

Regionalization Method and Its Application of Non-Point Source Pollution Control

【作者】 段华平

【导师】 卞新民;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农业非点源污染控制区划研究是农村环境保护研究的新领域。随着点源污染控制能力的提高,非点源污染尤其是农业非点源污染的严重性逐渐显现出来。在中国水体污染严重的流域,农田、畜禽养殖、水产养殖和城乡结合部的生活排污是造成水体氮、磷富营养化的主要原因,其贡献率大大超过来自城市生活污水的点源污染和工业的点源污染。由于受土壤、地形、气候、水文、土地利用和管理方式等众多因素的影响,农业非点源污染存在明显的地域性和不平衡性,污染负荷空间差异性非常显著。因此,在制定农业非点源污染控制规划时,并非一定要在整个区域实施全面治理,如果首先识别出区域内的污染高负荷区,并优先加强管理,则可以大大降低污染控制工作的难度,更好地实现预期的治理目标。基于此,本文以县级行政区域为基本单元,开展农业非点源污染综合定量评价,进行污染控制区划研究,根据区划结果对农业非点源污染实行分级管理和分类控制,可以提高污染治理的成效,为农业非点源污染控制提供理论指导,促进农村环境保护的宏观管理。本文采用了理论分析和实例分析相结合的研究方法,在综合分析国内外农业非点源污染与区划研究进展的基础上,阐述了开展农业非点源污染控制区划的重要性及其目前的研究概况,明确了农业非点源污染控制区划的概念。提出了农业非点源污染控制区划方法体系,并对定量核算江苏省农业非点源污染物所需的参数值取值进行了实地调查、模型模拟和文献综述研究,最后以江苏省为例进行了研究分析。通过理论分析和实例研究表明:(1)农业非点源污染控制区划是指根据区域自然和社会经济条件核算出农业非点源污染物排放情况及进行农业非点源环境污染敏感性评价,明确农业非点源污染的类型和污染控制方向,将区域划分成不同农业非点源污染控制区的过程。农业非点源污染控制区划是进行农业非点源污染控制的一项基础工作。(2)在明确农业非点源污染控制区划研究任务和内容的基础上,提出了农业非点源污染控制区划的方法体系。农业非点源污染控制区划方法体系包括以下几个方面:①农业非点源污染物排放状况的清单分析;②农业非点源污染敏感性评价;③农业非点源污染类型划分;④农业非点源污染控制分区及其概述。该区划方法体系通过清单分析定量化核算基本单元的农业非点源污染物COD、TN、TP)排放量及区域分异规律,并进行农业非点源污染敏感性评价和污染类型的划分,然后根据敏感性评价进行污染控制一级区划,根据污染类型进行污染控制二级区划,经过综合分析和调整最终得到区划结果。方法实现了以定量分析为主,辅助定性分析,实现了“自下而上”与“自上而下”区划途径的结合。(3)在农用非点源污染控制区划方法体系之中,定量核算农业非点源污染物是开展农业非点源污染控制区划的关键,而要定量核算农业非点源污染物,关键是确定各污染源的产污系数和排污系数。通过对江苏省农业非点源污染源的实地调查、模型模拟和文献收集等手段,获取了定量核算江苏省农业非点源污染物所需要的所有参数值。(4)本文以江苏省为例进行了实例研究,实现了区划方法的成功应用。①农业非点源污染物(COD、TN、TP)的定量化核算表明,江苏省的农业非点源污染主要是由农业生产过程所产生的。从主要污染物角度来看,COD、TN、TP等标排放量占总等标排放量的比例分别为6.81%、56.50%、36.69%,可见江苏省农业非点源主要污染物为TN和TP。②江苏省农业非点源污染敏感性级别分为三级,其中浦口区等33个县(市、区)为农业非点源污染轻度敏感区域,六合区等25个县(市、区)为农业非点源污染中度敏感区域,高淳县、海安县、海门市、如东县、通州市、兴化市6县(市)为农业非点源污染高度敏感区域。③江苏省农业非点源污染类型可以分为化肥与水产养殖污染型(Ⅰ)、水产养殖污染型(Ⅱ)、化肥污染型(Ⅲ)、化肥与畜禽养殖污染型(Ⅳ)、复合污染型(Ⅴ)5种。④根据江苏省农业非点源污染敏感性分析和污染类型的划分结果,按照分区原则和分区方法,自上而下和自下而上相结合,将江苏省共划分为3个一级区(污染敏感性)、13个二级区(污染类型、污染控制方向)。从而,根据一级区划结果可以实现江苏省农业非点源污染控制分级管理,二级区划结果可以实现江苏省农业非点源污染分类控制。

【Abstract】 Agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization is a new area of research to rural environmental protection. With the point source pollution control capability, non-point source pollution, especially agricultural non-point source pollution problem gradually appearing. Serious water pollution in China, watershed, farmland, livestock and poultry breeding, aquaculture, and urban-rural life is the main reason for causing nitrogen and phosphorus eutrophication, its contribution rate much higher than domestic sewage from urban point source pollution and industrial point source pollution. Due to soil, topography, climate, hydrology, land use and management and many other factors, agricultural non-point source pollution, there is a clear regional and unbalanced, spatial differences in pollution load very significant. Thus, in the formulation of agricultural non-point source pollution control planning, not necessarily in the implementation of a comprehensive governance throughout the region, if the first identified within the region pollution and high load areas, and give priority to strengthening the management, you can greatly reduce the pollution control efforts more difficult, and better governance to achieve the desired goal. For this reason, this paper, county-level administrative regions as the basic unit of agricultural non-point source pollution to carry out a comprehensive quantitative evaluation of pollution control regionalization study, based on the results of regionalization of agricultural non-point source pollution management at different levels and classification of control, can improve the effectiveness of pollution control, for agricultural non-point source pollution controls to provide theoretical guidance, promotion macro-management of rural environmental protection.In this paper, the theoretical analysis and case study research method of combining, in a comprehensive analysis of domestic and international agricultural non-point source pollution and regionalization on the basis of research, described to carry out agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization of the importance and current research profile, defined the agricultural non-point source pollution control division of the content, nature and location, defined the agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization of the theoretical basis and principles, proposed agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization methodology, the end, Jiangsu Province as an example of the research and analysis. Through theoretical analysis and case studies show that:(1) Agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization is defined as the natural and socio-economic conditions of the region accounting for out of agricultural non-point source pollution emissions and carry out the sensitivity of agricultural non-point source pollution assessment, a clear agricultural non-point source pollution on the type and direction of pollution control will be divided into different areas of agricultural non-point source pollution control area process. Agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization is the integrated sector-zoning is to conduct agricultural non-point source pollution control, a basic work of.(2) In a clear agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization research tasks and content, proposed the methodology of the agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization. Agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization methodology include the following aspects:①Agricultural non-point source pollutant emission inventory analysis;②Agricultural non-point source pollution sensitivity evaluation;③Agricultural non-point source pollution classification;④Agricultural non-point source pollution control division and its overview. The regionalization methodology through the list of the basic unit of analysis of quantitative accounting of agricultural non-point source pollutants (COD, TN, TP) emissions and regional differentiation rules and conduct of agricultural non-point source pollution sensitivity evaluation and agricultural non-point source pollution classification, then, the first-class regionalization carried out based on agricultural non-point source pollution sensitivity evaluation, the second-class regionalization carried out based on the type of pollution, after a comprehensive analysis and adjustment of the final result to be regionalization. This method is mainly achieved by quantitative analysis, supplemented by qualitative analysis, to achieve a "bottom-up" and "top-down" means a combination of regionalization. (3) In the agricultural non-point source pollution control division among methodology, quantitative accounting of agricultural non-point source pollution is the development of agricultural non-point source pollution control division key, and to quantitative accounting of agricultural non-point source pollution, the key is to determine the parameters of all sources of pollution. On agricultural non-point source pollution of the field investigation, model simulations and literature review, to obtain a quantitative accounting of Jiangsu Province, agricultural non-point source pollutants in all the parameters needed.(4) In this paper, Jiangsu Province as an example of the case study to achieve the basic theory and principles of regionalization guiding role and adopt proposed regionalization method has been successfully carried out, Jiangsu Province, agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization.①Agricultural non-point source pollutants (COD, TN, TP) of the quantitative accounting that Jiangsu Province, agricultural non-point source pollution from agricultural production is mainly produced by the process. From the perspective of major pollutants, COD, TN, TP equal standard pollution loading, such as the ratio of 6.81,56.50,36.69%, respectively, can be seen, Jiangsu Province, the main agricultural non-point source pollutants is TN and TP.②Jiangsu Province, the sensitivity of agricultural non-point source pollution is divided into three levels, which Pukou Etc 33 counties (cities, districts) for agricultural non-point source pollution light sensitive areas, Luhe Etc 25 counties (cities, districts) for the agricultural non-point source pollution moderately sensitive areas, Gaochun County, Hai’an County, Haimen City, Rudong City, Tong Zhou City, Xinghua City, total 6 counties (cities) for agricultural non-point source pollution highly sensitive areas.③Jiangsu Province, the type of agricultural non-point source pollution can be divided into fertilizer and aquaculture polluting (I), aquaculture polluting (II), fertilizers polluting (III), fertilizer and livestock polluting (IV), combined polluting (V).④According to the result of agricultural non-point source pollution sensitivity analysis and pollution types, Jiangsu Province, in accordance with the principle of partition and partition methods, combining top-down and bottom-up will be divided into three the first order pollution control areas (pollution sensitivity) and thirteen the second order pollution control areas (pollution types, pollution control direction). Thus, according to the results of the first-class regionalization can be achieved agricultural non-point source pollution control management at different levels, according to the results of the second-class regionalization can be achieved agricultural non-point source pollution control management at different classification.


