

Study on Thoeries for Network Algorithm in Muti-level Fan Station Ventilation Fashion

【作者】 刘新

【导师】 刘剑;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 一些金属矿山采用多级机站通风方式,当机站通风机动力大于平衡临界点动力时,机站的旁侧风路将发生风流反向,通风网络将产生单向回路。含有单向回路时,现有的网络通路算法都将失效,而通风网络的许多算法,如通风网络平衡图绘制算法、角联结构识别、通风网络图绘制、网络解算自动赋初值等,都是建立在通路算法基础上的。基于此,本文重点进行了含有单向回路的通风网络相关算法研究,论文选题来自国家自然基金资助项目《基于仿真技术的矿井通风系统智能诊断系统研究》(60772159)。在分析多级机站通风网络特性的基础上,论文推导了单向回路形成的临界点公式。针对含有单向回路的通风网络平衡图绘制通路法失效问题,提出了通风网络增源等效变换法。通风网络平衡图的矩形块数取决于通风网络的拓扑变换,本文用遗传学中的染色体描述通风网络的拓扑变换,并解决了二进制及整数编码问题。首次提出了基于遗传算法的通风网络平衡图绘制优化算法,即通风网络平衡图矩形块最小切割数问题。应用计算机实现金川二矿通风网络平衡图绘制,表明该算法具有较好的收敛性。针对通风网络图绘制的分支交叉问题,提出了基于遗传算法的通风网络图优化绘制算法,该算法在最长路径法基础上进行节点分层研究,并用迁移策略的并行遗传算法进行每层上节点排序。通过绘制金川二矿通风网络图,表明该方法可以实现通风网络图的绘制,并且通风网络图层次清晰。对多级机站通风方式下的角联结构算法进行研究,主要对有向图通路法确定角联结构算法进行研究,并对广义角联结构进行定义。

【Abstract】 Multi-stage fan station ventilation mode is used in some metal mines, when the fan power of a fan station is great than the balance point of power, the opposite direction airflow will be occur in both sides of ventilation network, and unidirectional circuits occurr in a ventilation network in the same time. With unidirectional circuit, all the existing ventilation network algorithms will fail, but many ventilation network algorithms, such as ventilation network equilibrium graph plotting algorithm, diagonal structure identification, ventilation network mapping, and automatic assignment of initial values during network solution, are based on it. Based on this, this paper mainly researches algorithms for ventilation networks with unidirectional circuits, and the paper are based on the National Science Foundation-funded project "Simulation-based Intelligent Diagnosis of Mine Ventilation System of Systems" (60772159).Based on the analysis of characteristics of ventilation networks with multi-stage fan stations, the paper derives the unidirectional circuit formula, which is formed from the critical point. To solve the failure problem of path method in drawing ventilation network equilibrium graph with unidirectional circuits, a source addition equivalence transform method is proposed. The rectangular block number of a ventilation network equilibrium graph depends on the ventilation network topological transformation; this paper describes the ventilation network topological transformation using the chromosomes in genetics, and solves the problem of binary and integer encoding. I firstly propose an optimization method that drawing the ventilation network equilibrium graph based on the genetic algorithm, namely the number of minimum cut rectangle problem. It is proved that this method has good convergence through drawing the ventilation network equilibrium graph of Jinchuan No.2 Mine by using the computer software.In allusion to the problem of branch crossing in plotting network graphs, an optimizing plotting algorithm for mine ventilation network graph is explored. A study of node hierarchy is done based the longest path method, and parallel genetic algorithm based on migration strategy is used to set the orders of nodes on every layer. Through the plotting network of Jinchuan NO.2 Mine, the results suggest that this algorithm was proved to be effective in reducing branch crossing number and making a better hierarchy layout.Diagonal structure algorithms for a ventilation network with multi-stage fan stations are also explored. The diagonal structure determination algorithm, path method, for directed graph is mainly studied. A new definition of generalized diagonal structure is put forward.


