

A Study on the Influence of Co-operative Education to Creativity of Skilled Talents

【作者】 徐小英

【导师】 李燕萍;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 知识经济时代,创新人才的培养已成为一个国家提升综合国力的现实要求。由于知识创新已经渗透到经济生活、社会生活的方方面面,因而对于创新人才的需求也呈现出多元化和多层次化的趋势。经济腾飞和产业升级不仅需要传统意义上活跃在知识创造、科学创造领域的研发型创新性人才,也同样需要活跃在知识转移、扩散、应用领域的技能型创新人才。但由于对创新人才的层次性和差异性缺乏关注,理论界一直未能将技能人才的创造力纳入研究视野,导致对占高等教育半壁江山的技能型人才的创造力的研究处于缺失状态,严重影响了我国从人力资源大国迈向人力资源强国的进程,也不利于我国在知识经济时代综合国力的提升、经济的腾飞和产业的转型。正是基于这种认识,本研究将研究对象聚焦于未来的技能型创新人才——职业院校的学生,考察其创造性(创造力)的开发和提高问题。作为培养人才的一种重要方式,校企合作教育被各国教育界和经济界所推崇。但目前理论界对其研究侧重于培养实践性、应用性人才,多数停留在对合作动因,影响因素等进行描述性分析的层面,未能将知识经济时代,知识在两类异质组织间流动、分享、创造的机理和模式纳入到校企合作培养创新人才的研究中来,理论未见实质性的突破。校企合作教育能否提升所培养人才的创造力?什么是衡量学校校企合作行为和企业校企合作行为的关键指标?参与校企合作的学生在两种环境(学校环境、企业环境)、两种角色(学校学生、企业员工)的转换中,在两位导师(学校实习指导老师和企业师傅)的指导下,在校企合作实践中,其创造力能否得到提高?知识获取和知识分享在这个过程中扮演什么角色?学校校企合作行为和企业校企合作行为谁对参与校企合作的学生的创造力影响更大?学校校企合作行为和企业校企合作行为之间有什么关系?为回答这些问题,作者进行了一系列研究。本研究通过分析校企合作的相关文献、深度访谈、专家研讨、问卷调查等方式确定了学校校企合作行为和企业校企合作行为的结构内容,并以之作为自变量,深入探讨了其对技能型人才创造力影响的大小和程度,并检验知识分享在其中的中介效应。除创造力外,所研究的另外三个变量(学校校企合作行为、企业校企合作行为、知识分享)都不是单维度结构,因而涉及的外延相对较为广泛。本文不仅从概念层面出发,构建了四个变量之间相互影响作用关系的框架,更深入到因子层面,详细探讨了各个维度之间相互作用力的大小和方向。根据研究框架,本研究提出了16个研究假设,并通过方差分析、回归分析、结构方程模型等统计方法检验了所提出的假设。本研究的主要结论如下:1)学校校企合作行为和企业校企合作行为均为多维构念,可以从校企合作投入和人才培养投入这两个维度进行测量。2)学校校企合作行为对参与校企合作的学生的创造力有显著影响。3)企业校企合作行为各维度对参与校企合作的学生的创造力均有显著影响,其对创造力的影响力超过学校校企合作行为。4)知识分享在校企合作行为和创造力之间发挥部分中介作用。其中,知识分享之知识获取过程维度在学校校企合作行为和创造力中发挥全部中介作用;知识分享的两个维度均在企业校企合作行为和创造力中发挥部分中介作用。结构方程模型分析表明,企业校企合作行为的两个维度除了直接作用于创造力之外,还分别通过知识分享间接作用于创造力。5)学校校企合作行为和企业校企合作行为正相关。这就意味着学校在校企合作行为方面的努力会显著影响企业校企合作行为。6)个人背景变量和组织背景变量对知识分享和创造力的影响有限。本研究的主要贡献如下:1)本研究开发了测量学校校企合作行为和企业校企合作行为的量表,并且通过实证检验了其效度和信度。而目前关于校企合作的研究文献几乎都是基于教育视角的定性研究,缺少来自其它视角的定量研究,校企合作研究还处于发展阶段。本研究的成果为后续校企合作研究打下了一定的基础。2)本研究通过理论推理和实证分析支持了校企合作是提高职业院校学生创造力的有效途径。以前关于校企合作的研究都着重探讨其培养应用型人才,很少有涉及校企合作培养创新性人才的文献,而对于校企合作培养技能型人才的创造力的研究更为鲜见,本研究将技能型人才的创造力纳入到校企合作的研究之中,拓展和丰富了校企合作和创造力的研究范围。本研究不但研究了校企合作和创造力之间的关系,而且分别就学校校企合作各维度和企业校企合作各维度对创造力的影响进行了深入探讨。因此,本研究对上述几个变量之间作用机理的研究具有一定的开创意义。3)本研究证实了知识分享在校企合作和创造力之间发挥中介作用,并且通过结构方程模型进一步明确了校企合作各维度,知识分享各维度对创造力的作用途径、大小和方向,为进一步研究通过校企合作教育提升学生的创造力打下了基础。本文对学校校企合作行为、企业校企合作行为、知识分享和创造力四者之间的关系进行了深入的研讨,而目前还未发现有相关文献集中研讨这四者关系。本研究成果既深化了校企合作的研究现状,同时又为知识分享和创造力拓展了研究领域。4)本研究证实了学校校企合作行为和企业校企合作行为显著正相关。为学校调动企业参与校企合作的积极性,改变目前校企合作中学校剃头挑子一头热的局面提供理论支持。5)本研究结合实证研究结果,分别从学校、企业和政府三个层面对如何通过校企合作教育提高学生的创造力提出了意见和建议。总之,本研究采用定量与定性研究相结合的方法,深入考察了校企合作教育、知识分享和创造力之间的关系,开发了科学的测量工具,构建了三者之间的作用模型,并实证了学校校企合作行为各维度、企业校企合作行为各维度、知识分享各维度对参与校企合作学生创造力的预测作用,为学校、企业通过校企合作教育培养人才提供了指导和支持。

【Abstract】 In the era of knowledge economy, it has been a practical requirement to cultivate innovative talents for enhancing the comprehensive national strength. Since knowledge innovation permeates all aspects of economic and social life, the demand for innovative talents is becoming diversified multi-level. Economic boom and industrial upgrading need not only traditionally creative talents who are active in creation, science areas, but also need innovative talents in knowledge transfer, diffusion, application field. Cultivating innovative talents who are active in knowledge creation areas has been discussed a lot in many research projects, but the research on innovation talents who are active in knowledge transfer, diffusion and application field is still in initial stage. Based on this understanding, this study focuses on the research on vocational college students, and the development of their creativity.As a kind of important talents training mode, the school-enterprise cooperation education is thought highly of by education and economic circles all over the world. But by now, theories about school-enterprise cooperation education have all focused on training practical and applied talents. Most of them still stay on the level of descriptive analysis about some factors, such as cooperation motivation and influence factors. None of the theories have substantial breakthrough, because,in the era of knowledge economy,they all have not incorporated the mechanism and mode of knowledges flowing,sharing and creating between two heterogeneous interstitial into the study of the school-enterprise cooperation education. It will exert what influence when school and enterprises cooperate in education? What are the key indicators in the school-enterprise cooperation education? Work in different environment (school and enterprise), play two roles (school student and enterprise employee), supervised by two supervisors (practice guidance teachers and enterprise supervisor), it will take what changes with respect to the students’ creativity? What role would the knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing play in this process? Which one would play a more important role in improving the students’ creativity, school or enterprise? What is the relationship between the school cooperation activities and enterprise cooperation activities? This research conducted a series of studies to find the answers to these questions.By analyzing relevant literature on school-enterprise cooperation, depth interviewing, discussing with experts, taking questionnaire survey, this paper is designed around school cooperation activities and enterprises cooperation activities. It took the school-enterprise cooperation activities as the independent variable, discussed the size, direction of its influence on creativity, examined its effect on knowledge sharing as medium. Besides the creativity, the other three variables studied in this paper are not single-dimensional structure, which all have widespread extension. This paper not only constructed the framework of the mutual influence between four variables in the conceptual level, but also extent to the factor stratification level, discussed in detail the size and direction of the interaction between the various dimensionalities. Based on the framework, this research proposed 16 hypotheses. The data which extracted from the questionnaire survey was taken into the processing of SPSS 18 and the AMOS 18 software. And all the hypotheses proposed have been tested by the means of statistical methods, variance analysis, regression analysis and structural equation model.The main conclusions of this study are as follows:1) the school cooperation activities and enterprise cooperation activities are both multi-dimensionality constructions, both can be measured by two dimensionalities:talents cultivation and school-enterprise cooperation; 2) school cooperation activities have significant effects on the students’ creativity; 3) Enterprise cooperation activities have significant influence on the students’ creativity in all dimensionalities, and it plays a more important role in creativity than school cooperation activities; 4) Knowledge sharing plays a intermediary role between the school-enterprise cooperation and creativity. Structural equation model analysis shows that the two dimensionalities of enterprises cooperation activities not only have direct effects on creativity, but also have indirect effects on creativity through knowledge sharing; 5) The school cooperation activities and enterprise cooperation activities are related. It means that the school can influence the enterprise cooperation activities by improving school cooperation activities; 6) the influence of Personal background variable and organization background variable on the knowledge sharing and creativity are limited.The major contributions of this research are as follows:1) this research develops the measuring scale for the measurement of the school cooperation activities and enterprise cooperation activities, and the validity and reliability of the scale have been verified by empirical testing. At present, the studies about the school-enterprise cooperation almost based on the qualitative research, lacking of quantitative research from the other perspective. The study on school-enterprise cooperation is still in initial stage. This research’s achievements on school-enterprise cooperation shall lay a certain foundation for the subsequent studies.2) This research supports by theoretical reasoning and empirical analysis that school-enterprise cooperation is a effective way to improve students’ creativity. Previous researches on the school-enterprise cooperation emphatically discuss its effect on training applied talents, rarely refer to cultivating innovative talents, this research not only studies the relationship between the school-enterprise cooperation and creativity, but also discuss the relationship between each dimensionality of the school-enterprise and the creativity. Therefore, this research on the above several variables shall have certain creative significance.3) The study has confirmed that knowledge sharing plays a intermediary role between the school-enterprise cooperation and creativity. And analyzing by a structural equation model, it further specifies the approach, size, direction acted on creativity by school-enterprise cooperation dimensionalities and knowledge sharing dimensionalities. Therefore, it further lays the foundation for the research on how to cultivating students’ creativity by school-enterprise cooperation. In this paper the school-enterprise cooperation, knowledge sharing and relationship between creativity have been thoroughly discussed, and up to now, there are no relevant literatures being found focusing on this discussion. This research deepens the research on school-enterprise cooperation, at the same time the research expands the research field for the knowledge sharing and the creativity.4) This study confirms that the school, school-enterprise cooperation activities, enterprise, the school-enterprise cooperation activities have significantly positive correlation. It provides theoretical support for schools to mobilize the enthusiasm of participating in the school-enterprise cooperation of colleges and enterprises, and also changes the present situation which school is positive while the enterprise is not.5)Combined with the results of empirical research, this study puts forward some suggestions about how to raise the students’ creativity by the school-enterprise cooperation education through three perspectives, namely the school, enterprise and government.In conclusion, using quantitative and qualitative methods, this study reveals the relationship among school-enterprise cooperation education, knowledge sharing and creativity deeply. The study not only develops scientific measurement tools and builds the model about the role of the three factors, but also confirms the three factors’ prediction function in training creativity of students participating in school-enterprise cooperation education, providing guidance and support in personnel training trough school-enterprise cooperation education for schools and enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

