

The Research of Pattern Innovation of Urban Grass-roots Social Management

【作者】 罗光华

【导师】 刘家真;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文的主要内容是以广州市新一轮基层社会管理创新为案例,实证研究当前和今后一段时期如何加强和创新我国城市基层社会管理工作的管理理论与实践问题。文章在导论中首先介绍了选题的背景:新形势下我国社会管理的复杂性和困难性不断加大,要求我们要用创新的思维和手段,加强社会管理,维护社会和谐稳定、推动经济社会进一步发展。当前从中央到地方都高度重视社会管理创新,从理论和实践上作了很多有益的探索。然后介绍了本文的理论和实践意义,分析了本课题研究的难点和创新点,介绍了以实证为主、多种手段相结合的研究方法。第一章分析了有关基层社会管理的核心概念和理论基础,对当代中外社会管理的思想进行了梳理,将其分为六大视角下的社会管理思想:即“自由主义”视角、“国家干预主义”视角、“利益攸关者共同治理”视角、“政府服务”视角、“行政生态视角”以及“技术应用”视角下的社会管理思想六大类,并从中选取行政生态和共同治理视角作为本文的理论基础和分析工具。第二章研究了我国基层社会管理的实践、问题与发展。首先介绍了我国在建国后社会管理实践发展的不同阶段;分析了我国当前基层社会管理存在的行政型、自治型、混合型等三种社区制模式。然后介绍了我国基层社会管理的组织形式与架构,包括社区居民委员会、街道办事处、市辖区等形式的历史沿革、性质、职能定位、在社会管理中的角色和作用及其相互作用关系。分析提出了以人为本、服务导向,协调发展、环境适应,扩大参与、居民自治,明晰职责、完善法制,渐进调适、科学创新等5项基层社会管理的基本原则;提出加大基层居民参与力度、加强基层管理法制建设、明确基层管理主体职责、健全基层社会服务功能、培育发展基层社会组织等5项工作重心。本章最后重点分析我国基层社会管理实践的4种具体模式,包括上海市为代表的行政主导模式、沈阳市为代表的社区自治模式、武汉市江汉区为代表的多方参与模式、深圳市盐田区为代表的议行分离模式,并对这4种典型模式进行比较和分析,为下文研究的广州市新一轮基层社会管理创新所形成的“广州模式”打下理论和实践基础。第三章对美国、日本、新加坡、香港等国家(地区)基层社会管理模式进行了论述和比较研究,分析出了一套可供广州市新一轮基层社会管理创新和我国基层社会管理借鉴的经验:一是奉行“以人为本”的基层社会管理理念;二是建立服务导向的基层社会管理机制;三是完善基层社会管理的法规制度体系;四是打造多元主体参与的社区自治模式;五是以电子信息网络技术为手段创新社会管理工作;六是大力培育基层社会管理的第三部门。第四章以广州市2009开始的新一轮基层社会管理创新试点工作为案例,阐述了广州市基层社会管理创新的背景、指导思想和目标,分析了试点工作开展前存在的问题,试点工作所取得的阶段性成效,以及下一步深入改革的方案,并以其中7条试点街道的创新工作为具体案例进行了讨论,包括海珠区沙园街“三中心一队伍”模式、江南中街“楼宇党支部+十分钟服务圈”模式、琶洲街“社区工作站+绩效考核”模式,越秀区北京街“社区信息化助力”模式,白云区京溪街“与市场组织合作”模式、同德街“专业社工介入”服务模式、三元里街“多元主体参与”服务模式。这7个案例是广州市新一轮基层社会管理创新的典型工作体现,其中的一些具体做法在微观层面反映了广州创新的理论基石、工作思路和改革效果,为下一章对前期试点工作和下一阶段改革工作开展的分析研究提供了具体、直接的第一手资料。第五章着重对广州市案例进行分析研究。首先分析了试点工作的特点和成效:整合管理服务职能、构建“三位一体”的基层社会治理格局,推广政府购买服务、打造多元主体的社区管理服务模式,加快基础设施建设、改善街道社区的软件硬件服务环境,整合各类社区资源、形成社区服务的“协同共赢”合作机制等。然后分析了下一步工作方案中存在的问题和风险,包括“重心下移”在制度设计上的争议,“三中心一队伍”在功能定位上的争议,“重心下移”与减员增效的目标困局,“政府购买服务”全面实施的供需矛盾,以及“议行分设”模式下居民参与度不足的困局。通过研究,提出了广州市为实现基层社会管理创新目标而需要解决的理论和实践层面的问题:一是分级分类,市、区、街的合理分权;二是重心下移,区级职能部门的“落地”;三是回到原点,街道办事处的“归位”;四是多方参与,社区管理服务的协同,五是夯实基础,城市电子化环境的完善。第六章在广州案例的研究基础上,推衍出普适性的加强和创新我国基层社会管理的路径选择:一是紧扣时代发展方向,与时俱进;二是把握本地行政生态,因地制宜;三是以人为本、服务需求为导向;四是加强法规建设,夯实制度基础;五是善用先进技术,为基层社会管理服务创新提供手段支持和智力保障。最后一章中提出论文的主要研究结论:按照行政生态学理论,不同历史发展时期的生产力发展水平不同、政治经济体制不同、社会文明程度不同,不同的社会沟通网络和符号系统的影响,决定着基层社会管理模式的不同选择,并对基层社会发展发挥重要的作用。当前和今后一段时期,我国处于社会主义建设的初级阶段,在发展共同治理的社区制管理模式的前提下,需要建立起以居民为中心、服务为导向,利用电子化手段实现“条”“块”有效结合的管理模式。当前这种模式应该由政府主导、多元化主体参与治理,然后随着社会进步,逐渐向政府、社会组织、居民协作的混合型基层社会管理模式过渡,待将来社会高度发展和高度文明,政府则可以退出具体的基层管理,进化到自治型基层社会管理模式。

【Abstract】 The main content of this thesis is based on a thoroughly case study of the new round innovation and reform of Guangzhou urban grass-root social management, managing to draw on a theoretical framework and practical path of enforcement and innovation of Chinese urban grass-root social management from now on.In the chapter of introduction, this thesis describes the background of the topic: currently social management in China is getting more and more complex and difficult, so that the government must be innovatively thinking and experimenting to enforce social management so as to maintain a harmonious and stable society, and promote further economic and social development. Nowadays central and local governments have attached great importance to the innovation of social management, and make a lot of meaningful explorations. The thesis then describes the theoretical and practical significance, analyzes the difficulties and innovation points, and leads a research method of evidence-based with various other means as compliment.In the first chapter, the thesis discusses the core concepts and theoretical underpinnings of the grass-roots social management, sorts out the main ideas of contemporary Chinese and foreign social management, and divides them into six major perspectives,including the "liberalism" perspective, "state interventionism" perspective, "co-management of stakeholders" perspective, "government service" perspective, "administrative ecology" perspective and "technology determinism" perspective. From these six perspectives, the thesis selects "administrative ecology" perspective and "co-management of stakeholders" perspective as the theoretical basis and analysis tools.In the second chapter, the thesis studies the practices, problems and development of grass-roots social management in China. Firstly, the thesis introduces the development stages of social management practice after the foundation of new China; then analyzes three current grass-roots community-based management pattern: administration, autonomy and hybrid pattern. Then the thesis introduces the organizations of Chinese urban grass-roots social management system, including community residents committee, sub-district office, and municipal district, analyses their historical development, nature, functions of the position, role in social management, the their interaction relationships. Further more, the thesis proposes five basic principles of contemporary Chinese social management, including putting people first, service-oriented, coordinated development, environment adaptation, enlarging participation, resident autonomy, clear responsibilities, improving the legal system, gradual adjustment and scientific innovation. Continually, the thesis emphasizes five core works, including increasing grass-roots participation, strengthening legal system of grass-roots management, clarifying responsibilities of grass-root social management organizations, improve grass-roots social service function, fostering grass-roots non-profitable organizations. Finally, the thesis analyses four specific patterns of contemporary Chinese grass-roots social management, including Shanghai as the representative of government-led pattern, Shenyang as the representative of community autonomy, Jianghan District of Wuhan as the representative of multi-party involved, Yantian District of Shenzhen as the representative of the separation of legislature and administration, then conducts a comparative study of these four kinds of typical patterns, therefore laying a theoretical and practical basis for the following case study of Guangzhou’s new round urban grass-roots social management innovation and the formation of "Guangzhou Pattern".In the third chapter, the thesis discusses and comparatively studies the grass-roots social management patterns of the United States, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong, analyzes their experiences that Guangzhou and China can learn. First, to pursue people-oriented concept of grass-roots social management; Second, to build up service-oriented grass-roots social management system; Third, to improve grass-roots social management system of laws and regulations; Forth, to create multiple-party-involved autonomous community system; Fifth, innovate grass-roots social management by the means of electronic and information technology; Sixth, to vigorously cultivate the third sector pf grass-roots social management.In the fourth chapter, the thesis introduces the pilot project of Guangzhou’s new round of grass-roots social management innovation. Firstly, the thesis describes the background, guiding principles and objectives of Guangzhou’s grass-roots social management innovation, analyses the problems before the pilot project being carried out, and the pilot project’s outcome and achievements, as well as the next step in-depth reform program. Then the thesis discusses seven typical street-level pilot projects of grass-roots social management innovation, including "three centers and one team" model of Shayuan street, "Residential CCP(Chinese Communist Party) Branch and community service within ten-minute’s walk" model of Jiangnanzhong street, "Community service station and performance evaluation" model of Pazhou street, "Aiding by community informatization" model of Beijing street, "in cooperation with market" model of Jingxi street, "Professional social worker involved" model of Tongde street, "multi-party participation " model of Sanyuanli street. These seven are the typical cases of Guangzhou’s new round grass-roots social management, some specific practices reflect the theoretical basis, project guidelines and outcomes of Guangzhou’s pilot project of grass-roots social management innovation at the micro level, which provide a detailed and directly first-hand material for the study of Guangzhou case (both pilot project and the next-step program)in the next chapter.In the fifth chapter, the thesis conducts a in-depth study of Guangzhou case. Firstly, the thesis analyses the characteristics and effectiveness of the pilot project, including integrating management and service functions, building a "all three in one" structure of grass-roots social governance, promoting the government procurement of services, creating multi-party involved community management and service model, accelerating infrastructure construction, improving software and hardware of community service, integrating various community resources, forming a "win-win" cooperation mechanism of community service. Further more, the thesis analyses and points out the problems and risks of the next-step program of Guangzhou case, including the controversy of the system design of "lower working focus", the controversy of functions of "three center and one team", the dilemma of "lower working focus" and downsizing of labors, the difficulties of the full implementation demand and shortage of service supply, and the dilemma of lack of residents’participation under the system of separation of legislature and administration. Through research, the thesis proposes five means to optimize Guangzhou program so to achieve its initial goals, first is to reasonable and scientifically classify the power, function, responsibility and interactions of municipal government, district government and sub-district office; second is to "lower working focus" and functional departments of district government should work directly with resident, social organization and other community parties; Third is to lead to sub-district office back to its original position instead of empowering it to be a level governmental organization; forth is to encouraging all stakeholders to participate in community service and management; fifth is to improve urban infrastructure of information and communication technology. In the sixth chapter, based on the above study of Guangzhou case, the thesis generalizes the primary paths of enforcing and innovating Chinese contemporary grass-roots social management pattern, first is to closely be in line with macro-level direction of national development, and simultaneously make progress with time; second is to adjust to local administrative ecological environment; third is to put people first and service-oriented; fourth is to strengthen legislature system so that to lay down a solid institutional foundation; fifth is to make good use of advanced technology so that to support and facilitate geass-roots social management innovation.In the final chapter, the thesis draws out the main conclusion that in accordance with administrative ecology theory, they are productivity development, political and economic system, civilization of society, as well as social communication network and symbol system that determine the choice of grass-roots social management pattern and strongly influence the grass-roots social development. Current and future period of time, China is at the initial stage of Chinese characteristic socialist development, therefore, at the premise of governance-based community management theory, China should establish a grass-roots social management pattern, which is putting people first, service-oriented, aided by the means of information and communication technology, effective cooperation and integration among government agencies. At present this pattern should be led by the government, and multiple stakeholders participate in grass-roots social management. And with social progress, it will gradually transit to hybrid pattern that government, social organizations and residents work closely and collaborative for grass-roots social affairs. In the future, our society will be highly developed and highly civilized, government can quit the specific and micro-level grass-roots social management, and the pattern will evolve to autonomous-style grass-roots social management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

