

A Study on Outdoor Environment Design of Current Kindergarten in China with Beijing Haidian District as an Example

【作者】 师卫华

【导师】 周曦;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近年来我国教育事业飞速发展,尤其是幼儿教育的受重视程度大大提高,方面环境正在作为一种“隐形课程”,越来越多的引起幼教界和家长们的关注和重视,另一方面建设绿色校园和节约型校园已成为我国社会经济长远发展的重要目标,这都使得幼儿园室外环境设计也需要跟紧跟时代潮流,符合幼儿教育发展的需要。幼儿园是幼儿学习、生活、游戏和成长的地方,幼儿是一个比较特殊的群体,在这个时期的生理、心理发育都处于最初的发展阶段,对于室外环境有着特殊的诉求。在进行幼儿园室外环境设计时,必须要先了解幼儿的心理、生理特征和身体尺度,并以此为出发点,设计出真正能适合幼儿的室外环境。本文借助了人体工程学、环境心理学、环境行为学等多学科的相关知识,详细分析了幼儿的特殊的生理、心理需求,以及行为特征,为调研和室外环境的设计提供参考依据。本文以海淀区教委后勤管理中心的课题为依托,以海淀区的城市幼儿园为蓝本,深入探讨了当前我国幼儿园室外环境的设计,具有很强的实践性。采用了文献收集、实地调研和分析归纳的基本研究方法,通过问卷访谈、实地测绘、拍摄照片等调研形式,获得了大量一手资料。本文以幼儿教育的历史研究为参考,以幼儿的生理、心理特征为出发点,以对海淀区50余所的实地调研为依据,分别对幼儿园室外环境的设计原则、总体设计、详细设计、改扩建设计等进行了详尽的论述和研究,最终提出幼儿园室外环境设计的模式和幼儿园室外环境的分级评价标准。北京是全国教育水平最高,教育机构最先进的城市之一,而海淀区的教育水平又在北京市处于领先地位,所以本文调查对象的选择具有相当的代表性和指导意义。目前对于我国幼儿园室外环境较为全面细致的调查研究尚且没有先例,而对于幼儿园室外环境的评价也没有一个分级标准,所以本论文所做的研究工作颇具意义,既可以弥补该专业理论方面研究的空白,又对当前幼儿园室外环境的创设具有一定的现实指导作用,具有创新性及开拓性。

【Abstract】 In recent years, education has developed at a tremendous speed. Infant education, in particular, has received more attention and importance than ever before. On the one hand, as a kind of "invisible curriculum", environment has aroused more and more attention from preschool education experts and parents; on the other hand, building a green and saving-type campus has become one of China’s social and economic long-term development goals. Therefore, kindergarten outdoor design should keep abreast of the time and cater to the development of preschool education.Kindergartens are where young children learn, play and grow. As a very special group, young children are those who are experiencing the early period of psychological and physiological development, therefore, they have a special appeal for outdoor environment. Thus, children’s psychological states, physiological characteristics and body scale should be taken into account first to design an outdoor environment for young children. This thesis, adopting knowledge from ergonomics, environmental psychology, environmental behavior and other disciplines, analyzes the children’s special physiological, psychological needs, and behavioral characteristics in detail,, providing sufficient reference for research and outdoorsy environment design.Based on a project from Logistics Management Center of Haidian District Board of Education this thesis, with examples from kindergartens in Haidian District, explores and analyzes the current outdoor environment design in China. This thesis, with a very strong practicality, collects a great number of firsthand materials by questionnaire interviews, on-the-spot mapping, photograph and so on. With the history of early childhood education as a reference and children’s physical and psychological characteristics as a starting point, this thesis, based on the field research of more than 50 institutions in Haidian District, explores and discusses the general design principles of kindergartens, detailed design, renovation and expansion design to Haidian District, based on, namely the design of the outdoor environment and so forth, finally presents a final design mode for outdoor nursery and outdoor environmental evaluation criteria.


