

A "New Rhetoric" Approach to Translation

【作者】 陈小慰

【导师】 刘亚猛;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 翻译理论和实践研究在过去半个多世纪以来有了长足的发展。从“语言学转向”开始,翻译研究经历了解构传统、突出译文目的、注重交际语用、从规定到描写、文化-社会学延伸、强调译者主体性等大大小小的“转向”。值得注意的是,近年来,被称为“U形转向”的提倡语言学研究方法复兴之风又悄然兴起。但是,这一翻译研究向语言学的回归并非回到原点,而是从多维度的视角对翻译本体进行分析,对翻译活动和翻译现象进行阐述,从而更有效地指导翻译实践。分析近年来围绕翻译本体的讨论,我们已经有了语言(linguistic),文化(cultural),功能(functional),规范(normative)等切入点,取得了可喜的研究成果。但不可否认,一些基本但却至关重要的方面尚未得到足够重视。例如,译文受众偏离研究中心:对构成译文的要素——译文语言的象征力量缺乏关注等。在对宏观的、外部的因素倾注了太多关注的今天,更突显了这方面研究的不足。从这一点出发,本文尝试引入从古典修辞学基础上继承和发展起来的当代西方修辞理论“新修辞”(New Rhetoric)。这是一门强调言辞以受众为中心、注重修辞者与受众的互动关系、重视话语象征力量、关注如何有效运用象征资源影响受众的综合性语言理论,突出修辞既是一种认知方法,也是一种社会实践的观点。在对翻译和修辞之间的契合点进行阐述的基础上,论文尝试从现实出发,突出译语受众和语言象征这两个关键要素,对翻译活动重新思考定义;同时运用新修辞中的“戏剧五元模式”理论,重新审视翻译参加者,思考译者与受众的互动关系,提出在译者与受众之间建立合作伙伴关系的必要性。在翻译现实特性日益突出的今天,我们有必要带着修辞意识认识和解释翻译活动,带着修辞意识进行翻译,关注作为社会文化一部分的语言作用于受众的象征性力量,以及如何根据不同语境和修辞形势,有效运用象征资源,通过与受众的互动和认同,让译文话语真正影响译语受众,实现翻译目的。这一点,对有效解决长期存在的外宣翻译质量问题也可提供新思路。简言之,从理论上看,新修辞理论可以提供认知翻译活动的新视角,丰富对翻译的认识;从实践来看,修辞意识的加入使翻译能够更好地服务现实,使其现实特性得到更好的体现。同时,本课题对改变翻译理论探讨中修辞等于修辞格或美文这样一种“前理解”或“传统”观念,重新认识修辞对翻译的作用和启发价值,也具有意义和价值。

【Abstract】 The translation studies in our time has become an interdisciplinary endeavor marked by a plurality of approaches, covering a great variety of topics and methods. It has witnessed several "turns" in the process of its development, such as the "linguistic turn", the "deconstructionist turn", the "functionalist turn", the "communicative turn", the "descriptive turn", the "cultural-sociological turn" and the "translator’s turn." What is taking shape in this field is a "U turn," a return to a focus on language itself. However, this does not mean a retreatment to the same old tradition. Rather, it signals a re-emphasis on the translation text itself by placing it within different frameworks and approaching it from all kinds of perspectives. By drawing on insights from linguistic analysis, translation scholars seek to better explain translation processes and to better guide the translation practice.While we hail the great achievements translation studies has scored as a result of taking all the above-mentioned "turns," some very basic but important aspects are yet to be given due attention. For instance, the study of the audience in translation remains marginalized even though the term has been casually referred to all the time. And the translation as a special mode of symbolic power is similarly neglected, which is all the more striking if we consider the fact that too much attention has been given to macro and external factors of translation.To address these issues, the dissertation tries to introduce "New Rhetoric", also understood as contemporary Western rhetorical theories, into the study of translation. Developed out of classic rhetoric, "New Rhetoric" is an integrated linguistic theory fully committed to the centrality of audience and its interaction with the rhetor, and with a dominant interest in studying how symbolic power is generated through effective use of symbolic resources in all discursive practices. Within its theoretical framework, rhetoric becomes a cognitive approach as well as a social practice.Proceeding from where rhetoric and translation converge in the real-life discursive practices, the dissertation makes an attempt to redefine translation by rendering salient the audience and the verbal symbols as two of its key factors. Attempts are also made to apply contemporary rhetorician Kenneth Burke’s notion of "dramatic pentad" to a reexamination of the participants in translation and, in particular, of the interactive relationship or cooperative partnership between the translator and the audience.Ours has been a time when translation is becoming more and more oriented toward the "real world." It is imperative that we understand, explain and practice translation with a heightened rhetorical awareness. Major concerns should be given to the symbolic power generated by and embodied in all socio-cultural and discursive acts in terms of the influence these acts exert on those involved. Translation is no exception. In this regard, the "New Rhetoric" approach provides valuable insights into how translators could address their current concerns and, in particular, solve the perennial problem of poor quality of translation of publicity for an international audience. The introduction of "New Rhetoric" to translation and related discussions is both theoretically and practically illuminating. The project contributes to the correcting of translation scholars’ "pre-understanding" or "traditional" conception of rhetoric as simply figurative or stylistic devices. And it also opens a new vista for a better understanding of translation in general, especially of its relevancy to the real-world concerns and needs.

【关键词】 翻译研究新修辞受众象征力量合作
【Key words】 translation studiesNew Rhetoricaudiencesymbolic powercooperation

