

Integrated Evaluation and Sustainable Development Strategy of Eco-Agricultural Tourism Agglomeration Around Taihu Lake

【作者】 王锋

【导师】 张卫建;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 生态农业旅游在国内从产生到兴起只有十余年左右的历史。无论是针对该行业的基础研究还是实践研究都还处在初始阶段,存在诸多不协调、不统一、不确定的问题。比如,生态农业旅游概念使用混乱,不利于学术规范和交流的问题;生态农业旅游资源分类缺少标准,不利于资源统计影响规划建设的问题;生态农业旅游地现状评价没有统一指标体系,不利于进行不同区域现状研究与比较的问题;生态农业旅游产业可持续发展评价缺少适用的数学模型,不利于产业评估与后续协调发展的问题等。文献研究表明,仅生态农业旅游相关的概念,国内学术界就有观光农业、农业旅游、乡村旅游、农业生态旅游、农家乐、都市农业旅游、三农旅游、农村旅游等十余种之多。再如,生态农业旅游地的综合评价是研究的热点问题之一,但目前国内还没有统一的评价指标体系。可持续发展是全球共同关注的研究课题,但生态农业旅游的可持续发展研究目前国内还没有大规模兴起。在研究的过程中发现,不少地区发展生态农业旅游,不仅没有起到保护环境、促进发展和人地和谐的目标,而且出现了盲目跟风、重复建设甚至生态遭到破坏的情况。环太湖四市由于地理位置处在全国经济最为发达的长江三角洲的腹地,历来也是国内外闻名的旅游目的地,这个区域的生态农业旅游发展状况、模式、经验等在全国范围内都有着典型意义,其示范作用、引导作用不容忽视。所以,本研究以环太湖的苏州、无锡、常州、湖州四市为研究区域,以其生态农业旅游产业为研究对象,明确生态农业旅游资源概念与分类,构建生态农业旅游地综合评价体系,调查统计研究区域生态农业旅游资源状况,使用综合数据分析法进行综合评价,使用生态足迹分析方法建立新的数学模型对生态农业旅游可持续发展进行评价,为环太湖生态农业旅游提供决策依据。值得关注的是,当前生态农业旅游项目多以现代农业和生态农业为主,景区建设地主要在农村区域,从业人员主要为当地农民,生态农业旅游业的发展对于解决“三农问题”将产生重要影响。对于环太湖地区而言,生态农业旅游还负有保护太湖这个核心资源,共同治理太湖,提升农业生态服务功能,探索农业结构调整策略等重大任务。研究环太湖的生态农业旅游不仅对本地区具有现实意义,也将在全国范围内产生重要影响。经过研究,初步提出了以下建议,得到了以下结论:(1)建议在学术研究中统一使用“生态农业旅游”的概念。经过综合对比研究发现,各种不同的概念存在内在的统一性,农村是主要研究区域,农业是主体研究内容,农民是从业人员的主体。因此,这样做不仅符合概念产生的根源,也符合发展趋势、学术交流、生态运动潮流和学术研究习惯。(2)提出了建设“环太湖生态农业旅游圈”的构想。从自然条件、社会经济条件、政策条件、产业条件、资源条件、劳动力条件等,阐述了建立该区域经济一体化组织的可行性、必要性及其可能产生的重大意义。研究还指出,选择生态农业旅游产业既可以将这个新兴产业当作联合发展的“试金石”,可以为今后进行大模型区域内产业转型的积累经验,真正实现协同发展,避免重复建设,减少资源浪费,也可以为全国范围内开展的生态农业旅游产业发展提供可参考的样板。(3)研究提出了生态农业旅游资源概念与分类的参考建议。鉴于生态农业旅游资源分类缺少统一标准的情况,为了进行后续区域资源调查,在进行生态农业旅游资源分类时,应当本着“地域相关、产业相关、主体相关”的原则,即资源地在农村区域,功能以农业为主,以农民为参与主体、管理主体与受益主体的原则。研究提出生态农业旅游资源分类的建议,分为农村生态环境、传统特色建筑与设计、现代农业特色与示范点、传统农业生产活动、特色产品与工艺以及人文与民俗活动六大类。该分类建议也为之后的资源调查提供了明确要求,对摸清环太湖生态农业旅游圈整体资源状况打下了基础。研究使用问卷调查、走访、实地考察等方法,发放问卷300余份,走访考察点20余处,基本摸清了研究区域内的资源数量及分布状况。资源调查的结果表明,研究区域内六类资源的总量达到1100多个,其中现代农业特色与示范点达到600个以上。调查表明,从业人员数量多,生产能力较大,项目多样化,具有发展的活力。结果说明该区域生态农业旅游资源具有种类齐全,数量丰富,农民参与热情高,政策支持力度大等特点与优势。同时,调查也指出了存在的四个大问题,即同质性强、重复建设、市场混乱以及污染严重等问题。(4)构建了针对生态农业旅游地的综合评价指标体系。在提出综合评价指标之前,为了能够体现能通用性、适用性,增强研究结果的可比性,研究提出了“三农、三生、三大、三利”的原则,即“农业、农村、农民的结合”、“生产、生活、生态的结合”、“大农业、大生态、大旅游的结合”、“社会效益、经济效益、环境效益的结合”等。考虑实际的参考意义,研究选定环太湖生态农业旅游圈为主体,提出并制订了操作性强的指标体系,分为3层,27个量化指标。文献研究表明,层次分析法进行现状研究的主要方法。为了更好地体现评价的客观性与科学性,减少主观性与随意性,研究配合专家意见法,选取了共性明显的量化指标,构建了评价体系,经过对计算结果的分析,得到有说明力的影响因素排名,以便今后针对性提出发展策略。分析结论认为,环太湖生态农业旅游圈是一个成功的有影响力的生态农业旅游地。同时,研究找出了区内外客源条件、生态农业旅游资源、特色乡村聚落、环境保护措施与条件等因素对其产业发展起到重大的影响作用。(5)得出了研究区域内生态农业旅游总的生态足迹。使用生态足迹分析法为研究工具,以翔实的数据计算结果来回答这一新经济体可持续发展的状况问题。生态足迹分析法在生态农业旅游产业中可持续发展研究中还是一个新思路。研究提出旅游生态足迹模型使用存在的诸多问题,提出了在生态农业旅游研究中新的生态足迹计算模型,包括交通、住宿、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游览、废弃物等七个方面,累加得到总的生态足迹,并依据此计算得出生态农业旅游者人均生态足迹。计算结果表明,环太湖生态农业旅游圈的人均旅游生态承载力数据为0.14ha,而生态农业旅游者人均的生态足迹为0.03ha,生态盈余为0.11ha。说明该区的生态农业旅游行业的发展处于可持续发展状态。(6)研究结论认为,建立环太湖生态农业旅游条件成熟,时机适宜,意义重大,可行性强,是一个成功的有影响力的生态农业旅游地,生态农业旅游产业的发展处于可持续发展状态。本研究对于丰富国内生态农业旅游基础理论、现状分析体系以及可持续发展评价方法与模型等方面的研究做出了贡献。

【Abstract】 The ecological agriculture tourism (EAT) in domestic presents swift and violent development tendency. The author takes Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Huzhou which located around Taihu Lake as the research region and ecological agriculture traveling as research object. Based on the explaining of EAT resources concepts and their classifications, this thesis designs synthetic evaluation system and investigates its resources to analize its development condition. The author also uses ecological footprint analysis method to establishe a new mathematical models to evaluate its sustainable development. Finally, some strategies are put forward for EAT sustainable development. The main coclusions are as follows:The research of EAT in the domestic has about ten years history. The investigation indicated that the development of EAT in many areas not only failed to protect the environment, promote development and harmony of people, but also there was a blind imitation, duplication or even the ecological had been destroyed. However, most of EAT projects were related to modern agriculture and ecological agriculture, and EAT scenic areas were mainly constructed in the countryside region. Meanwhile, the employees for EAT majorly come from the local farmer. Thus, suitable EAT projects will play a great role in agricultural development, farmer life improvement and rural development in China. So far as around the Taihu Lake area, EAT had more duty which to protect the key resources of Taihu Lake, control Taihu Lake, enhance agricultural services for natural ecosystems, promote agriculture structure adjustment and so on. Therefore, research on EAT around Taihu Lake not only has practical significance for the local development, but also will have important and typical references to the nationwide development.Since the limit of theoretical research on EAT in China, there were several major problems which could affect the development of EAT. Firstly, the concept of EAT was not clear, which may influence the academic standard and exchange for EAT research. Secondly, there was no unified standard for the classification of EAT resources, which may impact the resources survey and planning. Thirdly, there was no unified index system for the situation appraisal of EAT destinations, which in turn will affect the EAT comparison between different regions. Finally, there was lack of suitable mathematical models for evaluation of EAT sustainable development, which may consequently influence the following coordinated development. According to the literature review, there were more than ten kinds of concepts related to EAT in the domestic academic circles, such as agritourism, sightseeing agriculture tourism, farms tourism, rural tourism, urban agriculture tourism, agro-eco-tourism, ecological agriculture tourism, agricultural ecological tourism, agritainment and so on. Literatures review showed that there existed intrinsic unity among these concepts, such as the main research area of countryside, the main study content of agriculture and the main employees of farmers. Therefore, this research proposed that ecological agriculture tourism could be used as the unified concept, because it conformed to the origin of concepts, the trend of development requirement, the need of academic exchanges, the trend of ecology movement tidal and the scholarly custom of EAT research.Since these four cities around Taihu lake are located in Yangtze River delta center and well-known traveling destination whatever domestic and foreign, EAT developing conditions, patterns, experiences and etc had typical significance for the local development references in the nationwide scale. Therefore, the author put forward tentative plan that an idea to construct Eco-agricultural Tourism Agglomeration around Taihu Lake (EATATL). Taking account for the natural, the social economy, the policy, the industrial, the resources, and the labor force condition and so on, the author elaborated the great significance of EATATL establishment. It is a new region economic integration organization. This idea has the feasibility, necessity and probability. The researcher also pointed out that to take emerging EAT as the touchstone can accumulate experience of industrial reforming, realize the coordination development truly, avoid the building redundant project, and reduce the resources waste. At the same time, it can act as the model for the other area development.To date, there is lack of classification standard of EAT resources, the refence standards for the concept of EAT resources and classification were put forward in this paper. According to these standards, the region, industrial and beneficiary should be the first. This means that EAT resources have primary agriculture function in countryside region, and the farmers are the beneficiary of EAT. The resources were divided into six kinds, including countryside ecological environment, traditional features construction and design, modern agriculture characteristic demonstration point, traditional agricultural production activity, characteristic native product and craft as well as humanities and folk custom use. This classification standard can meet with the need of resources investigation and statistics work for EATATL in future. In order to study the distribution situation and quantity of EAT resources in this area, the researcher used questionnaire, visiting and survey methods, including 300 questionnaires and visited 20 scenic spots. The result showed that the total numbers of resources were more than 1100, in which modern agriculture characteristic and demonstration points were above 600. When aiming at human resources, production situation and traveling project, the situations are in great abundance, fruitful and multifarious. The investigation result indicated that EATATL had many characteristics and superiority to develop EAT. For instance, it owns many and various resources, and most of the farmers have participation will, as well as government policy support and so on. At the same time, there are four major problems can block its progress, namely strong homogeneity, redundant project, disorderly competition and serious pollution.How to estimate the present situation of EAT destination quantificationally is the hot topic in domestic because there is no unified appraisal index system. The method of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is one suitable research method. In order to manifest versatility, serviceability and commensurability of appraisal index system, the four principles were proposed and were used to create index system. They were principle which union the issues of agriculture, peasant and rural area, principle which union life, product and ecology, principle which union great agriculture, great ecology and great tourism, principle which union social benefit, economic efficiency and environment benefit. The appraisal index system which was used to evaluate situation of EATATL was made up of three levels and twenty seven indicators. In order to manifest objectivity and scientific, reduce subjective and capriciousness, the researcher used the Delphi method to construct analysis system, so as to analysis process results, obtain the score order of influence factors and propose the developmental strategy finally. The result finally was about 8.6. In conclusion, EATATL is successful and influential ecological agriculture traveling destination. At the same time, the research has discovered that the condition of tourists source, EAT resources, characteristic village settlement, environmental protection, social influence and propaganda are main significant influence factors for its industry development.How to keep sustainable development with current resources and others conditions is the main topic in the next part. EFA (Ecological Footprint Analyses) method becomes into the main and popular tool which is used to compute and evaluate the status of region sustainable development research. The author proposed new ecological footprint analyses model to calculate its footprint, which made up of transportation, lodging, dining, shopping, entertainment, tour and waste. Lastly, the per capita TEC was about 0.14 ha, while the value of per capita TEF was 0.03 ha. That is to say, there is ecological remainder and the value is 0.11 ha. It means that EAT in this area is in sustainable development status.Summary, the establishment of EATATL has ripe conditions and suitable opportunity. And now, it is a successful and influential ecological agriculture traveling destination and eco-agriculture tourism in this area is in sustainable development status. This research enriches basic theory of domestic ecological agriculture tourism, present situation analysis system as well as the sustainable development assessment method and models.

  • 【分类号】F327;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1583
  • 攻读期成果

