

Study on Particularity of Military Criminal Law: An Analysis from Value and Category Perspectives

【作者】 陈金涛

【导师】 李洁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在人类社会发展的一定历史时期,战争是一种难以避免的客观存在。一个成熟的国家和民族不是消极地回避战争,而是积极地应对战争。军事刑法是国家应对战争的理性产物,在国家的法律体系中具有特殊的地位和作用。军事刑法既有军事法的属性,是其他军事法律的最后保障法;也具有刑法的属性,是特别刑法。从刑法学的论域看,研究军事刑法的首要任务就是揭示其在刑法中的特殊性,这种特殊性是军事刑法自足存在的前提,也是军事刑法一切理论建构的基础。军事刑法的特殊性应当从观念和制度两个层面考察。从观念的层面看,军事刑法之所以特殊,是具有区别于普通刑法的独特的价值理念;从制度的层面看,军事刑法的特殊性在于其法律制度中存在着若干具有特定内涵的基本范畴。本文采用价值与范畴二元分析的方法,对军事刑法的特殊性予以解读。本文属于基础性研究,倾向于对军事刑法的特殊性进行法理上的分析与阐释。第一部分,导论。由于我国在立法上采取军事刑法与普通刑法合典的模式,军事刑法并没有明确的立法界定,导致其与普通刑法的边界模糊。对军事刑法的定位是理解军事刑法特殊性的前提,也是学界争议的焦点。本文认为,对军事刑法的定位应基于我国的法律文化传统和现有的制度设计,从刑法与军事法相交叉的视域予以把握。军事刑法的特殊性体现为观念上的严苛性、原则上的独特性和制度上的相对独立性。军事刑法并不追求谦抑性和轻缓化,而要奉行军法从严原则,设定符合军事逻辑的刑法制度体系。破解军事刑法的特殊性需要从价值和范畴两个角度着手,军事刑法的价值与范畴是研究军事刑法特殊性的基础性论题。第二部分,军事刑法价值的确立。军事刑法的价值表征着军事刑法与人的关系,体现着军事刑法对人所具有的意义,根源于人对军事刑法的需要。与普通刑法相比,军事刑法价值的确立具有双维性,既要体现刑事法治,又要体现军事需要。而这双维的价值取向往往是冲突的,需要军事刑法在正义与功利、自由与秩序及权利保护与权力保障等价值要素中进行选择与平衡。刑事法治与军事共存于同一政治环境中,军事是刑事法治的坚强后盾,它以强力的方式保障着国家刑事法治的实施,维护着刑事法律的权威和法治的理想,促进刑事法治的实现;同时,刑事法治为军事治理提供了理想的模式,为战斗力的提升提供有力的制度保证。在这样的基础上,实现军事刑法价值的平衡要坚持以修正的刑法价值为本位,以军事社会关系为基点,并充分尊重实然法的原则。本文认为,军事刑法的价值选择不宜在各价值要素中采用非此即彼或熟重熟轻或优先劣后的方式,而应当基于军事刑法的秉性,用中介性概念予以表达。第三部分,军事刑法价值的展开。法律是正义的化身,正义包含了法律的一切价值追求。但正义的宽泛性与军事刑法的具体性存在矛盾,军事刑法所追求的是军事正义。军事正义是存在于军事领域中的正义,是正义观念和正义理论在军事领域的具体化,反映着人与军事的关系及军事活动中人与人的关系。军事正义是一种形而上的哲学抽象和理论思辨,是对军事存在及军事发展的合理性、正当性及应当性的判断,是军事法律制度中所蕴含的正义及对现实军事法律制度的正义性评价,是军事活动主体具有正义性的行为选择。军事正义是军事刑法的核心价值,而军事正义往往是抽象的,需要用具体的标准予以表达。国防安全、军事秩序和人道性是对军事正义的直接诠释,构成军事刑法的基本价值。第四部分,军事刑法的基本范畴。价值表达着精神,往往“可思不可感”,泛现于范畴之中。如果说价值分析是军事刑法特殊性的应然性解析,范畴分析则是军事刑法特殊性的实然性阐释。军事刑法的基本范畴是支撑军事刑法理论体系和最能反映军事刑法特点的核心概念。军事犯罪、军事刑事责任和军事刑罚是有特定内涵和边界的概念,三者密切联系又自成体系,共同构成军事刑法的基本范畴。本文对三个基本范畴的解读,力求从概念的本源着手,揭示其本质和特征,明晰其与其他概念的区别,尤其是明晰军事犯罪与普通犯罪、军事刑事责任与普通刑事责任、军事刑罚与普通刑罚的区别,进而明确军事犯罪、军事刑事责任和军事刑罚的特殊性。第五部分,结语。从价值和范畴的分析中可以看出,军事刑法不同于普通刑法:一个以战场结构为依托,调控“胜王败寇”的军事秩序;一个以市场结构为背景,调控“平等自由”的市民秩序。军事刑法的特殊性是明显的,而这种特殊性来源于何?本文认为这是刑法对战争事实的一种回应,是国家的国防和军事利益应受特别保护的一种体现,是军事整体主义和军事严格主义的一种刑法实现。军事刑法的特殊性应当受到尊重,而尊重的有效方式就是单独立法,制定一部独立的军事刑法典。

【Abstract】 For the development of human society in a certain historical period, the war is a kind of objective existence which is hard to avoid. A mature country and nation should not be negative to avoid the war, but actively to deal with the war. Military criminal law is the rational product of the state to manage the war that has the special position and role in the country’s legal system. On one hand, Military Criminal law has attribute of military law which is the the security law of the other military law,on the other hand , it also has the attribute of the criminal law which is special criminal law. From the domain look of punishment law, the primary task of the study on military criminal law is to reveal the particularity in the criminal law, which is the premise of the military criminal law and all the construction foundation of the theory of military criminal law. The criminal law shall be survey from the two level of the particularity of the military concepts and systems. From the perspectives of conception, military criminal law is special, is different from that unique value idea of common criminal law; from the perspectives of the system, the particularity of the military criminal law exists some basic categories of specific connotation. In this article, the two analysis method of value and the category interpreted on the particularity of the military criminal law. This article tends to analysis and interpret the particularity of the military criminal law in legal.The first part: introduction. Because our country takes the mode which is combined with military and ordinary criminal law on legislation., military criminal law has no clear legislative definition. This results in the fuzzy boundaries between ordinary criminal law and it. The location of the criminal law for the military which is the premise to understand the military particularity of the criminal law, is also the focus of the academic disputes. This article believed that, the location of the criminal law on the military should be based on the traditional legal culture and the existing system design in our country, and be grasped the vision of cross from the criminal law and military method. The particularity of the military criminal law embodies the idea of the harsh, the uniqueness of in principleand the system of the relative independence. Military criminal law does not seek the austerity and light slow change, but to pursue military strictly principle, set the criminal law system with military logic system. To crack the particularity of the military criminal law needs from the two angles of value and category. The value and category of the military criminal law is the basic topic of the particularity of military criminal law.The second part: establishment of the value of military criminal law. The value of the criminal law military performs the relationship between the military criminal law and the people, embodies the military criminal law on the significance of the people, at the root on the needs of the military criminal law. Compared with ordinary criminal law, that establish the value of military criminal law, not only should reflect the criminal law, but also should reflect the military needs. These two kinds of value orientation is often conflicted. It needs military criminal law select and balance from justice and utilitarian, freedom and order, rights protection and power protection. Rule of criminal law and military coexist in the same political environment. The military is strong backing of criminal law, safeguard implement of the national criminal law with powerful way, maintainment of the authority and the ideal of the criminal law, promote the realization of the criminal law. At the same time, the criminal law provides the ideal mode for the military management, provides strong system guarantee to ascense fighting. On such a basis, to realize the balance of the value of military criminal law to adhere to a revision of the criminal law values as the standard, with military social relationship as the base, and fully respect the principles of natural law firm. This article believed that, the value of the criminal law is unfavorable choose military in every value in the elements or familiar black-and-white ripe light or priority after a bad way, but should be based on military criminal law that being, with intermediary to express concept.The third part: the specification of the value of the military criminal law. Law is the embodiment of justice, justice contains all the pursuits of legal value. But there is contradiction between broadness of justice and concreteness of military criminal law. Military justice exists in the military field, nd reflects the relationship between man and military and between the relationships in military activity. It’s also materialized by the justice idea and the justice theory. Military justice is a kind of metaphysical philosophy abstract and theoretical speculative. It’s also the judgment of rationality, legitimacy and sollen of military existence and development, the justice evaluation on the justice contained in military legal system and real military legal system, is military activities of the main body to have the right behavior choice. Military justice is the core value of the military criminal law, and military justice is often abstract, needs to use specific standards to express. National defense and the military order and humanitarian is the direct interpretation of military justice, constitutes the basic values of military criminal law.The fourth part: the basic categories of military criminal law. Value expresses the spirit, often "may think but not feeling", which presents in the category. If the value analysis is analytical of the particularity of the military criminal law and the analytical of particularity, the analysis of the category is the actual interpretation of particularity.The basic category of military criminal law is the support of theory system of military criminal law and is most can reflect the characteristics of the core concepts of the military criminal law. Military crime, military criminal responsibility and military penalty, each of them has a special concept on the connotation and border. The connection and self-sustaining of the three constitutes the basic category of military criminal law. In this paper, the three basic categories of reading, from concept to the source to, reveals the essence and characteristics, clarifies the difference with other concept, especially clears the difference between military crime and ordinary crime, military criminal responsibility and ordinary criminal responsibility, military penalty punishment and ordinary penalty punishment, and clear the particularity of military crime, military criminal responsibility and military penalty.The fifth part: the conclusion. From the analysis of the value and category, which can be seen that military criminal law is different from ordinary criminal law. Military order is based on battlefield structure which controls "wins and losses Curtis". The othe one controls "equal free" public order. Under background of market structure. The particularity of the military criminal law is obvious, and what does this special come from? This paper argues that this is a kind of response on the fact of the war from criminal law; is a kind of reflection of a special protection on the country’s defense and military interests; is a realization of criminal law of military overall and military strictly socialist. The particularity of the military criminal law should be respected, and the effective way of the respect is to separate legislation, to make an independent military penal code.

【关键词】 军事刑法特殊性价值范畴军事正义
【Key words】 Military Criminal LawParticularityValueCategoryMilitary Justice
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

