

Research on Chinese Wushu Social Influence Power in the Era

【作者】 袁金宝

【导师】 周登嵩;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “影响力”是人们耳熟能详的日常用语,尤其跨入21世纪以来,世界各国在政治、经济、文化、教育、外贸等多个领域的较量都是为了扩大各自文化体系的国际影响力,巩固影响效应。随着近几年国际竞争的加剧,国内外学术界对影响力问题的研究逐渐深入和细致,一些诸如企业影响力、传媒影响力、领导影响力、网络影响力、艺术作品影响力等具体问题研究逐渐展开。而对于当今社会的进步和发展有着重要推动作用的体育影响力研究则鲜有见到,只有上世纪90年代末期关于体育教师影响力的研究。本文认为,影响力不仅是微观层面影响力的大小、深远的具体研究,它还是一种全面、系统认识事物发展规律的方法论。因此,本文将“影响力”引入当代中国武术的发展当中,有助于我们清楚的认识到各种影响要素所起的具体作用,做到有的放矢,特别对于民族传统文化的继承、民族精神的弘扬有着重要的理论研究和实践探索意义。本文运用文献资料法、系统分析法、访谈法、问卷调查法、特尔非法、层次分析法、数理统计法等研究方法,以当代中国武术社会影响力现状为研究对象,以社会学、教育学、文化学、美学、传播学等学科相关理论为基础,对当代中国武术社会影响力进行了理论和实证研究。研究结果;1)近代以降,随着“全球化”思潮的涌动和深入,武术的国内外社会影响力发生了翻天覆地的变化,“技击”已经成为武术与世界其它武技之间的共同拥有的“共相”特征,而武术的国籍性、文化性、民族性、艺术性等将是今后扩大武术国际影响力重要的本质特性;武术社会影响力是一个辨证的、历史的客观现象,它主要是指不同历史时期,在不同社会情境中对人们产生的包括倾向、认知、情感、意见、态度、信仰以及行为等多方面的作用效力。2)武术社会影响力的发挥有着深厚丰富的理论基础。其中社会学的功能理论告诉我们,在新的历史形势下,必须紧紧抓住人们对武术时代功能的切实需求来提高武术社会影响力,其交换理论提示我们,武术的传承和发扬已经走入了由传统的人与人之间的“情感交换”进入了“物质、利益交换”的怪圈;教育学告诉我们,家庭、学校、社会同时担负着武术教育的历史责任,家庭武术教育缺失、学校武术教育乏力、社会武术教育价值异化是当代武术教育的主要问题。3)在文化权利交接的21世纪,武术文化需要进一步整理和挖掘,但相比之下,武术所蕴含的“礼、义、仁、信、德、俭、让”等武术传统文化缺乏科学有效的宣教平台是存在的最大问题,文化真实、文化认同、文化自觉、文化整合、文化安全都是武术文化发展面临的重要内容;美是人们孜孜以求的生活向往,而武术美的根本在于它是一种“厚德载物、自强不息”的战斗美、生活美;传播学视野下,官方传播与民间传播相结合才是武术长远发展的理想模式。4)中国武术社会影响力是武术内、外部因素综合作用的结果。其中,武术社会影响力的内部成因包括人们对武术的“技击实用价值、艺术欣赏价值、强身健体价值、延年益寿价值、休闲娱乐价值和经济创造价值”的实际需求;其外部成因则在于传媒技术的推动、训练手段的改进、学科建设的需要等。5)当代中国武术社会影响力评价指标体系的构建主要应当以全面系统性、代表性、动态与静态指标相结合为主要原则,在理论依据和实践依据的指导下,通过归纳和演绎,本文构建了包括4个一级指标、即武术研习者、武术组织、武术组织活动、武术资源及其环境,23个二级指标以及64个三级指标的武术社会影响力评价指标体系,利用层次分析法(AHP)确定了各指标的权重,四个一级指标的权重次序从高到低依次为:武术活动影响力、武术研习者影响力、武术资源及其环境影响力、武术组织影响力。6)在理论研究的基础上,选取了我国的首都北京市的普通社会人员、大学生、中学生等三类人群进行影响力效果的调查。三类人员对中国武术的比较优势、习武动机、习练场所的选择、制约因素、师者崇拜、武术感知(组织机构、活动、资源环境)等方面表现出一定差异,总体效果不容乐观。7)通过理论和实证研究,从宏观、微观等两个方面,针对调查结果中发现出的问题,制定了当代中国武术社会影响力扩大化发展的相关对策。其中宏观策略7个,中观策略18个。

【Abstract】 "Influence power" is a vocabulary people know very well, especially entered into 21 century, most of countries compete in politic、econon、culture、education、foreign trade and so on, the last aim is to enlarge different culture system’s influence power in the world, to confirm influence impression.With the development of international competition, academe not only domestic, but also overseas are taking research about influence power problem. Just like enterprise、disseminule、leader、internet、art etc.However, we can find little study about sports social influence power which with great pulling action to social development, besides several about P.E teacher.This paper think that, "influence power" is not only the respective study about the influence status on micro lay, but also one kind of methodology which tell us find the development law wholly. So, this paper import "influence power" to Chinese wushu, it can help us to be cognizant of the respective function of influence factors, especially,it will exert important theory and practice signification to inherit national traditional culture, to carry forward national spirit.This paper used methods of literatures、whole analyze、visiting、questionnaires、Delphi、analytic hierarchy process、mathematical statistics etc, conducted on the status of Chinese wushu social influence in the era, based on some theory just like sociology、pedagogies、culture、aesthetics、communications, and the paper researched about wushu social influence power from theory and practice.Research results:1) Recent years, with the development of "globalization", wushu’s influence power has changed greatly either in domestic or in overseas. "Attacking" has become the communality among wushu and other similar body arts. "country、nationality、culture......" Will become essence characteristic to enlarge wushu’s international influence. Wushu social influence power is a dialectic and history objective phenomenon, and it mean that in different history period, in different social condition, wushu produce all kinds of affection to people through preferring、cognizing、feeling、suggestion、attitude、belief and action.2)wushu social influence power has abundant theory basis. Among those, sociology function theory tell us that, under the background of new history position, we must improve wushu’s influence by grasping the actual status of changing needs to wushu in the era. Exchange theory let us know that the inheriting and developing of Chinese wushu has entered into a strange circle in which people need to pay "material、benefit" to get wushu knowledge,but not "sensibility". Pedagogies find that home、school and society all shoulder wushu education responsibility, however, losing of home wushu education、lacking of school wushu education and dissimilation of social wushu education limiter wushu development badly.3) In 21 century which is facing the exchanging of culture right, wushu need to dig and neatening deeply. But, we think that creating scientific and potent propagandize flat for wushu culture just like "ceremony、justice、humanity、faith、morals、thrifty、self-effacing" is most important. Culture reality、culture cognizing、culture self-consciousness、culture neatening and culture safe are wushu culture development facing serious content. Beauty is the human unremitting life yearns, but the essence of wushu beauty is that it is a kind of fighting life with moral and striving. In the view of communication studies, combination official communication and folk communication is the ideal modle.4) More factors not only inside wushu self-body, but also outside it formed Wushu social influence. Among these factors, people’s actual requirement to wushu are inside factors, such as practicality value、art enjoying value、fitness building value、prolong life value、leisure entertainment value and economy producing value etc. The other factors outside wushu include the improving of media technology、advantage of training ways、needs of study constructing、swell of expressing wushu idea.5)To construct wushu social influence power appraisement system, we should abide by main principle such as whole、system、delegate and combining dynamic and stable index. Through concluding and deducting, the paper creating wushu influence appraisement system including four firth index、twenty three second index and sixty four third index and confirmed respective value by AHP. Among those,four firth index value from high to low is wushu activity influence、wushu researcher and practicer influence、wushu resource and surrounding influence and wushu system influence.6)on the basis of theory study, the paper choose common social people、undergraduates and middle-school students in Beijing city as study object. Three type of people have some difference on wushu’s compare advantages、action motive、practice site、disturbing factors、teacher choosing、wushu cognize(organization、activity、resource and surroundings) etc. The whole impression is uneasy.7)Through theory and demonstration study, aiming at some problems find in investigation results, this paper provided some relative countermeasures macroscopically、middle view and microscopically to enlarge wushu social influence power. Among those, there are seven macroscopically countermeasures、eighteen middle view countermeasures.


