

Study on Sustainable Use Evaluation of Regional Land Resources

【作者】 陈茵茵

【导师】 王万茂;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自从1987年《我们共同的未来》问世以来(WCED,1987),可持续发展作为一种新的发展理念和模式已逐渐为世界各国所接受。各国政府承诺实施可持续发展战略的同时也承诺要建立一套可持续发展指标体系,以反映其发展可持续性,并把建立和使用可持续发展指标体系作为共同的历史使命,尤其20世纪90年代以来国际上可持续发展研究已从可持续发展的定义转向可持续发展的评价和指标体系的建立。可持续土地利用是可持续发展思想在土地利用领域的具体应用。可持续土地利用的思想于1990年2月在印度新德里召开的首次国际土地持续利用系统研讨会上正式被提出和确认。可持续土地利用是区域发展的立足之本和物质基础,理所当然地成为可持续发展研究的核心内容。自1990年以来世界各国纷纷组织力量开展可持续土地利用及其评价研究,由于对可持续土地利用的内涵与目标上存在较大的争论和分岐,使得人们在评判土地利用的状态及其可持续性程度时难以选择依据与标准,使可持续土地利用评价具有不确定性。鉴于上述情况,依据土地利用可持续性为目标的可持续土地利用评价指标体系与方法研究,一直是可持续土地利用研究的热点领域,受到国内外专家、学者的极大关注。本文拟就区域尺度上对可持续土地利用及其评价的理论与方法进行初步探讨。论文在现有文献和前人研究的基础上,基于可持续性研究视角,总结和归纳现行可持续土地利用评价指标体系和评价方法,重点探讨可持续土地利用及其评价问题,具体包括筛选可持续土地利用评价指标,构建区域可持续土地利用评价指标体系,应用多指标综合评价方法对区域可持续土地利用程度和水平进行综合评价,为开展区域尤其省区级可持续土地利用评价的程序和方法研究提供有益的成果。论文以可持续发展理论、系统理论和生态学理论为指导,科学界定论文中基本概念即可持续土地利用和土地利用可持续性概念,土地利用可持续性与其合理性、适应性之间的关联和差异,合理用地的内涵以及土地利用代际公平与代内公平等,全面阐述从可持续发展到可持续土地利用的演进过程,指出可持续土地利用是人类社会发展的历史性产物,从而揭示可持续土地利用的必要性和可能性。由于人口增长和经济发展,对土地的多元需求呈不断增长趋势,使有限的土地资源更加稀缺,走可持续土地利用之路成为走出当前土地利用困境的必由之路。可持续土地利用系统是由不同属性的子系统相互交织、相互作用、相互渗透而构成的具有特定结构和功能的开放的复杂系统。具有社会性、复杂性、开放性、层次性和异质性。可持续土地利用系统系由土地自然子系统、土地经济子系统和土地生态子系统组成,由人口子系统在其中发挥着主导作用,维持可持续土地利用系统的生产力和价值增值是其良性运行的主要目标,可持续土地利用系统评价则成为其实施运行的重要手段。可持续土地利用评价,实质上就是针对土地利用可持续性所做的评价,是一种针对土地利用现状的前瞻性评价,包括定性评价和定量评价两种类型,目前国内外研究的重点为可持续土地利用的定量评价。可持续土地利用评价包括土地质量评价、土地生产潜力评价、土地资源资产评估和土地利用投入产出效益评价以及土地使用制度评价。可持续土地利用评价是传统的土地评价领域的拓展,在可持续发展思想的引领下,丰富和发展了土地评价学科的研究领域和内容,涉及到可持续土地利用的内涵、目标与评判标准及其评价方法,是可持续土地利用研究从理论到实践、从概念到方法的核心环节。传统土地利用评价的核心内容是土地质量。土地质量是土地的综合属性,常常运用土地的自然特性指标和土地的经济特性指标加以表述和评价,从而构成了不同类型的土地利用评价。可持续土地利用评价是以土地利用可持续性作为评价客体的新型土地利用评价类型,在评价路径上除去传统土地评价所采用的多维指标综合路径以外,还包括可持续土地利用评价的价值路径、面积路径和能值路径,只不过这些评价路径的实施尚需创造必要条件,期望土地资源核算体系的建立并将其纳入经济与资源环境核算体系。基于借鉴前人研究成果的考虑,论文中对现行的国内外可持续土地利用评价指标体系进行了评述,借鉴其优点,防止其不足,为构建适合我国具体国情的可持续土地利用评价指标体系提供有价值的依据。此外,还对可持续土地利用评价方法进行了评介,对其优缺点加以比较,以及运用相应方法所必须具备的条件和基础。区域可持续土地利用评价指标体系的构建是本文的核心内容。依据构建评价指标体系的原则和内在逻辑关系分析,指出评价指标的筛选原则和基本框架,将土地利用可持续性作为目标层,资源保护性、生态合理性、经济可行性和社会可接受性作为因素层,由35项指标构成因子层,形成由目标层-因素层-因子层的评价指标体系。在此基础上,以广东省为例开展可持续土地利用评价实证研究,通过评价指标筛选和实施评价指标的标准化处理,应用层次分析法确定指标权重,依据测算的各项指标的综合评价值和评价标准,应用多指标综合评价方法评价广东省土地利用可持续性状况和程度,分析其变化趋势。实证研究结果表明,1996-2006年间广东省土地利用总体上处于可持续状态,但年际间土地利用可持续变化率波动很大,说明广东省可持续土地利用水平尚处于不稳定状态,尤其是资源保护性指标值年际间波动最大,未来广东省土地资源保护任务相当艰巨。通过区域可持续土地利用评价研究,初步得出如下研究结论:(1)区域可持续土地利用是区域可持续发展的物质基础和重要内容,离开可持续土地利用讨论区域可持续发展是不可思议的;(2)可持续土地利用评价是可持续土地利用从理论研究到实践应用的重要纽带,是具体落实区域可持续土地利用的重要手段和途径。(3)可持续土地利用评价的核心内容是土地资源利用的代内公平与代际公平,可持续土地利用意味着后代人至少能够拥有当代人所拥有的土地资源资产。鉴于可持续土地利用评价是一项系统工程,可持续土地利用评价研究的顺利开展有赖于社会经济与环境资源核算体系的构建,要将可持续土地利用评价作为一项经常性评价制度,纳入区域经济社会可持续发展和区域可持续土地利用研究框架之中,并对评价中存在的指标域值、权重确定、软指标处理、指标关联性等难点问题组织力量开展科技攻关,以保证尽快研究和建立适合我国国情可持续土地利用评价指标体系和适用的科学的评价方法体系,实施《中国21世纪议程》中可持续土地利用评价的目标。

【Abstract】 As one kind of fresh development viewpoint and model,sustainable development was gradually accepted by every state nation in world since our common future was published in 1987.Government of every state nation in world promises implementing sustainable development strategy and establishing a set of sustainable development index system to reflect development sustainability, and makes it as common historical mission to establish and use sustainable development index system, especially makes a study of sustainable development from definition to evaluation and establishing index system since 1990. Sustainable land use is concretely applying sustainable development idea to land use territory. Sustainable land use idea was brought forward and affirmed on first international land sustainable use system workshop convoked on New Delhi city in February 1990. Sustainable land use is foothold and substance foundation of region development, go without saying, it is core content of sustainable development research.Every state nation in world start to research sustainable land use and evaluation since 1990, they have biggish dispute and divarication on connotation and target of sustainable land use, so people were difficult to choose foundation and criterion when they judge condition and sustainability of land use, and made it have uncertainty to evaluate sustainable land use. Whereas the above-mentioned situation, the research of sustainable land use evaluation index system and means regarding land use sustainability as target is always heatpoint territory of studying sustainable land use, and was greatly concerned by specialists and scholars of home and abroad. The dissertation plans to initially discuss theory and means of sustainable land use and evaluation on the yardstick of region.Based on existing literature and predecessors research, the dissertation stressly discusses sustainable land use and evaluation from visual angle of sustainablility, concretely includes filtering index of sustainable land use evaluation, constructing index system of sustainable land use evaluation, synthetically evaluating degree and level of regional sustainable land use with mul-index synthetical evaluation means, and especially affords useful fruit for researching process and means of land use evaluation in province region.With sustainable development theory, system theory, bionomics theory as guidance, the dissertation scientificlly defines basic conception, such as sustainable land use and land use sustainability, conjunction and difference belong with land use sustainability, rationality and suitability, connotation of reasonably using land, land use generational justice and intergenerational justice etc. roundly elaborates evolution process from sustainable development to sustainable land use, points out sustainable land use is historical production of mankind society development, reveals necessary and probability of sustainable land use. With population increasing and economy developing, multiple demand for land is appearing constantly growing current, so limited land resources is becoming more rare, the road of sustainable land use is the only way of walking out nowadays predicament of land use.Sustainable land use system is exoteric complex system that has specific structure and function, composed of different attribute subsystem interlacing, effecting and penetrating each other. so it has society, complexity, exoterices, arrangement and heterogeneity. Sustainable land use system consist of land nature subsystem, land economy subsystem and land nature subsystem and land ecosystem, population subsystem playing on dominant affect, maintaining fertility and price increment of sustainable land use system is main target for its benign moving, sustainable land use system evaluation is important means for its actualizing.Evaluation of sustainable land use is evaluation aiming at land use sustainability, is foreseeable evaluation aiming at land use present situation, it includes two types of qualitative and quantitative evaluation, researchful stress of home and abroad is quantitative evaluation of sustainable land use at present. Evaluation of sustainable land use includes land quality evaluation, land produce potential evaluation, land resources-asset evaluation, land use input-output benefit evaluation and land use system evaluation. Evaluation of sustainable land use is development of traditional land evaluation territory, under guided by sustainable development, it enriches and develops research territory and contents of land evaluation subject, relates to connotation, target, judging criterion and evaluating means of land use, also is core segment of researching sustainable land use from theory to practice and from concept to means.Core content of traditional land use evaluation is land quality. land quality is land synthesize attribute, often expressed and evaluated with land nature characteristic index and land economy characteristic index, so constitutes different land use evaluation.Looking on land use sustainability as evaluation substance, sustainable land use evaluation is new type land use evaluation style, besides of multinomial index synthetical route adopted by traditional land evaluation, evaluation route consists of price route, area route and energy route of sustainable land use evaluation, but carrying out these evaluation route needs to created necessary condition, hopes setting up land resources count system and making it bringing into economy—resources environment count system.Based on thinking of using for referencing predecessors research, the dissertation appraises through comparison actual sustainable land use evaluation index system home and abroad, uses for reference its advantage, prevents its shortage, offers valuable foundation for building sustainable land use evaluation index system that fits our concrete the situation of a country. besides, evaluates sustainable land use evaluation means, compares with its advantage and shortage, condition and foundation that applying relevant means needed.Textual core content is building regional sustainable land use evaluation index system. According principle of building index system and inherent logic relation, points out filtrate principle and basic frame of evaluation index, target layer is land use sustainability, criterion layer consist of resource protection, zoology rationality, economy feasibility and society acception, index layer consist of 35 indexs. Based on the foundation, dissertation has initiated case studies of guangdong province to launch sustainable land use evaluation. Through dealing evaluation index with filtrating and standarded, making sure index proportion with the analytic hierarchy process, according compositive evaluation cost and evaluation level of index, appraises land use sustainability state and degree of guangdong province with mul-index synthetical evaluation means, analyzes its change trend. case study showing, land use of guangdong province is sustainable state as a whole in 1996—2006, but wave is prodigious of land use sustainability change rate from year to year, explains that land use level of guangdong province is at unstable state, especially wave of resource protection index is maximum, future assignment of land resource protection is properly arduous.These are some preliminary conclusions on regional sustainable land use evaluation. (1) Region sustainable land use is substance foundation and core content of region sustainable development, it is mysterious that leaving sustainable land use to discuss Region sustainable development; (2) Sustainable land use evaluation is important link of sustainable land use from academic research to practice application, is important method and measure to ascertain region sustainable land use idea. (3) The core content of sustainable land use evaluation is generational justice and intergenerational justice, sustainable land use mean that descendants can own land resource assets as up-to-date owning at least.Seeing that sustainable land use evaluation is the systemic project, successfully launching sustainable land use evaluation research relies on constructing system of society economy and environment resources, regarding sustainable land use evaluation as regular evaluation system and fiting it into research frame of regional society economy sustainable development and sustainable land use, in the mean time, launches to tackle key problem of science and technology for some difficulty problems that evaluation exist index value, proportion, disposal and relationship to ensure as quickly as possible researching and establishing index system of sustainable land use evaluation that is fiting for china condition and applying scientific evaluation means system, carrys out the target of sustainable land use evaluation in 21 century agenda of China.

【关键词】 区域可持续性土地利用评价指标体系
【Key words】 regionsustainabilityland useevaluationindex system

