

Discuss Nanguan System Wenjhen of Taiwan Temple Culture from Source and Music Aspect

【作者】 黄玲玉

【导师】 王耀华;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 阵头(艺阵)是庙宇庆典活动时,伴随神舆遶境游行的民间艺术表演团体,是寺庙活动中最能与常民生活互动的一项民间艺术。台湾庙宇多,民间信仰发达,连带的也促使阵头蓬勃发展,不仅数量可观、种类也多元,根据统计至少有两百种以上,其中绝大部分属汉族福佬系阵头。台湾阵头的分类方式,长期以来最为人所熟知的是从演出性质将其分为「文阵」与「武阵」两种,直至公元1990年代以后,才有学者因文阵与武阵的分类方式,无法涵盖台湾所有阵头,乃有从各种不同的角度切入所作的各种不同的分类方式。其中就音乐性阵头言,主要可分为南管、北管两大系统。而本论文所要论述的则属各不同分类法中的文阵、小戏阵头、音乐阵头、载歌载舞的阵头、只歌不舞的阵头,且皆属南管系统阵头,包括车鼓阵、竹马阵、牛犁阵、桃花过渡阵、七响阵、太平歌阵、文武郎君阵。而南管阵是狭义南管音乐的阵头化,因此必要时也列入探讨。本论文将从缘起、音乐角度来论述这些庙会文化中的南管系统文阵。缘起方面,除从文献与实地调查中论述「一般传说」外,拟从正史、文人笔记、小说等文献中着手,去寻找「有稽可考」之历史。音乐方面分成「乐器」与「曲目」两部分,而曲目又分成「歌乐曲曲目」与「器乐曲曲目」,歌乐曲曲目再分成「南管系统曲目」、「民歌系统曲目」,除文献整理、归纳、探讨、比较、研究外,主要以笔者多年来实地调查之所得,来论述台湾庙会文化中的南管系统文阵。台湾阵头艺术文化虽丰富多采,但长期以来却在民间底层自生自灭,不为官方与主流文化所重视,加上外在大环境的改变与冲击,阵头的发展已文衰武盛,尤其南管系统文阵没落速度之快令人不胜嘘唏,因此本论文的研究除具保存功能外,也希望能提供后人研究之参考,更重要的是期能为历史留下更多的回忆与见证。

【Abstract】 Jhentou, a performing group of folk art to accompany with God during the parade in the temple celebration, is the most interactive folk art with people in the temple activities. Jhentou was developed vigorously not only in quantity but also in varieties in Taiwan due to the plenty of temples, and folk belief. According to the statstics, more than 200 different types of Jhentou exist in Taiwan, most of them are Fulao system Jhentou of HAN nationality.Wunjhen" and " Wujhen" are the most popular Taiwan Jhentou by its performing nature. However, scholars thought that the classified way of "Wenjhen" and "Wujhen" could not cover all the Taiwan Jhentou, thus Jhentou were divided into several different types by different point of views after A.D.1990 Moreover, Nanguan and Beiguan are considered two major systems in musical Jhentou.In this paper, different classified way of Nanguan system Jhentou, Wenjhen, Siaohu Jhentou, musical Jhentou, drama Jhentou, vocal Jhentou will be discussed, epecially for Chegu Jhen, Jhuma Jhen, Niouli Jhen, Taohuaguodu Jhen, Cisiang Jhen,,Taipingge Jhen, Wunwulangjyun Jhen. Otherwise, Nanguan Jhen is a narrow Nanguan musical Jhentou, thus it is also necessary to be discovered.This paper will start to discuss Wenjhen of Nanguan system from the "source’and "musical aspect". For the source aspect, other than the fable of documents and past investigation, source can be discovered from the biography histories, scholar notes, literature, and novel. On the other hand, Not only Musical aspect was divided into "musical instrument" and " program" but also the program contains two major group, "musical system program" and" instrumental program". More specifically, Nanguan instrumental system" and "folk song instrumental system cab be defined in instrumental program. Besides the reorganization, induction, discussion, comparison and the research of past document record, author’s investigation would be mostly used to discuss Nanguan system Wenjhen of Taiwan temple culture.Though the culture of Taiwan Jhentou is vivid and colorful, official and mainstream culture would not take seriously on this. In addition of external change and crashing, the development of Wenjhen was gradually taken over by Wujhen. Therefore this paper was not only recorded for preservation, but also for future research. Most importantly, keeping memory and testimony for the history is the main goal.

  • 【分类号】J607;K892.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】264
  • 攻读期成果

