

Research on the Economical Benefits of the Protection Institution of Geographical Indication of Huangshan Teas from the Angle of Tea Farmers and Tea Enterprises

【作者】 占辉斌

【导师】 陈超;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 在全球经济不断增长的今天,地理标志已不仅仅是一类知识产权,而且发挥着重要的经济作用,已成为多边或双边贸易谈判的议题。虽然我国地理标志保护起步较晚,但我国对实施地理标志保护采取了积极的取向。鉴于目前在世界范围内对地理标志保护还存在较大的争议,因此,深入研究我国地理标志保护制度实施以来所取得的成果,尤其是经济效益,以便更好地利用地理标志保护的国际规则,保护和促进我国特色产品的发展,无疑具有十分重要的意义。本文以黄山茶叶地理标志保护制度为研究对象,以茶农和和茶叶企业为突破口,从经济效益的角度,采用规范与实证研究相结合的方法,对黄山茶叶地理标志保护制度进行研究。其主要内容为:第一章:绪论对论文总体情况作简要介绍,主要阐述论文的研究背景和意义、研究的目的和对象、研究内容及论文结构、研究方法和研究技术路线以及可能的创新点和不足之处等。第二章:理论知识概述和文献综述对地理标志保护相关的基本理论知识和已有的研究成果进行梳理和回顾并作简要述评。第三章:国内外地理标志保护制度探析主要介绍国际上与地理标志保护有关的主要国际公约,分析欧盟地理标志保护制度、法国地理标志保护制度、美国、印度以及我国等国家的地理标志保护制度体系。第四章:黄山茶叶地理标志保护制度经济效益分析框架本章从黄山茶叶供应链的角度梳理了黄山茶叶生产供给涉及的主要相关利益主体,然后对黄山地理标志茶叶生产供给做出理论假设,构建黄山茶叶地理保护制度经济效益研究的理论与实证分析框架,为进行黄山茶叶生产的企业与茶农行为实证分析提供理论架构。第五章:样本茶农情况分析主要应用统计学方法对茶农调查数据进行初步整理和统计分析,给出调查数据的描述性分析结果。第六章:黄山茶叶地理标志保护制度经济效益的实证分析----以茶农为视角本章从茶农的角度考察黄山茶叶地理标志保护制度对茶农从事茶叶生产收入的影响。首先对地理标志茶叶生产茶农和普通茶叶生产茶农的生产经济效益进行比较分析,在此基础上,对328户地理标志茶叶生产茶农进行进一步研究,考察影响其地理标志茶叶生产的经济效益的因素。为此,构建茶农地理标志茶叶生产经济效益分析的理论模型,然后采用适宜的计量经济学方法,实证地分析影响茶农地理标志茶叶生产经济效益的主要影响因素。第七章:企业黄山地理标志茶叶生产经济效益的实证研究本章主要分析影响企业从事地理标志茶叶生产经济效益的主要因素。为此,首先构建企业地理标志茶叶生产经济效益分析的理论模型,然后采用适宜的计量经济学方法,实证地分析影响企业地理标志茶叶生产经济效益的主要因素。第八章:黄山茶农地理标志茶叶生产意及其影响因素的二元Logistic模型分析黄山地理标志茶叶的生产必须以茶农为基础,茶农地理标志茶叶的生产意愿影响着黄山地理标志茶叶产业的发展。本章首先从农户行为理性、农户行为目标的利润最大化方面对茶农地理标志茶叶生产行为进行理论分析,在此基础上,建立二元Logistic模型,研究黄山茶农地理标志茶叶生产的意愿及其影响因素。第九章:研究结论和对策建议基于以上统计和计量分析的结果,导出总体结论和对策建议,提出值得进一步研究的问题。本文的主要研究结论如下:(1)通过对生产地理标志茶叶和生产普通茶叶的茶农的比较发现,黄山茶叶地理标志保护制度已有效地改善了茶农茶叶生产收入。从比较结果看,资金投入、劳动投入、地理标志对茶农从事茶叶生产的收入都存在有着一定正向的影响,但影响程度不同,其中,地理标志茶叶生产变量达到了极显著水平,由此可见,黄山茶叶地理标志保护制度已有效地改善了茶农茶叶生产收入。(2)茶农地理标志茶叶生产经济效益除了受资金投入、劳动投入影响之外,还受其他一系列关键因素影响。通过对328户地理标志茶叶生产茶农的研究表明,在茶农家庭自身基本特征方面,茶农家庭平均年龄、平均文化程度和家庭人均茶叶生产面积对茶农从事地理标志茶叶生产的经济效益有一定的影响,但影响不是很显著。在茶农地理标志茶叶生产特征方面,茶农茶叶生产专用设施的投入、农药肥料的购买方式和病虫害的防治方式以及茶农对农药残留的重视程度、对黄山茶叶地理标志保护的认知水平对茶农从事地理标志茶叶生产的经济效益产生了显著的影响。而在市场特征方面,茶农是否是通过协议的方式与茶叶企业进行交易、是否知道企业对质量有所要求以及企业对茶农的茶叶生产是否进行技术指导和对茶农提供利润返还对茶农从事地理标志茶叶生产的经济效益产生了积极的影响。在外部环境特征方面,包括茶农是否加入农民合作社以及政府主要相关部门在茶农地理标志茶叶生产中发挥的作用。由此可见,茶农从事地理标志茶叶生产的经济效益是多种因素综合作用的结果,且有其内在的规律性。(3)通过对地理标志茶叶与普通茶叶的产出—投入的比较分析,构建企业地理标志茶叶生产经济比较收益率指标并进行分析。研究表明,企业地理标志茶叶生产的经济效益受到许多因素的影响。在企业自身基本特征方面,企业规模和科技研究人员数量对企业从事地理标志茶叶生产的经济效益有显著正向影响,但显著性各有不同,且影响程度也不同;在企业地理标志茶叶生产特征方面的影响因素包括质量检测控制体系建设、责任人制度两个变量,并且这个两个变量都达到了极显著水平;在企业市场特征方面,企业产品品牌的知名度存在显著影响,销售市场变量有一定的正向影响,但影响却不显著。在外部环境特征方面,企业基地原料采购比例和政府相关部门发挥作用变量有一定的正向影响,但显著性各有不同,且影响程度也不同。由此可见,企业从事地理标志茶叶生产的经济效益是多种因素综合作用的结果,且有其内在的规律性。(4)茶农对地理标志茶叶的生产影响着黄山地理标志茶叶产业的发展。总体而言,茶农未来地理标志茶叶生产的愿望比较强烈,但不同茶农的生产意愿有明显差异,茶农的生产意愿受到许多因素的影响。研究表明,茶农未来地理标志茶叶生产意愿与茶农户主文化程度、专用设施投入、地理标志认识水平、茶叶品质关注以及茶叶农药残留的重视程度等因素呈显著的相关关系,与茶叶销售市场距离、户主年龄、生产经营规模、家庭规模等因素呈一定的正相关关系,与户主的性别、茶叶收入所占家庭总收入比重、地理标志宣传培训活动、政府部门的作用因素关系不显著。由此可见,茶农未来是否愿意生产地理标志茶叶受众多因素的共同影响,有其内在的规律性。基于上述研究结论,本文提出了若干对策建议:(1)注重培育实施地理标志茶叶的产业龙头企业,打造黄山地理标志茶叶知名品牌;(2)企业要严把质量关,建设完善质量标准体系及保障体系,确保黄山地理标志茶叶的优良品质;(3)积极鼓励企业更新设备,加快技改步伐,确保产品质量的稳定和提高;(4)在抓住国内销售市场的同时积极开拓国际市场;(5)逐步引导茶农适度规模经营,激发茶农专用设施的投入,提高茶农茶叶收入;(6)积极探索更为有效的农企联结机制;(7)加大黄山茶叶地理标志保护的宣传,增强民众的保护意识。此外,在黄山地理标志茶叶区域公用品牌的使用管理、保护上,政府要有所作为。为此,黄山市各级政府部门应:(1)研究和制定黄山地理标志茶叶产业发展的政策,尤其是在财政投入、公共品牌宣传等方面制定相应的优惠政策和扶持措施,为黄山市地理标志茶叶产业的长远发展,创造了良好的政策环境;(2)强化合作,加大监管和打假维权力度,做好黄山茶叶地理标志申报后的监管工作,规范茶叶市场秩序,保证黄山地理标志茶叶的品质信誉,促进黄山地理标志茶叶产业的健康发展。

【Abstract】 In today’s ever-growing global economy, geographical indication is not only a kind of intellectual property rights, but also play an important economic role, being the multilateral or bilateral trade negotiations issues. Although our country started rather late in the protection of geographical indication, we took active orientation on the implementation of the protection of geographical indication. There is still big dispute worldwide on the protection of geographical indication, therefore, in order to better use the international rules related to geographical indication, to protect and promote the development of product with Chinese characteristic, further studies on the implementation status of our country’s protection institution of geographical indication have undoubtedly very important sense.This paper make the researches on the protection institution of geographical indication of Huangshan teas, with tea farmers and tea enterprises as a breakthrough, from the angle of economic benefits, combining the normative and the empirical research methods. Its main contents are as follows:Chapter1:The introductory sectionThis part introduced briefly the overall situation of this paper, explains the research background and meaning, the research object, purpose and the research content and the papers structure, research methods and the technical route and possible innovation points and limitations etc.Chapter2:The summarization of theoretical knowledge and literature reviewBasic theories and the existing research achievements related to geographical indication protection are summarized and reviewed briefly. Chapter3:Discussions on domestic and international protection institution of geographical indicationIt mainly introduces the main international conventions related to the protection of geographical indication, analyzes the protection institution of geographical indication of EU, France, the United States, India, and China.Chapter4:The analysis framework of economical efficiency of the protection institution of geographical indication of Huangshan teasFrom the angle of Huangshan teas supply chain This chapter classified the relevant benefit-related suppliers of Huangshan teas production, then list the theoretical assumptions to Huangshan teas production supplies, and build theoretical and empirical analysis framework for economic benefits researches, which is the base to make analysis of the behavior of Huangshan teas farmers and enterprises.Chapter5:Analysis of the survey with samples of tea farmersThis section mainly uses statistical methods to make preliminary sorting and statistical analysis of survey datas to tea farmers, and show the descriptive analysis results.Chapter6:Empirical researches on the economical benefits of the protection institution of geographical indication of Huangshan teas——from the angle of tea farmersThis chapter studies the influences of the protection institution of geographical indication of Huangshan teas on the income of tea farmers. Based on the compare between the economical benefits of the ordinary teas and the geographical indication Huangshan teas, we make further researches on the selected 328 tea farmers of geographical indication Huangshan teas, to work out the economical benefits of producing geographical indication Huangshan teas. Therefore, firstly, set up the theoretical model for the economical benefits of producing geographical indication Huangshan teas, then using the appropriate econometric methods, make analysis of the economical benefits of tea farmers’producing of geographical indication Huangshan teas and the major determinants.Chapter7:Empirical research on the economical benefits of geographical indication Huangshan teas production of enterprisesThis chapter is about the factors influencing the economical benefits of enterprises’ production of geographical indication Huangshan teas. Therefore, firstly, the author set up the theoretical model for the economical benefits of enterprises’production of geographical indication Huangshan teas, and then using the appropriate econometric methods; make analysis of the factors influencing the economical benefits of enterprises’production of geographical indication Huangshan teas.Chapter8:Analysis using binary logistical model on production willingness and its influencing factors of geographical indication Huangshan teasThe production of geographical indication Huangshan teas depend on tea farmers, and the development of the industry of geographical indication Huangshan teas depend on tea farmers’production.willingness. This part makes theoretical analysis on tea farmers’ production of geographical indication Huangshan teas from the aspects of farm behavior rationality and their behavior objective of profit maximization. On this basis, it establish binary Logistical model, and make the research on production willingness and its influencing factors of geographical indication Huangshan teas farmers.Chapter 9:Conclusion, countermeasures and proposalsBased on the above statistical and quantitative analysis results, it draws the overall conclusions and countermeasures, point out the problem worthy of further researching.In this paper the main conclusions are as follows:(1) Through comparison between the income tea producing of the ordinary teas and with geographical indication teas, the results show that the protection institution of geographical indication of Huangshan teas has effectively improve the income of tea farmers. It also shows that capital investment, labor input and geographical indication positively influence the income, to different extent. Geographical indication, the explanatory variable that we mostly concerned about, has the most significant effect on the income. Thus, the protection institution of geographical indication of Huangshan teas has effectively improved the income of local tea farmers.(2) Apart from capital investment and labor input, a series of other factors affect the economical benefits of tea production. The survey with the production of 328 tea farmers producing geographical indication Huangshan teas show that the following factors have impact on the economical benefits. As for the basic family characteristics of tea farmers, average age of the family, average cultural level, producing area per capital, to a certain extent, affect the economical benefits, but the effect are not significant. As for the production characteristics of tea farmers, input of special facilities for tea producing, buying patterns of fertilizer and pesticide, ways of pest control, tea farmers’value degree to pesticide residue, cognition level to geographical indication,Huangshan teas, all above factors, have significant effects on economical benefits. Market characteristics, whether tea farmers make transactions with tea enterprises by the way of agreement, whether they know enterprises’requirement for quality, whether tea firms provide technological guide and profit refund all have positive effects. For The external environment characteristics, including whether or not tea farmers join the farmer cooperatives and the role relevant government departments has played on producing of geographical indication Huangshan teas. Thus, production economical benefits of geographical indication Huangshan teas is the result of multi-factors, and has its inherent regularity.(3)Analyze through output - input comparison between the ordinary teas and the geographic indication teas, constructing the economic benefits comparative index of enterprises’production of geographical indication Huangshan teas. Research shows that enterprise geographical indication Huangshan teas production economic benefits is affected by a lot of factors. About the basic characteristics of enterprise itself, enterprise scale and technology researchers geographical have significantly positive effects on the economic benefits of geographical indication teas production, but significance are different; As for the enterprises’production characteristic, the determinants are made up of the quality test and control system construction and system of person in charge, and both the two variables achieved a significant level; about the enterprise market characteristics, the enterprise product brand popularity exists a remarkable effect, and the variable of sales market has a positive effect, but the impact is not significant. As for the external environment characteristics, the proportion of enterprises’base raw material purchasing and function of relevant government department have positive effect, but significance are different, and the influence degree is different either. Therefore, the economical benefits of enterprises’ geographical indication teas production is affected by multi-factors, and has its inherent regularity.(4) Production of geographical indication Huangshan teas affects the development of industry of geographical indication Huangshan teas. In general, the intention to produce geographical indication Huangshan teas is rather intensive, but it differs obviously among the tea farmers. The willingness is significantly correlated with tea farmers’cultural level, special facilities investment, recognition level of geographical indication Huangshan teas, attention to tea quality, and the degree to which pesticide residual is valued. And the willingness is positively correlated with the following factors, distance to tea markets, age of the head of a household, scale of production and operation, size of family etc. but not significantly correlated with gender of household head, ratio of tea income, accounting for the whole family income, propaganda and training activities of geographical indication, and function of related government departments. Thus, the intention to produce geographical indication Huangshan teas is affected by many factors, and has its inherent regularity.Based on the above research conclusion, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions:(1) stress fostering leading enterprises of tea industry that do business of geographical indication teas, built well-known brands of geographical indication Huangshan teas;(2) enterprise should strictly control tea quality and construct quality standard system and guarantee system to ensure superior quality of geographical indication Huangshan teas; (3) actively encourage enterprises to update equipment, quicken the pace of modification to ensure the stable and better quality;(4) seize the domestic market at the same time actively explore international market; (5) gradually instruct tea farmers to suitable scale operation, stimulate tea farmers to input tea-related special investment facilities, increase tea farmers’income; (6) actively explore more effective agriculture-enterprises benefit coupling mechanism; (7) intensify propaganda of the protection of geographical indication Huangshan teas, enhance the people’s awareness of protection.In addition, the government should make a difference in the use, management and protection of regional public brand of geographical indication Huangshan teas, therefore, Huangshan city government departments at various levels shall (1) provide policy support. study and enact industry development policies of geographical indication Huangshan teas, especially in the financial investment, public brand publicity aspects, work out preferential policies and supportive measures for the sake of the long-term healthy development of tea industry, and creating good policy environment;(2) strengthen cooperation and increase supervision, anti-fakes and rights safeguard dynamics, stressing the supervision of geographic indications Huangshan teas after declaration, regulating the tea market order, ensuring the quality reputation of geographical indication Huangshan teas, promote the healthy development of geographic indication Huangshan teas industry.

  • 【分类号】F326.12;F203
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】903
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