

On Modern Prose Criticism’s Individuality Theory

【作者】 王炳中

【导师】 汪文顶;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国现代散文是在“人”的发现和个性觉醒的时代语境中发展起来的。个性是现代散文理论批评的一个核心范畴,具有丰富复杂的意涵和阐释。现代散文个性说积极吸取外国散文特别是英国随笔表现自我、张扬个性的观念,发掘和改造古代散文师心使气、言志抒情的精神传统,在创作实践与理论批评的结合中形成现代的理论形态和批评方法。现代散文作家和理论批评家从不同立场和角度提出了不同的阐释和主张,先后出现了人性论的个性说、性灵论的个性说和阶级论的个性说。但在众说纷纭的议论和辩难中,对于创作主体性、个性真实性、文体独创性三大问题上也有求同存异、相辅相成的见识,丰富和深化了现代散文的个性美学内涵。散文理论批评家还结合创作实际和作家作品来探讨个性风格问题,运用个性理论来衡文论人,辨析和品评散文家的个性风格,把散文个性说引向批评实践和创作经验的总结。现代散文个性说是一个复杂的理论系统。本文力图全面系统地梳理和辨析个性说的各种观点和理论内涵,探讨自我个性与散文体性的内在联系和有关批评观念的逻辑关系,建构散文批评个性分析的概念术语和理论方法。这对于现代散文理论研究和批评实践具有较大的学术意义。

【Abstract】 The forming time background of Chinese modern prose were the discovery of’humanbeing’and the awaking of individuality. ’Individuality’is a key word of modern prose criticism, and its meaning is complicated.The theory of individuality draw lessons from the foreign literary criticisms (especially the british essay’s concept of self-expression) and from the ancient prosers’lyric works. It came into being a mordern literary ideology and criticism from the composing pracitces and theoretical constructions.Prosers and critics had put forward different kinds of explanations and views, for example, from the angle of human nature, of spirit, and of social classes. But they had some similar views on composing subject, authenticity of individuality, and Promethean style. The differences and similarity deepened modern prose’s aesthetic connotation.Critics, using the theory of individuality, commented on writers personal styles from their works, and they led the theory of individuality to some kind of ultimate standard.The theory of individuality is a complicated system. This thesis is an attempt to give a systemic description on the theory’s various aspect, and it discusses the relationships between self individuality and style of prose and concept of criticism. It is helpful to the research on modern prose and to the pracitice of literary criticisms.

【关键词】 现代散文理论批评个性说
【Key words】 Modern proseTheory and criticismindividuality

