

A Study on Southern Jiangsu Sericulture Production Improvement in the Republic of China (1912-1937)

【作者】 胡明

【导师】 盛邦跃;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 蚕丝是整个蚕业生产的最终产品,蚕丝也一直是我国重要的出口货物之一,近代苏南蚕业的发展是与国际市场的需求紧密相连。由于近代中国社会处于一种相对混乱的局而,国内市场对蚕丝的消费能力有限,苏南的蚕丝主要用于出口。近代国际市场对中国蚕丝的需求急剧增加,中国蚕丝大量输入到国际市场。随着蚕丝出口的增加,我国蚕业生产的区域也在不断扩大,也正是在这样的情况下,无锡、苏州、常州等苏南各县蚕业生产进一步扩大。清中后期上海设立通商口岸,随后成为苏南蚕丝出口的主要口岸。商品化的蚕丝生产与苏南传统的稻作生产相比,表面上获利较高,再加上蚕丝生产周期较短,获利较快,苏南各县蚕业得到大规模的发展。到20世纪初蚕业已经成为苏南农家重要的家庭副业之一。无锡由于自然和地理优势成为苏南各县中蚕业发展最为迅速的地区,逐渐取代上海成为苏南新的蚕丝生产基地。到20世纪20年代末苏南的蚕丝生产规模已经超过上海及传统的蚕区浙江,成为当时中国重要的蚕丝生产中心之一。苏南蚕业生产规模的扩大并没有随之带来蚕业生产水平的提高。特别是在日本采用现代化蚕业生产方式之后,中国蚕业生产技术的落后,使中国蚕丝在国际市场的竞争中处于劣势。中国蚕丝在国际市场的地位逐渐被日本所挤占。到20世纪30年代之后,由于受到国际市场对生丝需求减少及日本蚕业企业的竞争,苏南蚕业发展面临严重挑战。面对苏南蚕业的困境,国民政府、蚕业学校及蚕业生产企业等都希望通过改进蚕业生产以提高蚕业生产的水平,增强蚕丝在国际市场的竞争力。为此各方对蚕业生产中的桑树种植、蚕种生产、育蚕、缫丝等环节展开了改进,苏南大规模的蚕业改进也由此起步。在各方努力下,苏南蚕业生产技术也取得了明显的改进,被认为是当时农业改进的典范。桑叶是蚕的主要食物,桑叶的质量直接影响着蚕体的发育和蚕丝的质量,所以提高桑叶的质量是蚕业生产改进的基础。在早期的蚕业生产改进中,苏南蚕业改进者对桑叶生产的重要性并没有充分的认识,所以在早期的蚕业改进中并没有对植桑进行大规模改进。而苏南的桑叶生产由于桑树老化、桑园疏于管理等因素的影响,苏南桑树桑叶的产量不断降低,已经影响到了苏南的蚕业生产。苏南蚕业改进者在30年代后才着手对苏南传统的桑树栽培进行改进。改进者首先是对传统的湖桑、鲁桑和荆桑等当地的主要桑树品种进行选育,培植品种更加优良的树种,还结合苏南蚕业生产的特点推广乔木桑,以降低蚕业生产成本。同时开展对蚕种制种专用桑的种植实验与推广。其次在改进桑树品种同时,改进者积极开展桑园管理技术的改进试验,推广改进的桑树修剪、施肥和病虫害防治等技术,以增加桑叶的产量。蚕种育种技术改进是整个苏南蚕业改进过程中,改进者最早关注,改进成效最为明显的环节。苏南蚕种的改进经历了三个主要时期:第一个阶段是1912年到1927年,这是苏南蚕种改进的起步期。1922年之后苏南各县出现了最早一批专业化的蚕种制造场,随后1926-1927大量的蚕种制造场建立。在这一时期日本先进的蚕种育种、人工孵化等技术传入苏南地区,1924年蚕种场开始生产推广第一代杂交蚕种。但由于并没有取得蚕户的信任,改进种在苏南的使用还很有限;第二个阶段是1928年到1933年,这是蚕种改进的大规模展开期。蚕种场大量出现,蚕种场的生产能力和生产技术都得到了极大的提高,专业的生产使所选育改进蚕种的质量得到改善。由于改进蚕种的优越性及改进者极力的推广,改进蚕种在苏南地区得到了大规模的使用,蚕业发展较为迅速的无锡等地已经基本上完全取缔了土种;第三个阶段是1934年到1937年,这是蚕种统制时期。1934年江苏省规定省内的蚕种由建设厅统一管理,不得自由买卖,蚕种经过蚕丝试验场检验后,按规定价格分配。同时对蚕种场管理更为严格,取缔生产条件不合格的蚕种场。政府通过控制蚕种的生产、分配,来提高蚕种的质量,但在实际过程中由于无法处理好政府、大的有垄断能力的蚕种生产资本家、小的蚕种生产者及蚕户的利益,造成蚕种供给不足,影响到了蚕业的改进。育蚕是整个蚕业生产中最重要的环节,这个过程中蚕体发育、成熟直到吐丝成茧,育蚕技术水平的高低直接决定了蚕茧的质量。民国初期苏南蚕区的育蚕技术依然使用传统的技术,蚕户在育蚕的过程中由于受到生产条件的限制,在蚕室温度、湿度、及病毒环境等的控制方面,很难达到良好的生产要求。在生产过程中蚕户却大量的求助于鬼神的保佑,导致蚕体的成活率甚至只有30%。1924年江苏省立女蚕校成立推广部,并在无锡堰桥乡设育蚕指导所,首先开展对蚕户的育蚕指导。蚕校通过推行蚕具消毒、稚蚕共育提高蚕体的质量。1928年在政府的支持下,苏南各县蚕区建立了以育蚕指导所、蚕业合作社为体系的育蚕改进体系。此后这种育蚕改进体系在蚕区也做了大量的工作,指导蚕户改善育蚕技术,但苏南各县由于蚕业发展水平的不平衡,育蚕指导效果也不平衡。同样苏南蚕区普遍分散的、小规模的育蚕生产模式并没有改变,蚕户恶劣的生产条件,这从根本上决定了育蚕技术改进不可能在短期内完成。育蚕完成后,蚕业生产进入蚕丝生产环节。在传统的苏南蚕业生产模式中,蚕丝生产也是在蚕户自家完成。育蚕完成后,蚕户采用手工或简单的机械,将鲜茧缫制成蚕丝出售,缫丝的机械较为简单。而近代大规模缫丝厂的出现改变了这种生产格局。蚕业生产更为专业化,蚕户主要承担了育蚕的过程。缫丝生产从蚕户生产中分离出来,成为规模化的机械生产。机械化生产为了保证稳定的蚕茧供应,就必须对蚕茧进行干燥处理,茧行由此大量出现,承担蚕茧的干燥等工作。1934年国民政府实施茧行统制,要求茧行改进蚕茧烘干设备,鼓励采用新式蒸汽烘茧机,从而加强对茧行管理。而自从19世纪末20世纪初苏南地区出现专业的机械丝厂以来,苏南特别是无锡缫丝业在民国时期进入高速发展期,缫丝厂在数量和生产规模上都远超其它地区。苏南丝厂最先采用意大利式的直缫车,此后日本的缫丝车也开始使用,提高了生产效率。在改进蚕丝生产技术的同时,丝厂和国民政府也着手在上海和海外建立自己的销售系统,以打破洋行等对中国生丝出口的垄断,扩大苏南所产蚕丝在国际市场上的销售。在20世纪30年代经济危机中政府还通过发行政府公债的方式,扶植苏南丝厂。但在国际市场不景气,国内社会混乱的情况下,销售情况并没有得到改善。民国苏南蚕业改进之所以取得了较为显著的成绩,得益于形成了较为有效的改进体系,政府、蚕业企业和学校构成了民国苏南地区蚕业改进的主要动力。政府通过行政力量在蚕业改进中扮演了政策制定者、管理者及实践者的角色。蚕业企业为了获得优质的生产原料,着力蚕种的改进和蚕丝生产技术的提高。蚕业教育在改进中扮演了重要的角色,苏南地区的蚕业教育主要有蚕业学校和民众教育下的涉蚕教育两种形式。蚕业学校培养的育种、制丝等人才在民国时期苏南蚕业改进中发挥了重要的作用。蚕业学校的毕业生在苏南各地设立育种场、育蚕指导所等蚕丝改进机构,是民国时期苏南整个蚕业改进体系中重要的动力之一。民众教育的改进不仅仅涉及到蚕业生产改进,它在更广阔的范围对蚕户进行文化教育。它突破了由于民国时期苏南农村农民文化素质不足,降低对蚕业新技术的接受能力的限制,将农业生产的改进与农村社会的改进相结合。苏南蚕业改进中形成完整的、多元化的蚕业改进体系,是苏南蚕业改进取得成效的主要原因,也是苏南蚕业改进带给当代农业技术改进的主要启示。在民国苏南蚕业改进中,蚕户本身改进动力的缺乏及政府改进组织效能的低下等是制约苏南蚕业改进成效发挥的主要因素。如何调动农户改进的积极性,实现改进组织的高效率也是当代农业改进中需要关注的重要问题。民国时期的苏南蚕业改进没有突破这个局限,这也从整体上制约了改进效能的发挥。尽管如此,民国苏南蚕业改进的成效还是明显的,对这个改进过程的系统分析,可以还原民国时期苏南蚕业改进的过程,认识到改进中各方所起到的作用,及各个改进系统在农村中的改进实践,这对我国现在的农业技术改进有着借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Silk is the final product of sericulture, which also is one of major china export goods for a long time. The development of southern Jiangsu sericulture in modern linked closely with international market. The silk consumption of domestic market is extremely weak, because Chinese society is disorder relatively. Southern Jiangsu silk is mainly for exporting. The international market demand of silk has a sharp increase in the modern, so a large number of China silk inputs international markets. Meanwhile China sericulture areas expand constantly with the increase of silk exports, the sericulture of Wuxi, Suzhou, Changzhou and other southern Jiangsu counties expand constantly also in this environment. Shanghai becomes the main port southern Jiangsu silk exports after it establish treaty port in the middle and late Qing dynasty. Compare with traditional rice production, the southern Jiangsu commercialization silk production has a high profit and short production cycle on the surface, so southern Jiangsu sericulture development rapidly. Until the early 20th century, sericulture has become one of the important family sidelines in southern Jiangsu. Wuxi sericulture has a rapid development due to natural and geographical advantage, and it become new silk production base instead of Shanghai gradually.Southern Jiangsu sericulture production has exceeded Shanghai and traditional sericulture area in Zhejiang, and become one of China important sericulture production centers until 1920s. The levels of sericulture production not increase with expansion of production scale。As the backwardness of silk production technology, especially Japan use the modern production methods, China silk has a competitive disadvantage in the international market. The position of China silk in the international market gradually diverts to Japan. Southern Jiangsu sericulture suffers serious challenge with economic crisis in the 1930s. Face the plight of southern Jiangsu Sericulture, the government, schools and sericulture enterprises and so on all hope improving production in order to improve the level of sericulture, enhancing competitiveness in the international market. So they begin to improve the mulberry, silkworm egg production, fertility silkworm, silk reeling and other sectors of sericulture. The Southern Jiangsu sericulture production technology has made significant improvement in all efforts, it also is considered to be a model of agriculture improvement.Mulberry leaf is the main food for silkworm, and the quality directly affects silkworm development and the quality of silk. The mulberry leaf quality improvement is the foundation of sericulture production. The Southern Jiangsu sericulture improvers don’t recognize the importance of mulberry leaf production in the early improvement, so they don’t improve mulberry leaf production. The reducing of mulberry leaf yields continuously impact the Southern Jiangsu sericulture production, because mulberry aging, mulberry fields slackened management and so on. Southern Jiangsu sericulture improvers begin to improve traditional mulberry planting after 1930s.They cultivate mulberry varieties using Hu sang, Jing sang, Lu Sang and other main local mulberry varieties in the southern Jiangsu firstly, in order to cultivate excellent mulberry varieties. They promote high mulberry trees combine the Jiangsu sericulture production in order to reduce production costs. At the same of improving mulberry varieties, it also carry out mulberry management experiment, promote improvement of the mulberry tree pruning, fertilize and pest control technologies to increase production of mulberry leaves.Silkworm breeding technology improvement is attended by improve more early in the whole southern Jiangsu sericulture improvement process, so the improvement results is more obviously. Southern Jiangsu silkworm improvement expiries three stages:The first stage is 1912 to 1927, this period is initial stage of Southern Jiangsu silkworm improvement. It appears the first number of professional silkworm manufacturing in 1922, and a large number of silkworm manufacturing establish from 1926-1927. During this period, the Japanese advanced silkworm breeding, artificial incubation, technology transfer to Southern Jiangsu。They promote first-generation hybrid silkworm eggs in 1924. The improvement silkworms are used limited, because it has not been trusted by famers; The second stage is 1928 to 1933, which is the large scale development of silkworm improvement. Large numbers of silkworm manufacturing establish, their production capacity and production technology have been greatly improved. The quality of improvement silkworms are improved because of their professional production. The improvement silkworms are used more and more, because of improvement silkworms’superiority and improvers’promotion. Wuxi and other areas which sericulture develop more quickly have totally banned local silkworms; The third stage is 1934 to 1937, This is the silkworm control period. Jiangsu formulates that the Department of Jiangsu Construction manage silkworm manufacturing, silkworm can not be freely traded and dispense at a set price allocation after examination. Government management silkworm manufacturing stringently and clamp down the disqualification silkworm manufacturing. Government wants to improve the quality of silkworm eggs through silkworm egg production and distribution. But actual government can not deal with the interests between government, monopoly big power capitalists, silkworm egg productions and farmers, resulting in silkworm eggs supplies insufficient and influence, Southern Jiangsu sericulture improvement.Raising silkworm is the most important aspect of Sericulture production. Silkworm body development, maturation until cocoon, and the level of raising silkworm technology determine the quality of cocoons directly. In the early Republic of china Southern Jiangsu farmers still use traditional technology, and they can not rearing house control temperature, humidity, and environmental aspects of the virus control due to production constraints. They have difficult to achieve requirements good production. Farmers turn to a large number of the gods bless in the production process, resulting in the survival rate of silkworm or even only 30%. Jiangsu Provincial women Sericulture school establish promotion department, and establish guidance site in the Wuxi silk Yanqiao in 1924. It carries out raising silkworm firstly. The School improves silkworm quality through implementation of rearing tools and cooperative rearing for juvenile silkworm. The government begins raising silkworm technology improvements though establishing guidance site and sericulture cooperatives after 1928. They guide famers to improve raising silkworm under the improvement system’s working in sericulture areas. Because Southern Jiangsu sericulture levels develop disequilibrium, silkworm guiding effect also disequilibrium and the scattered, small-scale production mode of Southern Jiangsu raising silkworm has not improved. The poor production condition of farmers fundamentally determines the raising silkworm technology guidance can not improve in the short term.Sericulture into silk production processes, after raising silkworm completes. Famers complete the silk reeling in traditional Sericulture production. Famers use manual or simple machines to silk reeling for selling after raising silkworm completes, and machines relatively simple. The emergence of modern mass silkworm production changes the pattern, and sericulture production becomes more professional, and famers’work is mainly for raising silkworm. Silk reeling production separates from famer production, and becomes large-scale machinery production. They must dry cocoons to ensure stable cocoons supply, so there appears a lot of cocoon lines undertaking cocoons drying and so on. The government launches the cocoon guilds control in 1934, and require cocoon guilds line to improve the cocoon drying equipment, encourage the adoption of new steam cocoon drying machines, and thus strengthen cocoon guilds management. Since Southern Jiangsu professional machine appears in late 19th and early 20th century, silk production factories of Southern Jiangsu especially Wuxi development more quickly in the Republic of China, and the silk production factories quantity and scale beyond other regions far more. Silk factories use Italian direct-reeling lathe, and Japan reeling lathe. This improves production efficiency. With reeling lathe reform, silk factories also improving silk cocoon steam and reeling lathe power equipment. Silk factories and government also build their own distribution systems in Shanghai and overseas to break foreign firms’ monopolization, and expand export. Government also issue government bonds, support Southern Jiangsu silk factories in 1930s’economic crisis. Because of the depression international market and confusion domestic social, the sales have not improved.Southern Jiangsu sericulture improvement have made remarkable achievement as to the relatively effective improvement system, Government, sericulture factories and schools form the main driving force for sericulture improvement of Southern in Republic of China. Government plays roles of policy makers, managers and practitioners with administrative power. Sericulture factories focus on the improvement of the silkworm and silk production techniques improvement in order to obtain high-quality raw materials. Sericulture education plays an important role in improvement. There are sericulture education schools and public education involved in silk two education forms in Southern Jiangsu. Breeding, silk and other personnel cultivated by sericulture school play important role sericulture in sericulture improvement of Southern Jiangsu. Sericulture school graduates establish silkworm manufacturing and silkworm guidance site in southern Jiangsu, and it is an important power to improvement system. Improvement of public education not only involves the improvement of sericulture. They educate farmers in a wider range. They break through the restrictions for acceptation ability to new sericulture technology, because Southern Jiangsu farmers in the Republic of China insufficient cultural quality, and combine agriculture production improvement with rural society improvement together. Complete agriculture technology improvement system and wide improvement agriculture improvement subject in Southern Jiangsu improvement in the Republic of China, their are the main reasons for improvement success, their also inspirations sericulture improvement of southern Jiangsu bring to modern agricultural technology improvement.The improve power deficiency of famers and effectiveness of government improve organization are the major factors restrict southern Jiangsu improvement results in the republic of China. How to mobilize the improvement enthusiasm of farmers, and how to realize the improvement efficiency of the organization are the important problems need to be attention in contemporary agriculture improvement. Southern Jiangsu sericulture improvement in the republic of china has not break through these limitations, so these also restrict the efficiency in the whole. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of southern Jiangsu sericulture improvement is obvious. The systematic analysis of the improvement process can restores the sericulture improvement of the Republic of china, recognizes the role they play in improvement, and provides reference for the agriculture improvement now.

【关键词】 民国苏南蚕业生产改进
【Key words】 Republic of ChinaSouthern JiangsuSericultureProduction Improvement

