

【作者】 华连连

【导师】 张悟移;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着知识经济的崛起,知识的战略性价值日益凸显,在推动经济发展、提升组织核心竞争力中发挥了重要作用。识别知识、获取有效知识,并将知识转化为组织核心竞争力,成为目前研究的热点和难点问题。近年来,知识流动和共享作为组织获取知识的有效途径,受到学者们的普遍关注,尤其是以战略联盟、跨国公司等为代表的组织间知识流动问题的研究得以逐步深入。供应链作为一种新兴的组织合作模式,在物流、资金流和信息流方面,已有较为充分的研究,但有关知识流的研究还不深入,有待进一步探讨。本文以供应链企业之间的知识流动为研究对象,从供应链链条企业如何在合作过程中获得有效知识,促进知识在链条上的有效流动和共享的研究角度出发,构建供应链企业间知识流动影响要素指标体系,评价知识流动效果,并对知识流动路径进行优化研究,这对丰富知识流动理论和实践研究,提升供应链企业间的合作水平有重要的现实意义。本文的研究工作主要围绕供应链企业间知识流动分析展开,具体包括以下几个方面:(1)构建了供应链企业间知识流动影响要素指标体系,并首次运用结合分析法和模糊层次分析法对比确定指标权重在对知识流动相关文献分析汇总的基础上,运用鱼刺图梳理出影响知识流动的96项指标要素,结合供应链企业间合作的特点,构建了供应链企业间知识流动影响要素指标体系,其中包含知识自身特性、企业间关系特性、知识流动主体特性和知识流动环境特性四个一级指标,以及知识可表达性、知识模糊性、关系质量、知识距离、文化差异、组织距离、物理距离、知识流动主体意愿和能力、知识流动渠道和信息技术支撑共11个二级指标。为探讨各指标的重要程度,分别运用结合分析法和模糊层次分析法计算出各指标的相对权重,证实了企业间关系特性是影响供应链企业间知识流动的最重要的指标,知识流动主体特性次之;二级指标中的关系质量对供应链企业间知识流动的影响比较突出。(2)运用粗糙集—BP神经网络对制造业供应链企业间知识流动静态效果进行研究,并以烟草制造业进行实例验证在对指标体系及权重确定的基础上,将粗糙集理论和BP神经网络方法结合,引入到知识流动的研究领域,实现了对制造业供应链企业间知识流动效果的静态评价。通过粗糙集理论对复杂的指标体系进行约简,得出能够代表原有指标体系的约简指标组合,减轻BP神经网络计算的负担,实现对制造业供应链企业间知识流动效果快速有效的模拟过程。运用模拟实现的最优网络对烟草制造业供应链的知识流动效果进行评价,判断出烟草制造业供应链知识流动效果一般,这一评价结果与《中国科技统计年鉴》中烟草制造业的新产品产出及专利数量产出数据显示排名基本一致,证实粗糙集—BP神经网络方法能够有效评估制造业供应链企业间知识流动的效果,同时表明烟草制造业供应链企业间知识流动水平尚需要大幅度提升,以满足烟草制造业的高、尖、精发展。(3)运用基于时间的DEA方法对制造业供应链企业间知识流动动态效果进行研究,并对制造业不同行业进行了分析静态评价实现了对不同链条整体知识流动效果的考核,但知识流动毕竟是个动态概念,其变化必然会影响整体知识流动效果,本文从时间维度研究知识流动,运用基于时间的DEA方法(数据包络方法)对制造业10个行业(食品制造业、饮料制造业、通用设备制造业、医药制造业、电气机械及器材制造业、金属制品业、交通运输设备制造业、通信设备、计算机制造业、文教体育用品制造业)的知识流动效果进行了动态评价。使用《中国科技统计年鉴》中关于制造业的R&D投入(研发投入)强度、行业新产品产值/工业生产总值、行业拥有的专利数量(2004年—2009年)以及专家打分数据评价了制造业10个行业知识流动效果,结果表明因为时间的累积效应,知识流动效果在初始年份较差,但随着时间的推移,知识流动效果渐佳。同时表明,通信设备、计算机制造业供应链企业间的知识流动效果最佳,而以金属制造业为代表的传统制造业供应链企业间知识流动效果较差,需要从知识需求度、知识合作度以及关系质量等方面进行提升。(4)构建了烟草制造业供应链企业间知识流动路径优化模型,并从单向路径和循环路径两个方面进行了优化仿真研究对供应链企业间知识流动评价的最终目的是对知识流动效果较差的行业进行有效地改进,从知识流动路径成本最低的角度,考核烟草制造业供应链企业间知识流动最短路径问题,分别运用Dijkstra算法(迪杰斯特拉)和Lingo计算出了单向的最短知识流动路径,运用改进的蚁群算法模拟了循环的最短知识流动路径,通过对计算结果的对比发现,业务紧密程度对烟草制造业供应链企业间知识流动路径选择有重要影响。本文从供应链企业间合作的角度,分析构建了供应链企业间知识流动影响要素指标体系及各指标的相对权重;以时间维度划分静态和动态评价研究来评价知识流动的效果;从知识流动路径成本最低角度优化知识流动的路径,尽可能对研究内容进行定量研究,以期为不同行业供应链企业间知识流动的研究提供借鉴,为我国企业加强知识管理提供参考。

【Abstract】 With the development of knowledge economy, the strategic value of knowledge has become increasingly prominent in promoting economic development and enhancing the core competitiveness of organizations. Identifying knowledge, accessing knowledge and absorbing knowledge to organization’s core competitiveness, has become hot and difficult research pots. In recent years, knowledge flows and knowledge sharing attracts scholars to study as an effective way to get knowledge. Especially, the knowledge flow in strategic alliances, multinational corporations and other organizations can be gradually in-depth study. Supply chain as a new mode of cooperation has been more fully studied in logistics, capital flow and information flow, but knowledge flows would have to be further explored.In this paper, knowledge flow between enterprises in supply chain would be studied, specifically including the following:(1) Building an affecting index system of knowledge flow in supply chain, and using Conjoint Analysis and fuzzy-AHP to determine the index weights firstly.On the basis of analysis and summary about the literature on knowledge flow,96 indicators are teased with fishbone diagram to combine with features of enterprise in supply chain. It builds the indicator system, which contains four-level indicators, such as knowledge characteristics, characteristics of inter-firm relations, characteristics of different firms themselves and environmental features; 11 secondary indicators, including the knowledge expressiveness, knowledge ambiguity, quality of relationship, knowledge distance, cultural differences, organizational distance, physical distance, knowledge willingness and ability of different firms, knowledge flow channels and IT support. And then, to explore the importance of various indicators, the paper applies Conjoint Analysis and fuzzy-AHP respectively to determine the relative index weights what has confirmed the characteristics of relationship between firms is the most important indicator of knowledge flow, and then characteristics of different firms themselves; quality of relationship of the secondary indicators seemed more prominent.(2) Static effects of knowledge flow for manufacturing supply chain has been studied by rough set-BP neural network and validated with tobacco industryIn the index system and the weight determined based on the rough set theory and the combination of BP neural network method, introduced into the flow of knowledge research, the manufacturing supply chain to achieve a flow of knowledge between enterprises evaluate the static effects. By rough set theory about complex indicator system for simple, come to represent the original reduction target indicator system combination, thus reducing the burden of BP neural network, to achieve the manufacturing supply chain effects of inter-firm knowledge flows quickly and effectively simulation. The use of simulation to achieve the optimal supply chain network of the tobacco industry to evaluate the effect of knowledge flows, determine the tobacco industry supply chain, the general effect of knowledge flows, the results of this evaluation and《China Statistical Yearbook of Science and Technology》of new products in tobacco manufacturing output and output data show the number of patents are basically the same ranking, proved rough set-BP neural network can effectively assess the manufacturing supply chain effects of inter-firm flow of knowledge, also shows that the tobacco industry supply chain, the flow of knowledge between enterprises still need to substantially upgrade the level of to meet the tobacco industry’s high, sharp, fine development.(3) Dynamic effects of knowledge flow for manufacturing supply chain has been studied by DEAStatic evaluation of the chain to achieve the overall flow of knowledge on the effects of different assessment, but the flow of knowledge, after all, is a dynamic concept, the changes will inevitably affect the overall effect of knowledge flows, this flow of knowledge from the study of the time dimension, using the DEA method based on time (packet network method) for 9 manufacturing industries (food industry, beverage industry, general equipment manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, fabricated metal products, transportation equipment manufacturing, communication equipment, computer manufacturing, Educational and Sports Goods) the effect of the dynamic flow of knowledge evaluation.Using《China Statistical Yearbook of Science and Technology》on Manufacturing R & D investment (R & D) intensity, the industry output value of new products/industrial GDP, the industry has a growth rate of the number of patents (2004 to 2009) and expert evaluation of the manufacturing data scoring industry nine industry knowledge flow effect, the results show that the cumulative effect because of the time, knowledge flows in the initial year of poor results, but as time goes on, getting good results flow of knowledge. At the same time that communications equipment, computer manufacturing supply chain flow of knowledge between the best, and metal manufacturing industry, represented by the traditional manufacturing supply chain less effective flow of knowledge between enterprises, need to demand from the degree of knowledge, knowledge, and degree of cooperation and other aspects of relationship quality improved.(4) path-optimization model has been built to optimize knowledge flow path inter-enterprise supply chain about tobacco industry, and one-way path and cycle path have been used to simulate.Inter-enterprise supply chain flow of knowledge is the ultimate goal of the evaluation is less effective flow of knowledge to effectively improve the industry, knowledge flow path from the lowest cost point of view, assessment of the tobacco industry supply chain flow of knowledge between the shortest path problem, namely the use of Dijkstra’s algorithm (Dijkstra) and Lingo calculated the shortest one-way flow of knowledge path, using improved ant colony algorithm to simulate the flow of knowledge the shortest cycle path, calculated by comparing the results found that the tightness of the tobacco business manufacturing supply chain, the flow of knowledge between enterprises have an important impact on path selection.This cooperation between enterprises from supply chain perspective to build a supply chain flow of knowledge between the indicators and the indicators of factors affecting the relative weight; The time dimension into static and dynamic evaluation studies to assess the effect of the flow of knowledge; The lowest cost path from the perspective of knowledge flows to optimize the flow path of knowledge, as much as possible the content of the quantitative research study, with a view to the supply chain between enterprises in different sectors of the study provide a reference flow of knowledge, to promote knowledge management to strengthen our business to provide a reference.


