

A Study on the Relationship between Traditional Cultural Attributes and the Attractiveness of Shopping Streets

【作者】 于茜虹

【导师】 吴小丁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 作为城市“名片”与标志的传统商业街,代表着不同城市的精神面貌、地域特色、历史文化和消费生活习惯。进入新时期传统商业街的改造和更新势在必行,成功的经验告诉我们商业街传统文化的保护、开发和利用对商业街的繁荣有积极的作用。独特的建筑风格、丰富的人文资源、珍贵的历史遗存和独特的地域风情等传统文化,使来此的消费者感知到商业街的无穷魅力,并且影响着消费者的惠顾行为。因此,从商业街传统文化中挖掘出影响消费者感知价值及惠顾行为的属性,营造一个具有传统文化特色的商街氛围,将会提升商业街的魅力度。商业街传统文化属性问题的研究视角较宽,但多数仅停留在现象描述或案例分析的定性研究的层面,站在集聚层面基于消费者视角进行定量研究的不多。本研究将形成商业街传统文化属性的构念和测量量表,实现传统文化这个抽象概念的定量测量。对集聚魅力度(attractiveness)问题的研究源于零售吸引力理论,早期多关注店铺魅力度,后渐渐聚焦于集聚魅力度研究上。中西正雄(1983)在其研究中将零售设施所具有的吸引人的属性(即如万有引力中的质量)称为零售设施的魅力度。商业集聚以其易达性、丰富的店铺组合、便利的停车设施、多样化的娱乐设施、定位系统和环境刺激的提供等多重属性较单个店铺能够提供更加丰富的购物经历(Kim,2002; Berman and Evans,2001)。诸多学者认为环境属性是商业街魅力度的重要构成属性之一(Hajdu,1988;Brambilla and Longo,1977;张新天,2005;Teller,2008),集聚环境中的各种文化属性对集聚的整体魅力度有贡献(中山均之,1981)。由此,商业街传统文化是其魅力度重要构成属性之一。Teller(2008)在研究中指出集聚魅力度的三个测量维度:满意度、停留倾向和再惠顾意愿。综上,为本研究商业街传统文化属性及其各维度与消费者再惠顾意愿之间的关系研究提供有力的理论支撑。依据印象理论,商业集聚对消费者是否具有吸引力,主要源于消费者感知到的集聚印象(Nevins and Houston,1980)。“印象”进入零售领域,最早在店铺印象研究领域,随后才转向集聚印象理论的研究。消费者购物行为基于消费者的零售店印象信息的认知,这些信息进入消费者的认知领域会影响消费者的感知,进而影响其惠顾行为(Martineau,1958)。消费者感知到的店铺印象与集聚印象并不完全相同(Cox &Cox,1990)。Wee(1986)的研究结果显示除集聚规模、易达性和店铺组合等客观的、物理的属性外,集聚环境中还有其它一些与文化相关的、不易量化的变量也可以影响消费者惠顾行为。综上可知,商业街传统文化属性与消费者集聚印象感知和消费者再惠顾意愿之间的关系是非常密切的,这种关系将在本研究中进一步检验。基于以往学者的研究,本研究将依据“刺激(S)-机体(O)-反应(R)”模型来进行商业街传统文化属性与消费者再惠顾意愿关系的研究。S-O-R理论指出,环境中各种各样的刺激会影响人的心理,人的不同心理状态会产生相应的行为结果。过去有众多学者在店铺魅力研究中使用了此模型(Hirschman, 1981;Donovan and Rossiter, 1982;Mazursky and Jacoby, 1986; Baker et al., 2002)。后来有学者在集聚魅力度研究中,对集聚中类似于店铺印象的变量进行了研究,依据“S-O-R”模型,观察其对消费者惠顾行为的影响(Gentry and Burns, 1977; Nevins and Houston,1980)。本研究将依据“S-O-R”模型,把来自于商业街的传统文化属性(S)作为刺激物,通过对不同消费者感知价值(O)的影响,进而影响消费者的惠顾意愿(R)。由此,形成了本研究的理论框架及假设。本研究所要研究的问题有两个:研究一,形成商业街传统文化属性的构念及测量量表;研究二,实证检验商业街传统文化属性与消费者再惠顾意愿之间的关系。研究一的解决通过初始测项形成(文献分析和焦点小组访谈相结合)、测项纯化(探索性因子分析)和量表信度与效度检验(探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析和量表的判别效度检验)等过程,形成了商业街传统文化属性的构念和测量量表。研究二的解决依据“S-O-R”理论,采用SPSS和AMOS软件,通过回归分析和结构方程验证假设。得出结论如下:第一,形成商业街传统文化属性的定义:商业街传统文化属性是商业街魅力度的重要构成部分,主要是指商业街中影响消费者的感知价值,并对消费者再惠顾意愿产生影响的商业街传统文化属性的一个系统,该系统的构成主要包括建筑文化、历史文化、饮食文化、民俗文化和商业文化五个维度。第二,形成了商业街传统文化属性的五个维度的测量量表:建筑文化、历史文化、饮食文化、民俗文化和商业文化五个维度。共16测项归属于这五个因子,其中建筑文化测项有4个;历史文化有3个测项;饮食文化有3个测项;民俗文化有3个测项;商业文化有3个测项。第三,依据“S-O-R”理论,本研究实证的方法得出:商业街传统文化属性及其各维度对消费者再惠顾意愿有显著的正向影响,各维度的影响程度不同,由强到弱依次为:历史文化、商业文化、饮食文化、建筑文化和民俗文化。第四,商业街传统文化属性及其各维度对消费者感知价值有显著的正向影响,各维度的影响程度不同,由强到弱依次为:历史文化、商业文化、饮食文化、建筑文化和民俗文化。第五,消费者感知价值对消费者再惠顾意愿有显著的正向影响,并且消费者感知价值还是商业街传统文化属性与消费者再惠顾意愿关系的中介变量。感知价值在商业街建筑文化、历史文化、饮食文化和商业文化与消费者再惠顾意愿关系中起到部分中介作用,在民俗文化与再惠顾意愿间起到完全中介作用。第六,消费者特征(性别和年龄)对商业街传统文化属性各维度与消费者感知价值关系有调节作用。消费者性别和年龄的不同分别对商业街传统文化属性各维度(建筑文化、历史文化、饮食文化、民俗文化和商业文化五个维度)与消费者感知价值关系有调节作用。本研究的理论贡献在于基于集聚层面并从消费者视角进行了商业街魅力度问题研究,这是对集聚魅力度理论研究的有益补充。提出了商业街传统文化属性的构念及测量量表,推动了此抽象构念的量化研究,为未来相关研究提供了测量工具,挖掘出传统商业街中消费者对传统文化属性感知的线索。本研究的实践意义在于可以帮助商业街的规则者、管理者和经营者们,在进行传统商业街商业开发与传统文化保护等实践活动时,提供一定的理论支撑。商业街传统文化属性及其各维度对消费者的感知价值和消费者的再惠顾意愿都会产生显著的正向影响,且影响强度不同,这对商业街的管理与发展具有指导作用。本研究基于消费者的视角,在集聚层面对商业街传统文化属性与商业街魅力度问题进行了研究,通过实证的方法得出一些研究结论。但是,该研究还存在一些局限性,未来还有许多可以研究的空间:第一,本研究所使用的资料分析方法之一的探索性因子分析的方法,对净化量表非常有效,但是这种方法也可能使研究中一些重要的因子或测项被删除。未来可以尝试净化量表时,把某个特别有意义题项的因子载荷稍微放低一点,以便使数据分析结果更真实并更具有说服力。第二,由于研究条件所限,在进行样本选择时,选择了有限的具有代表性的传统商业街,由此形成的研究结论是否适合更广阔的范围还有待进一步的检验。在未来的研究中,可以尝试扩大样本的选择范围,形成更具普适性的结论。第三,量表开发过程较为复杂,需要进行反复的测试,本研究由于研究条件所限,开发的商业街传统文化属性量表有待进一步检验。因此,未来可以在本研究基础上,进一步完善该量表,使其更具有适用性。第四,由于不同的消费者对集聚魅力感知会有不同,因此消费者类型的不同,会形成不同的研究结果,未来研究中,可根据需要把消费者划分为当地居民和旅游者。

【Abstract】 As a city’s“business card”and symbol, traditional commercial streets,represents the spirits geographical features, history and culture and consumption habits in different cities. The rehabilitation and renew of traditional commercial street is imperative in the new period. The successful experience tells us that the protection, development and use of traditional culture in commercial streets have a positive effect on commercial streets’prosperity. Such traditional culture as unique architectural style, rich cultural resources, precious historical relics, unique regional style and so on make consumers who come to the commercial streets perceive their infinite charm and affect consumers’purchasing behavior. Therefore, the attributes dug out from the traditional culture in commercial streets and affecting consumers’perceived value and purchasing behavior create an atmosphere of commercial streets possessing the features of traditional culture, and will enhance the attractiveness of shopping streets.The study perspective for the problem of traditional culture attributes in commercial streets is wider, but most only stay on the level of qualitative study for phenomenon description or case analysis, and the quantitative studies which stand on the level of retail agglomerations and base on consumers’perspective are not many. This study will form the constructs and measurement scale of traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and realize the quantitative measurements.of the abstract concept- traditional culture.The study on the attractiveness of retail agglomerations stems from the theory of retail attraction which concerned more about stores’attractiveness in the earlier period and later gradually focused on the study of agglomeration’s attractiveness.In his study, the attractive attributes possessed by retailing facilities (such as the quality in the Gravitation) the attractiveness of retailing facilities. The offering of multiple attributes of retail agglomerations, such as accessibility, abundant shop combination,convenient parking facilities,diversified recreational facilities, positioning system, environmental stimuli, etc. makes it possible to provide richer purchasing experiences(Kim, 2002; Berman and Evans, 2001) comparing with the single shops. Many scholars hold environmental attributes are one of the important attributes consisting the attractiveness of retail agglomerations. (Hajdu,1988;Brambilla and Longo,1977;Zhang Xintian,2005;Teller,2008). Various cultural attributes in the environment of agglomeration contribute to the overall attractiveness of agglomeration. Thus, traditional culture in commercial streets is one of the important constituent attributes of its attractiveness.Teller(2008) pointed out in his study the three measurement dimensions of agglomerations’attractiveness: satisfaction, tendency to stay and re-patronage intention. In sum, the above theories provide a strong theoretical support for studying the relationship between the attributes of traditional culture in commercial streets and their dimensions and consumers’re-patronage intention.Based on image theory, whether an agglomeration is attractive to consumers mainly derives from the agglomeration’s image perceived by consumers(Nevins and Houston, 1980). First, it was in the field of store image study that“image”entered into retail field, and then turned to the study of the theories of agglomeration’s image. Consumers’shopping behavior is based on their cognition to retail shops’image information. The information enters into consumers’cognitive domains and will affect consumers’perception, and thus affect their purchasing behavior (Martineau, 1958). Store image perceived by consumers is not the same as agglomeration’s image(Cox & Cox, 1990). Wee’s (1986) research results indicate besides the objective and physical properties, such as agglomeration size, accessibility, store portfolio and so on, other variables in an agglomeration which are culturally relevant and difficult to be quantified can also influence consumers’patronage behavior . To sum up, traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and consumers’perception to agglomeration’s image has a very close relationship with consumers’re-patronage intention and this relationship will be further examined in this study.Based on the previous studies, the study of the relationship between traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and consumers’re-patronage intention will be conducted according to the“stimulus (S) - the body (O) - Reaction (R)”model. SOR theory suggests that a variety of stimuli in the environment affects people’s psychology and , people’s different psychological states can produce corresponding behavior results . In the past, many scholars who studied shops’attractiveness used this model (Hirschman, 1981; Donovan and Rossiter, 1982; Mazursky and Jacoby, 1986; Baker et al., 2002). Later some scholars studied the variables in agglomerations which are similar to stores’amage during their study on agglomerations’attractiveness and observed its effect on consumers’purchasing behavior based on“S-O-R”model(Gentry and Burns, 1977; Nevins and Houston, 1980). According to“SOR”model, this study will take the traditional cultural attributes (S) in commercial streets as a stimulus and by affecting different consumers’perceived value(O), thereby affect consumers’patronage intentions (R). Thus, The theoretical framework and hypotheses of this study formed.There are two problems to be studies in this research: to develop the construct of traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and the measurement scale; to empirically test the relationship between traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and consumers’re-patronage intention. The solution to the first problem is through the formation of the initial test items (combining literature review and focus group interviews), test items purification (exploratory factor analysis), reliability and validity analysis (exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validity analysis) and other processes,the construct of traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and the measurement scale formed. The solution to the second problem is based on“SOR”theory, using SPSS 16.0 and AMOS software, to test hypotheses through regression analysis and structural equation and. the conclusions are drawn as follows:Firstly, the formation of the definition of traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets: Traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets is one of the important constituents of commercial streets’attractiveness, mainly referring to the perceived value affecting consumers and the system which affects consumers’re-patronage intention and mainly includes five dimensions: architectural culture, history culture, food culture, folk culture and business culture.Second, the formation of the measurement scale for the five dimensions of traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets: architectural culture, history, culture, food culture, folk culture and business culture. A total of 16 test items belong to these five factors, of which 4 test items are for architectural culture; 3 test items are for history and culture; 3 test items are for food culture; 3 test items are for folk culture and 3 test items are for business culture.Third, according to“SOR”theory, it is reached from the empirical method that traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and its dimensions have a significant positive effect on consumers’re-patronage intention and the degree of effect for each dimension is different. From the strongest to the weakest, they are history culture, business culture, food culture, architectural culture and folk culture respectively.Fourth, traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and its dimensions have a significant positive effect on consumers’perceived value and the degree of effect for each dimension is different. From the strongest to the weakest, they are history culture, business culture, food culture, architectural culture and folk culture respectively.Fifth, customers’perceived value has a significant positive effect on consumers’re-patronage intention; at the same time, consumers’perceived value is an intermediary variable as for the relationship between traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and consumers’re-patronage intention. Perceived value acts as a partially intermediary variable for the relationship between architectural culture, history culture , food culture and business culture in commercial streets and consumers’re-patronage intention; while as a totally intermediary variable for the relationship between folk culture and consumers’re-patronage intention.Sixth, consumers’characteristics (gender, age, income and educational level) have a mediatory effect on the relationship between each dimension of traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and consumers’perceived value Gender, age, income and level of education respectively have a mediatory effect on the relationship between each dimension (architectural culture, history culture, food culture, folk culture and business culture) of traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and consumers’perceived value.The theoretical contribution of this study is to conduct a study on the attractiveness of shopping streets based on agglomeration level and from consumers’perspective, which is a useful supplement to the theoretical study on the attractiveness of agglomerations. Presenting the construct of traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and the measurement scale promoted the quantitative study of this abstract construct, provided for future related research measurement tools and found out consumers’perception clues to traditional cultural attributes in traditional commercial streets. The practical significance of this study is to provide certain theoretical support when planners, managers and operators carry out some development to traditional commercial streets and protection to traditional culture. Traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and their corresponding dimensions have a significant positive effect on consumers’perceived value and re-patronage intention and the strength of the effect is different, which provide a guide for the management and development of commercial streets.Based on consumers’perspective and agglomeration level, this study discussed the problems on the traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and its attractiveness and drew some conclusion through empirical research methods. However, there are still some limitations about the study, which therefore provides some space for future study:Firstly, as one of data analysis methods used in this study, the exploratory factor analysis is very effective for purifying the scale, but this approach may also make the important factors or test items removed from the study. Therefore, different data analysis methods might be attempted in future study so that the results of data analysis can be more realistic and convincing.Second, because of the limited research conditions, only limited and typical traditional commercial streets were selected as samples; thus whether the conclusions formed based on these samples are suitable for a broader range need to be further tested. In future study, expand the range of sample selection can be attempted to form a more universal conclusion.Third, since the process of scale development is complicated, repeated testing should be conducted. Because of the limited conditions, the scale on traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets needs further testing. Therefore, on the basis of this study, further study can be put on the improvement of the scale so as to make it more applicable.Fourth, due to the different perception from various types of consumers, different conclusions may be obtained. Hence, consumer classification can be adopted as needed in future study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

