

The Study of the Canonization of Shen Congwen’s Literary Works

【作者】 蔡颖华

【导师】 辜也平;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 将“沈从文文学经典化”作为特殊的范例,来考察中国现代文学史中文学经典化的复杂情况,是一个具有多重意义和价值的命题。沈从文文学经典化,是各种因素“合力”的结果。首先,沈从文创造经典的自觉意识、对文学经典“共时性”和“历时性”特征的认识、以及对“审美经典”的认同,是沈从文文学经典化的先在条件。其次从建构主义经典观角度考察沈从文文学经典化历程,并不完全是在文学层面完成的,还受到许多“非文学”因素的影响。如果说在前经典时期由于评价标准的多元,形成了对沈从文文学丰富的“共时性”言说,那么1949-1979三十年间,国内和海外、港、台不同经典标准下的认定差异,所形成的巨大张力,则为新时期沈从文文学经典化提供了潜在的空间。而新时期以来,在事实成规、审美成规、多价成规影响下沈从文文学实现了经典的重构。随着文学史的重新承纳和“文化熟知化”现象的出现,在学校、学术机构、大众传媒,还有出版商、批评家、文学史家及普通大众全方位的接受下,沈从文文学经典最终确立。综上所述,沈从文文学经典化是一个历史化的漫长而复杂的过程。在这个过程中,沈从文文学的题材、文化、审美的“可得性”,也是其最终成为经典的重要先在条件。此外,批评家在沈从文文学经典化过程中扮演了重要的角色。这些“发现人”极富张力的沈从文研究,成为沈从文文学经典化过程中重要的催化因素。二十世纪末,在沈从文文学经典化的进程中,也存在过度阐释和过度神化的倾向,正视这种文化现象,将有助于更全面、更准确的把握沈从文文学经典化历程。

【Abstract】 It is exceedingly significant and valuable to take "the canonization of Shen Congwen’s literary works" for example to explore the complexities of literature canonization in the History of Modern Chinese Literature. As is known to all, the canonization of Shen Congwen’s literary works is attributed to "joint forces" of all factors. For one thing, the prerequisites for the canonization of Shen Congwen’s literary works are his awareness of how to create canon in literature, his knowledge of synchronic and diachronic features of literature canon and his approval of "aesthetic canon". For another, from the angle of Canon Formation, it can be seen that the canonization of Shen Congwen’s literary works is not confined to literature,other "non-literature" factors also exert their influence on it. Suppose multiple evaluation criteria, during the pre-canon period, prompted diversified synchronic evaluations of Shen Congwen’s literary works, it is safe to say that powerful joint forces, due to evaluation discrepancy stemming from domestic and overseas different evaluation criteria, made potential room for the canonization of Shen Congwen’s literary works in 1980s.After1980s, Shen Congwen’s literary works attained the goal cannon Reformation under the influence of Fact Convention, Aesthetic Convention and Polyvalence Convention. And with the reacceptance of the history of literature and the emergence of Cultural Familiarization, his literature was canonized in the long run after the approval of schools, academic organizations and the media, and after the universal recognition of publishers, critics, experts of the history of literature and the common people. To sum up, the canonization of Shen Congwen’s literary works undergoes a long and complicated process, during which material, cultural and aesthetic "accessibilities" are the fundamental prerequisites for its final canonization. In addition, critics also play a vital role in canonizing Shen Congwen’s literary works through their fruitful study. At the end of the 20th century, there existed a tendency of overinterpretation and overdeification of Shen Congwen’s literary works. Taking a serious look at this cultural phenomenon will help to grasp this process.


