

A Study on the Functions of China’s Modern Convention and Exhibition Industry

【作者】 黄玉妹

【导师】 陈征;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义政治经济学的研究对象是社会生产关系,包括生产、分配、交换、消费诸关系在内,马克思的交换理论为会展业奠定理论基础。我国现代会展业是社会主义市场经济的产物,是市场经济交换过程中的一个重要环节。交换的速度快、效率高,必然直接影响经济的运行效率。特别是社会主义市场经济充分发展的今天,经济全球化,产品是订单化生产,产品的交换范围从一个国家扩大到国际区域,传统的交换媒介已无法适应经济的高速发展,会展业因其对提高交换效率的重要作用而得到世界各国的青睐。本文主要研究我国现代会展业的功能,力求揭示出我国现代会展业的功能在社会主义市场经济发展中的作用。从现代产业分类来看,会展业属于第三产业。作为第三产业中的服务业,其在产品交换过程中发挥着巨大的作用。我国现代会展业能够在短时间内聚集大量的资本、技术、信息,为促进交换的快速有效进行提供了商务平台,为会展举办地的城市带来人流、物流、资金流、技术流和信息流等,极大地促进当地经济的发展,提升了会展活动举办地的知名度、美誉度。而且,在全球气候变暖的趋势下,以低能耗、低污染为基础的低碳经济已成为全球热点。现代会展业素有“城市面包”、绿色产业、无烟产业等美称,其实质是一种低碳产业。在全球发展低碳经济的大背景下,研究现代会展业的功能,具有十分重要的意义和作用。现代会展业是“引爆行业”,能够带来很高的经济效应和社会效应。它可以带动诸如建筑、交通、通讯、运输、广告、旅游、宾馆、餐饮、城市建设等系列产业的发展,联动效应达到1:9。此外,现代会展业的社会效益体现在:会展业的举办能够提升举办城市的形象,拉动城市基础设施建设,促进城市功能的充分发挥。基础设施的建设还能够改善城市的投资环境,会展业的举办使其迅速与国际接轨,有利于外界人士了解该城市,吸引投资。我国现代会展业发展非常迅速,成为促进经济进步的新引擎。现代会展业通过高科技推广与展示功能、产业联动功能、经济辐射功能、提升软实力等功能,推动会展城市集群和会展产业带的出现,促进区域经济一体化的形成。未来,我国现代会展业的功能将朝着生态化、高科技和信息化、品牌化和国际化等的方向发展,现代会展业的后劲足、潜力大,在促进社会主义市场经济发展方面将发挥越来越重要的作用。

【Abstract】 The research object of Marxist political economy is the relations of social production, including production, distribution, exchange and consumption and all the relationships, and the exchange theory of Marxism is the theoretical basis for the convention and exhibition industry. The modern convention and exhibition industry in China is the product of socialist market economy, an important link of the exchange process of Market Economy. Fast exchanging, high efficiency, which must directly affect the efficiency of the economy. Particularly with the full development of the socialist market economy today, the economic globalization, the order manufacture of the products, the range of product exchange expanded from one country to the international area, thus, the traditional medium of exchange has been unable to adapt to rapid economic development, therefore, the Exhibition Industry plays an important role in improving the efficiency of the exchange in the world of all ages. This paper studies the functions of the modern convention and exhibition industry, and strive to reveal the functions of that in the role of the socialist market economy.From the classification of modern industry, the convention and exhibition industry is the third industry. As the service sector of the third industry, it plays a huge role in the exchange process of the products. The modern convention and exhibition industry in China can gathere a lot of capital, technology, information in a short time, promote the exchange of business quickly and efficiently, provide a platform for the exhibition host city bringing people, materials, capital flow, technology flow and information flow and so on, greatly promote the development of local economy, and enhance the exhibition host places’ reputation and fame. Moreover, in the global warming trend, the low power consumption and low pollution-based low-carbon economy has become a global hot spot. The modern exhibition industry is famously known as a sunrise industry, the green industry, and smoke-free industry, which is essentially a low-carbon industry. The development of low-carbon economy in the global background, the study of the functions of the modern exhibition industry has great significance and role.Modern convention and exhibition industry is an "igniting industry" which can bring about high economic and social effects. It can drive the development of a series of industries, such as traffic, transportation, communications, advertising, tourism, hotels, restaurants, urban construction and others, the linkage effects of 1:9. In addition, the social benefits of the modern convention and exhibition industry can enhance the function and image of the host city, driving the urban infrastructure construction, promoting the urban functions into full play. Meanwhile,infrastructure construction can also improve the city’s investment environment. The organization of the convention and exhibition industry can make itself rapidly being connected with the international standards, which will help outsiders understand the city and attract investment.The modern convention and exhibition industry in China developed rapidly, becoming new engine for economic progress. Modern exhibition industry increase its soft power and other functions through the promotion and display features of high-tech, industrial linkage function, economic radiation functions, and promote clusters and the emergence of the industrial zone of the exhibiton city, as well as promote the formation of regional economic integration. The functions of the modern convention and exhibition industry will develop towards the ecological, high-tech and information technology, with the direcion of branding internationalization. The modern convention and exhibition industry has enough stamina and great potential will play increasingly more important role in promoting the development of socialist market economy.


