

Research on the Aricultural History of Changing from Dry Land to Paddy Field in Northern Jiangsu (1953-1983)

【作者】 阚国坤

【导师】 惠富平;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 所谓旱改水,是指在水利兴修的基础上,将原来旱地改造为水田,将原来种植的旱作物改为水稻。论文主要运用历史学的研究方法,研究了苏北地区各级政府在1953-1983年领导广大干群艰苦奋斗推行旱改水农业开发活动,系统分析兴起的背景条件、发展历程、实践经验,进而,深入地探讨农业旱改水对当地生产、农村经济生活与及生态环境的作用与影响,总结探索这项以农业耕作制度改革为核心的系统工程对区域经济发展的历史作用与成效,并以此展示苏北地区人民在党中央正确领导下不懈奋斗、蓬勃向上的精神风貌。得出结论是旱改水促进了苏北形成以稻作为主的农业生产格局,促进了当地农业生产水平的提高,极大地改善了当地水土条件,提高了民众生活水平。当今苏北地区农业经济特色的形成和县域经济的发展,在很大程度上是建立在长期农业旱改水开发的基础上。因此,从历史角度研究苏北农业旱改水及与之密切相关的稻麦生产、农民生活、农业生态问题,具有重要学术价值和现实意义。苏北地区农业旱改水活动兴起背景及条件主要有以下四个方面。其一是新中国建立后,党和政府在农村实行土地改革及农业合作化,农民分到了自己的土地,生产积极性空前高涨,社会充满活力,农业生产得到较快恢复,农民改善生活的愿望也很迫切。在此基础上,中国共产党把关心群众疾苦、改善人民生活作为党的一项重要工作,并制定多项政策引导农民扩大生产,提高粮食产量,改变了广大农民长期以来吃不饱、穿不暖的现象。其二是苏北地区过去水旱灾害频发,严重水灾导致群众饥荒,引起党中央、国务院的高度重视,政府组织民众在影响较大的沂、沭两大骨干河流上进行“导沂整沭”和“导沭整沂”治理工程,打响了新中国治水第一仗。很快解除灾害,而后进行大规模农田水利工程,使得当地农业生产条件发生了改变。为实施旱改水创造了基本条件。其三是苏北实行旱改水地区绝大部分处于淮河以北,属黄淮海平原南部,气候、土壤及降水条件均属优越,适合水稻生长。其四是苏北地区长期以来形成了以穆子、山芋、玉米、大豆、高粱等旱作物为主耕作制度,为了这种多灾低产面貌,在实践中先后试验种植了马铃薯、甘薯、水稻等高产作物。苏北地区处于东部季风气候区,每年洪水涝害发生时期,也正是水稻需水最多的时期,在旱改水田种植高产作物水稻,实现了水稻生育期与当地降水高峰期、温度高峰期的基本同步,实现了种稻治水抗灾,迅速提高粮食产量的目的。并且水稻具有高产、稳产,适应性广,抗逆性强、旱涝保收,能够有效利用瘠薄土地,改良盐碱土壤及营养价值好、经济价值高、民众喜食等优点,是成为符合旱改水条件的首选作物。因此,苏北各级政府在农业上推行旱地改水田种植水稻的耕作制度改革。相关资料显示苏北地区推行农业旱改水活动经历了艰难曲折的发展过程,逐步开展取得显著的成效。按照旱改水实施时间大致经过:由个别试点到大范围推开(1953-1959)、因灾回旱到旱改水逐渐恢复(1960-1965)、学大寨治水改土旱改水快速扩大(1966-1977)、联产计酬责任制旱改水稳定发展(1978-1983)四个阶段,到1984年农村实行家庭联产承包责任制以后,集体经济时代有组织、大规模农业旱改水活动基本结束。每个阶段都体现了干群为提高粮食作物产量、实现改善民生目标而付出的艰辛劳动。其中值得记取的教训是受到1960-1962年三年严重自然灾害影响。天灾加人祸使得旱改水刚推开就在一些地方被迫下马,导致大面积回旱,人为破坏了与稻作相关的水利设施,使得干群对旱改水是谈虎色变,回旱导致了群众生活艰难。值得推广的经验是在文化大革命时期,苏北地区农村只在初期影响较大,尔后在“抓革命,促生产”等一系列方针政策指导下,在农业上大力推行“以粮为纲”和“农业学大寨”运动,同时水利建设取得了巨大成就,能够将江淮水通过江苏省内南水北调工程输送到最北端的徐州丰沛县,有效保障了发展旱改水水源供应。同时因旱改水需要的机械、电力、农药、化肥增多,农业科学技术尤其是高产杂交稻种植技术的推广,促进苏北地区旱改水获得迅猛发展。到实行家庭联产承责任制后,苏北地区进入了以经济建设为中心的新时代,在一定程度上克服了长期存在大锅饭、平均主义弊端,调动了农民积极性,促进了苏北地区农业旱改水的稳步发展,水稻保持在较高面积。在没有稻作种植技术的苏北地区,大规模推行农业旱改水不是一件十分容易的事情。没有党和政府大力提倡和持续支持是难以实现的。各级党委、政府采取一系列政策措施加强推广的组织管理。领导始终重视与支持并亲自参与旱改水,甚至对旱改水中遇到问题采取急事急办、特事特办的原则,按级负责,定时、定人办法子以一一解决。当时苏北旱改水地区经济十分贫困,群众无力拿出经费来推行旱改水,政府采取下拨经费及给予优惠贷款等方式解决所缺的经费予以支持。为了让苏北民众尽快掌握陌生的稻作技术,在大规模推行旱改水前,政府组织科技人员到各地进行多点试验。邀请并选派农作物育种、栽培、耕作及农业机械化等方面科技专家提供了技术支持。其中水稻专家陈永康多次前来传播高产稻作经验,许多农业科技人员亲自深入旱改水地区在理论与实践上给予技术指导,使得旱改水在科学指导下顺利发展。为加强苏北地区旱改水领导与技术力量,实现水稻高产,江苏省多次从南方稻作地区选派多批有领导水稻生产经验的管理干部及掌握水稻栽培技术的稻农,到达苏北地区传授稻作技术。苏北地区在推行农业旱改水缺少相关生产工具与资料,各级政府通过各种措施保证提水工具、种子、肥料等生产资料供应,以使旱改水得以顺利实施。政府的组织管理毕竟只是推动苏北地区旱改水发展的外在因素,而农民由思想到行动的自觉参与才是旱改水发展的真正动力,采取促进干群思想观念与行动的转变等管理举措,推动了苏北地区农业旱改水逐步在实践运用,收到良好效果。推广南方插秧稻的种植技术经验是苏北地区旱改水主要内容。而对本区民众来说,插秧稻是一项技术性很强的作物,比种植旱作物复杂、繁琐得多,而且劳动力投入也大大增加,群众起初不适应也颇感辛苦。政府从各个方面给予支持,尤其采取多种方式加强技术指导,传授及推广从平田整地、水稻选种、浸种、催芽、落谷、拔秧、栽插、耘耥除草、施肥、治虫、收获等一整套水稻生产技术经验,以保证水稻有效增产,实现提高粮食产量、改善农民生活,增加群众收入,摆脱其贫困生活。其中,最显艰难是对高低不平的田地进行勘测整理,有计划进行灌溉沟渠闸坝等配套水利设施建设,稳定种植地块。其次是插秧。插秧是苏北旱改水地区群众较为生疏与旱作区别大的农活,也是水稻生产中费工多、要求高、难度大的环节。插秧用工数比小麦、玉米田多,因劳畜力不足及技术不熟练而费工更多。虽然如此,在上下努力下,到1965年各地普遍实现插秧稻,不再种植直播稻,并逐步建立稻麦两熟的耕作制度。苏北地区推广旱改水过程中始终重视水稻优良品种引进、研制及推广应用,是实现不花钱增产多、收效快的一项重要措施。各地不断引进推广并培育应用水稻高产和优质品种,奠定水稻单产和稻米品质不断提高的技术基础,更新换代的水稻品种为增加粮食产量起到促进作用。到20世纪70年代中期,苏北地区群众已经熟练地掌握了水稻生产的技术,表现引进推广杂交稻种植上不仅与苏南同步发展而且使得水稻产量普遍超过苏南。苏北地区民众在上级支持与领导下,克服诸多的困难,经过长期坚持不懈的努力,将旱改水面积不断扩大,最终实现了耕作制度的改革,不仅使得水稻面积扩大,而且使得稻麦一年两熟的面积也扩大,实现了当初制定旱改水目标。苏北地区旱改水变革对当地农业生产、民众生活和生态环境三个方面产生重大作用和深远的影响。在对农业生产方面能够促进水利规划与建设一直是遵照“水随农走”的原则为旱改水服务,先后修建水库、骨干河道及跨流域调引江、淮水工程为旱改水提供水源保证,在农田水利基本建设中进行梯级河网化及灌溉站建设,逐渐形成较为完善的灌溉系统,改变了单纯依靠雨水灌溉农业生产。使得苏北地区能够充分利用水源,有效地管理与维护水利设施,提高灌溉效益。实现了水利条件好地方都进行了大面积旱改水,而实行旱改水地方都能保持良好的水源利用条件,形成旱改水与农田水利建设与用水管理的良好互促互动关系。苏北地区推行旱改水促进当地民众社会生活改善及人口素质的提高,改变民众饮食结构,改善民众生活水平,使得民众身心素质得到提高,养成并增强了民众积极进取的思想观念,减轻妇女劳动,发挥了妇女作用等方面,促进当地社会经济发展。苏北地区推行旱改水兴修众多水库及稻田也为水产养殖提供基地,逐渐增多的水稻面积及产量为稻米相关的加工业兴起创造了条件。对此,当地民众多有切身体会,诸如增产了粮食、消灭了蝗虫等。旱改水还能够调节、改善气候状况,拦蓄雨洪,防治洪涝灾害,减少水土污染。改良当地盐碱土、砂姜黑等土壤性状,增加土壤肥力。减少病虫害发生。苏北地区农业旱改水巨大成功也为其它地区提供诸多的启示,农业旱改水是一场集中干群智慧与力量的农业生产改革。在推行旱改水过程中调动了数以万计的基层干群劳动力量,促进了水利建设发展,为当今苏北地区农业经济特色的形成和县域经济的发展做出重大贡献。走出一条至今仍然被借鉴与实践的成功之路:苏南支援苏北发展、苏北学习苏南先进技术经验。真实地反映党和政府关注民生问题的重大举措与实绩。旱改水是实现区域农业可持续发展的生态农业技术模式,为有效保障国家与区域的粮食安全,解决“三农”问题,探求一条值得借鉴的可行之路及其经验。

【Abstract】 Changing from dry land to paddy field hereinafter refers to changing upland crops to lowland rice, which was based on water conservancy projects.This paper mainly uses the historical methods to analyze and study the background and conditions, the process of development, and the experience in the practice of changing from dry land to paddy field, which was implemented in Northern Jiangsu from 1953 tol983, pushed by the local government. Further, the impact and influence of this reform on local rural economic and production and how it affected the ecological environment are analyzed and summarized. This paper explores its historical role and the effectiveness of this project on regional development, revealing the core of farming reform, with the lead of the Party, as well as people’s vigorous spirit in Northern Jiangsu. It concludes that this project has built the agriculture pattern of rice production, which greatly has improved the local soil conditions, promoted local economic and social progress and enhanced people’s living standard. Today, the characteristics of agricultural economy in Northern Jiangsu and the development of county economy, to a great extent, is based on the long-term changing from dry land to paddy field project. Therefore, researches on changing from dry land to paddy field in northern Jiangsu from historical perspective and closely relating to the agricultural production, rice produce, and ecological, life, has important academic value and practical significance.The background and conditions of changing from dry land to paddy field in Northern Jiangsu can be concluded from the following four main aspects. Firstly, after the founding of new China, the Party and the central government carried out land reform to have farmers to be the owner of the land in rural areas and built farmers cooperative organizations. Thus farmers’ enthusiasm for production unprecedented ran high, which led to agricultural production rapidly recovered, and farmers’wishes for improving their life were also very eager. Caring about the hardship of the farmers, and seeing people’s life improving as an important work, the Party formulated various policies guiding farmers to expand production and increase grain produce. Those efforts cleared away the phenomenon that for a long time the peasants had had not enough to eat and wear. Secondly, in past, serious flood and other nature disasters in Northern Jiangsu turns out frequently, causing famine, which caused highly attention of the Party and governments at different levels. They carried out the two key water projects in the Huaihe River and Shuhe River systems. Together with the later on large-scale farmland irrigation projects, it freed the northern Jiangsu from flood and drought and changed the production conditions of local agriculture, and created the basic conditions for the implementation of changing from dry land to paddy field as well. Thirdly, most areas of changing from dry land to paddy field in Northern Jiangsu were located in northern area of Huaihe River, called South Huanghuaihai Plain. Its climate, soil and precipitation conditions are superior and suitable for rice growth. Fourthly, in order to change "low yield, high disaster" upland crops, such as potato, corn, soybean, sorghum crops, they tempted to experiment on planting potatoes, sweet potatoes to rice. Northern Jiangsu is the eastern monsoon climate, therefore its yearly flood time is also the water-needing period of rice. Changing from dry land to paddy field coincides the period of rice growth with the peak of local rainfall and temperature, which realizes the purposes of defeating flood as well as increasing the grain produce rapidly. Because rice has lots of features, such as high and steady production, wide adaptability, strong resistance, and stable and high yields irrespective of drought or water logging, it can effectively make use of the barren lands, and improve soil. Because of its nutritional value high economic value, it becomes the first crops of changing from dry land to paddy field. Therefore, the local government in northern Jiangsu decided to implement the farming system reform ---- changeing from dry land into paddy field.Relevant data shows the tough reforming process of changing from dry land to paddy field in Northern Jiangsu and its significant achievements. Changing from dry land to paddy field can be divided into four stages:implementation after the individual testing area to larger area (1953-1959), recovering from changing back from paddy field to dry land due to drought (1960-1965), rapidly expanding of changing from dry land to paddy field with the distinction repairing hydraulic (1966-1977), maintained of changing from dry land to paddy field joint, to responsibility systems of cogeneration with labor and paid (1978-1983). After carrying out the rural household contract responsibility system in 1984, organized, scale of agriculture changing from dry land to paddy field activity based on collective economy ended. Each stage for improving food masses reflects the people’s livelihood, improve crop yield target and the hard work. One lesson must be learned is the experience during three serious natural disasters(1960-1962). Natural disasters pushed changing from dry land to paddy field in most places to be forced to the end, causing widely back to dry land, man-made destruction to water conservancy facilities, fear to changing from dry land to paddy field, making the tough life. The experience is worth popularizing is in the cultural revolution, the early stages of it was only countryside, then on the guidance of a series of policy such as catching revolutionary to promote production, the government carried out vigorously "grain for the outline" in agriculture and "emulating da-zhai" on agriculture, and water conservancy construction movement made great achievements which can transfer the yangtze-huaihe water through the Jiangsu province part of south-to-north water transfer project to the north of xuzhou, County Feng and Pei, which guarantee the water supplies for developing changing from dry land to paddy field. At the same time because changing from dry land to paddy field implementation highly demands for mechanic, electricity, pesticide, fertilizer, agricultural science and technology, especially the high yielding hybrid rice, changing from dry land to paddy field obtain rapid development in Northern Jiangsu. After implementing household contract responsibility system, Northern Jiangsu entered into a new era of taking economic construction as the key work, to a certain extent, it overcame the long-standing meritocracy, equalitarianism, mobilized the farmers’ enthusiasm, promoted the steady development of changing from dry land to paddy field in Northern Jiangsu, and rice planting in most areas.It is not very easy to implement the plan of changing from dry land to paddy field on a large-scale in Northern Jiangsu for people there had no experience of growing rice. Without advocating and continuing support of party and government it is difficult to achieve. Party committees and governments at all levels adopted a series of policies and measures to promote the management and organization. Leaders support and personally involved in changing from dry land to paddy field, even take urgent problems encountered and centered, according to the principle of timing, level, the method of task to solve them. When region economy of northern area was very poor, unable to spend the money to implement changing from dry land to paddy field, the government adopt preferential loans into such funds and other ways to solve funds-lacking problem in order to support and encourage changing from dry land to paddy field. In order to let northern people master rice technology, not familiar for them, as soon as possible, the government organized scientific and technological personnel to do more tests in large-scale before the action. They even invited and selected experts and talents, in crop breeding, cultivation, farming and agricultural mechanization technology etc., to provide the technical support. For example, ChenYongKang, an expert of rice planting, spread rice paddy yield experience many times. Many agricultural technologists came to the region and give technical guidance both in the theory and practice of changing from dry land to paddy field. Under the scientific guidance it developed well. In order to strengthen the technical and lead force of changing from dry land to paddy field, the province government sent some experienced leaders from southern area, such as managers and farmers to the northern area to teach rice production experiences. While promoting changing from dry land to paddy field agricultural, lacking changing from dry land to paddy field-related production, tools and materials, government at all levels entities changing from dry land to paddy field through various measures to ensure the need to carry tools, seeds, fertilizer production such as material supply, in order to make changing from dry land to paddy field implementing smoothly. The government organization management after all only promote the development of Jiangsu province and is external factor for changing from dry land to paddy field, and farmers with the ideas and actions of development in changing from dry land to paddy field should be internal factor. Promoting cadres truly dynamic change of ideas and actions, promoting the management measures of Jiangsu province agriculture changing from dry land to paddy field stimulation measures in practice, gradually received good effect.The main content of changing from dry land to paddy field implementation in Northern Jiangsu is to promote the technology experience of transplanting rice planting. And to the local people, transplanting rice is a very technical crop planting in upland crops, much more complex, and trival labor input also greatly increases. The masses also felt hard at first. The local government gave different aspects of support, especially took various measures to strengthen its technical guidance, taught and promoted rice production technology and experience from flat field preparation, rice seedlings, seed germination, LaGu, BaYang, ZaiCha, YunTang, weeding, fertilizing, pest and complete harvest to ensure effective stimulation, improve rice grain yield, increase the farmer income, improve its poor people lives. Among them, the most conspicuous is to inspect rough fields, planned for water conservancy facilities construction such as irrigation canals sluice etc, stabled planting plot. Followed by transplanting. Jiangsu is changing from dry land to paddy field areas transplantation is unfamiliar for the masses of dry-land big differences, also require a lot of labor in rice production, more demanding, the difficulty. Planting starts than wheat, corn field, because not enough animals or labors and no skilled technology require more labor. Nonetheless, with the efforts of government and people, those areas basically realized transplanting rice planting in 1965, no longer live paddy rice, and gradually establish two boiled cropping system. In the process of changing from dry land to paddy field promotion, rice varieties on introduction and development and application are focused, realized an important measure----less money, fast effectiveness, and increased production. Constantly introducing and popularizing all high-yielding rice varieties and application, rice yield and improve quality of rice, the technical basis for renewal of rice varieties increase grain yield positive effect. In the late 1970s, people in the area have mastered the production technology, rice planting hybrid embodied universally in the production of more than of the South.After long-term unremitting efforts, the North unceasingly expands agricultural area of changing from dry land to paddy field, finally changed cropping system, enlarge the area of two boiled rice a year, getting early goals of changing from dry land to paddy field. Changing from dry land to paddy field plays major roles in local public life, rural economy and agricultural ecological environment and gets far-reaching influences. Changing from dry land to paddy field in Northern Jiangsu promotes improvement of local people’s social lives and the population quality, changes people’s eating structures and improve the level of people’s lives, enhances public physical and psychological qualities, cultivates positive ideas of people, ease of women’s labor, improve the status of women, etc, and promotes local economic and social development. In the aspects of agricultural production, it can promote water planning and construction always comply with "water with the principle of agriculture", successively serving for changing from dry land to paddy field, reservoir and main rivers building, and interbasin water transfering project from Jiang Huai provide water guarantee for changing from dry land to paddy field. At the same time Irrigation Station and HeWangHua cascade construction, gradually forms the irrigation system for changing from dry land to paddy field, changes the pure water irrigation on agricultural production. This makes full use of water in the area, effectively manages and maintains water conservancy facilities, improves irrigation efficiency. A good place to realize water conditions are made into changing from dry land to paddy field area, and can keep good water utilization condition, and mutually promote the good water management with water conservancy construction and changing from dry land to paddy field. Many reservoirs and rice fields provide bases for aquatic product raising. Increased fields and production of rice created conditions for the related industries. Many local people experienced lots, such as increased grain, destroyed locusts, etc. Changing from dry land to paddy field also can adjust and improve climate condition, the vegetation, soil and water pollution, reducing flooding, improve local probably, sand soil properties, ginger, black increase soil fertility.reduce insect pests occurrence.The great success of changing from dry land to paddy field in Northern Jiangsu also provides many revelations, changing from dry land to paddy field is an agricultural production reform of concentrated wisdoms and powers from cadres and masses. In its implementing process, changing from dry land to paddy field mobilizes hundreds of thousands of grassroots cadres and labor forces, promotes the development of water conservancy construction, makes a significant contribution on the formation of agricultural economy characteristic and the development of county economy in Northern Jiangsu. It is still a success reference to be learned and practiced----in Jiangsu Province, the south support the development of the north, the north learn advanced technology and experience from the south. It truly reflects the party and the government’s important measures and achievements of the people’s livelihood issues. Changing from dry land to paddy field provides valuable experiences for realizing the sustainable development of ecological agriculture technology, effectively guaranteeing for the national and regional food security, solving the "Three Agricultural" problems.


