

The Evolution of Monetary Internationalization Thinking

【作者】 乔臣

【导师】 李建建;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 经济思想史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 货币国际化是一个大国强势地位的标志。对于货币国际化而言,绝不是一个简单的断言就可以实现,它是一个长期而复杂并伴随国家实力、货币主权、对外贸易、汇率变动、金融体系、国际货币制度等因素相互影响、相互作用的动态过程。布雷顿森林体系的瓦解虽然宣告了美元独霸国际货币体系的终结,但美元仍然作为强势的世界货币活跃在世界经济舞台。2008年全球金融危机再次表征了一种国别世界货币难以掌控世界贸易和货币交易的现实,也凸显了世界货币多元化发展的诉求。随着中国综合实力的不断增强,以及在国际舞台上时刻注重以“负责任大国”的姿态出现,人民币在国际上的地位与日俱增。人民币未来能否实现国际化业已成为彰显中华民族伟大复兴的重要标志。因此,只有对货币国际化的一般理论有较为深入的分析和研究,才能准确把握货币国际化脉络,为人民币国际化提供更为切实可行的借鉴。本文以马克思主义政治经济学为指导,通过货币国际化理论尤其是内涵界定所创设的研究框架,着重从思想史的角度对货币国际化不同阶段的思想演变进行系统梳理。以此为基础,设定了货币国际化评价的关键点作为人民币国际化的思维参照,对货币国际化实践的历史进程进行了分析和预测,并结合人民币的现实发展状况,深入探析了人民币国际化存在的障碍。基于此,构建了货币国际化的路径模式并选择了人民币国际化的道路。本文主要包括三个部分共八章的内容。第一部分绪论除了文章的研究意义、动态、方法和创新之外,着重对货币国际化的一般理论进行界定,从而为货币国际化思想提供研究框架。主要包括文章的绪论部分;第二部分着重从思想史的角度对货币国际化的思想嬗变进行了系统梳理。在以思想史进程的发展脉络为参照的基础上,侧重于查缺补漏,尽可能将人类货币国际化的思想,无论是片段还是理论都纳入研究的视角。主要包括文章的第一、二、三、四、五章;第三部分着重对以往货币国际化思想进行归结,并从货币史的视角审视货币国际化的实践过程,对未来可能成为国际货币的币种和国家进行了预测。同时,结合中国人民币国际化的现实,运用思想归结的参照关键点评价中国的人民币国际化,通过对条件和障碍的分析,探讨了人民币国际化的历史必然性和所处阶段。最后,结合货币国际化的范例分析,借助货币国际化范式模型的构建,选择符合人民币国际化的范式,在宏观层面上对人民币国际化的未来趋势作出展望并寻求相应的对策。主要包括文章的第六、七章。文章结论部分,即第八章提出了货币国际化无论思想还是历史都是有一般规律可循的。因此,我国人民币国际化应当综合考虑内外部影响因素,以成为世界货币并充当国际货币职能为目标,通过人民币统一货币区框架的建立,提升人民币的国际地位和影响,最终按照持续、健康、快速、稳健的方式走有中国特色的货币国际化范式。

【Abstract】 Currency internationalization is a sign of strong power which one great state owned. Currency internationalization is not a simple affirmance can come true right away, it is a long complicated range accompanies with much mutual factors,such as country strength, currency sovereign right, foreign trade, exchange rate changes, financial system international monetary system,etc. In spite of the collapsed Bretton Woods System having declared that U. S. dollar dominates international currency system finality,but U. S. dollar still being the universal world money actived in the world economy arena. The whole world financial crisis in 2008 as the superficial characteristics of one kind national universal money is difficulty to control the world trade and money change, and also appealing that the development of money diversification ask. With the strengthen ceaselessly of Chinese synthesize strength and "responsible power state" image appear in international arena, the RMB position have been increased with each passing day. It will become the important sign of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation whether RMB can realy internationalization.Therefore, through studied and analysised thoroughly in the sort theory of currency internationalization, we can actual grasped the artery and vein of currency internationalization, and provided feasible lessons to RMB internationalization.This article through the research frame which particularly established by currency internationalization theory and connotation, analysised currency internationalization practice’s historic course, and combed on the currency internationalization different period. Take this as the foundation, established the currency internationalization appraisal key point as the Renminbi internationalization’s thought reference, and unified the Renminbi’s reality development condition, searched thoroughly existence barriers in the course of Renminbi internationalization. Based on this,we constructed the way pattern of currency internationalization and has chosen the Renminbi internationalization path.This article main included three part and eight content totally. PartⅠemphasized the boundary of currency internationalization sort theory, scaned the currency internationalization practice process from currency history visual angle, forecasted the future world money and countries, mainly including introduction; PartⅡcombed the thinking development from thought history. On taking thought history course way of development as the basis consulting,we put particular emphasis on checking vacancy and holes, brought into the visual angle studying as far as possible with human being currency internationalization thought not only the fragment but the theory. The part includes first, second, third, fourth, fifth chapter mainly; That PartⅢinclude sixth, seventh chapter and be tied of the reality of Chinese RMB internationalization, and based on the thought evolution of currency internationalization, we appraised Chinese RMB internationalization with the strategic point. Though the analyse on the conditions and barriers, we also discussed the historic cetainty of RMB internationalization. Meanwhile,be tied in wedlock and drawing support from the currency internationalization canonical form model buildings, have suggested that synthesis considered inner and outside influencing factors, have taken becoming universal money and acting as the international currency function as the target, through currency united and help to bring building-up "RMB area", hoist RMB’s international standing and effects.Ultimately, as the conclusion on the Chinese characteristics currency internationalization by the way of healthy, speedy, solid way,and looked into the distance of RMB internationalization in macroscopic view..


