

Research on Public Service Capacity of China County-level Government

【作者】 张正岩

【导师】 周光辉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着政府职能从“以管理为中心”向“以服务为中心”转变,如何提升中国县级政府公共服务能力已经成为学界和政府共同关注的课题。不断完善中国县级政府的公共服务能力,需要创新县级政府公共服务供给模式,探索多元供给模式;合理界定和划分各级政府职能,注重县级地方政府的公共服务职能;加强政务公开制度建设,完善电子政府建设机制,完善公共财政体制,改革干部考核机制,加强县级政府决策能力和决策机制建设,加强公民利益表达和利益监督机制建设等制度创新。

【Abstract】 With the functions of government transforming from the "management-centric" to "service center", the government management reforming and the public services capability building becomes the center content of the theory research and practice of the public department. As a universal and mandatory organization, the government has the capacity of integrating all of the departments and providing goods and services for the public, which is based on the process of planning, acquisition, configuration, integration and using of the public resources. This capability is the capacity of government public service. With the China’s economic system transforming from the planned economy to the socialist market economy and the deeply integrating of economy and society into the world, China has gradually increased the intensity of transforming the government functions. But from a practical perspective, the public service provided by the current local government, especially the county-level government is obviously insufficient, and the formation of this problem is closely related to the public service awareness, the transformation of the government functions, the government fiscal capacity, the evaluation system of officials’performance, the improvement of the public servants’quality and the work of the government.Therefore, the improvement of the county government’public service capacity will be a long-term and systematic project, the in-depth studies of this issue are of great importance and far-reaching significance. Firstly, it is needed because of further deepening our county-level government’s public service functions. In this paper, we will mainly talk about the local government public service capacity and focus on the county government, and then radiate to the market, social organizations, private subjects, other public goods supply subjects and aspects of the society. We are trying to use a new perspective to study the current situation of the operational mechanism, the problems, reform measures and the goal orientation of the Chinese county-level government system , in order to provide countermeasures for the reforming of China’s county-level government agencies, the conversion of functions, the making decision scientifically and democratically and the setting goals developmentally. Secondly, it is the need to promote and improve the‘provincial counties’new financial system. As the county government building is the logical starting point and basis of the "province of counties’ reform, so this reform must be followed by the county government building. The progress and the effectiveness of the‘provincial counties’reform lies on the county government building; And the county government building lies on the real change in attitudes and functions, improving ability and strengthening political responsibility. Therefore, to promote and improve the‘provincial counties’financial management system, we should enhance the county government’s public service ability. With a platform build by service-oriented government, we should collocate government responsibilities scientifically, regulate power, and improve governance capacity and service capabilities effectively. Thirdly, this is the need of a comprehensive implementation of the "transformation of economic development". Through the perspective of public service capacity, we analyze the current status of county-level governance, design the county government’s public service ability evaluation system, and highlight the public nature of the government through empirical models demonstrating, and thus, we try to explore and build a Chinese local government management performance evaluation system to provide a theoretical reference. We also want to mobilize theoretically and demonstrate the way local governments establish a correct outlook on development and performance and fully implement the "transforming economic development," Finally, this is the need of effectively solving the conflicting reality that local public services supply is inadequate.‘county government’s public service capacity" is the object of our study, though the contradiction relationship between the China’s current public goods and services supply and demand, we strive to provide some suggestions to improve public services for the county government, and address the inadequate supply of public goods.On the above research background and intention, this article follows the following writing idea: based on the new public management theory and the theory of new public services and combined with the current status of service-oriented government, we utilization literature analyze, social statistics, case studies and other research methods. Normative analysis is the main method, we also use empirical analysis to bring government ability, government functions and government public service functions, service-oriented government constructions and the county government’s public service capacity assessment into an overall framework. Under this overall study framework, we will use six sub-chapters to explain county government’s public service capacity building. In chapterⅰ, Introduction. Based on the research background, we will clarify the significance of this study, and then review the situation of international research, find the questions, and define the core concept of this study, then give the analytical framework of this research and technology route, and finally summarize the research innovations and research process deficiencies based on the limited resources of this study. In chapter II, we will build a theory analytical framework based on the public service theory and public service capabilities. Firstly, we will review the historical evolution path of the government ability and public service capacity studies, outline the two important dimensions of Government’s ability, and build the analytical framework of government capacity; Secondly, we will demonstrate the evolution of the government’s public service functions, in order to tease out the main issues of the traditional administrative management, new public management theory and new public service system, and define the government’s public service functions; Lastly, we will begin with service-oriented government perspective, and talk about the public service functions of government equalization of public services combined with the theory of public goods. We will resort the analytical framework of the government ability to establish the analytical framework of local government public service capacity. In chapter III, we will try to establish the county government’s public services ability evaluation model and index system. Based on the demonstration of the county government functions, we will try to establish the county government’s public services ability evaluation model and index system to lay the ground for the empirical study of the fourth chapter. In chapter IV, we will carry out an empirical analysis of the county government public service capacity. From the above four dimensions of the county government’s public service capacity evaluation model, we will take ten county-level cities as examples, to analyze and evaluate the county government’s public service supply capacity, and find the problems of county governments’providing public services. In chapter V, we will analyze the factors that affect the county government’s public service capacity. Based on empirical research, we will analyze the factors affecting the county government’s public service capacity through multiple dimensions, to lay the foundation for enhancing county government’s public service ability. In chapter VI, we will analysis the strategies and routings to enhance the county government’s public service capacity. Firstly, defines the county government’s public services areas reasonably. Secondly, and we will provide strategies to strengthen county government’s public service functions and enhance the public service capacity, this is based on the current problems of our county government’s public service and the service-oriented government constructions’policies and theories. To improve our county government’s public service capacity, we need to innovative county government public service delivery model, to explore diverse supply modes, to define and classify functions of government at all levels reasonably ,to focuse on the county-level local government’s public service functions, to strengthen the open system of government, to improve e-government mechanism, to improve the public finance system, to reform the cadre evaluation system, to establish a rational civil service training system, to improve communication and flow system of cadres, to strengthen the county-level government decision-making capacity and mechanisms, to strengthen the express system innovation of the citizens to express their interests, to advance the interests expression for modern citizens to a democratization system gradually, to expand channels for citizens to participate, to build and strengthen a sound public authority operating mechanism, to open the party, government affairs gradually and actively, to control and supervise cadres effectively through the exercise of the right to know, the right of suffrage and the right to supervise, to improve the people’s special supervision system, to try to send special inspectors to participate in the major decisions formulation and implementation, thus masses can supervise leading cadres directly, we also need to make the basic public services equally among different regions, urban and rural places, and improve county government’s public service capacity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

