

Research on the Vacation Real Estate Development and Regulation in China

【作者】 王建喜

【导师】 陈利根;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国有着十分丰富的自然和文化旅游资源,有漫长的海岸线、高质量的海滩和星罗棋布的湖泊,有众多适合发展度假旅游的山川、温泉和历史文化遗址,为度假房地产开发奠定了坚实的资源基础。随着我国经济快速发展与中产阶级的不断壮大,度假房地产开发的市场条件也趋于成熟。我国目前有各类度假区近200个,度假房地产的开发成为社会投资的热点,各种类型的度假酒店(村)、度假别墅、度假公寓也在全国各地大量涌现。另一方面,中国入世以后,国内的度假市场业逐步国际化,国外著名的度假酒店和度假村集团,开始在中国独资或合资建设或托管各类度假项目。然而,我国的度假房地产开发却存在着局部开发过热、圈地、侵占资源、破坏生态环境、过度开发等不和谐现象,迫切需要政府对度假房地产业发展加以规制,以期保护土地资源、景观生态资源,规范开发和经营行为,促进产业可持续发展。基于以上考虑,本文以围绕度假房地产开发及其规制问题,对度假房产开发中的若干重要内容展开深入的研究。借助政府规制理论、利益相关者理论和产业组织理论对度假房地产开发展开探讨,引入SCP范式对我国度假房地产市场的结构、市场主体行为和市场绩效进行了分析,度假房地产市场结构分析是基础,度假房地产开发行为分析是手段,改善和提高度假房地产市场绩效是目的,三者相互影响相互制约动态结合。在借鉴国外度假房地产规制的基础上,对度假房地产开发政府规制的必要性、规制的制度供给、度假房地产开发中的利益冲突和政府协调、开发行为的规制、规制优化和政府自身的规制等多方面展开了研究。论文首先讨论了度假房地产的基本概念,对其内涵进行了界定,包括度假房地产的概念和基本类型,分析了度假房地产的产业特性。构建度假房地产开发与政府规制框架,阐述了政府与市场、市场失灵与政府规制度假房地产的SCP范式。重点对我国度假房地产市场结构的特点、市场主体的竞争行为和市场绩效进行了深入的分析与研究,度假房地产的市场结构主要表现在市场集中度、产品差异性、准入和退出壁垒等几个方面,市场结构决定了市场行为,市场行为以开发商行为、政府行为为主导,市场结构和行为又决定了市场绩效,主要体现在度假房地产开发对地区的经济、社会文化、生态环境的改善等多个方面,反过来市场绩效又会直接反作用于市场行为和市场结构,三者等影响是双向的。开发所产生的绩效对不同利益主体的受益程度有较大差异,从而产生利益分配冲突。通过对利益相关方的利益诉求和社会责任进行分析,阐述了利益冲突的几个表现及其原因,提出利益冲突的衡平机制和政府协调建议,以寻求度假房地产开发的可持续性。在政府规制方面,借鉴了海外度假房地产的开发与规制经验,分别阐述了美国、欧盟、印度尼西亚、中东的迪拜等地在度假房地产规制方面的经验和教训,为我国度假房地产业发展和政府规制提供经验借鉴和启示,据此提出政府规制产业发展方面的基本要求,分析了房地产业规制在政策、法律等方面的制度供给,寻求度假房地产开发政府规制体系的构建。最后以千岛湖度假房地产开发作为案例进行实证研究。通过理论探讨、比较分析和实证研究,主要得出以下结论:(1)由于度假房地产行业的自身特性,行业的有较高的进入壁垒,开发周期长、资金沉淀量大,对开发的专业性和物业的持续经营管理能力要求更高;度假房产商须自持部分物业,由于资产专用性强,一旦开发不成功或后续经营失败,开发商大量的沉淀资本无法收回,行业的退出壁垒仍然很高。(2)从全国范围来看,度假房地产市场集中度非常低,但是从具体的地区来说,还属于寡头垄断的市场,开发商与当地政府的合谋以及开发企业间的价格串谋行为还在一定程度上存在,导致资源配置效率下降,造成社会福利损失。度假房地产开发所产生的经济效益非常明显,在社会文化方面所产生的效应具有滞后性,有待进一步观察,但在生态环境的改善方面,开发所产生负面的效应比较普遍,正面效应发挥的不够,政府应重点着力于改善环境绩效。(3)房地产开发利益共享机制构建是保持房地产开发可持续发展的重要因素社区居民的利益保护是利益冲突的核心。政府必须维护公共资源的公共属性,防止公众资源私有化,维护公共利益是政府的责任。(4)度假房地产的开发需要大量的土地和稀缺的景观资源,所以度假房产的供给并不可能完全市场化,资源配置的市场失灵为政府干预留下空间。政府应加强度假产业政策扶持力度和行业市场秩序的规范,制止不正当竞争,制造公平市场交易环境。产业政策能够使消费者和经营者减少或避免信息不对称,起到监管、促进和协调的作用;最大程度地创建和维持市场的灵活性,促进产业创新。度假产业政策的制定,应考虑其具有一定公益性,产业规制的导向应转向国民素质提高和提升生活品质。(5)政府规制的目标是通过市场结构优化和市场行为规范来改进市场绩效,维护景观资源、生态资源的公共属性,保护环境资源、维护公共利益。政府可通过整顿和规范市场、控制度假用地的供给、进行规划控制是政府规制度假房地产的最直接和有效的手段。环境绩效是政府需要强化监管的最重要方面,减低环境的负面影响是政府的职责。经济绩效、社会文化绩效和环境绩效三者的协调发展才是度假房地产可持续发展的根本。政府应加强度假房地产项目的绿色开发、绿色经营的引导,在政策和资金方面加大对绿色节能住宅的研发投入,制定绿色节能住宅的国家标准。

【Abstract】 There exists abundant natural and cultural tourism resource in our country, such as long coastline, beaches of high quality, lots of lakes, mountains, hot springs and historical cultural relics, which lay a solid foundation for the development of vacation real estate. For one thing, with the rapid growth of economy in our country and the increase of the number of people of middle class, better market condition is supplied with the development of vacation real estate, for which investment on vacation real estate has attracted numbers of people. There are nearly 200 tourist and holiday resorts and all kinds of resorts, tourist villas and tourist apartments are appearing at a very large scale. For the other thing, since China entered WTO, domestic leisure market is becoming more internationalized and more resorts groups abroad start to launch types of leisure items in owned enterprises, joint-venture or trusteeship. However, there also exists lots of problems during the development of vacation real estate, such as too much local development, enclosure, encroaching resource, damaging the ecological environment, over-exploitation and so on, which urgently needs more government regulation on vacation leisure real estate, in expectation to protect land and ecology resource, regulate development and operation behavior, and promote sustainable development.Based on this, focuse on the relationship between vacation real estate development and government regulation, this article carries on in-depth study on some key problems in the development of vacation real estate. With government regulation theory, stakeholder theory and the theory of industrial organization this article conduct a deep study on the vacation real estate development, study on vacation real estate market structure, market behavior and market performance using SCP paradigm. Proposesd that vacation real estate market structure is the foundation, behavior analysis is a method to improve and enhance vacation real estate market performance,the three interaction between dynamic binding constraints.Meanwhile, referring to the development and regulation of leisure real estate abroad, reformation in government regulation on leisure real estate is also discussed. According to stakeholders theory, government regulation theory and sustainable theory, the relationship between leisure real estate and regulation is overall discussed through qualitative analysis, comparative analysis and empirical analysis. There are six parts in this article:Define leisure real estate, including the definition of leisure real estate, the basic types of leisure real estate, especially the analysis on industry characteristics of leisure real estate. Make a relevant analysis on the vacation real estate development and government intervention. The necessity of government regulation on vacation real estate, basis of government regulation, content of institutional supply and impact on vacation real estate are all discussed in this part. There is analysis on the stage of evolution, geographic distribution of leisure real estate and an in-depth study on many problems existed in leisure real estate. Meanwhile, we analyze development model of holiday house sites in our country and summarize the four models existed in our country:government monopoly development, market-driven development, government-led development and resource relying development model. This part analyzed our vacation real estate market structure, market behavior and market performance using SCP paradigm. Mainly studied the vacation real estate market concentration, product differentiation, developers conduct, Government acts, and comparative analysis of market performance. Discuss stakeholders’ benefit-sharing mechanisms in leisure real estate. In order to promote sustainable development, in this part, through analyzing stakeholders’ interest demands, social responsibilities and types of and reasons for interest conflict, balancing mechanism solving conflict of interest and suggestion on government coordination will be offered. vacation real estate development make performance benefits of Stakeholder with a greater difference in the distribution of benefits and result in conflict. By the analysis interests and social responsibilities demands of the stakeholders, enumerated interest described conflicts style and reason, and constructed equitable mechanism and coordination for vacation real estate sustainable development. Analyze government regulation in leisure real estate development. Basic requirements for transformation of government functions and regulation reformation and analysis on institutional supply in policy and law of real estate industry regulation are discussed, trying to build government regulation system in leisure real estate development. Finally, we carry on empirical study by taking leisure real estate development in Qiandao Lake as the case.Through theory analysis, comparative analysis and empirical study, some conclusion is made:(1) Leisure real estate has duality, which is a combination of tourism and real estate industry. On one hand, the development of leisure real estate provides tourism with space for activities and reception facilities, which is the most important material carrier; on the other hand, tourism also supplies more visitors for the development of leisure real estate. In fact, they rely on each other to gain mutual development.(2) The development of leisure real estate is actually the exploitation to tourism resource, and consumption for leisure is consumption of environment, which has strong externality. Ecological environment has been the most important restriction factor for leisure real estate development, which means damaging ecological environment will make leisure real estate achieve no further development.(3) Building benefit-sharing mechanisms in real estate development is great importance to gain sustainable development, and the protection of community residents’ interest is the core of interest conflicts. Therefore, government has to protect public properties of public resource to avoid privatization of public resource and government should shoulder the responsibility of protecting public ethics.(4) To some extent, the development and operation model of leisure land shows the improper positioning of government in leisure real estate development. With the improvement of market mechanism and relevant laws, government should gradually reduce until withdraw the direct leisure real estate development, instead of which devoting to market supervision and coordination of interests.(5)The goal of government regulation is to regulate market, protect environment and resource and protect public interest. So government needs to build more industry policy and regulations on industry market in order to strongly support leisure industry and form fair market transaction environment. Proper industry policy can help to reduce asymmetric information from consumers and operators, which makes] sense to supervise, promote and coordinate the industry development, and it can also help to build and remain the maximal flexibility of market to promote industrial innovation. Making leisure industry policy should take social benefit into consideration, which will lead a transformation from economy driven to improvement of quality of people and life.


