

【作者】 谢华育

【导师】 钟祥财;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 经济思想史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 弗里德曼学说的货币主义和奥地利经济学派是西方经济学说发展史上重要的两支自由主义经济学流派。然而它们在许多方面依然存在着鲜明的差异。随着金融危机的爆发,人们对经济危机产生了巨大的兴趣,而弗里德曼和奥地利经济学派基于自己的货币理论都对美国大萧条进行了解释。本文意图以方法论为起点,通过从方法论影响到货币理论,再影响到实证研究的思路,对两种学说的方法论、货币理论和经济史研究进行比较和分析。本文由绪论和主体性的五章组成,其主体性内容如下:第二章:对弗里德曼社会科学方法论的分析。指出弗里德曼逻辑论证上的不足,认为他的意图是把自然科学的方法论移植到社会科学上来。第三章:对门格尔和米塞斯方法论的分析。这一章以门格尔和米塞斯为奥地利经济学派的代表,对其方法论进行了分析总结。第四章:对弗里德曼的货币数量论进行分析。指明了其理论的内在一致性,以及他通过经验证据证明理论的意图。第五章:以货币与产业的关系为中心,分析哈耶克的货币思想以及罗斯巴德对美国大萧条的研究。第六章:总结全文,指明研究中存在的不足,为进一步研究提供方向。

【Abstract】 As tow important economic school of liberalism, Friedman’s thinking and Austrian school are different from each other from lots of aspects. While the financial crises came and people take a lot of interest in this field, Friedman and Austrian school both give explanation to the Great Depression which takes place in 1930s according to their own theories of money. In this dissertation, the author considers the methodology as the origin of argument, investigates how different methodologies have influence on different monetary theories, and then the different positive studies. By virtue of this approach, the author compares these tow economic teachings.The whole dissertation consists of an introduction and other 5 chapters as its main content, the brief of these 5 chapters are as follows:In the second chapter, the author analyzes Friedman’s methodology of social sciences, points out the weak links in the course of reasoning, and demonstrates the whole process that Friedman grafts the methodology of natural science to social science.In Chapter Three, Menger and Mises become the focus of analysis, the author give a careful investigation to their methodology of social science. Chapter Four gives an explanation to Friedman’s Quantity Theory of Money, demonstrates its coherence, and Friedman’s intention to testify the theory by empirical evidences.In Chapter Five, the dissertation concerns Hayek’s thought of money and Rothbard’s investigation of the Great Depression from the perspective that regards the relation of money and industries as a kernel issue.The sixth chapter generalizes the whole study, shows the shortcoming of this dissertation and orients the further study.

  • 【分类号】F091.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】561

