

Study on the Transfer Rights

【作者】 刘松珍

【导师】 冯彦君;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化背景下,企业规模有日趋扩大的趋势,调职作为用人单位的一项人事管理手段被经常运用,但由于我国缺乏有关调职的立法或司法判例,劳动者与用人单位之间的调职争议频频发生。调职争议主要集中于两个方面:一是用人单位是否享有调职权,二是用人单位行使调职权是否合法。可见,对于“调职权”的认识,是解决调职争议的关键。本文围绕“调职权”这一核心概念,力图阐释以下问题:调职权是什么样的权利,包括哪些类型以及有何法律属性;用人单位行使调职权对劳动关系会产生何种影响,调职权与劳动权的冲突有何表现;调职权存在的法律依据是什么,劳动合同中调职权条款的效力如何判定;调职权的行使将受到何种限制,如何救济行使受阻的调职权,以及劳动权被侵害时又能获得何种救济等问题。全文共分四章。第一章主要对调职权的基本问题进行了阐释。研究调职权,首先要对调职加以界定。本文中的调职是指用人单位长期变更劳动者的工作岗位或工作地点的法律行为,包括企业内调职与企业外调职。在此基础上,本文对调职权的特征加以归纳,并将调职权界定为用人单位基于劳动关系的从属性而享有的单方变更劳动者工作岗位或工作地点的权利,同时强调调职权应受到法律、法规以及集体合同、劳动合同、工作规则的约束。以调职权的权利来源为标准,调职权可分为法定调职权与约定调职权,围绕两种不同的调职权将形成不同的调职规则。调职权、惩戒权、解雇权同属于人事权的范畴,三者既有区别又有联系。任何权利都存在于某一权利体系中,调职权也不例外。通过调职权法律属性的分析可知,调职权的母权利是指示权,因此,调职权的研究可在指示权现有成果的基础上展开。此外,若以宪法为视角,调职权具有自由权的属性;若以民法为视角,调职权具有形成权的属性。第二章主要围绕调职权行使对于劳动关系的影响进行了论述。用人单位行使调职权必然对劳动关系产生或大或小的影响。从大的方面说,可能影响到劳动关系的存续;从小的方面说,可能会改变劳动关系的要素。用人单位行使企业内调职权或在籍型调职权不会影响到既有劳动关系的存续,而行使移籍型调职权将导致原有劳动关系消灭,新的劳动关系产生。此外,用人单位行使调职权对于劳动关系的主体、客体以及内容都会造成一定程度的影响。其中调职权对劳动权产生何种影响是关键性问题。劳动权是由一系列权利构成的权利系统,用人单位行使调职权对于劳动者的自由择业权、劳动报酬权、休息权以及社会保险权的影响最为突出。调职权与劳动权各有边界,互为限制。调职权对于劳动权的限制表现为,用人单位合法行使调职权时,劳动者负有配合义务。劳动权对于调职权的限制包括立法限制、契约限制以及司法限制三种类型。第三章主要对调职权存在的法律依据进行了探讨。任何“人”不能仅凭其身份而享有权利,使“人”享有权利的是法律、习俗和道德。本文主要从法律依据的角度对于调职权存在的权利来源进行分析。英美法系国家将调职权问题置于契约法的理论之下,并无专门的调职权学说;大陆法系国家中的法国、德国劳动法学界也很少将调职权问题独立出来,而是从劳动合同变更或指示权的角度加以探讨。比较来看,日本劳动法学界对于调职权问题的研究最为深入和全面,典型的学说有经营权说、概括合意说、劳动契约说、特约说与调职命令权否认说;我国台湾地区学者大多在借鉴日本学说的基础上形成相应的学理见解,其中以赞同“概括合意说”与“特约说”的学者居多。从司法实务上看,日本或我国台湾地区法院的判决某种程度上借鉴了学理见解,惟在个案的解释上存在宽严程度的差异。法定调职权的存在依据较为固定,约定调职权的存在依据则变动不居,较易产生争议,有鉴于此,本文结合劳动实态进一步分析了约定调职权存在的法律依据,并对如何判定调职权条款的效力进行了说明。第四章主要对调职权的限制与救济问题进行了分析。权利限制是化解权利冲突,使多种权利得以和谐共处的有效机制。对于调职权的限制来自三方面:立法、契约、司法。限制用人单位调职权的法律规定主要体现在两类立法中,一为禁止差别待遇的立法,二为对特殊劳动者侧重保护的立法。劳动实态中,调职权的契约限制主要体现在有关工作规则的规定中,而以劳动合同中的约定限制调职权行使的情况较少。对于调职权行使的司法限制主要表现为法官对于调职个案的衡平性控制。日本法院长期以“禁止权利滥用原则”限制调职权的行使,虽已形成了一些较为固定的判断标准,但对劳动者权益的保护并未达到预期效果,对此本文进行了深入分析,提出可以将利益衡量的方法引入到调职权滥用的判断中。“无救济,非权利。”本文分别对调职权本体的救济与调职权不当行使引发的救济进行了阐述,提出对于调职权本体的救济,可有公力救济与私力救济两种类型,而对于调职权不当行使引发的救济,即对劳动权的救济,则以公力救济为主。

【Abstract】 Under the economical globalization, the enterprise scale has the day by day expanded tendency. Transfer to another job or enterprise is utilized frequently as an employer’s personnel management method, but because our country lacks the relative legislation or the judicial legal precedent, the dispute on transfer between the employee and the employer occurs repeatedly. The dispute mainly lies in two aspects, on the one hand, whether the employer has the authority to adjust; on the other hand, whether the transfer is legally right. Obviously, the understanding on the transfer right is the key to the solution. Unfortunately, our mainland scholars’research regarding transfer right is lacking, which does not meet with the urgent need in labor market. This dissertation sees the transfer right this as a core concept, and tries to explain the following questions: what kind of right the transfer right belongs to, including its types and its legal attribute; The what influence the transfer right will have on the work relations when the employer exercise it and the conflict between the transfer right and labor right; What is the legal basis of the transfer right, and how to judge the effectiveness of the transfer right in the labor contract; what limit the transfer right will meet in practice, how to relief blocked transfer right, as well as what kind of relief the violated labor right.The dissertation is divided into four chapters.The first chapter explains the basic question on transfer rights. The research must give the definition of transfer right fist. In this dissertation, transfer right refers to the employer changes the worker’s operating post or the operating location as a legal act in a long-term, including transfer within and outside of the enterprise. In this foundation, this dissertation conclude the characteristics of transfer rights, define the transfer rights as the right of the enterprise in its own aspect enjoys to adjust the worker’s operating post or the operating location based on the work relations dependency, and emphasizes that the transfer should be limited by laws and regulations, as well as the collective contract, the labor contract, and the work rule restraint. Taking the right origin of transfer rights as the standard, transfer right can be divided into legal transfer and agreement transfer, round which two kinds of transfer rules are formed. Transfer right, the disciplinary authority, and the dismissal right belong to human resource’s right category, and they have the difference and to relation. Any right belongs to a right system, no exception to transfer right. Knowing from the legal attribute of transfer right, the source right of transfer right is an instructing right; therefore, the research on the transfer right can be launched on the existing achievement foundation of instructing right. In addition, from the angle of the constitution, transfer right have the freedom right attribute; from the angle of the civil law, transfer right have the forming right attribute.The second chapter mainly discusses the influence the elaboration of transfer right have on the work relations. It may have the big or small influence on the labor relations. From the large sense, it may affect the work relations lasting; from the small sense, it may change the essential factor of the labor relations. The employer exercises the enterprise internal transfer right or the on- registry transfer right will not affect the existed labor relations lasting, but off- registry transfer right will moves the end of original work relations and a new work relations production is produced. In addition, the employer exercising transfer right will have a certain effect on the subject, the object as well as the content, among which the key is what kind of influence the transfer right have on the labor right. The labor right is a right system. The most prominent effect is how the employer exercising transfer right will have on worker’s right of choosing profession, the labor payment right, the resting right as well as the social security right. Transfer right and the labor right have respective and mutual restriction. The restriction that transfer right have on the labor right is that when the employer legitimately exercises the transfer right, the worker has the coordinate duty. And the restriction that labor right has on the transfer right includes the legislation restriction, the contract restriction as well as the judicial restriction. The third chapter mainly discusses the existing legal basis of the transfer right. Any“human”cannot enjoy the right only depending on its status, what enable“human”to enjoy the right is the law, the custom and the morals. This dissertation mainly discusses law origin. In The British and American legal system, the transfer right is put in under the theory of contract law, without special transfer right theory; In mainland legal system, such as France and German, in their labor law transfer right is not independent, but is discussed from the angel of labor contract change or the instruction right. In contrast, the Japanese labor law educational circle has a most thorough and comprehensive research on this issue. The typical theory has the management right, the general agreement, the labor contract, special contract and denying transfer right. In Taiwan, scholars mostly form the corresponding scientific theory from the Japanese theory foundation, in which the majority of scholars approve of“the general agreement”and“special contract”. From the judicial practice, Japanese or Taiwan Courts learn from the perspective of scientific theory, and only have difference in the strict degree in a single case explanation. The existence basis of legal transfer right is fixed, while that of the agreed transfer right changes. To take this into consideration, this paper makes a further analysis on the agreed transfer right with the real condition and explains how to determine the potency of transfer right. The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the restriction and relief of the transfer right. The restriction is effective mechanism which may solve the conflict and make many kinds of rights coexist harmoniously. The restriction comes from three aspects: Legislation, contract, and judicature. It is mainly manifested in two kinds of legislations: one is the prohibition discrimination legislation and the other is the protection legislation to special worker. In the real working condition, the contract restriction is mainly manifested in the related work rules, but is rare in the contract agreement. The judicial restriction is mainly manifested in the case balance control for judge. For a long time, Japanese Court has the restriction on transfer right on the“prohibition on right abuse principle”, although it has formed some more fixed judgment standard; it has not achieved an anticipated effect on the worker rights protection. This paper makes a thorough analysis regarding this, and proposes that the benefit weight method should move into the judgment on the authority abuses.“Without relief, not a right.”This dissertation discusses the relief to the subject of transfer right and the relief to unfair transfer right practice, and propose that the relief to the subject of transfer right includes two types: the public relief and the private one, while regarding the relief to unfair transfer right practice, the public relief is the key.

【关键词】 调职调职权劳动权劳动法调职争议
【Key words】 TransferTransfer RightLabor RightLabor LawTransfer Conflict
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

