

Research on Key Technologies of Integration Data Platform Supporting Digital Shipbuilding

【作者】 姚竞争

【导师】 韩端锋;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国造船企业信息化建设的迅速发展,各造船企业通过自身的开发或外部引进拥有了各种各样的CAX系统,通过这些信息化系统的使用,使得我国在数字化造船领域取得了长足的进步。但在船舶设计制造过程中,造船企业往往根据不同生产阶段的不同要求选用不同的CAX系统。由于这些异构的CAX系统是由不同厂商、在不同系统上、不同平台上开发完成,因此它们彼此之间很难实现信息共享与交换,形成了大量的信息“孤岛”。通过构建数字化造船一体化数据平台,采用基于STEP产品数据交换标准的船舶数据交换技术来实现数字化造船领域异构CAX系统的系统集成,以达到消除“信息孤岛”,实现数字化造船生产、管理和应用一体化的目的,不断提高我国造船行业的设计、制造和管理水平,提高造船质量,缩短造船周期,提升企业的市场竞争力。数字化造船一体化数据平台的主要目的就是构建无缝集成的企业信息化系统,其中的难点和重点就是要实现船舶产品数据的标准化。本文从船舶STEP标准和异构平台的数据交换与共享开始进行研究,采用STEP标准来描述船舶产品数据,以中性文件为基础的数据交换与共享的机制,开发出来中性文件的转换工具,解决了数据交换过程中的关键技术问题。论文的主要研究工作包括:1.通过对本文所涉及研究领域的发展现状进行综述,阐述了国内外船舶企业信息化的建设状况以及中国造船企业在信息化建设方面存在的问题。通过对现代造船模式和未来船舶工业发展的分析,总结出造船企业在未来的发展中所需解决的关键技术,提出数字化造船一体化数据平台关键技术所需解决的关键问题和主要内容。2.从数据交换与共享中所需要解决的问题开始,系统介绍了产品数据交换的基本原理。对STEP标准协议中EXPRESS信息建模语言和STEP中性文件的文件结构形式和数据组织方式进行了深入的说明;针对船舶产品模型数据的系统集成,对STEP协议中关于船舶行业的标准组成进行分析,为数据一体化平台关键技术研究奠定了理论基础。3.通过选取目前国内应用较广的三维软件TRIBON所完成光顺的船舶型线为数据来源,以其标准导出接口生成的IGES文件为研究对象,完成了AP216应用工具的开发,在此研究的基础上,利用开发的AP216应用工具得到的船舶型线的STEP中性文件在CATIA与ST-TOOLS中都很好的实现了重建,完成了型线数据从中性文件再到其他三维软件的转换工作。选取舱室布置为研究对象,针对STEP应用协议AP215系统研究某三维系统中的舱室数据向中性文件转换的问题,开发了AP215前置处理器,生成了中性文件,并在ST-TOOLS工具中对生成的中性文件进行重建,验证了转换系统的可行性。选取TRIBON系统船体模型和舾装模型为应用对象,根据EXPRESS模型到STEP中性文件的映射规则,系统分析从TRIBON系统中抽取的船体数据、舾装数据和STEP应用协议AP218、AP227中性文件之间的转换问题,建立中性文件转换系统。通过开发的转换工具,将提取的信息转换为STEP中性文件格式,完成数据交换工作,最后将生成的中性文件导入STEP工具ST-TOOLS中,完成数据交换及验证模型的准确性。4.通过对TRIBON系统的数据特点、SPAR管理系统的数据库结构、进度计划编制和财会系统数据集成方式的研究,提出依托中间文件将数据从TRIBON系统向SPAR系统转换的方法,最后编写数据转换工具程序,实现了两个系统之间的数据传递。运用工程分解法、关键路径法等理论,提出解决生产设计信息向生产管理信息转换的方法,搭建了以SPAR系统为核心的设计、生产、管理一体化平台。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of informationization construction in Chinese shipbuilding enterprises, many of them have various CAX systems through their own development or external introduction. Digital shipbuilding in China has been made considerable progress through the usage of the informationization system. However, in the process of ship design and manufacture, shipbuilding enterprises always choose different CAX systems in various production stages according to different requirements.The heterogeneous CAX systems are constructed in different platforms by different manufacturers for different system. Therefore, it is hard to realize information sharing and exchange between each other, which leads to a large amount of information island.Through constructing data platform of digital shipbuilding integration, the research eliminate the information island. The methods realize system integration of heterogeneous CAX systems in digital shipbuilding based on ship data exchange technology of STEP product data exchange standards. In order to fulfill the integration of digital shipbuilding manufacture, management and application, the research will constantly improve the level of our shipbuilding industry design, manufacturing and management, improve shipbuilding quality, shorten the shipbuilding period, and promote competitiveness of enterprise.The main purpose of digital shipbuilding integration data platform is placed on the construction of enterprises informatization system for seamless integration, in which achieving the standardization of ship products data is the key and difficult research aspect.This paper analyses STEP standard of ship and data exchange and sharing of heterogeneous platform, taking STEP standard to describe ship products data. Data exchange and sharing mechanism based on neutral files are also proposed in this paper and converter of neutral files have been developed to solve the key point of technology in data exchange. The main research work includes:1. This paper summarizes the present construction situation of shipbuilding enterprises informatization at home and abroad and the problems of Chinese shipbuilding enterprises in the informatization construction by studying development state in the field concerned. The key technologies which should be solved in the future development are summarized in analysing modern shipbuilding mode and the development of shipbuilding industry. The paper proposes the key problem and main content of data platform of digital shipbuilding integration.2. This paper makes a systematic introduction to basic principle of products data exchange from the problems to be solved in data exchange and sharing. EXPRESS message information modeling language of STEP standard protocol and document structure and the mode of data management for STEP neutral file are thorough verified. Aiming at systems integration of ship product model data, the paper has made the brief introduction on shipbuilding industry standard in STEP protocol, lay a theoretical foundation for key technology data integration platform.3. By choosing smooth molded lines accomplished by the current domestic 3D software TRIBON system that are widely used for data sources, the research, which takes standard export interface IGES documents generated as a research object, completed the development of AP216 application tool. On the basis of this study, STEP neutral files of molded lines, obtained by developed AP216 application tool, are well reconstructed in CATIA and ST-TOOLS. The paper completed the conversion work of molded line data from neutral file to other 3D software. And selecting cabin arrangement as research object, the research develops AP215 processor, generats a neutral files, reconstructs neutral files generated in ST-TOOLS and verifies the feasibility of the conversion system.The paper aims to the problem of file conversion from the cabin research data of a 3D system, relying on AP215 system of STEP application protocols to neutral files.The research selects hull model and outfitting model of TRIBON system as applied objects. According to mapping rules from EXPRESS models to STEP neutral files, the system analysis, which establishes neutral file conversion system, extracts hull data, outfitting data and the transformation problems of Neutral files between AP218 and AP227 in STEP application protocols from TRIBON system. By the development of conversion tool, the paper converts extracted information into STEP neutral file format for data exchange and at last importing generated files into ST-TOOLS to complete data exchange and verify the accuracy of the models.4. Based on the data characteristic of TRIBON system, the database structure of SPAR management system and the research of data integration methods between schedule planning and accounting system, this paper puts forward data transformation method from TRIBON system to SPAR system relying on interim file and writes data conversion tool programs to realize the data transformation between two systems. By using work breakdown structure and the critical path method, the paper proposes the conversion method from production design information to production management information, building integration platform of production, design and management taking SPAR system as the core.


