

Research on the Construction of China’s Contemporary National Image

【作者】 县祥

【导师】 韩源;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在全球化和信息化飞速发展的当今世界,国家形象受到世界各国前所未有的重视,其战略地位正不断升高。我国当前正处于全面转型、加速崛起的关键时期,树立良好的国家形象对我们而言有着更为现实而深刻的意义。因此,必须对中国的国家形象进行深入思考和全盘规划。本文对“当代中国国家形象构建”展开研究。一般而言,这一主题包括两层意思:一是探讨当前中国国家形象构建的现实,即“做了什么”。在理论分析上,也就表现为介绍情况、梳理事实和总结经验;二是研究当前国家形象构建应该从哪里下手,即“要怎么做”。这就表现为一个对事物“应然”层面的分析。本研究定位在第一层含义上,文章要做的是在总结梳理事实的基础上进行思考。这是因为,进入21世纪,中国党和政府充分认识到了国家形象的重要性,并已开始着手树立崭新的国家形象。但是,我们的理论却远远落后于实践。学界更多地将目光投向国家形象所迎接的挑战方面,而较少对当前我国树立新形象的一系列探索做出系统化、理论化的归纳和总结,更毋用说在归纳和总结的基础上提出新观点,以体现理论的前瞻性和指导性。因而,本文着眼于国家形象构建的理论回归。笔者在叙述总结事实的过程中,亦发现当前我们的形象构建工作忽视了一个很重要的环节,即国家形象意识培育。笔者试图将这一“新鲜”元素引入国家形象构建之中,以充实理论研究并推进其付诸实践。本文的基本思路是:首先奠定国家形象构建的基础理论,其次,从思想史角度探寻当代中国国家形象构建的思想源流。接着,视角从历史转移至当下,分析当代中国国家形象构建的现实背景。在以上研究的基础上,着手搭建当代中国国家形象构建的战略框架。然后,研究视角从面上框架分析转移至具体要素分析,提出国家形象构建的关键环节。文章的最后对国家形象构建的关键环节进行扩展,提出具体的实施方案。除导论外全文共分为六章,其逻辑结构和基本内容如下:第一章,国家形象构建的基础理论。本部分集中考察国家形象及其构建的一般理论。本章首先界定国家形象的概念,然后再引入马克思主义经典作家对国家形象问题的相关论述,此外也有其他学派对国家形象的理论诠释,包括国际关系领域中的现实主义、自由主义与建构主义三大学派。文章在此基础上,进一步归纳、抽象出国家形象的特性、功能等,并对国家形象构建展开初步分析,试图厘清国家形象构建的具体内容和层次结构。文章认为国家形象构建是包括国家形象定位、塑造、传播与修复等多个步骤在内的循环过程,是一个社会系统工程。良好形象的构建不是一蹴而就的,它具有很强的动态特征,需要整篇谋划,精心布局。第二章,当代中国国家形象构建的思想源流。“构建”是一个动词,国家形象构建无疑是指实践活动。当代中国国家形象的实践不是无源之水无本之木,而是有其坚实的思想基础。本文认为,新中国三代领导人的国家形象思想是当代中国国家形象构建的思想源流。毛泽东对改变中国的旧面貌,树立新形象立下了赫赫功勋。但他的国家形象思想并没有延续到底,而是被“左”倾错误中断了。邓小平敏锐捕捉到时代主题的变换,使中国以更为积极、正面的姿态融入国际社会。江泽民同志明确、系统地提出了国家形象的概念及塑造任务,他从国家形象“地位论”、“目标论”和“塑造论”等三个方面出发,为中国在新世纪树立什么样的国家形象做出了总体布局。构建当代中国的国家形象,必须善于从这一思想宝库中就地取材。第三章,当代中国国家形象构建的现实背景。进入新时期新阶段,全球化和全面建设小康社会成为这一时期最为重要的时代语境。本部分首先考察国家形象问题凸现的全球化根源。国家形象战略地位的不断升高与全球化的纵深发展是决不能分离的,正是全球化催生了这一问题的产生。全球化“化全球”的大趋势使得创新21世纪的中国国家形象显得非常重要和必要。本部分接着阐述了全面建设小康社会对国家形象构建的影响。全面建设小康社会要集中力量,夯实基础,这为树立良好的国家形象提供了难得的历史机遇。此外,全球化时代构建中国国家形象还必须考虑目前中国形象的现实状况。本章最后分别从经济形象、政治形象、文化形象、社会形象等四个方面,对中国形象的现状进行考察。第四章,当代中国国家形象构建的战略框架。当代中国国家形象构建必须着眼于国家形象构建的目标,对国家形象的定位、塑造、传播以及修复等环节集中发力。本章即对以上内容依次展开研究,试图从这几大方面共同搭建当代中国国家形象构建的战略框架。本章首先明确了国家形象构建的目标,认为全球化背景下构建中国的国家形象,目的就是要提升国家软实力,改善国际软环境,促进国家利益的实现。本部分接着从整体和局部两个方面入手,分析当代中国国家形象的战略定位。然后,文章提出国家形象的塑造主要要通过打造和谐中国的形象品牌,将当代中国的多重形象都交汇其中,从而更好地展示给世界。同时,本章论述了国家形象的传播,提出应通过多种手段,利用各种资源努力提升国家形象。本章最后借鉴危机管理的理论,阐述了国家形象修复的问题。第五章,当代中国国家形象构建的关键环节。本部分从前一章的面上框架分析转移至具体要素分析,提出培育科学正确的国家形象意识是国家形象构建的关键环节。本部分首先分析国家形象意识的一般理论,界定了国家形象意识的内涵,并引出了国家形象意识培育的概念。为什么培育国家形象意识是国家形象构建的关键环节?本章基于两点对该问题展开论述:一是认识对于实践的能动作用,二是教育的战略手段作用。紧接着,本章对公民国家.形象意识的现状开展分析。认为当前普遍存在着对国家形象认识不清的问题,而且,由于意识淡漠,有时甚至会出现有损国家形象的行为。本部分最后从三个方面探讨了国家形象意识培育的重要性与紧迫性。第六章,国家形象意识培育的初步探索。本部分针对第五章的内容提出具体的设计方案。本章先着手分析国家形象意识培育的基础。认为,马克思主义国家形象理论和新时期中国国家形象的探索是进行国家形象意识培育的理论与实践基础。国家形象意识培育的基本目标应着眼于文化认知、情感意识、行为能力等三个方面。同时,本章还阐明了国家形象意识培育的根本原则。接着,本章着重论述国家形象意识培育的内容体系。认为,国家形象意识培育可从基础性内容、主体性内容和拓展性内容等三个维度展开,进行包括国家形象基本理论、国家意识、国家形象认同意识、国家形象责任意识、国家形象参与意识、国家形象危机意识等在内的六个方面的教育。本章最后分析了国家形象意识培育的实施途径,提出要通过教育引导、舆论宣传、文化熏陶、实践养成、制度保障等切实增强国家形象意识培育的有效性。本文的创新之处主要体现在三个方面:第一,较为全面系统地概括出21世纪初中国国家形象构建的基本内容及内在逻辑。文章建立了分析国家形象构建的逻辑线索,即“基本理论——思想源流——现实背景——战略框架——关键环节”,这为国家形象研究提供了一个有一定参考价值的理论视角。第二,对国家形象意识培育进行了初步探索。培育公民国家形象意识是现实的需要。只有全社会牢固树立国家形象意识,人人参与国家形象构建,那么,中国才会以更好的面貌和姿态展现于世。本文初步研究了国家形象意识培育的内容体系,并提出了国家形象意识培育的实施途径。第三,进一步拓展了国家形象研究的范围和主题,丰富了思想政治教育的内容。本文对国家形象意识及其培育所展开的分析研究,对改变国家形象领域选题不均衡现象以及加速该领域研究的发展进程有一定的推动作用。同时,把培育国家形象意识作为思想政治教育的一项具体内容加以分析,增强了思想政治教育的时代感和针对性。

【Abstract】 Nowadays with the rapid development of globalization and information China’s national image is receiving unprecedented value from all countries, and its strategic status is elevating unceasingly. Our country is presently in a crucial period, and establishing a good national image is very important. Therefore we must carry on with a thorough discussion of China’s national image and make overall plans for it. This article launches the research regarding "the construction of China’s contemporary national image". This research is on two aspects:the construction of national image and the cultivation of national image consciousness; The text is divided into seven chapters, its logical structure and basic contents are the follows:ChapterⅠ- Introduction. This section is a brief introduction about the purpose and significance of this essay, literature review, research methods, main contents and research ideas, innovation, and inadequacies.ChapterⅡ- The basic theory of the construction of national image. This chapter studies the general theory of national image and its construction. Firstly, this chapter limits the concept of national image, then introduces various theories of national image including three big schools of thought in the domain of international relations as well as Marxism. Secondly, this chapter further introduces and abstracts the characteristics and functions of national image. It also presents the preliminary analysis of national image construction, and attempts to clarify the concrete content and the hierarchical structure of national image construction. The article points out that the national image construction includes national image localization, the mold, the dissemination and the repair; it contains so many steps and its social system’s engineering. Good image construction does not just happen for one purpose, but it has several very dynamic characteristics and needs to be carefully laid out according to a plan.ChapterⅢ- The thought sources of China’s contemporary national image construction.The contemporary China national image practice has a solid foundation of thought. It is believed that three leader’s concepts of this new China are the foundation for contemporary national image construction. Mao Zedong made every effort to change China’s old appearance and set up the new image. Deng Xiaoping captured the transformation of the image in his time; then China became more positive about integrating with international society. Jiang Zemin proposed the national image concept and the mold duty systematically. The construction of contemporary China’s national image must come from a thorough study of these treasures of though; and we must also make good use of local materials.ChapterⅣ-The background of China’s contemporary national image construction. As China enters the 21st century, the globalization and the comprehensive construction of well-to-do society becomes one of the most important factors. This chapter inspects this globalization. The article proposes that the national image’s strategy for unceasing ascension due to globalization will develop quickly. It appears that it is extremely important and essential to innovate China’s national image. This chapter also analyzes the influence in development of well-to-do society has on the construction of national image. The development of well-to-do society has provided an historical opportunity for setting up a good national image. Finally, this chapter inspects the Chinese image realistic conditions in four aspects:the economical image, the political image, the cultural image and the social image.ChapterⅤ- The strategic frame of China’s contemporary national image construction. China’s contemporary national image construction must focus on the goal to effect the localization, mold, dissemination as well as repair of the image. Firstly, this chapter makes clear the goal of national image construction; that it must promote the national soft strength, improve international soft environment and promote national interest realization. Secondly, this article takes from the overall discussion and the partial two aspects to analize contemporary China’s national image strategic localization. The article proposes the way to mold the national image is mainly through making China’s harmonious image into a "brand" that encompasses all of contemporary China’s multiple images into the "brand". This chapter also elaborates on the dissemination of the national image by broadcasting the national image through many methods. Finally, this chapter profits from the crisis management theory to elaborate on the question of national image repair.ChapterⅥ- The key link of China’s contemporary national image construction. In this chapter the analysis shifts from the frame to concrete factors. It proposes the cultivation of national image consciousness is the key link of construction. It begins by analizing the general theory of national image consciousness and concept of the national image consciousness cultivation. It seeks to answer the question, "Why cultivation the national image consciousness is the key link for national image construction?" This chapter focuses on two aspects to answer this question:How to guide the practice and education with a strategic method. This chapter also looks at the current national image consciousness situation from the prospective of the citizen. It appears that an unclear understanding to the national image is common. Sometimes it even appears that the behaviour of society does not favor the national image. Finally this chapter discusses the importance of national image consciousness cultivation in three aspects.ChapterⅦ- The cultivation of national image consciousness. This chapter is the final defense of the article because the varying views concerning the national image is not only the question that the Party and the government must consider, but in fact the national image comes from each member’s image as well. This text considers this kind of idea is needed to carry on the views in order to educate and to foster national image consciousness. The views concerningnational image from Marxism is the primary theory source for the education and the historical practice of China’s national image. Education should focus on the overall national benefit being the starting point; allowing the construction of socialist key value systems to guide it. This will allow for many aspects to be launched effectively. Leading through fruitful education through public propaganda, edifying culture, practical forms, and good system will ensure the smooth implementation of the national image consciousness.At present,the discipline of ideological and political education has made great progress in basic theoretical research. Scholars have made much progress in the basic principles and methodology conering it. In this context the disciplinary perspectives and research focus concerns have shifted from the analysis of the surface to the deeper factor analysis. Scholars pay more attention to the indirect, hidden, deep-related elements of ideological and political education. As a result soft power, cultural infiltration, and national image go into the research horizons and become research hotspots and difficult problems nowadays.The main contribution is a reforming of research. Now the question of China’s national image is not only to let people realize that it exists, but also to do more research at a higher level in order to try our best to understand the internal structure of the whole research system. Therefore this dissertation changes the view from the question discussion to basic theoretical research; from the macro of the overall question to the micro issue to stress the research accuracy.


