. This part shows that Li Yizhi’s heading on the Chinese modern water conservancy personnel training and his contribution;Li Yizhi involved in Shaanxi water engineering work, as well as the Yellow River, Huaihe River, Haihe River, the Yangtze River basin engineering practice and other content are described, focusing on the clashes in the course of the old models and ideas for water management reform though Li Yizhi’s participation in the practice and his efforts. In this part, Li Yizhi is a clue through specific examples, reflecting the basic aspects of water conservancy construction time and achievements;Moreover, Li Yizhi’s water administration thinking has been illustrated in this dissertation. Li Yizhi’s modern science and technology localization and his water conservancy administration idea is distilled. Li Yizhi’s contribution of water management and water governance can be regarded as a unity as much as his contribution to the achievements in personnel training, and his introduction of modern science and technology from the West. And at the same time he inherited and developed traditional Chinese way of thinking in water control working as well. While trying to specific examples to explain the instructions, this dissertation explores and summarizes Li Yizhi’s thinking of the water resources development for contry building, or " the macroscopic view of water" content. This study suggests that Li is a representative person, a pioneer of the transformation from traditional water control to modern engineering method using new science and technology in modern China. His mix of Chinese and Western science, to be creative in the introduction of modern western water science and technology, to fuse different culture in modern water conservancy work, to programme water resources and carry out scientific research and "Learning to practice" in person, and his other effort in water resources practice, has made an outstanding contribution to China’s water cause. His history of academic achievement must not be neglected. His thought about river management, traditional and modern water treatment technology attitudes and the technical, economic, management and integration of government policies such as his macroscopic view of water has not only stayed an important view as a historical and cultural heritage, but also a guide for today’s healthy development of China’s water conservancy. History has proved that Li Yizhi is worthy of the sayings on himself, whatever "A Modern Water mentor" or "A Pioneer of Modern Water Conservancy."

【关键词】 李仪祉水利近代
【Key words】 Li YizhiWater conservancyMordern times

