

Study on Coalbed Methane Resource Evaluation and Exploitation Pattern of Fuxin Mining Area

【作者】 杜维甲

【导师】 马云东;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 矿业工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 煤层气是近20年来在世界上崛起的一种新型洁净能源,中国煤层气资源量为35×1012m3,居世界第三。由于我国的煤层气藏普遍具有低压、低渗透、低饱和及高吸附性等特点,煤层气开采难度一直很大,因此,进行煤层气资源评价、研究开采方法及规律、提高煤层气开采的回收量和回收率,始终是中国煤层气开采的关键性问题。本文以阜新高瓦斯矿区以往煤田、煤层气地质资料及煤层气井生产资料为基础,结合新近矿井资料及邻近区煤层气地质资料,总结分析了阜新高瓦斯矿区煤层的宏观与微观特征及分布规律,进行了煤层气成藏控制因素及富集机理研究,完成了阜新矿区煤层含气性分析,对三大矿区煤层气资源量进行了预测研究;针对五龙矿(包括刘家区)、兴阜煤矿、恒大煤矿“未采区”,提出了井位部署优化方法,编制了合理优化的井位部署方案,目前已完钻32口井、开井26口,实现了“未采区”煤层气规模开发;根据煤炭开采规律、井下巷道抽排经验和其它地区煤与煤层气共采经验,提出了地面钻井方式抽采采动区和采空区混合煤层气的技术方案,形成了针对“未采区”、“采动区”和“采空区”煤层气开发的钻完井技术和开采技术;应用阜新煤层气井生产动态资料和静态资料,系统分析了影响煤层气井产气量主要因素,研究实践了煤层气增产措施,总结了煤层气井的开采方式方法,并根据刘家区煤层气开采实践,研究了煤层气开采规律,并对煤层气井的产能、采收率及服务年限进行了分析预测。

【Abstract】 Coal-bed methane is a newly emerged clean energy resource in recent 20 years. The coalbed methane resource in China ranks the third in the world, with 35 trillion cubic meters. Because the coalbed methane resource of China presents the features like low pressure, low permeability, low saturation and high adsorbability, the exploitation of coalbed methane is always very difficult. Therefore, how to carry out the coalbed methane resource evaluation, study the recovery method and regular pattern and enhance the reclamation and recovery are always the critical problems of the coalbed methane exploitation of China.This article takes the geologic information of the old coalfield and coalbed methane and the productive materials of the coalbed methane mine as the foundation, combined the new documents of the mine and the geologic information of the coalbed methane in the neighboring zone, generally analyzes the macroscopic and microscopic features of the high-gas mine coalbed of Fuxin as well as the regularities of distribution of it, carries out the studies for the controlling factors of the coalbed methane becoming and the enrichment mechanism, finishes the analysis of the gas bearing property of the coalbed in Fuxin mining area, as well as does the prediction studies for the stock size of the the coalbed methane in three main mining zones. Aiming to the unexploited zones in Wulong mine (including Liu zone), Xingfu mine and Hengda mine, this thesis gives the optimistic method for the well site deployment. Until now 32 mines have been drilled and 26 mines have been opened, which realizes the scale exploitation of the coalbed methane in the unexploited zones. According to the coal exploitation regulation, the experience of the down hole laneway pump drainage and experience of co-exploitation of coal and coalbed methane in other zones, this thesis puts forward the technical plan for the blending coalbed gas in the mining area and the gob area by the surface drilling method, and forms the drilling well-completion technology and exploitation technology for the exploitation of the coalbed methane in the "unworked area", "mining area" and "gob area". By applying the active data and static data of the production of Fuxin coalbed methane well, this thesis systematically analyzes the principal factors that affect the gas production rate of the coalbed methane mine, studies the stimulation measurement for coalbed methane, and summarizes the exploitation ways and means for coalbed methane mine. And according to the coalbed methane exploitation and practice in Liujia area, studies the exploitation and regulation of the coalbed methane and makes relevant analytical prediction for the capacity, recovery factor and service life of the coalbed methane.


