

On Chen Li-Fu’s Thoughts of Science and Technology

【作者】 郑二红

【导师】 盛邦跃;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 陈立夫(1900——2001),浙江吴兴人。他不仅是中华民国时期显赫一时的政治家,同时还是国民党高层中少有的学者、文化人,这一方面往往不为大陆人所重视。据不完全统计,他一生著述超过五百万言,其中专著30种左右,以《唯生论》、《四书道贯》、《人理学》、《弘毅斋艺文集》、《成败之鉴》等为代表,多被再版多次,并被译成英、日、韩多国文字,影响远及海外,另有相关科学、医学、教育等学术论文200多篇;另外,他主编、主译的著作也有七十多种,其中影响最大的是他主译李约瑟的《中国之科学与文明》。长期位居高位的政治生涯、历经风雨而又长达百余年的丰富阅历以及学贯中西的深厚学养造就了他特有的思维方式,形成了丰富而别具一格的学术思想,这些思想无论是对于理解我国传统文化还是对于认识当今世界局势均有重要意义。本文选取了其学术思想中的科技思想、医学哲学思想及其科学教育思想为研究重点。关于中西科技方面,陈立夫坚决反对以近现代西方科学标准为标准,严厉地批判了中华民族缺乏科学的论调,认为这是近代以来民族自信心丧失的具体体现;他坚信中华民族不仅有科学技术,且博大精深,曾对人类文明做出过不朽的贡献,只不过“未具现代形态而已”;同时,他认为近现代科学技术的高速发展已成为西方发达国家推行“霸道”而非“王道”、进而威胁整个人类和平的帮凶;现代科技的高速发展是造成西方人们精神空虚的主要根源;科学技术导致西方享乐主义盛行,进一步导致其社会伦理道德沦丧;目前西方国家已经陷入科学技术决定论的泥潭。鉴于以科技为重心的西方文明给整个人类社会带来日益严重危机的事实,经过长期观察、认真思考、深入比较、研究,他得出了中华传统文化是当今“救世良药”的结论。在医学领域,陈立夫的医学思想主要体现在医学哲学、医药文化、医学管理等方面。上世纪三十年代的中西医之争时,时任国民党中央党部秘书长的他,联合当时的国民党要员坚决反对废止中医,从那时起他就一以贯之的支持中医药事业。上世纪六十年代返台后,又先后出任台湾中国医药学院董事长、中国医药研究发展基金会董事长、立夫医药研究基金会董事长、台湾中国医药典籍整编委员会主任委员、台湾中西医合作推行委员会主席等要职,因其对中医药长期的支持与贡献赢得了台湾“中医药救星”之美誉。在他看来,中医药学是中华文化的重要组成部分,是一个行之有效的、系统的科学体系,并从中医药的理论基础、生理病理学、诊断、治疗方法以及中医药的发展、管理史等诸多方面作了有力的论证。他明确指出,近代以来中医药事业之所以举步维艰、倍受质疑是近代以来国人屡遭沉重打击而丧失自信心的具体表现,同时,中了西方列强文化侵略的圈套;他认为中西医都是以治病救人为天职,两者完全可以“道并行而不相悖”;中医药学有自己独特的思维方式,本身就是一个科学体系,不应以西方科学的标准进行所谓的“科学化”;明确提出“有进步才能存在,有疗效不怕反对”,一再声称废止中医不仅是中华民族的损失,同样也是全人类共同的损失;关于中医药事业未来的出路问题,他提出了“中医现代化”和“中西医一体化”的鲜明主张。陈立夫的科学教育思想(这里指广义上的科学教育)形成、践行于抗战时期。抗战八年期间,陈立夫担任中华民国教育部长达七年之久,期间顶住各方的巨大压力,克服人力、物力、财力等重重困难,确立了“战时须作平时看”的教育方针;提出了“家庭教育与学校教育密切联系”、“谋各地平均发展”、“依照原定期限以达普及”等科学教育理念;制定了教育事业的“九大方针”和“十七项要点”等具体政策;主持了艰苦卓绝的高校内迁;创立了惠及众多学子的贷金制;并能立足长远、加强国际学术交流,在牛津大学、剑桥大学、哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、密西根大学、哥伦比亚大学以及印度的加尔各答大学等十四所大学设立奖学金以鼓励西方青年对中国的研究,扩大了中国文化的国际影响。在实际的科学教育、科学传播工作中能够充分利用现代科学技术的优势进行科学普及、扫除文盲等,为中国的抗战提供了极大的人力支持,延续了中国的文化、教育事业。同时形成了自己独特的科学教育思想,即立足长远、强调科学教育肩负抗战与建国双重责任;重视科学教育的系统化、制度化;重视高级人才的培养与国际交流;重视利用科学技术为教育事业服务等鲜明特色。尽管有人提出陈立夫的科学教育有施行国民党党化教育之嫌,但是应当承认,他在教育部部长任上的艰苦工作和不懈努力做出的成绩是主要的,他为中国教育事业所做出的贡献、为中华文明的传承做出的贡献不应被一笔抹杀。陈立夫的科技思想深植于中华传统文化之中,以中西方冲突过程中中国的一败涂地、进而努力寻求救国之路为时代背景、以唯生论、人理学等为哲学基础、以对西方现代科技文明的深入剖析、批判为重心、以长期的中医药学理论研讨、医学教育管理实践为具体表现形式,具有相当广泛的影响力,尤其是在台湾地区。正是在其科技思想的指导下,他长期不畏艰辛为台湾中医药事业奔走呼告,做出了重大贡献,才被誉为台湾“中医药救星”,其科技思想的社会影响由此可见一斑。研究陈立夫的科技思想具有重要的理论和现实意义。一方面,陈立夫学贯中西,且是民国时期叱咤风云的政治家、国民党官方重要的理论家,是我们研究中华民国史不应忽视的重要人物之一;另一方面,作为典型的文化保守主义者,陈立夫独特的思维方式及其结论对于当今中华民族复兴之路上所遇到的诸多问题均有特别的借鉴和启示作用。比如,他一再呼吁恢复近代以来被一再挫败的民族自信心的重要性,他认为只有恢复了民族自信心,我们才能恢复自己的价值判断,这无论是对于当今中国的现代化、国际化还是重新审视、评价中国的历史、文化问题比如鸦片战争、五四运动等等有着独特的价值;同时,对像陈立夫这样重量级的民国人物的研究有助于增强国共两党的交流与互信,对于早日实现祖国统一具有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Chen Li-fu, born in Wuxing, Zhejiang province, was a famous politician during the period of the Republic of China. He was also a rare theorist, scholar and intellectual in senior Kuomintang, which was often neglected by the people from Chinese mainland. According to the incomplete statistics, he wrote more than five million words all his life, among which there were about 30 writings and Wei Sheng Lun, The Confucian Way, Ren Li Xue, Hong Yi Zhai’s Collection and The Mirror of Success and Failure were considered as his master works. His writings, which had considerable influence home and aboard, were reprinted many times and translated into several languages, for example, English, Japanese, Korean and so on. Furthermore, there were over 200 academic papers about science, medicine and education well known in the world. Besides, the books he edited and translated almost reached more than seventy, in which Science and Culture in China written by Joseph Needham and translated by Chen Li-fu had the greatest impact. Because of his long-term political career high ranking, his uneven and rich experience and his special perspective, a rich and unique academic thought of himself was formed, which had great insights on understanding our traditional culture and the global situation. This paper focuses on Chen Li-fu’s thoughts of science and technology and scientific education.With respect to Chen Li-fu’s thought of science and technology, he set himself against considering western science criteria as our own and gave the serious criticisms to the perspective that Chinese People were lack of science, which he argued that was the expression of losing national confidence since modern times,. He believed that Chinese People not only had science and technology, but broad and profound, and used to have a great contribution to the human civilization, only’without a modern form’. Meanwhile, he argued that the rapid development of modern science and technology became an accomplice, helping the western developed countries advocate’hegemony’rather than ’benevolent’and then threaten the whole human peace. The rapid development of modern science and technology was the main cause of the westerners’vacuous sprits and lead to the prevalent hedonism and further the decay of social ethics. And the western countries had fallen into the quagmire of scientific and technological determinism. Considering the fact that western civilization brought the growing crisis to the whole human society, he concluded through long-term observations, serious thinking and in-depth studies that Chinese traditional culture was an effective prescription to save the world.Chen Li-fu had special insights in the field of medicine, for example, philosophy of medicine, medical culture and medical management and so on. During the debate between Chinese traditional and western medicine in the last thirties of twentieth century, Chen Li-fu, who was the Central Committee Secretary-General of Kuomintang at that time, began to joint Kuomintang officials to against the abolition of Chinese traditional medicine and continued supporting the Chinese traditional medicine from then. Since returning to Taiwan in 1960s, he successively served as the chairman of China Medical College in Taiwan, chairman of Chinese medicine Research and Development Foundation, chairman of Li-fu Medical Research Foundation, director of Chinese Medical Commission of Ancient Records Reorganization in Taiwan and chairman of Chinese-western United Medical Commission in Taiwan. Due to his long-term support and contribution to the Chinese traditional medicine in Taiwan, he deserved his reputation of’Savior of Chinese traditional medicine’. In his view, Chinese traditional medicine was an important part of Chinese culture and had an effective, systematic and scientific system. Meanwhile, he did a powerful argument about his view through the theoretical basis of Chinese medicine, physiological pathology, methods of diagnosis and treatment, the development of Chinese medicine and its managerial history and other aspects. He clearly pointed out that the reason why Chinese traditional medical pharmaceutical industry suffered a lot in modern times was that Chinese people lost their national confidence after lots of heavy blow and fell into the trap of cultural invasion by western countries. He believed that Chinese and western medicine, both of which were based on saving people’s lives, certainly could have their parallel way and not necessary to the contrary. He also argued that Chinese traditional medicine, as a scientific system itself, had its own unique way of thinking and should not give way to the so-called western science criteria. He clearly pointed out that’with the improvement to exist’and’with the curative effect not to be opposed’and claimed many times that if we abolished Chinese traditional medicine; it would be a loss for both Chinese people and the whole human being. On the way to the future of Chinese traditional medicine pharmaceutical industry, he proposed clearly that’the modernization of Chinese traditional medicine’and’the integration of Chinese and western medicine’In the field of scientific education (generally speaking), Chen Li-fu served as the Ministry of Education for seven years in the eight-year Anti-Japanese War, during which he established the educational policy of’normal education even in the war time’, getting through all kinds of pressures and difficulties in human, material and financial recourses. Also, he put forward some education principles, for example,’family education should be closely linked with school education’,’the average development in all areas’,’reach a universal education according to the original deadline’and so on. In addition, he proposed ’nine principles’,’seventeen key points’and other specific policies in the educational cause. Furthermore, he took charge of the most difficult high colleges moving inland and created the credit payment system, which benefited many students. In order to strengthen the international academic exchanges, he set up the scholarships at fourteen universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Michigan, Columbia and Calcutta University in India etc. to encourage western young people to do more research about China, which expanded the international influence of China. Advantages of modern science and technology could be made full use of in actual work of scientific education and science communication to promote the science popularization and illiteracy eradication, which greatly provided the manpower support and continued Chinese culture and education business. At the same time, his own farseeing thought of scientific education was formed, which stressed that scientific education greatly served for the war and establishing the new country, paid more attention to the systematization and institutionalization of scientific education, emphasized fostering senior intellectuals and their international communications, thought highly of using science and technology to serve the education business. Although Chen Li-fu’s purpose of the scientific education was suspected of party education, we had to recognize that his hard work and tireless efforts when he was the Minister of Education were commendable. Therefore, we can’t write off his farseeing thought of scientific education and his contribution to Chinese education business and the inheritance of Chinese civilization.Deeply rooted in Chinese traditional culture, Chen Li-fu’s thought of science and technology which based on Wei Sheng Lun and Ren Li Xue etc. as philosophical foundation, focused on deeply analysing and criticizing western modern civilization of science and technology in the form of long term theory seminar of Chinese traditional medicine and medical practice, had a quite widespread influence, especially in Taiwan. Under the guidance of his thought of science and technology, Chen Li-fu did a lot of useful work fearlessly for Chinese traditional medicine in Taiwan and deserved his reputation of ’Savior of Chinese traditional medicine’, from which we could see the significant social influence of his thought of science and technology.Research on Chen Li-fu’s thought of science and technology is of great significance in theory and practice. On the one hand, Chen Li-fu not only had a comprehensive knowledge of both western and Chinese traditional culture, but also was a famous politician during the period of the Republic of China and an important theorist in senior Kuomintang, which made him one of the most important figures in the research of history of Republic of China. On the other hand, as a typical cultural conservative, Chen Li-fu’s unique way of thinking and conclusions had special implications on many problems confronted with on the way of current rejuvenation of China. For example, he suggested again and again that we recover our national confidence lost since modern times, which was important for us to regain our own value judgment about modernization and internationalization of China today, also rethink and revaluate out internal history and cultural problems such as the Opium War and the May 4th Movement and so on. Meanwhile, the research on the significant figure like Chen Li-fu during the period of Public of China is both beneficial to strength the communications and mutual trusts between Kuomintang and the Communist Party and realize our unification earlier.


