

【作者】 刘云

【导师】 杨世瑜;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 旅游地质与地质遗迹, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国休闲产业的发展,国家旅游局提出“国民休闲”计划,云南省就旅游业提质增效、“二次创业”、转型升级等出台了系列文件,标志着云南旅游业已由观光旅游进入到休闲度假旅游的转型阶段。温泉旅游作为古老的休闲度假旅游方式之一,历经千年仍是当今主要的休闲度假旅游主题之一,云南素有“温泉王国”之称,地热异常十分显著,是我国地热最为丰富的省份之一,因此温泉旅游成为云南继“秀美的自然风光”和“多彩的民族文化”之后的“第三张名片”。近年来温泉旅游开发速度较为迅猛,远远超前于研究程度。论文选取云南中东部地区为研究范围,以旅游温泉做为研究对象,运用地质学、旅游学、旅游景观学、管理学等学科基本理论,以旅游温泉“空间结构”、“整合发展”做为贯穿全文的主线,以旅游温泉理念、旅游温泉的空间结构来确定其旅游价值,并在此基础上将空间结构与整合发展相衔接。探索包含云南两大城市圈的中东部地区旅游温泉的旅游功能,完善旅游温泉产业/产品的构建,促进大昆明温泉旅游经济圈的构建,有助于提升以大昆明为核心的滇中温泉旅游品牌的塑造,对云南地热旅游地质资源产业化、旅游温泉发展起到推动作用。按照上述基本思路和方法,本文着重对以下几方面进行了研究:1.拓展了旅游温泉的含义,并延伸其理论研究。旅游温泉是可供旅游产业开发利用的天然温泉和钻井采引的地热水。旅游温泉既含有旅游资源的属性,又蕴含了温泉/地热水地学属性和旅游经济的双重含意。旅游温泉的研究与应用,突出了温泉及钻井采引地热水的旅游功能,强调了可供旅游产业开发利用的功能,将自然产出状态和人工采集状态融为一体,突出天然温泉和钻井采引地热水的“温泉”属性与功能。因此研究旅游温泉就在于突出温泉地质资源旅游资源化、产业化趋向。2.综合国内外温泉与地热水的类型划分,提出云南中东部旅游温泉类型按赋存环境、温度、流量、水质、旅游地质资源特征、旅游开发价值等6种影响因素划分。按赋存环境分为断裂带型天然温泉和热储体型地热水2类,并依据热储体结构分为热流的赋存形式和岩体不同的叠置关系,将热储体型地热水划分为层状热储、带状热储、岩体热储3种类型;旅游温泉按温度区间分为温水、温热水、热水3类;按流量区间分为特大流量、大流量、一般流量和小流量4类;按水质的影响因素分为水化学类型分类和微量元素分类;按旅游地质资源特征分为观赏性和商品性旅游温泉;按旅游开发价值分为都市水疗SPA型、近郊复合型、远郊主题型和乡村型等4类旅游温泉。3.研究云南中东部旅游温泉的特征。依据云南中东部旅游温泉类型,分别从旅游温泉的地质特征、品质特征、旅游地质特征进行其特征研究。旅游温泉的地质特征是温泉群的空间展布受控于温泉构造地质条件,温泉群的品质与旅游地质特征受控于温泉地质环境;旅游温泉的品质特征主要从温度、流量、水质的结构分布着手研究,并得出优质旅游温泉分布在南北向的小江断裂带,北东向构造的东川—罗茨—易门带、昆明—寻甸带、罗平—师宗—弥勒泉群区,南部北西西向及向南突出的弧形断裂带上;其旅游地质特征是旅游温泉资源分布多聚集于相似类型的旅游地质资源环境域中,主要以断陷盆地、湖泊、峡谷/河流和城市群等分布为标志的旅游温泉群,并结合其所处的资源环境研究旅游温泉地与地域文化、特色温泉旅游地质景观。4.基于云南中东部的地质背景条件、旅游温泉类型及时空展布特征,依据区划原则:温泉集中产出、温泉类型相似、温泉的地质环境、温泉排布组合等,将云南中东部旅游温泉按其组合规模地域分为6个级序,构成一个有地域关联、类型关联、级序关联自成一体的等级体系,即将云南中东部的旅游温泉等级体制/空间结构划分为1个旅游温泉域、3个旅游温泉区、8条旅游温泉带、13个旅游温泉区段和37个温泉泉群。由此得出旅游温泉的空间结构类型,并逐层详细分析了旅游温泉空间结构特征,归纳其空间结构特征为云南中东部旅游温泉由斑块、廊带、基质等三种基本旅游温泉结构单元类型组成,斑廊基结构是云南中东部旅游温泉域高级序单元结构特征,旅游温泉空间结构受地质环境条件的制约,旅游温泉的最佳开发利用结构模式是合理的天然旅游温泉与钻井采引地热水旅游温泉融合。5.云南中东部旅游温泉的旅游价值评价以旅游温泉群为评价基本单元,从系统科学的角度出发,依据旅游温泉的品质价值、观赏价值、文化价值、市场开发价值等价值体系来构建评价指标,从旅游温泉品级、市场条件、旅游开发条件、生态环境条件等不同层面评价,形成一个相互依赖、相互影响的评价体系。运用定性和定量方法,尤其是定量方法,运用层次分析法和SPSS系统聚类方法进行对比分析,对云南中东部旅游温泉群的旅游价值进行判别;结合定性结论,得出旅游温泉群的旅游价值等级为特品级、优良级、良级、普通级和低品级。根据旅游温泉群的评价等级,梳理出云南中东部旅游温泉开发的最佳空间结构,云南中东部旅游温泉开发的最佳类型结构,并遴选出云南中东部特色旅游温泉地。6.云南中东部旅游温泉的整合实质是旅游温泉空间结构的整合,而空间结构划分也包含了整合的含意。因此云南中东部旅游温泉的整合开发策略主要从旅游温泉“三域基础结构”、旅游温泉开发模式构想两方面进行。一是针对云南中东部旅游温泉的地质域、城市域和经济域提出以大昆明为核心的“温泉旅游核、温泉旅游圈、远郊温泉旅游带”的总体发展布局及相应的整合开发策略;二是基于旅游温泉的内部竞争与合作、旅游温泉多元化、特色化的角度,探讨其开发模式构想。提出温泉主导区域旅游发展的开发模式为泛温泉旅游;温泉仅只是一种旅游产品,辅助区域旅游发展的开发模式为温泉+湖泊型、温泉+医疗保健型、综合休闲娱乐型温泉、温泉+乡村旅游型、高端SPA温泉度假村型等,并研究与之相适宜的旅游温泉开发区域及整合策略。7.针对云南中东部旅游温泉开发,尤其是钻井采引地热水地区(热田、地热异常区),因地热水资源的有限性、分布的规律性和开采的无限制性而产生了系列环境问题,提出云南中东部旅游温泉可持续开发利用和环境保护的策略。

【Abstract】 With the development of industry of rest and tour, the National Tourism Administration of China proposes the plan of "leisure of all people". In order to improve the quality and efficiency of the tourist industry, the tourist industry has started a new undertaking, realized transformation and upgrade and setting up a series of documents come into being in Yunnan Province, which indicates that the tourist industry of Yunnan has come into the transformation phrase from the sightseeing tourism to the fallow and vacationing tourism. As one of the oldest modes of the fallow and vacationing tourism, hot spring tourism is still one of its main topics after thousands of years. Known as "Kingdom of hot spring", Yunnan province is one of the provinces in China which have richest terrestrial heat. Therefore, hot spring tourism becomes "the third name card" of Yunnan province; the first two are "beautiful landscape" and "colorful national culture". In recent years, the development of hot spring tourism is much faster than the research of it.This dissertation chooses the east middle section of Yunnan province as its range of study and tourism hot spring as its subject. It focuses on the space structure and integration development of tourism hot spring by the use of such theories as Geology, Tourism Science, Tourism and Landscape Science, and Principles of Management. This dissertation attempts to determine the tourism value of hot spring from the analysis of the concept and the space structure of tourism hot spring and combine the space structure and integration development. This research includes the tourism function of tourism hot spring in the east middle section of the two megalopolises in Yunnan, the construction of perfecting the industry and products of tourism hot spring, and the expansion of Kunming’s economic circle of hot spring tourism. It will help shaping the brand of hot spring tourism of the middle regions of the Yunnan Province and pushing the industrialization of the geological resource for the terrestrial heat and the development of tourism hot spring. According to the above thoughts and methods, this dissertation mainly studies the following aspects:Firstly, this dissertation expands the meaning of tourism hot spring and extends its theoretical study. Tourism hot spring is the natural hot spring exploited by tourism industry and terrestrial heat water extracted from the artesian well. Tourism hot spring not only has the attributes of tourism resources, but also is the other name of tourist industry entity. The study and application of tourism hot spring highlights the tourism function of hot spring and terrestrial heat water extracted from the artesian well, emphasizes their function which can be used by the tourism industry, integrates the natural being and manual gathering and highlights the attributes and functions of natural hot spring and terrestrial heat water extracted from the artesian well. So the importance of the study of tourism hot spring lies in highlighting the trend of industrialization of the geological resources of hot spring.Secondly, this dissertation synthesizes the division from home and abroad of hot spring and terrestrial heat water, and suggests that the tourism hot spring in the east middle of Yunnan province should be divided according to 6 factors:occurrence environment, temperature, flow capacity, water quality, trait of the geological resources for tourism and the tourist value. According to occurrence environment, the tourism hot spring can be divided into the rift zone natural hot spring and the geothermal reservoir water, and the geothermal reservoir water can be subdivided into layer-like geo-thermal resources, banding-like geo-thermal resources and rock mass-like geo-thermal resources. The tourism hot spring can be divided into 3 types according to temperature zone including warm water, geothermal groundwater and hot water,4 types according to flow capacity zone including super flow, large flow, average flow and small flow,2 types according to water quality including hydro-chemical hot spring and microelement hot spring,2 types according to tourism geologic resource including ornamental hot spring and commercial hot spring,4 types according to development values of tourism resources including urban hydrotherapy SPA, suburb complicated tourism hot spring, exurban thematic tourism hot spring and rural tourism hot spring.Thirdly, the dissertation researches into the characteristics of spatial distribution and geologicentity of tourism hot spring on the basis of the regionalization of tourism hot spring in the east middle section of Yunnan province. The characteristics of spatial distribution are laminar, darkle and blocky according to the types and distribution of tourism hot spring. The hot spring is distributed in the line intersection of linear structure and the spatial distribution of tourism hot spring represents clear hierarchical layered structure. The dissertation researches the geologicentity from the aspects of geologic features, attribute and comprehensive tourism geologic features of tourism hot spring. The geologic features of tourism hot spring are that the spatial distribution of hot spring groups is dependent on the conditions of structural geology and the quality and geologic features of tourism is dependent on the geologic environment of hot spring. The attribute of tourism hot spring is studied from temperature, flow rate and structure of water quality. Basing on the analysis, the dissertation comes to conclusion that the high-quality tourism hot spring is distributed along the xiaojiang fault zone in north and south, the zone of Dongchuan-Luoci-Yimeng, Kunming-Xundian and Luoping-Shizong-Mile in the northeast and the outstanding curviplanar fracture zone in the north-south. The comprehensive tourism geologic features are that the resources of tourism hot spring are distributed intensively in the similar-type environment of tourist geologic resources including the tourism hot spring groups marking with rifted-basins, lakes, canyons and rivers. Combining with the resource environment, the dissertation researches the regional cultures in the tourism hot spring destination and the unique geological landscape of spring tourism.Fourthly, based on the geological background, types of tourism hot spring and features of spatiotemporal distribution in the east middle section of Yunnan province, the tourism hot spring is divided into six series according to the combined scale and region. Each series forms a self-contained hierarchy with regional association, type association and rank ordering association, namely, the hierarchy of tourism hot spring is divided into one region, three districts, eight zones, thirteen sectors and thirty-seven groups of hot spring. So the dissertation analyses the characteristics of spatial structure of tourism hot spring according to the types of spatial structure in detail and generalizes the characteristics of spatial structure which is plaque, strip corridor and matrix. The plaque structure is higher rank ordering feature of block construction in the tourism hot spring region. Due to conditional restrain of geological environment on the spatial structure of tourism hot spring, the best structure model of development is the combination between the natural tourism hot spring and man-made tourism hot spring.Fifthly, regarding the group of tourism hot spring as the basic evaluation unit, the dissertation estimates the tourism value from the view of system science according to the evaluating indictors such as quality value, visual value, cultural value, marketing development value and so on and forms an interdependent and interplaying evaluation system from the different dimensions such as grade of quality, marketing conditions, development conditions, ecological environment and so on. The dissertation also analyses the tourism value of hot spring in the east middle section of Yunnan province through the qualitative and quantitative method, level of analysis, and SPSS systematic classification method and comes to the conclusion that the tourism value of tourism hot spring groups can be divided into the best grade, excellent grade, good grade, average grade and low grade. According to the evaluating grades of tourism hot spring groups, the dissertation generalizes the best spatial structure, the best type structure and the unique destination of tourism hot spring in the east middle section of Yunnan province.Sixthly, the integrated essence of tourism hot spring is actually dependent on the spatial structure of tourism hot spring and the distribution of spatial structure also embodies the meaning of integration. So integrating development strategies about the tourism hot spring in the east middle section of Yunnan province mainly proceeds from the aspects of the three-domain basic structure and conception of development models. According to the geological field, urban field and economic field of tourism hot spring in the east middle section of Yunnan province, the dissertation puts forward the whole development arrangement and corresponding integrating development strategies, which includes the center of tourism hot spring, the circle of tourism hot spring and the exurban zone of tourism hot spring. Based on the build-up effect and competition and cooperation relationship of tourism hot spring, the dissertation gives prominence to the tourism uniqueness and differences and discusses its conceptualization of development. The dissertation views that the development model in the dominant area of tourism hot spring is the pan-hot-spring, while the development models in the auxiliary areas include 5 types such as hot spring & lakes, hot spring & medical care, comprehensive leisure hot spring, hot spring & rural tourism, high-end spa resort and so on, and explores the corresponding strategies of regional development and integration of tourism hot spring in the east middle section of Yunnan provinceLastly, as to the series of environmental problems arising from the conflict between the exhaustibility and regularity of terrestrial heat water and the unrestrained development, the tourism hot spring in the east middle section of Yunnan Province, strategies are raised concerning the sustainable development and environmental protection of tourism hot spring in the east middle section of Yunnan Province, especially the terrestrial heat water extracted from the artesian well (geothermal field, and geothermal anomaly area)


