

On Urban Environmental Governance Pattern in Transition Period in China

【作者】 陈海秋

【导师】 曲福田;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 城市环境治理作为一种新理念越来越受到人们的广泛认可。国内外诸多城市发展表明,从管理到治理是当今世界应对城市环境问题的基本趋势。中国城市化的快速发展,对推动整个国民经济的发展发挥了重要作用,但与此同时也造成了严重的城市环境污染。这不仅降低城市居民生活质量,严重危害人体健康,而且破坏了城市经济发展的自然物质条件,制约了城市经济持续发展的潜力。当前和今后一个时期中国仍将处于城市化快速发展时期,进一步推进城市化是中国经济发展的必然趋势,由此将面临更加严峻的环境污染问题。传统的城市环境管理模式由于自身无法克服的弊端,无法及时有效地解决城市化快速发展过程中出现的新问题与新挑战。如何解决日益复杂严峻的现实环境问题?如何应对快速城市化过程中不断凸显的环境新挑战?就成为一项亟需解决的重要课题。在此背景下,研究城市环境治理的基本理论,探讨适合中国国情的城市环境治理的模式与创新机制,就具有很强的理论和现实意义。城市环境治理理论的产生有着丰富的思想渊源与深厚的理论基础。文章全面梳理概括了公共治理理论、城市管理理论、环境管理理论、可持续发展理论与循环经济理论等城市环境治理的基础理论。这些理论基础为研究“城市环境治理”提供了基本的思路、方向和指导原则,是研究“城市环境治理模式”必须依赖的基础与支撑。城市环境治理是转型期应对城市环境问题的一种新理念与新方法。文章详细分析论述了城市环境治理的理论框架的基本内容,深入剖析了城市环境治理的主体、模式、评价方法体系等核心因素,进一步丰富了城市环境治理的理论框架。文章指出,城市环境治理就是各类治理主体对城市环境公共事务进行合作参与多元化管理的一种过程或状态。城市环境治理与城市环境管理既有联系,又有区别,城市环境治理与城市环境管理密切相关,但城市环境治理不等于城市环境管理。城市环境治理背景下的主体是多元化主体,不仅有政府,还有市场、企业、民间组织、NGO、城市公民与居民。传统的城市环境管理主要实行单一城市管理主体,偏重于政府对城市环境事务进行自上而下的支配、强制、限制与控制;而城市环境治理则实行包括政府在内的多元化治理主体,注重环境治理的合作、参与、自愿、双赢。城市环境治理的目标就是保持良好环境、美化生活环境、治理不良环境。城市环境治理不仅仅是政府行为,也不仅仅是经济行为,更是一种政治行为。因此,必须重视城市环境治理的理念、精神与边界。进一步分析而言,城市环境治理的核心要点、基本精神主要为:上下互动,左右协调,内外结合,多元合作,共进双赢。这四个方面,既是对城市环境治理的原则要求,同时也是城市环境治理努力实现与追求的一种理想目标。国内外城市环境的“管理与治理”并存,共促共进,推动城市环境治理的进一步发展。国内外城市环境管理的理念、方法与过程,既具有一定的共性,也具有显著的差异性。第4章概括分析了发达国家城市环境治理的基本特征、发展历程、基本做法、主要措施及其经验,认为他们的经验对转型期中国城市环境治理具有借鉴意义。第5章比较翔实地分析了管理理念仍然占有主导地位的中国城市环境管理的发展演变、政策法规、机构体制与实践模式等基本现状,揭示并归纳了现阶段中国城市环境治理面临的问题与挑战,认为这些问题的存在,既有社会经济快速发展和城市化进程不断加快而产生的必然因素,也有中国城市环境治理的体制、机制和法制等方面不健全,无法适应中国城市环境治理工作而产生的现实因素。GCPD治理模式是适合中国国情的创新模式。第7章在充分考察分析城市环境治理的基本理论以及国内外城市环境治理的实践经验与问题挑战的基础上,创新设计了转型期具有中国特色的“政府主导式合作参与多元化治理模式”即GCPD治理模式。文章指出,政府主导式合作参与多元化治理模式,就是在有限政府的主导下,城市中各类治理主体对城市环境实施合作型、参与式、多元化的治理的一种新兴模式。GCPD治理模式表达式为:政府主导+(合作型+参与式+多元化)=GCPD治理模式。“政府主导”统领与协调“合作型、参与式、多元化”,由此创新、搭建一个新的治理模式。“政府主导、合作型、参与式、多元化”等四者之间不是彼此孤立、相互排斥的,相反是相互支持、相互配合与相互促进的四位一体。通过对“政府主导、合作型、参与式、多元化”等四位一体的整合、修正与创新,从而形成一种新的有机的合力。GCPD治理模式是基于由管理转向治理视角的、首要的、统帅性创新模式,而要把GCPD治理模式贯彻落实造具体实践中,还需要一个强有力的支撑体系,这个支撑体系就是由制度创新、体制机制创新、现代手段引入选用与评估评价体系构建四位一体、相互关联的有机统一体。嘉兴市城市环境管理是一种典型的GCPD治理模式。第8章通过对代表性城市——嘉兴市环境管理实践活动和绩效的考察分析,发现嘉兴市环境保护管理工作明显领先超前,比较符合、接近GCPD治理模式,体现了GCPD治理模式的正确性、可行性与适用性,是GCPD治理模式在嘉兴市的具体运用。文章指出,嘉兴市运用GCPD治理模式及其支撑体系指导、推进全市的环境保护管理工作,努力实现环境治理转型,取得了显著的成效。嘉兴市环境保护管理工作,是一种实践的GCPD治理模式。这一模式来自实践,用之于实践;切实可行,易于推广。嘉兴市在内的城市环境治理起步虽晚,但发展较快,处于起步阶段,并逐步正在向中级阶段迈进。最后,在系统回顾全文的基础上,第9章概括归纳城市环境治理的基本理论、国内外实践经验、GCPD模式及其实证分析等基本结论,提出了有关政策建议,以期进一步修正、补充与完善中国特色GCPD治理模式及其支撑体系,促进城市经济、社会与环境的协调发展。

【Abstract】 As a new concept urban environmental governance was recognized more and more widely. Many Urban’s development at home and abroad indicated that transformation from management to governance was a basic trend of the world’s dealing with urban environmental problems. The rapid development of urbanization in China played an important role in promoting the development of the national economy. But at the same time it caused serious environmental pollution in cities, which not only reduced the life quality of urban residents, did serious harm to human health, but also undermined natural physical conditions of urban economic development, restricted the sustainable development potential of urban economy. At present and a long time in future urbanization in China will remain in the period of rapid development. Further promoting urbanization was an inevitable trend in Chinese economic development. so, more serious environmental pollution problems will be faced. The traditional pattern of urban environmental management could not overcome the shortcomings of its own, and could not promptly and effectively solved new problems and new challenges occurred during rapid urbanization. How to solve the increasingly complex and serious environmental problems? How to deal with the unceasingly new environmental challenges occurred during rapid urbanization? These were important issues urgently awaits to be solved. Under this background, it will have more theoretical and practical significance for China to study the basic theory of urban environmental governance and discuss governance pattern and innovative mechanisms of urban environment which suited for Chinese national condition.The generation of urban environmental governance theory had rich thought origin and profound theoretical basis. The basic theory of urban environmental governance such as public governance theory, urban management theory, environmental management theory, sustainable development theory and circulation economy theory were summarized. These basic theories provided the basic ideas, direction and guiding principles for researching urban environmental governance, which was foundation to study urban environmental governance pattern.Urban environmental governance was a new philosophy and new methods to deal with urban environmental problems in transition period in China. Basic theory of urban environmental governance was discussed in detail in the article. Main body, pattrens, assessment methodologies and other core elements of urban environmental governance were thorough analyzed. It was pointed out that urban environmental governance was a process or a state that series of main body of governance cooperated, participated in and diversified managed public affairs of urban environment. Urban environmental governance and urban environmental management are closely related. The two has both difference and relation. Urban environmental governance had multiform main bodies as government, market, business, civil society organizations, NGO and urban citizens, which underlined co-governance, participation, voluntary and win-win situation. The traditional urban environmental management had a single management body which emphasized government’s domination, compulsory, restriction and controlling on urban environmental affairs from the top downward. Goals of urban Environmental governance were to treat poor environment, maintain a good environment, and beautify the living. Urban Environmental governance was not just government action, not just economic behavior, but also a political act. So, concept, spirit and boundaries of urban environmental governance must be attached importance to. Core elements of urban environmental governance had four: to interact between upper and lower, to coordinate left with right, to integrate internal with external, to multiple cooperate, and win-win and teamwork. These four aspects both principle requirements for urban environmental governance, but also an ideal target for urban environmental governance to pursuit and efforts to achieve.Concept, methods and processes of urban environmental management at home and abroad had generality as well as particularity. In transition period, "Management and Governance" of urban environment at home and abroad coexisted together which mutually promoted, and pushed urban environmental governance forward. Basic characteristics, development process, basic practice, main measures and experience of developed countries’ urban environmental governance were summarized in Chapter 4. Their experience had a significant reference for urban environmental governance in China. Evolution, policies and regulations, organization system and practical patterns of Chinese urban environment management were comprehensively analyzed in Chapter 5. Performance, faced with problems and challenges of urban environmental governance in China at the current stage also were revealed. It was considered that problems and challenges were resulted from not only rapid social economic development and unceasingly accelerating urbanization, but also not perfect of structure, mechanism and legal system of urban environmental governance.GCPD was an innovation pattren of urban environmental governance suitable for Chinese situation.Through full probing into basic theory of urban environmental governance and experience and issues of urban environmental governance at home and abroad, an urban environmental governance pattren of" government-oriented, Cooperation, participation, diversity " was designed, namely GCPD governance pattren. It was pointed out that urban environmental governance pattren of " government-oriented, cooperation, participation, diversity " was an emerging pattren of governance which various of main body in urban carried out "cooperation, participation, diversity" governance in urban environment under the auspices of limited government. The expression of GCPD governance pattren was:Government-oriented+(Cooperation+Participation in+Diversity) GCPD. Government-oriented commanded and coordinated " cooperation, participation, diversity ", and thus built a new pattren of governance. They four was not isolated from each other or repelled one another, but instead they were in one of mutual support, mutual cooperation and mutual promotion. It will be formed a new organic force by integrating, modifing and innovating " government-oriented, Cooperation, participation, diversity ".To make GCPD governance pattren into practice, a strong support system was needed which was built of institutional innovation, mechanism innovation, selection of modern means and assessment system.Urban environmental management in Jiaxing was a typical GCPD governance pattren. Urban environmental management practices and achievements in Jiaxing were deeply inspected in Chapter 7.It was found that environmental protection and management in Jiaxing was in the leading position in China, and Jiaxing is practicing GCPD governance pattern. It was because that GCPD governance pattern was practicaly applied and urban environmental management was successfully transformed to urban environmental governance, result of urban environmental governance in Jiaxing was remarkable.The case of Jiaxing indicated GCPD governance pattren feasible in China. That further promotion of GCPD governance pattren should be positively study.In the last part, the conclusions of whole research were made and several policy proposals were put forward to effect urban environmental governance in China,to promote urban economic, social and environmental coordinated and Sustainable development.


