

Study on Center Location and Route Optimization of Regional Logistics Network

【作者】 郑斌

【导师】 杨华龙;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 物流工程与管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着社会主义市场经济的快速发展,物流作为“第三利润源泉”对企业以至整个社会的经济活动影响越来越大,成为当前企业间竞争的重要领域。区域物流作为现代物流系统的重要组成部分,对区域经济的发展具有重要的促进引导作用。区域经济一体化的发展,促使区域内和区域间物流、信息流、资金流和商流等的流动逐渐增加,区域内和区域间不同实体或者企业间的竞争不断加剧。如何加速区域物流网路的优化和升级,进而促进区域经济的持续、健康、稳定发展成为当前研究的一项重要内容。国务院2009年3月出台的《物流业调整和振兴规划》明确指出:国际金融危机对我国实体经济造成了较大冲击,物流业作为重要的服务产业,也受到较为严重的影响。各地区、各部门要做好物流优化布局的工作。同时,物流基础设施能力不足,尚未建立布局合理、衔接顺畅、能力充分、高效便捷的综合交通运输体系,区域物流网络规划能力有待加强。因此,对于区域物流网络的研究不仅是增强区域竞争力,加快区域发展的重中之重,而且是应对国际金融危机、增强国民经济竞争力的有力措施。区域物流网络优化问题通常需要从区域物流需求分析入手,划分区域物流网络的层次结构,在此基础上选择区域物流的网络中心,最后对区域物流网络的线路进行优化,从而完成区域物流网络的整体优化。因此,本文主要从区域物流需求预测、区域物流网络层次划分、区域物流网络中心选址、区域物流网络线路优化四个方面对区域物流网络优化问题进行了研究。(1)有关区域物流需求预测。在众多的需求预测模型中,选择适合于区域物流预测的灰色预测模型,对模型的具体推导过程进行了分析,发现其中存在的两个缺陷,针对存在的问题提出了改进方法,从而提高了灰色预测模型的预测精度。将改进后的灰色预测模型应用于本文对区域物流的研究中,预测了辽宁省区域物流在未来几年内的发展状况。通过分析区域物流需求的预测值,可以看出辽宁省区域物流在未来几年内发展迅速,通过对数值的求解,得出辽宁省区域物流未来的增长系数,这一系数在区域物流中心优化中具有重要的作用。(2)对区域物流网络层次划分的研究。在综合比较了各类聚类方法后选择了主因子分析法,通过聚类对辽宁省不同地区的区域物流网络层次进行了划分。划分的结果表明,辽宁省区域物流主要形成了四大层次,分别是以沈阳为中心的区域物流辐射圈、以大连为中心的沿海国际物流带、以锦州为中心的辽西物流辐射圈和辽宁省小城镇物流分布带。不同物流辐射圈内的物流发展各不相同,且各自的特色也有很大的区别,个辐射圈内的区域应该详细地分析自身区域物流的发展状况,扬长避短,打造特色区域物流。区域物流网络层次的划分对后面章节中的物流中心选址也有很大的作用,这是从宏观的角度划分了区域物流聚类数,对区域物流网络中心的数目确定有很大的参考意义。(3)对区域物流网络中心选址的研究。区域物流网络中心选址是区域物流网络优化的一个重要内容,本文基于区域物流成本最小的原则,建立了区域物流网络中心选址模型,对于模型的求解主要是按照K-means算法进行的,在使用该方法前对其进行了改进,优化了求解方法。选择辽宁省区域物流作为实证分析研究对象,针对辽宁省的不同区域物流发展的特殊性,本文提出了针对区域物流的单位归一化模型、公路通达性模型、需求预测模型和路况加权模型,并在这四个模型的基础上,提出了基于现实路网的区域物流网络优化模型。在算法方面,本文综合了最短路算法和重心法的优势,对聚类算法进行了适用于物流配送的改进,提出了解决区域村物流网络优化问题的新算法。模型和算法都是针对区域物流提出来的,有一定的创新性。(4)对区域物流网络线路优化的研究。区域物流线路优化是区域物流整体优化的一个关键部分,本文通过具体分析线路优化VRP的有关理论和算法设计,研究得出了解决区域物流线路优化问题的思路和方法,选择部分区域物流节点对区域物流线路优化进行了实证分析。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the socialist market economy, logistics as "the third profit source" has taken increasing influence in economic activity for the business community even whole society and has become an important area of competition among enterprises. Regional logistics as an important component of modern logistics system, has an important guiding role in promoting regional economic development. The development of regional economic integration, to promote the increasing of intra-regional and inter-regional logistics, information flow, capital flow and business flow and other flow gradually, intra-regional and inter-regional competition increase among enterprises or different entities. How to speed up regional logistics network optimization and upgrading, thus contributing to sustained, healthy and stable development of the regional economy as an important element of current research.In March 2009, the state council of China enacted logistics adjustment and revitalized the planning and explicitly pointed out:The international financial crisis on the real economy in China has caused great impact, and logistics industry as the important service industry, but also influenced by the financial crisis. All regions and departments should do well the work of optimizing the distribution logistics. At the same time, logistics infrastructure ability is inadequate, and has not set up rational layout, smoothly linking, ability, high efficiency and convenient fully comprehensive transportation system. The regional logistics network planning ability should to be strengthened. So, for the regional logistics network research is not only strengthen regional competition, speed up the top priority of the regional development, and it is to deal with the international financial crisis, enhance the competitiveness of national economy effective measures.Regional logistics network optimization problems usually start from the regional logistics demand analysis and the regional logistics network-level division, on the basis of that selecting the center of the regional logistics network, and finally to the regional logistics network route optimization. Therefore, this paper mainly studied the regional logistics network optimization problem in four aspects:the regional logistics demand forecasting, the regional logistics network-level division, the regional logistics network center location, the regional logistics network route optimization. (1) The regional logistics demand forecasting. Among the demand forecasting models, select the gray prediction model suitable for the area of logistics, detailed derivation of the model was analyzed and found that there are two flaws, improved methods were put forward for the problems to improve the gray prediction precision of the model.The improved gray prediction model was used in this paper, predicted regional logistics development of Liaoning Province in the next few years.By analyzing the predictive value of regional logistics demand, we can see the regional logistics will has developed rapidly of Liaoning Province in the coming years, through the numerical solution, obtained regional logistics future growth factor of Liaoning Province, the coefficient has an important role in optimization of regional logistics center.(2)Division of the regional logistics network-level research in a comprehensive comparison of various clustering methods and select the principal factor analysis, by clustering the different regions of Liaoning Province regional logistics network level has been divided.Division showed that the formation of Liaoning Province, a major regional logistics four levels, namely, Shenyang is the center of the regional logistics radiation circle, along the coast of Dalian as the center of international logistics zone, the western Liaoning Jinzhou logistics center circle and Liaoning provinces radiation logistics and distribution with small towns. Different logistics development in the radiation circle is not the same, and their characteristics are very different, The area of each circle of radiation should be a detailed analysis of its regional logistics development, exceed and features to create a regional logistics. Regional logistics network-level division also has a significant role of the logistics center location in the later chapters, which is a macro view of the number of clusters into a regional logistics, There are great reference value in determining the number of the reginal logistics network center.(3) Site selection study of regional logistics network center. Site selection of regional logistics network is an important part of network optimization, this paper based on the principle of minimum regional logistics costs, established a site selection model of regional logistics for solving the model is mainly carried by K-means algorithm, in using this method before it was improved to optimize the solution method.Choose Liaoning Province regional logistics as the object of empirical analysis, for different areas of Liaoning Province, the special nature of the development of logistics, this paper presents unit normalized model,roadway model, traffic demand forecasting model and the weighted model for the regional logistics, and in these four models based on the proposed road network accoding to the real regional logistics network optimization model.In the algorithm, this paper combines the advantages of the shortest path algorithm and gravity center method, the clustering algorithm was applied to logistics and distribution improvements, proposed to solve the problem of regional logistics network optimization of new algorithms. Innovative models and algorithms are proposed for the reginal logistics only.(4) Studies of route optimization on the regional logistics network. Regional logistics route optimization is a key part of the overall regional logistics optimization of this paper, a detailed analysis of the VRP line optimization theory and algorithm design, came to the line optimization problem to solve regional logistics ideas and methods, Select the part of the regional logistics nodes in the regional logistics route optimization for the empirical analysis.

  • 【分类号】F259.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2801
  • 攻读期成果

