

An Energy Consumption and Crop Production Potential Based System for Greenhouse Climate Zonantion in China

【作者】 姚益平

【导师】 罗卫红;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国设施作物栽培面积目前已超过300万hm2,成为世界设施农业第一大国。气候条件特别是光热资源,不仅影响温室作物的生长发育、产量和品质,还直接影响温室作物生产的能耗,进而影响温室作物生产的经济效益。温室生产是一种抗逆性强的耗能型产业,受不同气候条件的影响较大,因此温室生产具有很强的区域性。如何充分利用当地光热资源,合理布局不同类型温室并从能耗角度优化温室的结构设计与环境调控,是中国设施农业中需要解决的关键技术问题。国内已有的温室气候区划研究没有综合考虑温室生产的能耗利用率或温室生产的投入与产出问题;所采用的气候资料代表性站点不够多,大多数侧重于温室的区域性的静态区划,不能针对历史气候资料的时空变化,利用新近的或更长年代和更多站点的气候资料,及时动态更新温室气候区划结果;在温室能耗估算方面,国内已有研究一方面没有考虑温室夏季的强制通风降温能耗,另一方面没有考虑温室结构和覆盖材料、以及环境控制目标和作物状况对能耗的影响。本研究针对中国温室气候区划和温室能耗估算中存在的问题,根据温室作物生长发育对光温条件的要求,确定不同能耗期的划分指标,系统分析中国主要温室作物不同能耗期的持续天数及相应的光热资源分布情况;结合温室小气候模型、温室能耗预测模型和作物生长模拟模型,全面分析了中国温室基础能耗、主要温室作物潜在产量及能耗利用率分布情况;在此基础上,研究基于能耗与作物潜在产量的温室气候区划方法,对中国温室气候进行区划;并集成中国温室气候区划及能耗与作物潜在产量估算系统,实现温室气候区划的自动、动态和实时制作。主要研究结果如下:1.基于能耗的温室作物生产的光热资源分析。从温室周年生产所需能耗的角度出发,根据温室作物生长发育对光温条件的要求,分别以平均气温稳定通过低于温室作物生长发育的最低温度、平均气温稳定通过22℃为依据,确定各地一年中适宜进行温室作物生产的时期(无能耗期)、需要进行加热的时期(加热能耗期)、需要进行通风降温的时期(降温能耗期),计算分析3个时期的持续天数及相应时段的有效积温、负积温和太阳辐射的分布情况。中国温室需要进行加热采暖日数的高值区主要位于西藏和青海、内蒙古和黑龙江省大部分地区,这些区域加温能耗高。而温室降温期的高值区主要位于海南省,高达200d以上,不利于温室生产。一年中温室作物适宜生产的日数高值区主要集中在云南省,腾冲地区高达277d。2.温室作物周年生产能耗及潜在产量分析。以Venlo型连栋温室和温室主栽作物黄瓜和番茄为研究对象,利用温室能耗预测模型和作物生长模型,模拟预测在商业化生产中常用的两种不同的温室温度(白天和夜间温度控制目标分别为控制策略一:24℃与19℃,控制策略二:20℃与15℃)和C02体积分数(增施:1000μL/L,自然通风不增施:350μL/L)控制策略下,连栋温室黄瓜、番茄周年生产所需的能耗和潜在产量。在此基础上,计算每单位黄瓜、番茄产量所需要的能耗,并利用GIS技术及反距离权重插值方法获得空间上连续分布的栅格数据,得到中国连栋温室黄瓜和番茄周年生产单位产量能耗分布图。中国温室周年生产黄瓜、番茄单位产量能耗总体趋势是从低纬度地区向高纬高海拔的寒冷地区增加。两种温度控制策略下各地的黄瓜、番茄单位产量能耗差异在8%以内,但增施CO2可以降低各地的黄瓜、番茄单位产量能耗达29%~67%,低纬度地区降低幅度大于高纬高海拔区。中国温室能耗主要受室外气候和温室温度控制目标影响;在两种温室温度控制策略下,黄瓜、番茄潜在产量主要受室外光照条件和室内CO2浓度影响。增施CO2能够大幅提高温室作物产量,是增加温室作物产量和提高能耗利用率的有效手段。3.基于能耗与作物潜在产量的中国温室气候区划。在分析基于能耗的中国温室生产气候资源及能耗利用率分布情况的基础上,确定温室作物适宜生长期、采暖期、通风降温期的持续天数以及相应时段的辐射和有效积温等10个要素为指标,通过模糊C-均值聚类对基于能耗的温室气候进行一级区域划分,以表征该区域特点的主要因子为指标,分别将每个一级区分为3个二级区(Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级区)。中国温室气候适宜区主要分布在北京—山西—陕西—四川—云南以及此线以东以南地区;次适宜区主要分布在西北和辽宁大部分地区,不适宜区则位于中国东北的黑龙江和吉林、内蒙古东北部、新疆北部、以及青藏高原海拔4500米以上地区。适宜区的特点是基于能耗的温室气候条件最优越,一年中适宜温室作物生产时期长,温室生产能耗相对较低,仅为不适宜区的45%左右,以云南为代表的适宜Ⅰ级区温室作物适宜生长期最长,温室作物单位产量所需能耗低,生产效率高,从能耗角度看,发展温室成本相对较低,优势明显。不适宜区冬季温室生产需要加热采暖的天数相对较多,加温能耗大约为适宜区的3倍,单位产量所需能耗是适宜区的220%左右,以黑龙江为代表的不适宜Ⅲ级区,冬季需要加温采暖天数最多,温室作物单位产量所需能耗最高,生产效率低,不适宜发展温室。该研究结果较好地反映了中国温室生产基础能耗、主要作物潜在产量及相关气候条件的地域差异,为中国温室生产合理布局提供科学依据。4.温室气候区划及能耗与作物潜在产量估算系统集成。将温室气候区划与温室作物周年生产能耗预测模型和作物生长模型相结合,建立了温室气候区划及能耗与作物潜在产量估算系统。该系统可以将各地区的室外气象资料、温室结构参数、温室环境控制设置点以及作物基本信息作为输入,实现作物发育期预测、潜在干物质生产及产量预测、温室小气候预测、温室运行能耗预测、温室气候区划及查询、系统维护和帮助等功能。实现温室气候区划及能耗与作物潜在产量估算的自动、滚动、实时制作。同时,利用GIS技术实现数据网格化,相比前人的研究,精度明显提高。本研究开展基于能耗与作物潜在产量的中国温室气候区划与评价,结合温室运行基础能耗、温室作物潜在产量和能耗利用率分析,将温室生产的投入与产出有机结合,为不同类型温室的合理布局和投资风险评估以及优化温室的结构设计与环境调控提供技术支持。

【Abstract】 China has become a world of facilities agriculture first superpower for its facilities of crop planting area currently is more than 300 million hm2. Climatic conditions especially photo-thermal resources, not only affects the greenhouse crop growth, yield and quality, but also affect consumption of greenhouse crop production directly, which affects the economic benefits of greenhouse crop production. Greenhouse production is a kind of resistance by the energy dissipation type of industrial, and it has a strong regional for it can be greatly influenced by different climatic conditions. How to make full use of the local photo-thermal resource, and the reasonable layout of different types of greenhouse, and optimize the structure design and environment regulation of greenhouse with considering energy consumption, which are the key technical problems needed to solve in China’s facility agriculture.According to the growth and development of greenhouse crop requirements of light and temperature conditions, the photo-thermal resource analysis of Chinese greenhouse crop production was carried out, the appropriate period for greenhouse production, undertaking heating and ventilation cooling was determined, and the distribution of corresponding temperature solar resources was analyzed. The study selected the greenhouse of venlo type, cucumber, tomato as research object, daily average climate data from multiple sites, combined prediction model of energy consumption with growth model of crop in greenhouse, simulation analysis under two different temperature and CO2 concentration control strategy. Greenhouse cucumber and tomato crop year-round output unit production energy consumption, and by using GIS technique to get space distribution of the utilization ratio of energy consumption per unit production of Chinese greenhouse cucumber, tomato in different regions. On this basis, the regionalization and evaluation of greenhouse climate were realized and an energy consumption and potential production based operational software system was established. The main results were as follows:1. The photo-thermal resource of greenhouse crop in china were analyzed. Based on the light and temperature requirement for greenhouse crop growth and development, days for daily mean temperature being stably higher than the base temperature for greenhouse crop growth and development and lower than 22℃; days for daily mean temperature being stably higher than the base temperature for greenhouse crop growth; days for daily mean temperature being stably higher than 22℃were determined, respectively. Accordingly, the period suitable for greenhouse crop production, period with greenhouse heating and period with ventilation were determined. And the distribution of effective accumulated temperature, negative accumulated temperature and solar radiation were analyzed. The regions that required most days of heating mainly lie on Xizang, Qinghai, inner mongolia and Heilongjiang province, so in these regions has more the energy consumption of greenhouse production. While Hainan province, which required 200 days of ventilation period, was not fit for greenhouse crops production. The most suitable regions for greenhouse production concentrated in Yunnan province, especially in Tengchong, which had 277 days of suitable period.2. The model was established to prdict the potential output and energy consumption of greenhouse crops yrear round preduction.The study selected the venlo muti-greenhouse type, cucumber and tomato crops as research object, combined prediction model of energy consumption with growth model of crop in greenhouse, simulation prediction under two different temperature in commercial production (day and night temperature control target for control strategy one:respectively with 19℃,24℃, control strategy 2:20℃and 15℃) and control strategy with CO2 volume fraction (increase:10 mL/L, natural and ventilated not increase:350 mL/L), in multi-greenhouse, the cucumber, tomato required to consume the energy and potential output. On that basis, it further calculates per unit of cucumber, tomato yield, needed energy consumption, and by using GIS technology and inverse distance weighted interpolation method for the continuous distribution grid data on the space, year-round per unit cucumber production energy consumption distribution map in multi-greenhouse. Cucumber, tomato unit production output energy consumption has a overall increased trend from a low-latitude region to high altitude cold area. The difference between the two kinds of temperature control strategy of cucumber, tomatoes unit output energy consumption within 8%, but increasing CO2 can reduce the unit output energy consumption 29%~67%, the decrease extent in low-latitude region is bigger than high altitude area. The energy consumption in Chinese greenhouse mainly was effected by outdoor climate and greenhouse temperature control target. Under the two control strategies, cucumber, tomato potential output mainly effected by outdoor lighting condition and indoor CO2 concentration. Increasing CO2 would greatly improve cucumber output, which is an effective way to increasing crop output and improving the utilization ratio of energy.3. Greenhouse climatic regionalization in China was carried out. According to characteristics of greenhouse crop production, confirm 10 greenhouse climatic regionalization index, with the fuzzy c-means clustering method to zoning the climate, and greenhouse crop production are divided into three class I areas and nine secondary area (each level is divided into levelⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲarea) as appropriate, times appropriate and not appropriate. The characteristics of the suitable region is the long period for greenhouse crop production, winter heating low energy consumption and the main factor decided to economic benefit for greenhouse crop production period is total solar radiation quantity. The characteristic of times appropriate and not appropriate is the long greenhouse winter heating time, high energy consumption, cooling energy consumption few in summer, the main factor decided to economic benefit for greenhouse crop production is the negative cumulative temperature of greenhouse needs heating period.4. A photo-thermal resources based system for greenhouse climatic regionalization and energy consumption estimation system was developed. The greenhouse crop growth and development model and the greenhouse microclimate control and energy consumption prediction model were coupled in this study to develop a photo-thermal resources based system for greenhouse climatic regionalization and energy consumption estimation system. Using the outdoor weather data of each region, greenhouse structure parameters, set point of environment control and crop information, the system could predict the development stage, potential dry matter production and yield of greenhouse crop, prediction of greenhouse microclimate and energy consumption, climatic regionalization, system maintenance and help etc. Using 30 years (1971-2000) average daily weather data from 621 standard weather stations in China, a case study was conducted for greenhouse climate zonation and energy consumption estimation for a vnlo type greenhouse where infinite growth cucumber and tomato crops grow yearly around.The system developed in this study can provide decision support for investment risk analysis and theory basis for environment regulation, optimize greenhouse structure design from energy consumption point of view.


