

【作者】 刘炜

【导师】 张道根;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 MCBD是伴随上海国际大都市发展并借鉴世界城市发展经验,提出的一个新的概念,主要指按照现代理念统一规划设计,依托交通枢纽和信息网络,将商务楼宇、星级宾馆、商业设施以及相关的生产生活服务配套设施合理有效地集中,在一定区域内形成功能集聚、形态美观、内外连通、生态协调、资源节约,充分体现以人为本的、具有较强现代服务产业集聚能力的城市综合体,也称为现代服务业集聚区。伴随着服务业的稳定快速增长,服务业对外开放的步伐不断加快,服务业已成为国内外投资者所关注的热点。外商对上海投资持续增长,外商投资的结构和质量不断优化,跨国公司通过设立各级总部以及BPO等服务外包方式加快服务业向中国转移。上海已成为我国“总部经济”项目最集中、发展最快的城市之一。中央商务区(以下简称CBD)是现代化城市服务业集聚发展的主要载体和平台。CBD的核心是总部经济,CBD通过功能完善的配套服务,发挥载体和平台功能,为总部经济营造一个良好的发展环境。近年来上海服务业集聚发展呈现加速趋势,商务楼宇在中心城区高度集聚,对各类配套服务提出了很高的要求,进一步推动了这些区域服务业的集聚发展。然而,服务业集聚发展到一定程度后,区域经济规模和人口规模超过一定限度,产生了中心城区商务功能过度集中的现象,城市CBD逐渐不能承载服务业持续集聚发展。伴随信息技术和经济全球化的进程不断加快,发达国家在进入工业化后期,特别是后工业化阶段后,在经济总量发展、经济结构变化和人口规模扩张等因素驱动下,城市服务业集聚出现了由单点的中央商务区(CBD)模式向多极化、分散化、演变扩张成若干个微型中央商务区(MCBD)。自上世纪60年代以来,为解决中心城区商务功能过度集中的矛盾,以东京、伦敦、纽约为代表的世界级城市,都经历了从单个CBD到MCBD网络初步建立的过程,服务业集聚发展的溢出效应促成中央商务区的分散化多极化。经济增长和资源瓶颈的矛盾是城市服务业集聚发展到一定阶段的必然产物,而MCBD正是通过对已建成和已获批项目的优化完善和资源整合,通过对存量的结构调整和布局调整,更好地体现土地、能源等资源的集约利用,凸现商务与交通、商业、文化等配套功能的集聚效应,实现产业融合和服务业集群发展。通过统一规划,体现产业、功能和形态三结合,努力实现产业发展和城市建设的和谐统一。因此,在推进MCBD建设的过程中,坚持通过优化存量来“推进经济结构调整、加快转变经济发展方式”;坚持通过整合资源则力求体现“有效缓解资源短缺的瓶颈制约、提高资源利用效率”的要求。现代服务业集聚区强调统一规划、功能配套、形态新颖和生态环保,打造产业高地和城市名片。存量优化和资源整合是现代服务业集聚区建设的基本思路。联合开发模式,确保了开发区域的整体性和一致性。从国际经验来看,联合开发模式缘起于上世纪70年代的加拿大和美国等城市,后来又在东京和香港得到了成功的应用。联合开发模式,确保了开发区域的整体性和一致性,可以使局部区域的建设同城市规划布局之间建立一种高度的契合性,保证集聚区的空间形态的美观、生态环境的完善以及容积率的有效控制,从而实现集聚区产业、功能、形态的有机结合,而要确保联合开发模式得以贯彻实施,政府各审批管理部门的联动是前提保障。目前上海单体建筑的节能研究及技术应用较为成熟,但是,对以商务楼宇和商业配套设施为主体的大型综合建筑群的区域能源集约利用还相对滞后,特别是缺乏区域能源管理理念和整体的系统规划研究。区域能源管理在国际上也属于方兴未艾的前沿领域,如何结合上海的实际进行开拓性研究,以MCBD为切入点,是探索上海区域能源管理规划模式的有效途径。当务之急,是要为现代服务业集聚区(MCBD)能源管理制订指导原则和评估体系,系统性、综合性地指引各现代服务业集聚区开展区域能源管理规划工作。并通过具体案例的分析和应用,增强研究成果的操作性,形成示范带动效应,促进现代服务业集聚区能源节约和资源综合利用。由产业集聚带动的人口、资本、技术的区域集中,是我国当前城市化过程中应遵循的一个规律。在“集聚弹性”分析的基础上,建立模型,细分服务业集聚发展规律特点;选取全球城市,对服务业集聚发展的多极化分散化进行实证分析,探索将服务业发展与城市环境、城市功能相协调的机制保障和方法路径;针对上海“现代服务业集聚区”建设的重点和难点,结合资源集约、联合开发的思路,提出系统设想与操作建议,以求达到集聚区建设的产业、功能、形态三合一。本论文旨在从空间经济学、产业经济学与城市集聚发展的角度,通过国际案例的实证研究,揭示发达国家在发展MCBD的契机、条件,找出MCBD布局、产业、发展模式、具体规划等方面的共同特征,论证城市服务业集聚多极化模式的必然性和科学性,以及集聚与分散的辨证统一关系,建立多极化集聚分类模型,以求达成产业发展和城市建设的和谐统一。并以此来对标上海,说明上海目前是否已经到了大力发展MCBD的阶段,并且在产业、布局、发展模式等各个方面应该注意和遵循哪些原则,以及在整个过程中采纳哪些建议。

【Abstract】 MCBD is accompanied by the international metropolis of Shanghai to develop and draw on the experiences of urban development, proposed a new concept, the main means in accordance with the modern concept of unified planning and design, relying on the transport hub and information network, business building, star hotels, commercial facilities and related Production and living services, facilities and reasonable to focus effectively, in a certain area form a functional cluster, form appearance, internal and external connectivity, ecological harmony, resource conservation, fully embodies the people-oriented, with strong modern service industry gathering ability of the city complex, but also Known as the modern service area.With the steady and rapid growth in the service industry, service industry continues to accelerate the pace of opening up the service sector has become the focus of attention of foreign investors. Continued growth of foreign investment in Shanghai, foreign investment to optimize the structure and quality, at all levels through the establishment of headquarters in multinational corporations and outsourcing BPO services to speed up service to China. Shanghai has become China’s "headquarters economy" project the most concentrated and fastest growing cities.Central Business District (hereinafter referred to as the CBD) is the development of modern service industries concentrated mainly urban carriers and platforms. CBD is the core of the headquarters economy, CBD features comprehensive support services through the play carrier and platform functionality, based economic development and create a good environment. In recent years, showed accelerated development of Shanghai Service Industry trends, business highly concentrated in the central city buildings, made of various types of ancillary services is high, and further promote the accumulation of these regional service development. However, the service industry to a certain degree of centralized development, regional economic scale and population size beyond a certain limit, resulting in a central city phenomenon of excessive concentration of business functions, the city hosted services can not be sustained CBD gradually centralized development. With information technology and the accelerating process of economic globalization, the developed countries into the later stages of industrialization, especially in post-industrial stage, the total economic development, economic structural change and population size and other factors, driven by expansion of urban service industries concentrated there By a single point of the central business district (CBD) model to the multi-polarization, fragmentation, expansion into a number of micro-evolution of Central Business District (MCBD).60 years since the last century, since the downtown business functions to address the excessive concentration of contradictions, to Tokyo, London, New York, represented by world-class city, have gone through the network from a single CBD to MCBD initial establishment of the process, the development of service industries concentrated Spillover effect contributed to the decentralization of the central business district, multi-polarization.The bottleneck of economic growth and resource service industries concentrated in urban development conflict to a certain stage of the inevitable product of MCBD It is through the approved projects have been completed and has been optimized and improved integration of resources, through the restructuring and layout of the stock adjustment To better reflect the land, the intensive use of energy and other resources, highlights the business and transportation, commerce, culture, the combined effect of supporting functions to achieve integration and services industry cluster development. Through unified planning, reflecting industry, function and form three-pronged efforts to achieve industrial development and urban construction harmony. Therefore, in promoting the process of building MCBD, adhere to optimize stock to "promote economic restructuring, speed up transformation of economic development"; persist through the integration of resources are sought to reflect the "shortage of resources to effectively alleviate bottlenecks, improve efficiency of resource use" Requirements. Stressed that modern service area of unified planning, and facilities, innovative and eco-shape, to create industry Heights and the city card. Inventory optimization and integration of resources is the construction of modern service area basic ideas.Joint development model to ensure that the development of regional integrity and consistency. From international experience, joint development model originated in the 70s of last century in cities such as Canada and the United States and later in Tokyo and Hong Kong has been successfully applied. Joint development model to ensure that the development of regional integrity and consistency, can make the construction of local area planning and layout with the city to establish a high degree of fit between the nature, to ensure concentration on the spatial form of the beautiful, the improvement of ecological environment and the volume Rate control, in order to achieve industry gathering area, function, form an organic combination, and to ensure the implementation of joint development model to various government authorities for approval is the premise of the linkage.Single building in Shanghai’s energy research and technology is more mature, however, to commercial buildings and commercial facilities as the main building complex large-scale regional energy intensive use has lagged behind, especially the lack of regional vision and overall energy management System planning. Regional energy management in the international community is emerging frontier, how to combine the actual conduct of Shanghai pioneering study to MCBD as the starting point to explore the Shanghai area of energy management planning model effective way. Top priority is to provide modern services zones (MCBD) guidelines for energy management and evaluation system developed, systematic, integrated approach to the modern service area guidelines for regional energy management planning. And through the analysis of specific cases and applications, and enhance the operational research to form a demonstration effect, to promote modern service area of energy saving and comprehensive utilization of resources.Driven by the industrial agglomeration of population, capital, technology, regional focus, is the current process of urbanization in China should follow a rule. In the "Cluster flexible" based on the analysis, modeling, subdivision patterns, features of centralized development services; selected global cities, the development of the service industry gathering empirical analysis of multi-polarization of decentralization, exploring the development of service industries and the urban environment, Mechanism for coordination of urban functions and methods of protection path; for Shanghai "modern service area, " the construction of key and difficult points, combined with resource-intensive, joint development of ideas, put forward ideas and the operation of the proposed system, in order to achieve the construction of the industrial agglomeration, Function, form triple. This paper aims to spatial economics, industrial economics and urban agglomeration development perspective, empirical research through international case reveals MCBD opportunity in the development of the developed countries, conditions, identify MCBD distribution, industrial, development model, the specific planning Aspects of the common features of urban services demonstrated the necessary scientific concentration polarization model, and the dialectical unity of agglomeration and dispersion relations, a multi-polar clustering classification model, in order to achieve industrial development and urban construction of a harmonious unity. And thus to the benchmark Shanghai, indicating that Shanghai currently has reached a stage of develop MCBD, and in industry, distribution, development model and other aspects which should be noted and followed the principle, and which of the recommendations adopted in the whole process.

  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1208

