

Research on Application of Labor Contract Law in Universities

【作者】 刁慧娜

【导师】 冯彦君;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 《劳动合同法》于2008年1月1日起正式实施,该法在明确了劳动合同双方当事人的权利和义务的同时,重在保护劳动者的合法权益,为构建和发展我国经济社会和谐稳定的劳动关系提供了有力的法律保障。《劳动合同法》自起草至其颁布实施就牵动了包括劳动者和用人单位在内的社会各界的神经,其所引起的争议与思考更加热烈。《劳动合同法》第二条规定:“中华人民共和国境内的企业、个体经济组织、民办非企业单位等组织(以下称用人单位)与劳动者建立劳动关系,订立、履行、变更、解除或者终止劳动合同,适用本法。国家机关、事业单位、社会团体和与其建立劳动关系的劳动者,订立、履行、变更、解除或者终止劳动合同,依照本法执行。”但该法第九十六条又规定:“事业单位与实行聘用制的工作人员订立、履行、变更、解除或者终止劳动合同,法律、行政法规或者国务院另有规定的,依照其规定;未作规定的,依照本法有关规定执行。”而争议的焦点之一就是事业单位能否适用《劳动合同法》的问题。基于此,本文选取高校教师劳动合同法律适用作为研究对象。随着我国市场经济体制的逐步完善,以及事业单位体制改革、人事制度的深化,特别是高校近年来进行的内部人事制度改革,我国高校教职工的合法权益问题越来越受到人们的关注。而随着我国高校教师人事制度改革实践的不断深入,教师与高校之间的用工纠纷几乎见之于各个高校。而解决问题的关键就是要明确高校教师与高校之间的法律关系的性质。我国人事分类制度改革使得高校教师的身份发生了变化,即由原来在计划经济体制下的“国家干部”身份转而成为在市场经济条件下履行教育教学职责的“专业人员”。这种身份上的变化也导致了高校教师与高校之间的原有的行政隶属关系发生了变化。本文认为高校教师与高校之间的法律关系的性质是研究高校教师劳动合同法律适用的起点。因为高校教师与高校之间的法律关系如何定性,决定着一个国家高等教育法律制度的诸多问题,对因此而产生的法律纠纷问题也将提供一个很好的解决机制。围绕主题,本文研究的主要逻辑思路如下:对高校教师、劳动合同、劳动合同法及其适用等基本理论进行梳理分析——对高校教师劳动合同法律适用的现状及其问题进行深入分析——从理论入手并结合实证对高校教师劳动合同法律适用进行探讨——对相关的热点问题进行前瞻性的思考与建议。以上述研究思路为基础,本文结构共分七章,包括绪论、正文和结语三大部分。在本文第一章绪论部分中,主要从研究背景的角度对本研究的重要性进行了分析,提出了论文研究的问题、研究目的、研究方法和研究的技术路线等,并对研究思路和基本内容进行概括性介绍。关于《劳动合同法》的争议在延续,事业单位人员是否适用劳动合同法依然观点不一,高校教师劳动合同的法律适用问题更具有典型性。在《劳动合同法》实施之前,解决高校教师与高校之间的关系问题主要是依靠《教师法》等法律法规,存在很大程度的行政性。而《劳动合同法》的颁布与实施,则对高校教师聘用的法制化、规范化起到了推动作用。但是仅凭《劳动合同法》还不能解决高校教师劳动合同法律适用存在的全部问题。根据本章文献综述部分的分析可以看出,本论题的研究还处于初始阶段,对此进行深入研究探讨的文献鲜见。第二章是本文的基本理论综述章节,分为三个基本理论部分,包括:高校教师与高校之间的法律关系,劳动合同法的契约理念,劳动合同法律适用的基本特征要素。本章重点研究了高校教师与高校之间的法律关系,根据双方不同的法律地位,高校教师与高校之间主要有行政法律关系和民事契约关系。行政法律关系的观点反映了长期以来我国高校和教师之间的总体关系现状,然而,将高校的学术权力认定为国家行政权力有违高等教育规律,有悖于高等教育管理体制改革的精神。劳动合同是劳动者与用人单位确立劳动关系、明确双方权利和义务的协议。在市场经济体制中,规范一般民事活动当事人双方的权利及义务时,必须基于当事人意思自主的原则,透过契约的约定来理清当事人的权利义务关系。劳动合同不仅可以明确当事人的权利义务关系,日后一旦发生劳资纠纷,也是争议判断的法律依据。《劳动合同法》的实施,对于劳动契约法治的建构进行了更严密的规范,更进一步改变了我国劳动市场的面貌。然而我国劳动领域的一个重大的发展趋势就是非标准劳动关系的兴起。劳动关系的非标准化造成了巨大的影响,一方面使劳动制度更加灵活,给国家、企业和劳动者个人都带来了一定的好处,对于经济发展具有一定的促进作用,另一方面也产生了明显的消极影响,特别是对劳动者的就业安全构成严重威胁。如何应对其带来的挑战,如何平衡增加灵活性与保护就业安全的关系,是劳动法律必须作出的回答。本章对非标准劳动关系的法律规制进行了分析,选取了包括劳务派遣和非全日制用工这两种法定类型进行了重点阐述,对《劳动合同法》的相关规范作出评价,指出其中仍旧存在的问题,并提出完善的建议。在劳动法律的领域,作为调整对象的劳动关系兼有平等关系和隶属关系属性,兼有人身关系和财产关系的特征。因此劳动合同与一般的民商事合同在性质、当事人、内容、调整方式上均有不同,归属于劳动法范畴并倾斜保护作为弱者一方的劳动者的合法权益。但是非标准劳动关系的从属性下降,使劳动关系的认定标准更加模糊,结果导致大量非标准劳动者被拒之于劳动法保护大门之外。如何重新审视劳动关系的本质,将现处于边缘地带的非标准劳动者纳入保护范围,是劳动法亟待解决的问题。笔者认为,劳动关系包括非标准劳动关系等事实劳动关系的成立,应该具备三个条件。基于此,劳动合同法的调整对象——劳动合同关系的成立要件应该具有合法性、从属性、合意性、唯一性、法定性及稳定性等六个要素。这也是本章最为重要的核心观点。第三章是在前面理论分析的基础上,对高校教师劳动合同法律适用的现状及其问题进行深入分析。本章包括以下主要内容,高校教师任用的主要形式、高校教师与高校任用关系法律适用的现状、高校教师与高校任用关系法律适用的理论之争与实践困惑及其影响。根据编制的不同,我国高校中主要存在两类教师:具有事业编制的教师(编内教师)和非事业编制的教师(编外教师)。对于高校的编内教师来说,主要有任命制和聘任制两种形式。对于高校的编外教师来说,主要有人事代理、劳务派遣、返聘、外聘等。另外,本文将民办高校教师也归入到编外教师的一类中。可见,高校教师的任用方式复杂、形式多样。这也造成了高校教师与高校之间法律关系及其法律规制的多样化,并造成了社会各界之间对此问题的持久的理论之争与实践困惑。第四章对编制内教师与高校的任用关系及其法律适用进行探析。对于任命制下的高校教师来说,因其从计划经济时代传承下来的“国家干部”身份,使得其工作特点呈现出严格的纪律性、绝对的服从性、工作方法的行政命令性。高校中的任命制教师,其录用、奖惩、待遇、培训、晋升、调动、离职、退休和社会保障等方面是参照公务员制度进行管理,执行严格规范的行政人事管理制度。近年来,随着我国教育改革的深入,特别是经过近年高校人事制度改革的深化,我国高校教师管理模式发生了巨大的变化,已经由计划经济时期的终身任命制向市场经济条件下的教师聘任制转变。但是目前我国教师聘任制的相关立法依然欠缺,规范教师聘任合同的依据主要是《关于在事业单位实行人员聘用制度的意见》,许多问题依然处于无法可依之状态。本文通过将高校教师聘任合同与行政合同等进行比较分析,得出教师聘任合同具有劳动合同的基本特征的结论,并将其认定为具有自身特点的一种特殊的劳动合同。第五章对编制外教师与高校的任用关系及其法律适用进行探析。高校的编外教师的任用方式主要有人事代理、劳务派遣、返聘、外聘等几种。本章对人事代理制度和劳务派遣制度进行了比较分析,得出结论:在人事代理制度下,高校和教师之间签订的合同名称即使是“聘用合同”,其实质上也还是劳动合同,属于劳动用工管理的范畴,两者之间的法律关系是劳动合同关系,如果出现劳动纠纷,应该适用《劳动合同法》的调整和约束;而在劳务派遣中,高校与被派教师之间应该是事实劳动关系,虽然这种非标准劳动关系是不完整的,但在劳动合同法对其进行调整时,也只能将其作为一个事实劳动关系来对待。对于外聘教师和退休教师再就业的返聘教师,目前我国的《劳动法》和《劳动合同法》并未将其纳入到保护范围。经过分析,本文认为高校返聘教师基本符合劳动法中劳动者的特征,因此其返聘关系也应该纳入到劳动合同法的调整范畴之内。而我国高校外聘教师的聘用合同在现阶段应当视为劳务合同,其法律关系应由合同法来调整。第六章主要是对与本研究相关的热点问题如高校教师资源市场化问题、高校教师合法权益救济问题等进行思考,并提出建设性的建议。因教师职务评定、教师聘任关系包括教师的聘任、解聘、续聘等以及教师流动所引起的教师与高校之间的纠纷,其原因是多方面的。对于保障教师合法权益,拓宽救济渠道,主要措施应该采取:一是尽快完善高校教师管理相关的法律法规的出台,促使高校内部规章制度包括教师聘任制度的完善,二是完善高校内部权力约束机制,完善行政、司法、教代会及工会等制度,建立监督机制,以保障教师权利实现和救济途径畅通无阻。第七章对整篇研究进行了总结,并分析了本研究的局限以及未来的研究展望。

【Abstract】 The“Labor Contract Law”was effective from January 1, 2008. The right and obligation of two parties are defined by the“Labor Contract Law”, and labor’s legal interest is protected at the same time. In order to buile and develop harmonious and stable labor relations, the“Labor Contract Law”provides a strong legal pr otection as well. The“Labor Contract Law”, from the drafting, has gotten concerns of all sectors of our society including workers and employers. The debate and reflection became more furious when this law came into effect. The fallowing are the contents of the second article of the“Labor Contract Law”: This Law governs the establishment of employment relationships betw een, and the conclusion, performance, amendment, termination and ending of employment contracts by, organizations such as enterprises, individual economic organizations and private non-enterprise units in the People’s Republic of China (“Employers”) on the one hand and Employees in the People’s Republic of China on the other hand. The conclusion, performance, amendment, termination and ending of employment contracts by state authorities, institutions or social organizations on the one hand and Employees with whom they establish employment relationships on the other hand, shall be handled pursuant to this Law.”Article 96, however, special emphasis the exce ptions:“Where laws or administrative statutes contain, or the State Council has formulated, separate regulations concerning the conclusion, pe rformance, amendment, termination or ending of employment contracts by and between institutions and those of their working personnel that are subject to the employment system, matters shall be handled in accordance with such regulations; in the absence of such regulations, matters shall be handled in accordance with this Law.”The general nature of the above laws leads to different versions of the interpretation, making the prolonged controversy. One focus of controversy is that public institutions can apply to the "Labor Contract Law" or not. Based on this, the application of labor contracts law of university teachers is selected as study of this paper.With our country’s market economy system becoming better, and to reforming the system of the public institutions, the deepening of the personnel system, especially the reformation on university’s personnel system in recent years, the legal rights of university faculty getting more and more people’s attention. A long with the deepening of the reform of university teacher personnel system in Chinese universities, labor dispute concerning university teachers has become increasingly common. The key problem is to clear the legal nature of the relationship between s teacher and university. China’s personnel management system reform leads to the change of university teacher’s status, namely Chinese teacher’s status transformed from the original“government carder”under the planning econ omy to the present“teaching professional”performing the task of education and teaching in the market economy. Accordingly, the administrative subordination relationship formerly existed between university teachers and government was also changed. The nature of legal relationship between teacher and universitiy is the starting point of the research on the application of university teacher’s labor contract. How to establish the law relation between teacher and university determine the related problem of one nation university education system and good resolution mechanism of legal disputes.Around the topic, the logical way of this research is developed as follows: first, theoretical analysis including university teachers, labor contract, labor contract law and its application are put forward. Next, the current situation is in-depth analysis on application of labor contract law in universities, and then determining its judgments of application. After that some forward thinking and recommendations related with hot issues are proposed in the last part of this paper.Based on this, the structure of this dissertation goes into three parts, the Introduction, the Body and the Conclusion, and the Body consists of seven chapters.Chapter 1: This chapter first analyzes the background and significance of the research, and then explain the research questions, the purpose of this dissertation, research methods and contribution of the research, also introduce the research way and basic context of study.Controversy on the“Labor Contract Law”still continues, and different views still exist for the application of labor contract law in public institutions. The research on application of labor contract law in universities is more typical. Before promulgating the“Labor Contract Law”, to settle the labor relationship problems between teacher and universitiy is only on“Teacher Law”and“Labor Law”. So, there is a big administrative feature. After that“Labor Contract Law”promulgated and implemented, it had created a greater direct role of legalization and standardization for the employment of universities’teachers. However, only have the“Labor Contract Law”is not sufficient completely to solve the all current problems. According to the literature review can be seen that the research in this field is still at initial stage with few academic papers and works.Chapter 2: This chapter consists of three basic theoretical analysis of the legal relationship between teacher and university, the idea of contract of the“Labor Contract Law”,and the basic characteristics of elements of application of labor contract law.This chapter focuse on the legal relationship between university and teacher which can be diveded into administrative legal relationship and civil legal relationship according to the different legal status of the two. The viewpoint of former reflects the status of the overall relationship between China’s teachers and universities for a long time. However, this situation is contrary to the law of high education and the reform spirit of higher education management system.Labor contract is a relationship built between worker and employer to explicitly describe the legal responsibilities and rights of both sides. In market economy system, standard general civic action litigant both sides rights and obligations, based on the litigant meaning independent principle, must penetrate the contract to subscribe decides the thousandth of a Yuan clear litigant rights and obligations relations. Not only the work contract may be clear about the litigant rights and obligations relations, whether there is will be has the labor struggle dispute to judge basis of in the future the reason. The“Labor Contract Law”near one step changes China the labor market appearance, and has a stricter standard construction regarding the labor contract legal system. However, it is an important trend in relation to labor relations that the non-standard labor relations is increasing rapidly. Labor relations turning non-standard on a large scale have a great influence, increasing flexibility of employment arrangement and so benefiting countries, enterprises and individuals as a result on one hand, bringing negative effects especially to employment security on the other hand. How to face the changes? This is great challenges non-standard relations bring to labor law. This chapter studies concrete types of non-standard relations including two important types namely dispatched work, part-time work. The two types are provisioned by“Labor Contract Law”, and the research on them is focused on shortcomings of existing law.In the field of labor law, labor relations ,as the regulated object ,is characteristic of concurrently including the equal relationship and the relationship of administrative subordination, the personal relationship and the property relationship. The labor contract is different with the common civil contract in the nature, the parties, the content and the adjustment way, so it should belong to the labor law category and protect the worker’s legitimate rights and interests tipsily. It is more difficult to identify labor relations for subordinate character of non-standard labor relations decreases, and many non-standard workers can get protection by labor law. So it is urgent to reconsider the absence of labor relation and make non-standard workers included in the regulating object of labor law. Conditions for the establishment of labor relations should have three elements. On this basis, the adjustment object of“Labor Contract Law”, that is, Labor contract relationship, it’s establishment shoud include elements as follws: legitimacy, subordinate, desirability, uniqueness, legal and stability. This is the most important key point in this chapter.Chapter 3: After the theoretical preparation, chapter three is on analysis of application of labor contract law in universities. The main content of this part as follows: the main form of appointment of university teachers, the application status, the theoretical dispute and the practice confusion of the employment relationship between teacher and university, and the analysis of impact of this confusion.There is existing two types of teachers: teachers with public institution qualification and teachers with non public institution qualification, and the former has two forms of teachers appointment system and teachers employment system for teachers with public institution. For teachers with non public institution, there exist several forms of appointment as follows: personnel agency system, labor dispatch system, rehired system, part-time teacher, etc. It should be noted that private-owned universities’teachers will be regarded as teachers win non public institution qualification. From above, it can be seen, the appointment of university teachers is very complex. This makes the legal relationship between teacher and university and it’s legal regulation shows characteristics of diversity. And this phenomenon caused a lasting confusion of theory and practice in the community.Chapter 4: This chapter is to discuss the employment relationship and its application between teacher with public institution qualification and university. The basic principle of teacher appointement system determine the basic characteristics of the work of university teacher: rigid discipline, utterly submission and administrative order style of operation. Teacher appointement system is a strict, norms and structured administrative management system. Under this system, the management to teachers refer to public official’s system, including teachers’employ, prize and punishment, treatment, train, promote, transfer, leave office, retire to guarantees with the society etc.In recent years, with the deepening of deucational reform of our country, especially the deepening of the reform of the university personnel destribution system, the great change of Chinese teacher management system has taken place, namely, from the lifelong teacher appointment system in the era of planning economies to the teacher engagement in the era of market economies. Howerver, at present, the legislations of teachers employment contracts in China are stll incomplete. Article 6 in the“Guidelines for implementing the Personnel Employment System in Public Service Units”is the main regulation on university teacher’s employment contract. Therefore,for many problems, there is no law to abide by. Based on a general comparison among administrative contract, employment contract and labor contract, the dissertation comes to the conclusion that university teacher’s employment contract has some of the typical characteristics of common labor contracts, while at the same time with unique features of it own.Chapter 5: This chapter is to discuss the employment relationship and its application between teacher with non public institution qualification and university.Personnel agency system is a kind of new personal management method under the condition of the socialism market economy. The employees’personnel documents are managed by the government personnel section while the employers can only use the employees instead of occupying them. Personnel agent system is an innovation of reforming in China’s universities. And it’s an important action to change the traditional employment wany and to realize a reasonable human resource allocation in the market. As one of the effective ways to expand the employment in today’s society, labor dispatch becomes a phenomenon of labor force market allocation. In labor dispatch system, dispatch agencies select and send qualified laborers according to the demands of employing units, the dispatch agencies and laborers sign a labor contract and establish a labor relation, the dispatch agencies are responsible for sending wages to workers, social insurance and other day-to-day management services. While the employing units make actual use of workers and pay service charges to dispatching agencies. This chapter comparative analysis the personnel system and labor dispatch system, and draws a conclusion that the both should be adjusted by the“Labor Contract Law”.At present, in the adjustment range of the“Labor Contract Law”, rehired teacher and part-time teacher are not included. The author’s view is that the former should be adjusted by labor contract law and the latter by the contract law to adjust.Chapter 6: This chapter is thinking and suggestions about the hot issues related with the application of“Labor Contract Law”in universities. The dispute causes of evaluation to teacher, relation of employing ( including engagement, dismissal, engagement to continue) and the floating of professionals, it’s forming reason are in many aspects. In order to ensure teacher’s right to realize and way unobstructed way to relieve, this chapter put forward some thinking in solving this kind of dispute: perfect the relevant laws and regulations of management, strengthen the effective supervision of university management, perfect administration, administration of justice, school personnel representatives assembly, trade union and personal supervisory system, and so on.Chapter 7: Chapter seven first summarizes the research content of this paper, and then the disadvantages of the research and research perspective are discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

