

The Development Research of Urban Agriculture in Urumqi

【作者】 童小芹

【导师】 陈彤;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 都市农业作为现代农业在大城市的表现形式,是大城市率先实现农业现代化的根本途径,也是大城市农业发展的必然之路。随着乌鲁木齐市城市化进程的不断深化,城市规模和质量也得到了显著提高,也遭受到了城市化所带来的诸如城市环境问题、城市功能问题及城市生态问题的困扰,因而城市化问题成为乌鲁木齐市城市可持续发展亟待解决的问题。近年来,融生产、社会、生活、休闲等功能为一体的都市农业的迅猛发展使人们看到了解决这一问题的希望,都市农业逐步受到重视。基于此,本论文开展了以下研究:一是在大量查阅资料,在充分借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上确立了指导乌鲁木齐都市农业发展的理论,以此分析都市农业的产生、发展以及在不同国家地区的特点和适应性的不同,为乌鲁木齐都市农业的发展奠定理论基础;二是提出了乌鲁木齐都市农业发展的趋势,通过详细分析乌鲁木齐都市农业发展的条件及结构特点,确立都市农业发展的阶段;通过分析都市农业发展所依赖的城市发展特点,建立相应的都市农业发展评价体系;三是立足实践,在充分调查研究的基础上,规划了乌鲁木齐近郊、北郊、乌鲁木齐南郊和达坂城四个都市农业经济圈,构建了都市农业经济发展圈的框架体系,选择了蔬菜种植、鲜活农产品生产、农产品加工、设施农业、旅游观光农业及信息、科技产品和服务业等优势产业,提出了包括科技、政策、营销服务、产业发展、人才、组织和教育等方面的支撑体系及进行都市农业的合理规划、整合农业资源、加强生态建设、提升科技含量、创新农业投融资渠道等对策建议。论文的创新主要体现在以下几方面:第一,首次对乌鲁木齐都市农业发展进行了系统研究。第二,在研究中不仅立足理论基础,还进行了大量的实践调研,不仅从学术角度而且从政府角度来考察都市农业的发展。第三,不仅从一般城市都市农业发展角度出发研究都市农业发展,更多地考虑了乌鲁木齐市的城市特点,以此确立相应的评价体系、发展模式、战略规划和优势产业。

【Abstract】 As the expression of modern agriculture in big cities, urban agriculture not only takes the basic way to realize agricultural modernization in big cities, but also the inevitable road of development of metropolitan agriculture. This theory is not only a kind of reflection to industrialization, urbanization process and consciousness, but also for an exploration of modern agriculture. China began to the practice of urban agriculture in the early 1990s. The earliest city binging urban agriculture into the urban development planning is some economy developed cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing, etc. Thereafter, the central and southwest cities developed modern urban agriculture successively. so far, the modern urban agriculture in the northwest area hasn’t developed extensively. With the deepening of urbanization in Urumqi, the city scale and quality also have been improved greatly. At the same time, Urumqi suffers from the problems such as the urban environment, urban function problems and urban ecological problem bringing by the urbanization, thus urbanized question becomes the sustainable development issues that need to be resolved in Urumqi. In recent years, the rapid development of urban agriculture melting production, society and living, leisure etc makes people see the hope of solving this problem. The people start to pay attention to urban agriculture gradually.This thesis based on a large amount of data access and research achievements at home and abroad tries to plan the urban agriculture, construct the system frame of agriculture economic development circle in Urumqi city, and put forward the policy countermeasures, according to the connotation and characteristics of the urban agriculture, establishing agriculture development stage in Urumqi city through the theoretical research, determining the integration of resources and initial (by) step ascension path basing on the basis of investigation and study. Some basic understanding has been formed: developing metropolitan agriculture has been the effective ways and inevitable choice to achieve the coordination of urban and rural economic society, realize the integration of urban and rural areas, solve the three kinds of agricultural questions, overall the harmonious development between man and nature, construct the harmonious society and accelerate the realization of socialism of the well-off society. The construction of urban agriculture must stick firmly to the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view. The scientific development of urban agriculture must be based on the foundation of scientific planning.

  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【下载频次】629

