

Study on Parameter Matching and Coordinated Control for Dual-Motor Hybrid Power-Train System

【作者】 王加雪

【导师】 王庆年;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 车辆工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 结合“十一五”国家“863”计划重大项目(2008AA11A140)“一汽解放牌混合动力客车新型整车技术开发”和吉林省、一汽集团、吉林大学联合行动项目“一汽第二代混合动力客车关键技术预研”,本文研究了一种双电机与变速器集成一体设计的深混混合动力系统。针对目前国内外混合动力汽车开发,特别是国内混合动力汽车开发存在的问题,主要是参数匹配的问题,混合动力系统AMT自身固有的问题,混合动力系统多动力源的控制问题,本文提出了新的参数匹配与控制方法,以提高混合动力系统的实际运行效率,完善混合动力系统参数优化匹配理论与控制方法。全文包括五个方面的研究内容。首先,本文建立了基于AVL/CRUISE与MATLAB/SIMULINK联合仿真的混合动力汽车正向仿真开发平台,研究了混合动力汽车正向仿真模型的模型精度校验方法,建立了混合动力汽车仿真开发数据库,为混合动力汽车的理论研究、仿真分析、构型分析、参数匹配、节能专项分析和控制策略开发奠定了坚实的基础。其次,针对一般功率匹配方法存在的问题,即,只确定了动力源的功率,没有考虑动力源高效区位置,更没有考虑动力源高效区与循环工况功率需求的匹配,导致匹配的动力系统动力源实际运行效率较低。本文研究了一种功率匹配与效率匹配相结合的混合动力系统参数匹配方法,以功率匹配作为动力性约束条件,以效率匹配作为动力系统循环工况高效运行的经济性匹配目标,研究了发动机、电机高效区确定依据与表征方法,提出了混合动力汽车专用发动机,专用电机的设计依据和技术要求。使混合动力系统动力源高效区确定的转矩、转速范围在变速系统的作用下最大范围覆盖行驶工况的功率需求,保证混合动力系统动力源的高效运行,提高混合动力系统的节能潜力。第三,针对传统AMT自身存在的不能解决的问题,即,需要借助离合器的滑摩控制才能完成车辆起步的问题和在换档过程中动力中断和转矩突变的问题,研究了自动变速技术与混合动力技术协同化的综合协调控制方法。通过在AMT自动变速技术中融入混合动力控制技术,解决AMT的起步问题和AMT换档过程的动力中断和转矩突变问题,使双电机混合动力系统的有级变速器具有无级变速器的转矩输出特性,实现双电机混合动力系统的理想驱动特性,提高混合动力系统的综合性能。第四,根据双电机混合动力系统的多动力源特点,针对目前混合动力系统控制存在的问题,即,智能控制策略难于用于实车,实车采用的逻辑门限控制策略不能兼顾动力性与经济性,导致混合动力汽车对不同工况和不同驾驶员驾驶习惯的适应能力较差,依据自适应控制理论与滑模变结构控制理论,开发了双电机混合动力系统多动力源的自适应滑模变结构控制方法,研究了混合动力系统控制系统的逻辑结构,将动力系统分为起步控制、低速电动驱动控制、中高速发动机驱动控制、低速联合驱动控制、中高速联合驱动控制和再生制动控制,协调控制三动力源在实际驱动中的功率输出,发挥三动力源的高效区,提高双电机混合动力系统的自适应能力,实现双电机混合动力系统的节能目标。最后,根据论文研究需要,结合“863”项目、“联合行动”项目的进度要求,开发了双电机混合动力系统试验台架,并以此台架为基础开发了双电机混合动力系统原型车,通过台架和原型车的调试、试验,验证了本文研究的参数匹配方法,自动变速技术与混合动力技术综合协调控制方法和三动力源的能量管理与协调控制方法。仿真和试验表明,双电机混合动力汽车在整车动力性和经济性两方面都得到了很大的提高。

【Abstract】 The deep mixed Plug-In hybrid power-train system that comprise dual-motor within the gearbox is studied in this paper, which is from the follow-up studies of the project sponsored by the state“863”high-tech program (No.2008AA11A140)“Development of New Vehicle Technologies for the JieFang Hybrid Electric Bus of FAW”and the jointed action project among Jilin province, FAW, and Jilin university“Pre-research on the Key Technologies for the Second Generation Hybrid Electric BUS of FAW”. Aiming at problems in the design of hybrid electric vehicle in the worldwide, especially in China, which are mainly located in parameter matching, inherent in the AMT of hybrid electric vehicle, and control of multiple power sources etc, the new methods of parameter matching and coordinated control of hybrid power-train system were proposed in this paper. The purpose of this study is to improve the efficiency of hybrid power-train system, perfect the parameter matching theory and control method of hybrid power-train system. Focusing mainly around the study of the hybrid power-train system parameter matching that include power matching and efficiency matching, the study on the ideal driving characteristics and dynamic coordinated control of dual-motor hybrid power-train system, the study on the energy manyment and coordinated control of multiple power sources of dual-motor hybrid power-train system, five aspects of research contents were proposed in this paper.1. The forward co-simulation platform of hybrid electric vehicle based on CRUISE and MATLAB/SIMULINK was established in this paper. The precision check method of co-simulation model was studied and the forward simulation model database was founded, which will be a valuable preparation for theoretical research, simulation analysis, configuration analysis, parameter matching, special energy-saving analysis and control strategy building for hybrid electric vehicle.2. Aiming at the questions of general power matching that determine the power of energy source, does not take into account the high efficiency area of energy source and also the matching between the high efficiency area and power requirements of driving cycle, which would lead to lower actual running efficiency of energy source, a new parameter matching method of hybrid power-train system that combine power matching and efficiency matching was proposed in the paper. The economic target of this method is to have the power-train working with high efficiency in driving cycle and the dynamic performance is just as the constraint of power matching. The design condition and characterization methods of high efficiency area of energy source were studied and the design principle and technical specifications for the special requirement of the engine and motor for hybrid power-train system were proposed. It would require the rpm range and torque range that decided by the high efficiency area cover the power need of driving cycle completely under the action of the gearbox, and make sure the high running efficiency of power source, and then the energy-saving, and emission reduction capability will be enhancing greatly.3. In order to solve the inherent questions of traditional AMT, such as, the vehicle could not start without the clutch sliding control, and the power interrupt and torque mutation while shifting, the comprehensive coordination control of automatic transmission technology and hybrid technology was studied and the hybrid control technology is combined into automatic transmission. It could make the variable transmission of dual-motor hybrid power-train system have the torque output characteristics of continuous variable transmission and realize the ideal driving characteristic and then the comprehensive performance of hybrid system.4. According to the theory of self-adaptive control and sliding mode variable structure control, the self-adaptive sliding mode variable structure control of dual-motor hybrid power-train system was developed to solve the existing problems of hybrid system control. For example, the intelligent control strategy could not be used in the actual vehicle control, the logic threshold control strategy used in the vehicle could not take into account both the economic and dynamic of vehicle, which would lead to less desired adaptive capability of hybrid electric vehicle for difference driving cycles and difference driver’habit. The self-adaptive control and sliding mode variable structure control divides the power-train control into starting control, electric drive control in low speed, engine drive control in high speed, united drive control in low speed, united drive control in high speed and regenerative braking control. It could coordinate and control the power output of the three power source of dual-motor hybrid system and enhance the self-adaptive ability of dual-motor hybrid system to achieve the energy-saving and emission reduction targets.5. The dual-motor hybrid system testing bench was build to meet the requirements of the PhD thesis and also the schedule requirements of the projects. The prototype vehicle of dual-motor hybrid system was also build based on the testing bench. The parameter matching method, coordinate control method of automatic transmission technology and hybrid technology, the self-adaptive sliding mode variable structure control of dual-motor hybrid power-train system were tested and verified with the test bench and the vehicle prototype. Simulation and testing results show that the economic and dynamic of dual-motor hybrid electric vehicle have been improved dramatically.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

