

A Study on Agricultural Protect and Support Policy of U.S. Based on Market Failure

【作者】 王洪会

【导师】 尹小平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 作为一个发展中农业大国,历数我国60多年经济发展历程,每一次经济形势的重大变化几乎都发端于农业,而每次调整的成功也都是以农业发展形势得以好转为前提,可以说农业的增长和衰退直接关系着我国国民经济的发展方向。所以从1982年到2011年中央一号文件13次关注农业、农村、农民问题,日益重视对农业的支持,从一个侧面印证了农业对我国经济社会发展的重要性。2010年我国农林水务支出达8129亿元,对农业的支持保护力度进一步加大,农业支持再次成为我国应对国际金融危机持续蔓延,治理通货膨胀,保障经济长久稳定发展的基础,也为本论题的研究提供了现实背景。由于农业的基础性、弱质性、多功能性等产业特征,当今世界各国几乎无一例外地都对农业实施保护政策,政府通过种种方式支持本国农业的发展。虽然20世纪90年代以来,各国为了适应农产品贸易自由化的发展趋势,对农业保护政策进行了调整和变革。但是,从这些改革的具体内容上看,更多地体现为支持手段的调整,力度并没有减弱,其中尤以美国为代表。2002年美国农业法案将以后10年的农业补贴数额增加到1900亿美元,2008年美国农业法案不仅延续了2002年农业法案的保护趋势,而且进一步扩大了保护范围,加大了保护力度。凭借强大的农业支持措施,美国成为世界上农业最发达的国家,是世界第一大玉米和大豆的生产国、出口国,是小麦和棉花的第一大出口国。因此,探讨以自由市场经济著称的美国,如何选择农业保护与支持政策工具,化解农业领域市场失灵,提高农业经济效率,为我国在WTO规则框架内完善相应的农业支持政策,提高农业的国际竞争能力,增加农民收入提供可资借鉴的途径方法,就成为本选题的初衷和意义所在。本选题的研究思路是基于市场失灵这一前提,在分析美国农业外部性、公共产品、信息不完全、收入分配不公平等领域市场失灵现实情况的基础上,研究美国政府如何通过不同的支持政策体系纠正市场失灵,评价其政策效应,总结其经验教训,进而得出对我国完善农业保护与支持政策体系的启示。论文逻辑思路上分六大部分,共九章。第一部分第一章绪论,主要是选题的背景、意义,国内外相关研究的文献综述,以及论文思路、结构、研究方法、创新及不足的总体介绍;第二部分第二章一般分析与相关理论,主要是对本文写作涉及到的重要概念、理论支撑进行阐述。包括市场失灵的相关概念,外部性、公共产品、不完全信息、收入分配不公平的相关理论,农业保护与支持的概念及相关理论等。第三部分第三章美国农业保护与支持政策历史演进,按照历史线索介绍美国农业保护与支持政策的发展阶段,根据政府与市场的关系把其划分为农业生产基础条件支持,强化政府干预,重新强化市场导向,农业保护与支持的回归四个阶段,分别论述其政策演进的背景、调整内容及政策特点等;第四部分为第四章到第七章,对不同市场失灵领域的政策体系及其运行效果的研究,是本选题的核心内容。第四章农业外部性及美国的农业保护与支持政策,分析美国农业的正外部性和负外部性,对美国政府利用资源环境保护与支持政策体系将农业正负外部性内部化进行详细论述,并对其内部化效果进行评价。第五章农业公共产品及美国的农业保护与支持政策,先界定农业公共产品的内涵和本文的研究口径,然后分析美国农业基础设施、农业教育、科研和推广等公共产品的供给模式及现状;最后详细论述了美国支持农业公共产品的财政、政策性金融、技术援助等政策工具,评价了其支持效果。第六章农业信息不完全及美国的农业保护与支持政策,从经济学角度对农业信息不完全进行分析,然后论述了美国农业信息支持体系的信息收集、分析、发布制度,网络建设、数据库建设、信息基础设施投入等政策内容,之后分析了支持政策的特点,评价其在农业信息化、降低风险、精准农业等方面的支持效果。第七章社会公平分配视角的美国农业保护与支持政策,首先通过数据对比分析美国社会分配中农业收入不公平的现实,然后重点论述美国增加农业收入的农场和商品计划、农业保险计划、农业税收、农产品出口市场支持政策体系,并从农业收入绝对规模、农户家庭收入、农业生产者内部收入角度对其效果进行评价。第五部分第八章美国农业保护与支持政策对我国的启示,总结美国农业保护与支持政策的经验和问题,提出在重点支持市场失灵、引导农业发展方向和法制化方面对我国的启示。第六部分为第九章结论,对全文的研究进行总结与展望。

【Abstract】 As a developing agricultural country, listing the economic development of China’s 60 years history, every significant change in the economic Situation of almost originated in agriculture,and the success of each of the adjustments are also able to improve the situation on agricultural development as a precondition, it can be said that agriculture growth and decline is directly related to the development direction of China’s economy. So from 1982 to 2011, the Central A Document focused on agriculture、rural areas and farmers for 13 times, increasing emphasis on support to agriculture, which confirms agriculture the importance of China’s economic and social development from a side. 2010, China’s agriculture, forestry and water supply expenditure amounted to 812.9 billion Yuan, increased support for agricultural protect, and agricultural support should once again become the foundation of preventing the financial crisis’spread, controlling inflation, protecting the long-term stable development of the economy, but also provide a realistic background for this topics studies.Because agriculture have characteristics of basic for economy, weak,multifunc- tional and so on to other industries, today’s world almost without exception, implem- ent protect policy for their agricultural industry, the government through the various ways to support the development of its agriculture. Although since the 1990s, countries in order to adapt to the liberalization trend of agricultural trade , their agricultural protect policies had adjusted or changed. But, from the specific content of the reform on look, which means more adjustment on supporting style, the supporting policy is strength and not abate, especially in the United States. In 2002, U.S. farm bill increased agricultural subsidies amount to $ 190 billion in 10 years ,in 2008 U.S. farm bill not only continued conservation trend of 2002, but further expanded the scope of protect, and increased efforts. With the strong agricultural support measures, the United States becomes the world’s most developed countries in agricu- lture, they are the world’s largest corn and soybean producer, exporter, and also are the largest wheat and cotton exporter on earth. Therefore, to explore United States which known for its free market economy, how to choose agricultural protect and support policy tools, to resolve the agriculture market failure, improve agricultural economic efficiency, and for our country ,to prefect agricultural support policies in the WTO framework, improve our agriculture’s competition in international market, learn ways to increase farmers’ income, and so on ,it all becomes the original intention and significance of this topics.The idea is based on the premise of market failure, after the analysis of reality market failure areas in U.S. agricultural externalities, public goods, imperfect information, unequal distribution of income equal, study how did the U.S. government support different policy system to correct their market failures, evaluate the effects of policies to summarize the lessons learned, and then get inspiration which comes from the study of United States and is useful to perfect China’s policy of improving agricultural protect and support system.This paper has six part on logical mind or nine chapters in structure.The first part include the first chapter named introduction, it is the overview of background, significance, literature review and thesis ideas, structure, research methods ,the innovation of the paper point and the deficiencies.The second part is the second chapter named general analysis and related theory, this part is mainly to the writing of the important concepts involved, theoretical support in this paper. Including the market failure of the related concept, external, public products, incomplete information, income distribution unfair related theory, the agricultural protect and support the concepts and relevant theory.The third part is the Chapter 3, historical evolution of agricultural protect and support policy in United States, in accordance with the historical context of agricultural protect and support comb the policy development stage in United States, according to the support goals the stage is divided into four main phases include the basic conditions for agricultural production supporting, improving farmer incomes, agricultural market oriented reforms and the return of farmers’income to support , respectively, discussed the background, adjustment content and characteristics of the evolution of its policies.The four part include chapter 4 to 7, which is the core content of this paper. The main content include the policy system and its effect on different market failure in United States.Chapter 4 is externality of American agriculture and agricultural protect and support policy, which analysis of the American agriculture positive externality and negative externalities, elaborate the positive and negative externality internalization of agriculture in detail for U.S. government to use resources and environmental protect and support policy system, and evaluate the effect of the internalization. Chapter 5 is agricultural public goods and the United States policy of agricultural protect and support, firstly define them eaning of agricultural public goods and caliber of this research, then analyze U.S. agricultural infrastructure, agricultural education, research and promotion of public goods supply model and the status quo; Finally, discuss and evaluate the United States supports policy in detail, which include public goods, fiscal, financial policy, technical assistance and other policy tools.Chapter6 is agriculture incomplete information and the United States policy of agricultural protect and support, from an economic point of view , analyze the incomplete information in agriculture, and discuss the information collection, analysis, publishing systems, networking, database development , investment in information infrastructure such as policy content and so on in U.S. agricultural information support system, after that analyze the characteristics of support, evaluati- on of information technology in agriculture, reduce risk, precision agriculture and other aspects of support effects.Chapter 7 is the U.S. agricultural protect and support policy based on the of Equitable distribution of social. Firstly through the data comparative analysis the U.S. agriculture’s unfair income distribution, and then focus on the United States to increase farm income of farm and commodity programs, agricultural insurance schemes, agricultural tax, agricultural export markets to support the policy system, and evaluate its effect from the absolute size of income in agriculture, farm household income, internal revenue of agricultural producers.Chapter 8 is the part 5, the inspiration of United States protect and support policy in agricultural, this part summed up the experience and lessons learned from U.S., proposed the inspiration to us in aspects of focusing on market failures, guiding the direction of agricultural development and the legalization.Chapter 9 is the part 6,the conclusion, we summarize the research, and put forward and outlook of this study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

