

Research on Social Mentality of the Vulnerable Groups in the Northeast Old Industrial Base

【作者】 董经政

【导师】 邴正;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 社会学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 社会不平等,是社会学研究的重要命题之一。在我国社会转型的过程中,随着改革的深入,社会不平等现象日益加剧,社会各阶层分化日益明显,利益矛盾和利益冲突问题越来越突出。这种过度的利益分化和社会不平等已经成为我国现阶段社会不安定的潜在隐患和社会矛盾的深层次根源。社会心态,是反映特定环境中人们的某种利益或要求并对社会生活有广泛影响的思想趋势或倾向,它揭示的是特定社会中人们的心理状态。研究社会心态对于掌握社会居民的社会生活状况有着重要的意义。本文依次梳理了国内外学者对于社会不平等研究的文献,详细分析了东北老工业基地在社会转型中社会不平等产生的原因、社会不平等的机制以及社会不平等的后果。本文认为从再分配的计划经济到社会主义市场经济的转型、市场化过程中对于公平与效率的政策性倾向、伴随着社会转型而进行的福利改革所造成的不同利益群体是社会不平等产生的重要原因。城乡二元户籍制度、教育资源的占有和分配、性别的不同、代际的差异、职业的分化,是社会转型中社会不平等的表现机制。阶层的分化、城乡差别的日益显现、社会弱势群体的产生以及社会居民在社会参与、社会信任、社会排斥、利益表达机制、生活满意度、社区满意度、社会疏离感等等方面所表现出的社会心态,是社会不平等对于社会个体影响所产生的结果。本文使用调查数据(上海大学社会学院张海东教授主持的于2010年7月、8月在辽宁省沈阳市、吉林省四平市、黑龙江省哈尔滨市进行的研究东北社会群体问题的社会调查),采用logistic回归分析的方法,通过受访者的个人状况、经济状况、社会信任、社会排斥、社会参与、民生问题、家庭教育和文化生活、利益受损与利益表达的测量得到的数据,对受调查者的生活满意度、社区满意度、社会疏离感、公共事务重视程度、受歧视程度、不公平待遇、成功归因、对民主权利的态度、社会信任,社会参与等反应受访者社会心态的指标进行了分析,认为:经济体制改革使得东北老工业基地大量工人下岗,这些以下岗职工为主的社会弱势群体大部分生活贫困,居住条件也比较落后,经济地位很低、文化水平不高、社会资源匮乏,因此再就业比例不高。这些以下岗工人为主的低收入弱势群体日常的文化娱乐活动也十分匮乏,一方面与个人经济条件、教育水平有关,另一方面也与当地政府和社区服务不到位有关。另外,东北老工业基地城市间弱势群体生活状态存在差异:下岗职工的经济水平、福利待遇、社会保障、生活便利等方面不同城市之间存在差异。但是,从整体来看,以被调查的三座城市为代表的东北老工业基地城市政府对以下岗工人为主的弱势群体的政策性照顾都比较欠缺。因此弱势群体利益受损情况比较严重,大部分问题没有得到很好的解决。社会不平等给下岗职工的社会心态带来了一定的负面影响,这就导致了一部分利益受损群体对利益既得群体产生不满,对各级政府机构产生不信任,而这些不信任可能会导致弱势群体选择相对极端的方式寻求帮助。这为社会的不稳定埋下了隐患,也不利于社会的和谐健康发展。本文在分析了我国弱势群体社会政策的基本形态、我国弱势群体社会政策产生的时代背景的基础上,从弱势群体的社会保障政策、弱势群体的就业政策、弱势群体的公共住房政策、弱势群体的子女教育政策四个方面对我国弱势群体社会政策的构成进行了分析和解读。分析认为,弱势群体利益表达机制不完善、社会资源分配制度存在缺陷、弱势群体社会保障机制不健全、弱势群体社会政策缺乏系统性是我国目前弱势群体社会政策的现实困境。提出了以明确社会公平是弱势群体社会政策的价值基础为理念、构建弱势群体利益的合理表达机制为基础、建立弱势群体的就业激励制度为关键、建立完善的社会保障机制为保证、拓宽弱势群体社会支持的主体为突破的我国弱势群体社会政策的建构路径。

【Abstract】 Social inequality, is one of the most important sociological research propositions. In the process of transformation of our society, the deepening of reform, increasing social inequality, social stratification has become increasingly evident, conflicts of interest and conflicts of interest and more problems. This excessive interest differentiation and social inequality has become a potential risk of social instability and social conflicts of the deep-seated roots.This article generalizes sort of literature researchs about social inequality in and abroad, detailed analysis of the northeast old industrial base in the social transformation of the causes of social inequality, social inequality mechanisms and consequences of social inequality. This paper argues that from the redistribution of the planned economy to socialist market economy, the market process in a fair and efficient policy for sexual orientation, with the social transformation of the welfare reform caused by the different interest groups is produced by social inequality important reason. Urban and rural household registration system, the possession and distribution of educational resources, gender differences, generational differences, occupational differentiation, is a social transformation mechanism in the performance of social inequality. Stratification, urban-rural divide becomes increasingly obvious, the production of socially vulnerable groups and community residents in community involvement, social trust, social exclusion, to express the interests of the mechanism, life satisfaction, community satisfaction, social alienation, etc., shown by social psychology, social inequality for individuals in society affect the result.This article uses the survey data of Shanghai University of Social Sciences Professor Zhang Haidong hosted in July 2010, August in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, Siping City, Jilin Province, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin, northeast of the study conducted by the issue of social groups, the survey data, using logistic regression analysis method by respondents’ personal status, economic status, social trust, social exclusion, social participation, livelihood issues, family education and cultural life, damage to the interests and the interests of the measured expression data on the subject of investigation of the life satisfaction community satisfaction, social alienation, public affairs emphasis, by the extent of discrimination, unfair treatment, attributed the success of the democratic rights of the attitudes, social trust, social participation, response indicators of social psychology respondents were analyzed, that: reform for most of the laid-off workers, these workers laid off most of my life poorer, more backward living conditions, these laid-off workers is very low economic status, educational level is not high, lack of social resources, so the re-employment ratio is not high. These vulnerable groups, cultural and recreational activities daily is also very scarce, on the one hand and personal economic conditions, educational level on the other, with local government and community services are not in place for. The old industrial base cities are quite different. In the survey of three cities, Harbin, Shenyang and Siping compared, the laid-off workers the level of economic, benefits, social security, life facilitation are relatively good, and Shenyang and Siping is relatively poor. However, overall, three cities to take care of vulnerable groups of laid-off is still very lacking. The interests of vulnerable groups, the old industrial bases in more serious damage, but most of the problem is not well resolved, which resulted in some damage to the interests of vested interest groups, groups of dissatisfaction, government agencies at all levels of distrust, and these vulnerable groups do not trust will lead to selection of an extreme way to for help. This likely will lead to social instability.This paper analyzes China’s vulnerable groups, the basic form of social policy, explained China’s policy of disadvantaged social background of the times, from social security policies of vulnerable groups, vulnerable groups, employment policy, public housing policy of vulnerable groups, vulnerable groups, children’s education policy in four areas of our social policies constitute vulnerable groups were studied.Analysts believe that the mechanisms are inadequate to express the interests of vulnerable groups, social resource allocation system is flawed, vulnerable social protection mechanism is not perfect, vulnerable social policy is the lack of systematic policy of our country vulnerable social reality of the plight. Put forward a clear social equity is the value of vulnerable groups in social policy foundation for the idea, build a reasonable expression of the interests of vulnerable groups, based mechanism to establish the employment of vulnerable groups as the key incentive system, establish a sound social security system to ensure and broaden the vulnerable groups the main social support of vulnerable groups to break through China’s construction of social policy path.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

