

The Trend of Taiwan’s Sport Strategy from the Perspective of SWOT

【作者】 程绍平

【导师】 黄汉升;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 将运动与观光相结合,可以达到振兴经济、运动休闲的双赢效果。观察国际间推展运动与观光之发展潮流运动结合观光已经是观光产业的主流市场各国政府与民间企业积极加以推动,也是运动观光产业发展的新兴趋势。近年来台湾在民众观光休闲需求提高与经济利益的双重因素作用之下,观光休闲产业的发展及营销策略成为台湾发展中很重要的一环;而如何整合资源及转化为观光休闲产业能量就成为台湾运动观光的重要方向与发展策略。本研究主要在以SWOT的看法角度,透过深度访谈产、官、学界具有决策执行能力并有实务经验之受访者,去了解台湾发展观光之独特吸引力,发展运动观光之策略趋势,整理多项珍贵资料获致台湾要发展运动观光须有适合之方式。本研究所得认为依台湾运动观光可以从SWOT(优势、劣势、机会、威胁)之视角,获致十大发展策略:一、设立中央专责单位机构。订定更开放明确、安全完善的法令政策。二、运动观光数据库的建置,专业的运动休闲指导员制度建立。三、强化市场与实务课程之连结。四、分殊化的开发并创造市场需求,善用民间力量,提升运动志工的培养及运用。五、符合台湾独具特色与特性,多元化的共同整合。建立良好之方便快捷的基础硬件。六、强化两岸善意发展、互动交流。期望本研究能提供未来将进行运动观光活动推广之公、私部门参考,亦期待运动观光能透过本研究之发展策略,能为两岸做出更大之贡献,并促进相互交流与了解。

【Abstract】 The Trend of Taiwan s Sport Strategy From The Perspective of SWOTCombining sports and tourism will not only be a good stimulant to the economy, but also establish sports playing as a recreational activity. Observing from a global view, the integration of sports and tourism has unmistakably become a main stream in the tourism industry. Governments and private enterprises all over the world are promoting this type of tourism. Due to the increasing demand for recreational sports entertainment, the promoting and developing of tourism and leisure industry has become an important part in the development of tourism in Taiwan, and great effort has been devoted to developing methods that will integrate resources and leisure industry to turn them into the elements of sport-tourism industry in TaiwanThis research is mainly based on the perspective of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). We attempt to find out the unique attractions of Taiwan’s leisure industry and gain a deeper understanding of the strategy of sport-tourism industry through in depth interviews with people who has administrative authority and practical experiences.This research shows six main potential development paths for Taiwan’s sport-tourism industry. First, establish a central headquarter.develop policies that are precise, complete, and clear. Second,establish a database for details of the sport-tourism system. establish a system of professional sport leisure instructor. Third, strengthen the bond between marketing and practical courses. Fourth,promote diverse development that will increase the demand for tourism use the power of private units to train volunteers of sport-leisure activities.. Fifth, all developments should be based on the unique features of Taiwanese culture. establish a hardware system that’s convenient. Last, improve interaction and communication between Taiwan and the mainland.Hopefully, this research will provide government and private departments with information and guidelines on promoting the sport-tourism industry. We also hope that this research would make contributions to the improvement of the interaction between Taiwan and the mainland.

  • 【分类号】G812.7;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】2172
  • 攻读期成果

