

【作者】 谢忠文

【导师】 徐觉哉;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 意识形态转型是一个综合课题。国内外的研究多以整体性研究为主,细节性、结构性的研究成果几乎没有。为了有效地考察意识形态转型的动力、路径、规律以及意识形态结构要素的变迁,本文以历史唯物主义为基本方法论,辅之以结构功能主义,运用历史学、政治社会学的学科背景对意识形态转型进行综合研究。全文结构安排如下:第一章构建本文的理论分析框架,特别是构建阐述史实的转型模型。通过这一转型理论的建构,本文对意识形态转型作了结构性研究。第二章到第六章是本文的主体部分。第二章将革命型意识形态在农村的变迁作为意识形态转型的场域进行研究。紧接着,本文将意识形态转型的几个关键概念(本文撷取了“人民公社”、“所有制”以及“阶级斗争”等概念)作为革命意识形态向治理型意识形态转型的考察范畴(第三章至第六章)。显然,本文的论述就是从意识形态结构要素的变迁来论述意识形态的转型问题。第七章试图在转型模型的基础上对意识形态发展的未来趋势做了一些预测性的研究。研究的内容主要围绕着意识形态转型中必须要处理好的几对关系范畴进行。通过上述研究,本文描绘了建国以来意识形态变迁的基本路线图,以意识形态结构性要素为考察对象,全面梳理了重要概念变迁史,并对意识形态转型的未来趋势做出了一些预测性研究。本文的主要观点如下:(1)提出当代中国意识形态转型的路线图。本文认为中国的意识形态转型是去激进化的过程,走了一条从“方法论层面”向“政策层面”,从“经济观”到“政治观”,从“外围”到“核心”的“软着陆”路径,这条路径区别于前苏东地区的“硬着陆”路径。后者造成的灾难性后果有目共睹,但前者在转型过程中也出现了诸如“意识形态悬浮”、“意识形态阻滞”、“意识形态锁定”等负面问题,给“极左”的社会思潮再度复辟留下了理论空间。因此,意识形态转型必须处理要合理处理好一系列关系范畴(见第七章)。(2)意识形态转型的关键在于重新发现社会,尤其是处理好主流意识形态与社会意识形态的关系,以造成意识形态分离后的重新整合。本文的结论部分分析了当代中国意识形态的生态环境,尤其是“国家-政党-社会”三个主体的意识形态纠结互动的过程,指出了:(1)意识形态转型的本质一是向马克思主义的完整回归(辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义);(2)三者在新的历史阶段上的理性复归,即政党的意识形态主导社会意识形态和国家意识形态,向适当放松政党意识形态对社会和国家意识形态泛化策略的复归。(3)从意识形态的主体与客体的关系来说,意识形态也可以是一种主观性的、表达性的建构过程,由于构建的主观意图与现实境况或分或合的关系,这就使得在客观结构和表达结构之间存在关联性,但有时也会发生分离。观念(表达的结构)与社会经济结构(客观结构)之间密切相关。随着客观结构的发展和变迁,表达结构也要发生相应的变化,但是由于表达主体的利益制约,表达结构有时会呈现出滞后的状态。反映在意识形态转型中,就会发生意识形态的“悬浮”和“阻滞”现象。

【Abstract】 Ideological transformation is a comprehensive issue. Unfortunately all the researches at home and aboard are focused on the holistic problems, in spite of the lack of detail and structural study. In order to effectively study the dynamics, path, and laws of transformation ideology as well as the changes in the ideological structure elements, from a methodological perspective of historical materialism, and referring to structural functionalism, this dissertation takes advantage of the academic background of history and political sociology, delves into the ideology transformation comprehensively.The chapters of which this dissertation consists are organized as follows:Construction of the first chapter establishes the theoretical framework, particularly the transformation modes of elucidating historical facts. By virtue of the construction of the transformation, this dissertation investigates structurally the ideological transformation.The contents from ChapterⅡto ChapterⅣconstruct the main part of this study. ChapterⅡare supposed to analyze the changes of ideology in rural areas as the presence of ideological transformation. And then, the author regards several kernel concepts (such as "the people’s communes" and "revisionism" and "ownership" and "the class struggle") as the constructs which as theoretical apparatus are helpful for the study of the transformation from revolutionary ideology to governance one(from the third chapter to chapterⅵ). It is obvious that the elucidation in this dissertation is unfolding from the structural elements in the change of ideology.On the basis of the transformation model, ChapterⅦattempts to forecast developing tendency of ideology in the future. The research in this chapter concerns several relation categories which must be properly handled.By means of this research, the dissertation delineates the ideological changes since the foundation of New China, investigates the flux of important constructs across-the-board with structural elements of ideology as investigative objects, and forecasts the tendency of ideological transformation in the future. The main point is as follows:Ⅰ. To suggest the line map of the Ideological transformation of contemporary China. This dissertation considers the ideological transformation in China as a process of radicalization which follows an approach of soft landing, from "Methodological dimension" to the "the level of policy", from the "economic outlook" to "political outlook", and from "peripheral" to the "core", different from the "hard landing" of the former Soviet Union and Eastern regions. The devastating consequence to which the hard landing of the latter leads is well-known, while the former transformation also faces the troubles such as "ideology suspended", "ideological block ", "ideology locked" and other negative issues, which give excuse to the restoration of ultra-Left trend of thought. Therefore, we should properly handle a series of relation categories in the process of the ideological transformation (see ChapterⅥ).Ⅱ. The crux in the ideological transformation lies in the rediscovery of community, especially in order to the re-integrate of ideology after its separation, we should properly handle the relation between the ideology of mainstream and the social one. In the conclusion of this dissertation, the author analyzes the ideological environment of contemporary China, particularly the entangled ideological interactions of three main subjects, i.e. "nation, political parties, and society", and points out that (1) the nature of the ideological transformation is to return to Marxism entirely(dialectical materialism and historical materialism); (2) the rational return of these three ideologies in new historical stage, that is, the ideology of dominant society leads the ideology of political parties and that of the national ideology to return to the right one which relax the national ideology of the society and to the strategies of generalization.Ⅲ. Ideology is a construction process of subjective expression. Thus, because the subjective intention in the construction does not necessarily accord with the situation in reality, the connection lies between the objective structure and that in expression, although it is weak. Concepts (the expression of structure) and socio-economic structure (objective structure) are closely related. According to the development and flux of the objective structure is the change of expression. Unfortunately, because of the profit restrain of the expression subjects, the structure of expression is sometimes in a state of lag. In the ideological transformation, it is called the "suspension" and "block" of ideology.

  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【下载频次】773

