

Experience Economy: Thought and Practical Research

【作者】 赵放

【导师】 吴宇晖;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 近现代西方经济思想研究, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “体验经济”作为学术概念,是美国学者约瑟夫·派恩(B. Joseph Pine)与詹姆斯·吉尔摩(James H. Gilmore)于1998年首先提出的。他们认为:体验经济是继农业经济、工业经济、服务经济之后的又一新的经济发展形态。此后,体验经济这一概念得到了学术界的广泛关注,有关体验经济理论的研究也由此进入了深入研究的阶段。作为一种新的经济发展理念,“体验经济”范畴为我们研究和规划未来的经济发展模式提供了全新的思维视角,有关体验经济的思想很值得学术界关注并进行深入研究,对经济发展的未来趋势作出合理的解释。从发生意义上讲,体验经济思想的提出有其历史渊源。早在20世纪70年代,美国学者阿尔文·托夫勒(Alvin Toffler)就提出过“体验工业”、“体验制造者”与“体验生产”等概念。历史上,体验经济的现象古已有之,是一种未被自觉阐述的经济形态。事实上,无论是早期的娱乐业、休闲业,还是现代的农业、工业、服务业都蕴含着体验经济的因子。有关体验的思想很早就呈现于思想家的文献之中,从边沁的体验效用思想到凯恩斯关于经济未来形态的判断,从边际效用价值论到马克思的人类全面发展观,都隐含有体验经济的思想元素。在经济全球化的背景下,社会的政治、经济、文化都发生了重大的变化,突出地表现为:一是科学技术发展迅猛;二是人们的生活水平明显提高;三是企业间不当竞争加剧、生态环境危机、食品安全危机、失业率增高等一系列经济与社会问题凸显,需要从经济运行方式角度反思这些问题,探索经济与社会可持续发展的合理方式。在经济思想的讨论中,体验经济提供了许多新观点、新思想或新理论。可以预见,在现代化条件下,任何一种新的经济发展形态都可能迅速发展为世界性的经济运行方式。从农业经济、工业经济、服务经济再到体验经济的历史演进,既表明由于生产力的进步,人们需求层次的提高,也表明随着经济发展水平的提升,生产与消费方式正在发生着历史性变革。现实中,体验经济的运作模式不论是微观还是宏观方面,都不同于传统的产业模式,具有独有的性质。体验经济是通过创意设计生产出满足人们体验感受的个性化经济提供物,并依体验价值获取利润。若将体验经济看作为一个时代,它将成为与农业经济、工业经济、服务经济相对应的未来经济类型。宏观上看,体验经济是有关经济增长方式、经济结构以及社会形态的范畴。微观上看,它又是现代企业的经营手段。就特征而言,体验经济既是理念又是模式,与其对应的体验产业,则是以大规模定制为特征,区别于传统的经济运作方式。当前体验经济的研究刚刚起步,对其理论基础、发展规律、思想渊源等尚缺乏深入的研究。本文将逻辑分析与实证研究相结合,整理并归纳出体验经济的基本观点,对当代体验经济思想作了较全面的评析。从规定性、历史审视、自我成长、实践方式、学科发展等五个方面对体验经济展开了的研究。关于规定性及其特征的分析中,明确了“体验”在经济学中的含义;说明了体验经济的内涵及特征,对体验产业的研究范围进行了界定;对体验、体验经济以体验产业论述所形成的结论进行了解读。本文认为,现时代,“体验”已成为一种不同于传统服务的新的经济产出活动。体验经济是以消费者的某种身心感受或心理体验为经济提供物并为其提供个性化生产与服务,由此获取利润的经济模式。研究目的在于准确地把握体验、体验经济、体验产业的本质,将“体验”的概念引入经济学分析,审视其能否成为一种新的“价值源泉”,厘定经济学意义上“体验”的含义以及体验经济的研究范围。在历史审视中,从亚当?斯密的经济思想出发,对体验经济的理念进行回溯性研究,将当代体验经济的思想划分为三个派别,并进行文献的梳理与评述。从体验经济理论的思想渊源方面,回答了体验经济是从哪些经济思想发展而来,早期的思想家是如何看待“体验”及未来经济发展,体验经济思想与某些经济思想人物、流派的理论观点的内在联系等问题。力求阐明体验经济思想与其它经济理论的内在联系,通过审视,把握现在,而着眼于体验经济未来的成长。在成长性研究方面,本论文认为,体验经济的生产依据来自于收入水平的提高、需求层次的提升、生活的时代演进、现代技术的进步等多个方面。同时指出,在诸多的新经济概念中,它与知识经济、信息经济等概念的侧重点和范围有所区别,其定位有其特定的指向性;认为产品除了本身的实物价值外,还存在由人们的心理感受而形成的价值,而这个价值在体验经济思想中,被称为“体验价值”;分别从微观和宏观的角度对体验经济的成长模式进行了分析,得出要想让体验产业变得更有效率,只能是将产品与服务模块化,使创造体验与交易过程网络化等结论;回答了体验经济生成依据,它与“新经济”背景下的知识经济、信息经济、网络经济、生物经济、低碳经济的内在关联,体验经济的成长空间和发展模式,以及它与传统的发展模式的区别等问题。在实践方式研究中,通过对于世界体验经济现状的实证考察,得出发达国家体验产业的发展处于领先地位,而中国的体验产业还很落后的结论。对中国发展体验经济发展的必要性、学术研究基础、发展条件的欠缺等问题作了分析,提出对策性建议:一是不能随意套用体验经济理论;二是要保持并增强其它产业经济的生产效率;三是要发展“真实性”的体验经济;四是树立正确的体验发展观。其目的在于,说明我国应如何看待体验经济,是否发展以及如何发展体验经济,应注意哪些问题等。在学科建设方面,本文以农业经济学、工业经济学以及服务经济学的学科发展历程为参照系,思考了体验经济学的建构问题;从时间维度、空间维度、学科交叉维度、精神维度、智能维度等方面对体验经济进行研究,评析体验经济思想的学科发展程度;说明体验经济在经济学研究中的地位与价值;体验经济学的体系建构等问题,以推进现代经济思想研究。

【Abstract】 Experience economy as an academic concept appeared in 1998, introduced by two American scholars, namely Joseph Pine and James Gilmore, Who suggest that Experience Economy is the fourth stage of economic development, and it’s going to substitute agricultural economy, industrial economy and service economy. Since then, the concept of experience economy has been widespread concern in academic world.Actually, the concept of experience economy is rather new, which provided a new perspective of thinking in some meaning, as a thought, is worth attention and in-depth academic research, in order to provide a reasonable prediction for future economic growth.In a sense, the concept of experience economy has its own historical origins. American scholar Alvin Toffler put forward many related concepts, such as "experience industry", "experience makers" and "experience production" and so on in 1970s. Historically, experience is not a new phenomenon as such since ancient times, it includes activities that have been analyzed and discussed using other terms such as entertainment or leisure,even modern agriculture, industry, services and so forth. They all contain the elements of the experience economy, however, related thoughts also can be found in early literatures, just has not been described clearly. From Bentham’s theory to Keynes’s prediction, whether theory of utility value or views of Marx’s comprehensive development, they all include the elements about the experience economy.At present, social politics, economy, and culture with economic globalization have taken many changes. Generally speaking, Change one is the rapid development of science and technology. Change two is people’s living standards improved significantly. Change three is many social problems occurred, such as improper competition, environmental degradation, high unemployment, and so a series of problems. So we need to think about how to optimize resource and how to explore a reasonable way for sustainable development.So far, the experience economy has been provided many new ideas about future economic development and we can foreseeable that, in the modern conditions, any reasonable idea about economic development could quickly be a main driver of modern economic operation. The fact that the economy has moved from agricultural economy, industrial economy, services economy to experience economy mean that there are new stage of economy. In earlier stages of the economic development was more or less to satisfy people’s survival, materialism, later for solving problems which the service economy provided. Now people are looking for more than the mere product and service, experience economy fulfill this need. So moving towards the experience economy is a great social progress.In fact, whether from micro or macro perspective, experience economy are different from the traditional economy, it has own unique properties. Experience economy through creative design for production, with“experience”to satisfy the individual needs of consumers, and create a high value. Experiences have a high value for people and the demand for experiences and experience production becomes very profitable. If seen the experience economy as an era, it will be a kind of future economic form. From macro perspective, the experience economy is areas about economic growth, economic structure and social form. From micro perspective, it’s a method of modern business management. For experience industry, the core of the characteristics is mass-customization.This doctoral thesis combined the logical analysis and empirical research, summarized the views of experience economy. The author divided this thesis into five chapters, from the regulations, history of economic thought, self-growth, practical application and subject-specific development to research the experience economy. For regulations, in this part of the analysis, This thesis explicitly stated that“experience”in the meaning of economics, showed essence and characteristics of the experience economy, defined experience industry and explained related conclusions. For history of economic thought, in this part of the analysis, this thesis from the beginning of Adam Smith and other early thinkers, make a retrospective study on experience economy, divided contemporary experience economy into three schools, and did a comprehensive review.For self-growth, in this part of the analysis, this thesis from theoretical basis, comparison with related concepts, the source of value-creating and other aspects to explain the experience economy’s self-growth.For practical application, in this part of the analysis, this thesis based on the collation of data, introduced the global experience industry’s status quo, got a conclusion that western country had taken the leading position in experience industry, especially United States. After that, discussed China on the issue of experience economy and present some suggestions.For subject-specific development, in this part of the analysis, this thesis from the time dimension, space dimension, interdisciplinary dimension, spiritual dimension to measure the experience economics, examined the degree of development of the thinking subject.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

