

A Study on the Early U.S. Drug Control Mode

【作者】 陈新锦

【导师】 王晓德;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 世界史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以定性分析法为主,兼采文献、个案、信息以及跨学科等多方位的研究方法,对20世纪初期到40年代为止的早期美国毒品控制的外交模式、法律惩戒模式以及医疗模式这三个方面进行了结构性的梳理与学术上的组建,以求从中摸索出美国毒品控制体系在其形成与早期发展过程中所存在的经验与教训,从而对这一至今百年有余的国家毒品控制体系的历史有一个立体性的深度认识。美国毒品控制模式是一个围绕着如何控制并消灭非医用的成瘾性麻醉品而构成的巨大禁毒体系。该模式由美国内政外交诸因素构建而成,它不但涉及美国外交政策理念、国家政治制度、立法执法体系与联邦各个层面的权力结构等上层建筑领域的因素,而且还关系到美国的社会道德理念、历史文化、医疗卫生以及意识形态等方方面面的内容。国内外史学界对于美国禁毒史的研究多集中于美国毒品政策的立法与执法上,对于外交模式的研究也多局限于禁毒外交如何服务于国内法内容上,至于医疗模式的研究则基本上归之于社会控制以及医药学领域的类别中,很少从历史的角度观察它并将之列为毒品控制模式的一个不可或缺的内容,更惶谈从整个模式的角度去推敲其相互间的能动关系及其各自的独立性与历史地位。事实上,学界尤其是海外学界对于美国禁毒史的研究发展至今,已经达到了一个资料丰富且学术讨论非常活跃的阶段。即使在法律政策史的研究上也向着更为纵深和微观的领域发展,而不断解密的档案资料则无疑为此提供了可能。因此,如何在研究中有所突破已成为现代学者在禁毒史领域的共同研究课题。鉴于上述的学术研究现状,本文立足于从历史的角度出发,以定性分析法为依据,首次将业已存在的美国毒品控制体系冠之以美国毒品控制模式之名。在去芜存菁的基础上,本文将联邦层面上最为重要的禁毒外交政策、禁毒法体系以及成瘾医疗的三个方面揽括为基本内容,重新构建了美国毒品控制模式的立体式框架。以此框架为据,在认真分析文献与吸取前辈学者的学术成果基础上,以时间为纲、事件为目,辅之以跨学科的、多方位的信息处理方法,力图从内政外交的多方位对模式三方面的的各自内容加以梳理,从而在挖掘早期联邦毒品控制模式内容间的相互能动关系及其实施过程中的经验与教训的同时,全面展示“禁止”理念基础上的美国联邦毒品控制模式的价值取向,进而为理解现行美国“毒品战争”提供一个有价值的学术参考。

【Abstract】 Mainly adopting a qualitative analysis method supplemented with multi-aspect research means of bibliography study, case study, information study and interdisciplinary study, this dissertation strives to have a structural sorting and academic formation from the three aspects of diplomatic, legal and medical strategies that constitute the early U.S. drug control mode from the early 1920s to 1940s, and attempts to explore the experience and lessons existed in the formation and development process of the U.S. drug control system as well, so as to have a thorough and in-depth insight into the history of the U.S. national drug control system that has been lasting for more than one hundred years so far.The U.S. drug control mode is primarily a vast drug control system focused on how to control and eliminate the addictive narcotic drugs for non-medical purposes. Constructed by many domestic and diplomatic factors, it involves not only the factors in the superstructure aspect-the U.S. foreign policy concept, the country’s political system, the legislative law-enforcement setup and the federal power structures at all levels, but also the multi-scoped contents of the U.S. social moral philosophy, history, culture, medicine science, health and ideology, etc.History science circles at home and abroad devoting to the research on the U.S. drug control history have mostly focused on the legislation and law-enforcement of the U. S. drug control policy. As far as the study of diplomatic strategy concerned, it is always confined to how drug diplomacy serves for domestic legislation. As for the study on medical treatment strategy, basically, it is classified into the fields of social control or medical science, and little has been done to observe it from a historical perspective and regard it as an indispensable part of the U.S. drug control mode, not to mention scrutinizing their mutual dynamic relationships, their respective independence and historical status. In fact, the academic circles, especially the overseas scholars, have fulfilled their researches on the U.S. drug control history up to a stage with abundant achievements and active academic discussions. Moreover, the study on the history of legal policy has also been developed toward a more in-depth and microscopic field, and the constant decoding of documentary materials has made this possible. Consequently, how to make a breakthrough in this study turns to be a common study subject for the contemporary scholars in the field of drug control history.In the light of the above-mentioned current circumstances of academic research, this dissertation, proceeding from the historical perspective and relying on a qualitative analysis method, initiates the use of the "U.S. drug control mode" for the existing U.S. drug control system. On the basis of abandoning the disadvantages and taking in the advantages, this dissertation restructures a stereoscopic framework of the U.S. drug control mode by embracing the basic contents of the most significant three aspects of drug control foreign policy, drug control legal system and addictive treatment. Under this framework, based on a thorough analysis on the bibliographies and assimilation of the academic fruits from senior scholars, having time as outlines and events as items with a supplement of interdisciplinary and multi-aspect information management methods, this dissertation, strives to have a multi-aspect analysis on individual strategy from both domestic and foreign affairs, so as to have an in-depth insight into the dynamic relationships among those three aspects of the U.S. drug control mode, the experience and lessons drawn from their implementation process on one hand, and to thoroughly reveal the value orientation of the U.S. federal drug control mode on the basis of "Control" concept, and further provide a valuable academic reference for the current ongoing "War on Drugs" in the United States on the other hand.


